Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 966: Soul Realm

Latest website: The fifth-order spirit demon hit the sea of ​​fire and quickly backed away.

After exiting the sea of ​​fire, he still carried a few black flames on his body, and the fire continued to expand.

He sacrificed a translucent bottle of more than three inches, which appeared to be made of ice-attribute materials.

This bottle was extraordinary, and put away all the black flames on his body.

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. In all Human Race records, he believed that Soul Demon was a kind of Monster Race.

But the ordinary monster race, even if they can use magical artifacts after transforming, they still don't have the ability to refine magical artifacts.

The soul demon has never been in contact with the human race, and can actually have a fifth-order magic weapon.

This fifth-order spirit demon turned into an ordinary person, with the help of this small bottle, to resist the surrounding black flames.

At the same time, he also said to Wang Daoyuan: "Our father and son became greedy and wanted to attack fellow daoists. It was our fault.

We are willing to compensate the daoists for the loss, and please let us go. "

There is no obvious difference between the language spoken by this thing and the human language, but the accent is somewhat different.

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "The power of the demon and the half-demon divine consciousness is weak, and there is no human elementary infant monk who can communicate with the underworld.

Do you think it is useful to pretend to be a monk with me? "

Talking in his mouth, his hands didn't stop.

In the black sea of ​​fire, ten fireballs appeared instantly.

This fireball is only the size of a baby's fist, and it contains the power of thunder.

With the magical power of the domain, you can condense multiple guishui divine thunders at the same time.

Seeing that the fifth-order spirit demon could not escape into the underworld, they stopped attacking the sea of ​​fire.

Just maintain the underworld passage and barely resist the power of the spirit orb.

The power of the divine consciousness converged, and a lot of cold air gushed out of his body.

This is the southern edge of the extremely cold ice field, with extremely strong ice attributes.

Under the guidance of the cold spirit of the soul demon, the ice attribute spiritual power condensed into countless ice cubes around his body.

The **** Lei of Guishui struck past, and many ice cubes turned into ice debris.

But there are too many ice cubes, and a lot of ice cubes are intact.

"Being able to take down the soul, and break the secret of escape of our clan, it must have come specifically for our clan.

Although you have broken my clan escape secret technique, my cultivation base of the fifth-order peak is not a display.

Your spell seems to be the Guishui Divine Thunder of the Five Thunder Sects back then, and its power is not weak.

A cultivator who has such knowledge in spells is also rare.

But no matter how powerful Guishui Divine Thunder is, it is also water. In the extremely cold ice field, when encountering ice-attribute aura, it can't exert much power.

Quickly let go of the soul hidden, I can spare your life. "

This soul demon is quite arrogant, but the soul demon clan has been able to wander for hundreds of thousands of years with great power everywhere, and has never failed.

Some people look down on Human Race, but they should, but this soul demon's arrogance is used in the wrong place.

It is better to make a quick decision when doing things on the edge of the extreme cold ice field.

Now the spiritual energy vortex that Lingzhu tossed out has covered hundreds of miles.

Moreover, it is still expanding rapidly, and Xuelong City should have been alarmed.

After all, it was at the door of the Icefield Demon Race, and it was too big for anyone to look good.

Now this fifth-order spirit demon gave up fleeing for his life, intending to use his strength to force himself to release his soul hidden, which was exactly what Wang Daoyuan wanted.

Recruiting the Immortal Cauldron from the Lingzhu space, and wanting to capture this Tier 5 spirit demon alive, I can only rely on the Immortal Cauldron.

As soon as the immortal forging cauldron came out, the powerful suppressive force was directed at the soul demon.

Now he was panicked. It was originally the strength of the Nascent Soul Peak, and he could still fight.

Now that the sixth-order magical instruments have been taken out, it is really impossible to fight.

Wang Daoyuan sneered and said: "If you are willing to serve me as your master, I can spare your life.

If the negative corner resists stubbornly, there is no doubt that he will die. "

The fifth-order soul demon smiled sadly: "The soul hidden is only a junior, and he doesn't know much about things in the clan, and it's of no use if you take him.

I am the elder of the clan. If I serve you as the master, my clan will probably be extinct.

For the continuation of the soul demon clan, it's okay to lose my old life. "

After all, the spiritual power and spiritual consciousness of the whole body became extremely violent.

Wang Daoyuan knew that he was going to explode, but there were countless ice cubes around his body.

Even forging an immortal cauldron, he couldn't pass through these ice cubes and let him lose the power to resist.

The strength of this fifth-order spirit demon is not weak, and it has long been prepared.

Coupled with the mortal heart, it is completely impossible to capture it alive.

A Tier 5 peak monster blew himself up, and Wang Daoyuan couldn't guarantee that he would retreat all over.

To prevent him from exploding, he can only be killed.

The five natal magic weapons have been combined into the Yinglong Slashing Devil Sword, and Wang Daoyuan injected most of his spiritual power into it.

Without casting any spells, he directly controlled Yinglong's Demon Slashing Sword, slashing towards the soul demon.

The power of Yinglong's Demon Sword could already pose a fatal threat to the cultivators in the early stage of transforming gods.

Especially in terms of killing and logging, it is far better than forging an immortal tripod.

The ice cube condensed by the spirit demon was vulnerable to a single blow under this sword.

The barrier made up of countless ice cubes was directly split into a channel.

The soul demon already had a mortal heart, and he didn't fight it anymore. Ying Long cut the Demon Sword through him.

Wang Daoyuan received a little power, but only beheaded the soul demon without destroying his body.

As soon as the soul demon died, the black hole leading to the underworld disappeared instantly.

Divine Sense explored the surroundings and found no traces of monsters, half-demons, and humans.

Only then did the surrounding traces be cleared, and the soul demon corpse, as well as the cloud wing that was hiding in his after-sales to watch the excitement, were all collected into the Lingzhu space.

Since the spirit demon has been captured, there is no need to stay in Xuelong City.

Hidden his body, walked south along the Tianzhan Mountain Range, and soon returned to Yuquan Peak.

The turmoil of the previous battle with the spirit demon was so great that the Arctic Icefield demon clan didn't dare to check it out.

After tossing for two days, a golden core half demon was sent to investigate.

Wang Daoyuan personally cleaned up the traces, even if the Great Demon King came over, it would be difficult to find any clues.

What's the point of a golden core half demon?

Returning to the underground cave of Yuquan Peak, Yuan Ying entered the Lingzhu space, preparing to refine the soul hidden into a clone.

This guy was yelled by Yunyi a dozen times, and his soul was not lightly wounded.

The souls of monsters are very different from the souls of human races. The souls of ghosts are extremely special, and it is hard to say whether they can recover.

Wang Daoyuan took out the divided soul from the clone puppet Xuan Ding, injected it into the hidden soul, and then evenly divided the soul to control the clone.

The soul demon clan is really strange, after the death of the fifth-order soul demon, the corpse slowly turned from real to empty.

Now his body has almost no substance, but very much like a soul.

After waiting for a few hours, the Distracted Soul in the soul hidden has also controlled the clone.

Wang Daoyuan peeked into the memory of Soul Yin, and also had some understanding of the soul demon clan.

The Tier 5 spirit demon that was killed before was a high-ranking elder in the spirit demon clan, and its status was equivalent to the great elder of the human family, named Soul Jue.

The soul hidden in the soul demon clan, the status is not very high, can only be regarded as having some cultivation value.

The soul demon clan did not live in one place, but scattered in various tribes. The place where the patriarch and a group of elders lived was called the soul domain.

There is the birthplace of the soul demon clan, and it is also the holy land of the soul demon.

It is said that the soul realm is located at the junction of yin and yang, connecting with the underworld and the Qianyuan realm.

The soul demon was born a thing similar to the soul, and as the cultivation level increases, the body will become more and more solid.

When the cultivation reaches the seventh level, the body can completely become an entity, and the seventh-order spirit demon is very close to the human race, and can even directly practice the human exercises and spells.

The history of the soul demon is very long, and there are different opinions about the origin of this clan.

There are two reliable sayings: First, the soul demon is one of the ancient alien beasts.

Only because the environment of the birthplace is too special, the soul demon clan is so special.

The spirit demon holding this view also believes that the human race is a hybrid of the seventh-order spirit demon and other monsters.

Second, the soul demon is the bloodline left behind after the human ghost cultivates into the ghost fairy.

A ghost is born from death, and an entity is cultivated from a ghost, which is very similar to a ghost.

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