Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 967: Soul Demon Origin

The latest website: In the cognition of the human race, the soul demon should be a kind of ancient alien beast.

But now that he knew the basic situation of the spirit demon, Wang Daoyuan really didn't believe it.

After all, this statement is like putting gold on one's face.

Unfortunately, the status of Soul Yin is not very high, and he knows very little.

The place where he was born was just an ordinary spirit demon tribe, and he had never been to the spirit domain.

Even he didn't know where the soul domain was.

He knew very little about the number of the soul demon clan, as well as the various inheritances.

The relationship between the various spirit demon tribes and the spirit domain is like the blood shadow headquarters and various branches.

The spirit demon tribe just receives the order of the spirit domain and reports the news to the spirit domain, and has no qualifications to go to the soul domain at all.

As for collecting souls, they are not only collecting monster souls, but half monsters and humans are also their targets.

It's just that there are too many human methods, and they dare not collect a large amount of human souls.

They themselves are very similar to souls, and any soul is of great benefit to their cultivation.

He didn't know much about the secrets of the soul demon clan.

However, Wang Daoyuan would still be able to transform his spiritual power into the method that Wang Daoyuan needed most.

This method is incidental to the soul demon cultivation method, and has a meaning in the same line as the ghost cultivation method.

Moreover, it is still very clever.

As long as the big forces always like to collect more inheritance.

If you want to create a kind of exercise, you can't just think about it, you need to learn from other exercises.

It is often necessary to learn from the practice of ghost practice in creating or improving the practice of spiritual consciousness.

In the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beast Valley, there are also many ghost cultivation techniques, and Wang Daoyuan has also seen many.

There really is no ghost cultivation technique that can compare with the cultivation technique of the soul demon clan.

Ghost repair itself has no entity, and can only rely on the soul to absorb the aura.

It's just that what they absorb is not the aura of the five elements, but the resentment and death aura derived from the yin qi.

From the perspective of ghost cultivation methods, the methods of ghost cultivation are similar to spells.

The power of humans and monsters to produce divine consciousness is naturally generated by the cooperation of the body and the soul.

Ghost repair has no physical body, and the soul has become a ghost, which is very different from the soul of a living person.

How they cast spells is not recorded in the inheritance of the exercises.

This matter must not be figured out by myself, and I have to rely on the ancestors of all souls.

He left Yuquan Peak and went to Qingli City.

After arriving at the Yushufang, Wang Mingchen was dealing with affairs and he was about to salute.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be polite, call out the ancestor of Wanling, I have something to ask."

Wang Mingchen recruited the ancestors of all spirits, and Wang Daoyuan went with him to the secret room behind the royal study room.

Wan Ling's ancestor looked excited: "Catch it?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Death and alive, it's a pity that the guy with a higher cultivation base who is still the Great Elder of the Soul Demon is dead.

The one who survived was only a Tier 4 spirit demon, and had no status yet. "

"Hurry up and show it to me. The idiots in Xuanwu Hall have been tossing for hundreds of thousands of years, and they haven't even touched a single soul demon hair.

As a result, I have lived for so many years, I have only heard of the soul demon, but never seen it.

Quickly take out the two spirit demons, I'll take a good look. "

Wang Daoyuan took out the corpse and the soul of Hun Jue and put them in the secret room: "The living one has now been subdued by me, and the dead one has a bit of physical meaning before it.

But after his death, the body began to become nothingness, more and more like ghosts. "

Later, he took out a few jade slips: "This is the record of the soul demon clan in the memory of the living soul demon, as well as the soul demon technique he has mastered.

The words in the jade slips are exactly the words they are using now. "

The ancestor of Wanling looked carefully for a long time before saying: "From the spirit demon's techniques, characters, and the characteristics of the corpse after death, I think these guys say that the human race is the descendant of the spirit demon, and they purely put gold on their faces.

The characters they used were not the earliest characters of the human race.

This text was born more than 300,000 years ago, and has been used until tens of thousands of years ago.

If they are really the ancestors of the human race, the characters used should be at least similar to the earliest human writings, or even older.

These gadgets look down on Humans, and it is impossible to give up their own characters and use characters created by Humans.

The spirit demon should be the descendants left by the ghosts of the human race. Although the inheritance of this technique is weird, it is inextricably linked to the ghost cultivation technique.

Although I have not seen the offspring born from the combination of two ghosts and immortals, I have seen the offspring born of the ghosts and the normal human race.

Although they have flesh bodies, the characteristics of their flesh bodies are quite similar to those of the spirit demon. "

This is the benefit of being knowledgeable. There are many knowledgeable things, and it is easier to understand the essence when encountering new things.

Wang Daoyuan then asked: "Their technique can freely transform the power of divine consciousness and spiritual power. If it comes from ghost cultivation, doesn't it mean that ghost cultivation also has this ability?"

Wan Ling Old Ancestor smiled and said: "You are really clever and confused for a while. Haven't you never seen a ghost repair, aren't there a few at the gate of Ten Thousand Beast Valley?

If Gui Xiu had this ability, the younger generations of Xuanwu Hall would need to follow the spirit demon for hundreds of thousands of years?

By the way, by catching a ghost repair, you can understand the secret technique of transforming spiritual power into divine consciousness.

Ghost repairs are due to the special nature of ghosts, and a large part of their bodies are made up of yin and death energy.

The use of various methods is also based on Yin Qi and death.

These energies can be used as spiritual power or divine consciousness.

It’s just that the more you use, the weaker you become.

The essence of the power of divine consciousness has a lot to do with yin qi, and yin qi itself is also a kind of spiritual qi.

Therefore, ghost cultivation can be used for one thing and two purposes. Yin Qi can be used as spiritual power or as the power of divine consciousness.

The foundation of the human race is always the flesh, and the flesh simply cannot carry too much Yin Qi.

It is better for the Guishui Mingyan in your body to produce pure Yin Qi, a little more complicated, it will cause serious damage to the body.

I have also seen one or two ghosts, they can be regarded as being between the human race and the ghost cultivator.

With physical protection, he is not afraid of Tianwei like Gui Xiu.

Can also cultivate spiritual power, and there are some special powers of qi and blood in the body.

But they also don't have the ability to transform spiritual power and divine consciousness into each other. "

"Then what's the matter with this technique? Although the spirit of the soul demon is not inferior to the human race, but the number is definitely not too much, and its technique is only a small branch of the human race.

How did they create a cultivation technique that so many cultivators in the Human Race didn't understand?

Although they are of the blood of ghosts and immortals, they do not have this ability, and it is certainly not all blood problems. "

Wanling ancestor thought for a long time before saying: "I guess it should be related to one of their ghost fairy ancestors.

The Mahayana enlightenment, the immortal returns to the Tao.

This ghost should have comprehended a special Dao, and then used this Dao as the foundation to create a special technique.

Of course, it is also possible that the blood is affected by this kind of Tao. "

"What do you mean? I didn't understand."

The ancestor of Wanling replied: "You don't need to understand, this is what the cultivator at the peak of the gods needs to understand.

You are only at the peak of Nascent Soul, it is useless to consider these.

Since this technique exists and can play a role, it shows that the Dao of Heaven allows it.

Even if it is affected by blood, it is not a major problem. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The Demon Clan's exercises have been improved, and the Human Clan can practice it.

What's more, this soul demon clan is also a special branch of the human clan.

It is not a simple matter to just improve this technique.

Although I know many exercises, I haven't practiced it myself.

I am a spirit, completely different from the human race.

I can't help in improving the practice.

It takes hundreds of years of effort to completely transform a technique, and you don't have that time.

Well, you go to the Heavenly Mystery Sect, go to the Heavenly Mystery Tower, and look for the help of those earth immortals and mighty powers.

One day outside, one year in the illusion, can save too much time. "


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