Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 969: Xuanbing God

Latest website: The most important thing is that this **** Xuanbing was once the master of Xuanwu Hall.

Taking down the soul demon is the obsession of the Xuanwu Hall of Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

A qualified Xuanwu Hall Master, the secret of the soul demon is in front of him, it is impossible for him not to be moved.

Besides, the relationship between Ten Thousand Beast Valley and Yan Kingdom is very close, and it can be close to each other.

When the time comes, I am not afraid that the **** Xuanbing will not give in to each other.

Wang Daoyuan sat down on the futon before the inheritance of the **** Xuanbing, and his divine sense went in.

I fell into the illusion in an instant, and came to the boundless ice field.

In front of him was a handsome man wearing a black robe and exuding a cold air.

He was meditating with his eyes closed, and when Wang Daoyuan came in, he opened his eyes and took a look.

Then he closed his eyes again, with a nonchalant look.

"Your junior's spiritual consciousness is not weak, at the Nascent Soul Realm, it's almost to the extreme.

I think there must be a strong spiritual consciousness to practice the exercises. What's the matter if you come to me? "

When the cultivation base of the ice attribute cultivator reaches high and deep, most of them look like this.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I wonder if Senior is interested in the spirit demon?"

God Xuanbing's light and breezy appearance disappeared immediately, and he immediately got up and asked: "You mean the soul demon?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The juniors met two spirit monsters in the extreme cold ice field and wanted to deal with me, so they packed them up.

Killed one, captured one alive, and got part of the inheritance of the soul demon clan.

It's a pity that the spirit demon with a higher status is begging for death, the spirit demon who was caught alive is too low in status and knows very little about the spirit demon clan.

I wanted the ancestor of Wan Ling to help improve these inheritance, but he is not a human race after all, and he can't help.

He asked me to come to the Tianji Tower and ask seniors for help.

Seeing your inheritance here, thinking that you are good at divine knowledge, I came in and begged for your advice. "

God Xuanbing was full of anger: "Looking at the strength of your divine consciousness, you can be regarded as a rare genius in the human race, but you speak so inconsistently.

Ten Thousand Beast Valley Xuanwu Hall wanted to grab a soul demon, but I didn't know how much it cost.

Nearly a hundred generations have spent hundreds of thousands of years, and many Mahayana monks participated in it, but they failed to catch the soul demon's hair.

You, a young Yuan Ying, dare to brag like this.

You mentioned that the ancestors of Wanling, there are traces of true dragon forging body skills in the cultivation techniques, and they must be my outstanding descendants in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

If this is not the case, you will definitely suffer. "

Wang Daoyuan took out a few jade slips: "This is the inheritance of the soul demon clan, the ancestors of all spirits speculated that the soul demon clan should be of the blood of ghosts and immortals.

Therefore, there are these special abilities.

Speaking of which, they are still a special branch of the human race.

The thing is here, if you don't want to see it, then I will ask other seniors for advice. "

God Xuanbing looked indifferent and continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

After ten breaths, his closed eyes flashed open, and he couldn't help but glance at the jade slip.

After struggling for dozens of breaths, he still didn't hold back.

He snatched the jade slip: "Looking at the face of the ancestor of Wanling, I will give you a chance.

If you deceive me, never be merciless. "

Afterwards, the divine sense went into the jade slip and took it very seriously.

Wang Daoyuan didn't disturb him either, but waited quietly.

Although the **** Xuanbing in front of him was just a brand of **** consciousness, it was also the brand of **** consciousness of the mighty and powerful, and it retained a large part of the memory of the **** Xuanbing.

Even if it was a cultivation technique that he had never seen before, there was nothing to hide in his eyes.

After watching it for a long time, he took a long sigh of relief: "This exercise does have the ability to transform spiritual power into divine consciousness, and it has a lot to do with ghost cultivation.

It seems that Wan Ling's ancestor's inference is correct, this soul demon clan is likely to be the descendants of Guixian.

It is a pity that this method of escape into the underworld can only be used by Ghost Cultivation.

This underworld passage was temporarily opened, and the space is extremely unstable.

Anything with a substance, as long as it enters the passage of the underworld, it will be torn apart by the powerful spatial force.

Even a powerful monk could not persist under such harsh conditions for too long.

Otherwise, this can be said to be the strongest escape technique of the human race.

The escape technique of the soul demon line is so powerful, every generation of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley Xuanwu Hall has many disciples to catch the soul demon, but they have found nothing.

Your cultivation is so low, how did you catch the soul demon? "

"I hide my cultivation base, pretend to be a half-demon of the Purple Mansion, and wander around in the extremely cold ice field. I killed a few monsters and found traces of the soul monster.

They saw that my physical body and divine sense were far beyond the general purple mansion, and suspected that I had treasures, they took the initiative to find my trouble, and I finally took it down.

As for my method of taking them down, that is my secret. "

God Venerable Xuanbing cursed his mother in his heart. When he cultivated his Mahayana, he couldn't catch the soul demon.

Now a junior in the Nascent Soul Stage can actually catch the soul demon, and his face is really dull.

"Since you don't want to say it, I don't force it. It's a long-cherished wish to see this technique.

The soul demon clan is also regarded as a branch of the human race, and the cultivation method is similar to the ghost cultivation method, and the difficulty of transformation is not too big.

How do you want to transform this exercise? You have reached the realm of Nascent Soul, and the cultivation technique is not weak. You can't modify the cultivation technique now, right?

Do you want to separate the means of transforming spiritual power and divine consciousness into a secret technique in this inheritance, or do you want to incorporate this means into your current practice? "

The individual secret technique is naturally not as good as being integrated into the exercise method. If it can be integrated into the exercise method, it will directly generate a large amount of power of the divine consciousness when you practice in the future.

Secret arts have to be specially distracted to perform, which consumes divine consciousness and spiritual power.

One more process, one more loss.

There doesn't seem to be much difference, and there is no harm in fighting.

But after reaching the Mahayana realm, cultivation would take a huge amount of time, and there is a great demand for the power of divine consciousness.

With this loss, it may consume hundreds of years, or even thousands of years.

Even though Wang Daoyuan practiced fast, he was unwilling to consume too much extra time.

"The younger generation still wants to integrate this method into their own practice, but the younger generation has too little knowledge.

On my own terms, it would take hundreds of years to do it, and it would only be a job for the predecessors. "

"I am a brand of divine consciousness, and I stay here to answer questions for future generations.

Take out your exercises and let me see how I can improve them. "

Wang Daoyuan took out the Five Spirits Transforming Immortal Technique and handed it to the **** Xuanbing.

God Xuanbing flipped through the Five Spirits Transforming Immortal Art, and squinted at Wang Daoyuan: "You are not a disciple of Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

Although this exercise is integrated into the real dragon body-building exercise, it is not the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, and there are also the inheritance of the Blood Spirit God and the Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

Moreover, there is the essence of Guiyuan Jianxian's inheritance in this inheritance.

Although Ten Thousand Beast Valley had a good relationship with Guiyuan Sword Immortal, it was impossible for Guiyuan Sword Immortal to pass on his core inheritance to the Ten Thousand Beast Valley disciples.

Who are you? If you don't tell me, I will make you suffer. "

Wang Daoyuan could only take a bit of his tongue to tell everything about the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and also took out several copies of the core inheritance of Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. UU reading released the vision of Yinglong.

Only then did God Xuanbing believe, and he sighed: "Unexpectedly, the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts has fallen to such a point. Fortunately, there is still a Sect Master like Wang Mingchen, and you are the son of luck.

No matter, for the future of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, I have to do my best to help you.

If you lose, Ten Thousand Beasts Valley will really be gone.

The core of your practice is the five spiritual power seeds that turn into the inner organs of the Nascent Soul.

This idea is very good. The closer the Yuanying is to a living person, the easier it will be.

Based on your technique, in order to incorporate the soul demon's methods, it is necessary to create a place similar to the sea of ​​consciousness in the body of the Nascent Soul.

This sea of ​​consciousness is connected with Yuan Ying's internal organs, combined with the spirit demon's techniques, there is still hope of success.

Anyway, there is no danger in this illusion, but it's just a bit of a pain. Trying a few times will always succeed. "

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