Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 970: God Refining Technique

Latest website: This is so lightly said. In this illusion, whether you are crazy or dead.

It does not affect the physical body of the outside world, but the pain can still be experienced.

It's not easy to find help in this matter, and it doesn't matter if you suffer a little.

Wang Daoyuan arched his hands and said, "Thank you, senior."

After seeing Wang Daoyuan's practice for a long time, Master Xuan Bing said, "Recruit your Yuan Ying, and I will look at the internal situation.

Just looking at the specific situation of the exercises is too time-consuming. "

Wang Daoyuan recruited his own Yuan Ying, which has grown to more than three feet.

"Good fellow, this Nascent Soul is really not small, judging from the intensity, it far exceeds the average Nascent Peak cultivator.

Your five-element spiritual power seeds turn into the inner organs of the Nascent Soul, and the benefits you get are greater than I imagined. "

Shenjun Xuanbing shot two golden lights from his eyes, shining on the Nascent Soul.

After a few breaths, he said, "It's a bit interesting. I didn't expect your method to match the inheritance of the blood spirit god.

The effect of spiritual energy transforming qi and blood is so good that when your cultivation reaches the Mahayana state, you can surpass the blood spirit gods. "

After speaking, with a light wave of his left hand, a cloud of ice-attribute spiritual power condensed into a metaphysical infant model.

This model is exactly the same as Wang Daoyuan's Yuan Ying, except that it is transparent.

"I only have ice-attribute spiritual power, so it's not easy to imitate your spiritual power seed.

You put part of your spiritual power into this Nasal Infant model, and shape it into Nasal Infant's internal organs.

I don't have the spiritual power of the five elements, you send your spiritual power in. "

Wang Daoyuan drew out some five-element spiritual fires and blended them into the Yuan Ying model, converging them into the five internal organs, and continuously inputting spiritual power.

Subsequently, True Monarch Xuanbing used his spiritual sense to urge the Yuan Ying model.

The spiritual power in this Nascent Infant model began to continuously circulate among the five internal organs.

The way of operation is exactly the same as the Five Spirits Huaxian Jue.

During the operation, the true essence was slowly condensed, and the power of qi and blood was continuously produced.

A meta-infant model was condensed out of thin air, and it was able to run the exercises.

This method is very difficult to achieve below the power level.

"It's a pity, your spiritual power seed is too simple, and the speed of spiritual power generation is also limited.

You can cultivate so fast, mainly by spiritual fire.

Those who create spiritual power seeds should not have a high cultivation base, right? "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "It is true that the cultivation base is not high. I obtained this technique during the Qi training period. The technique was also created by a golden core monk.

He didn't accept any other disciples before he was alive, and after this technique was created, it hasn't been improved.

After I broke through Yuanying, I made some improvements to it.

When I asked the Blood Spirit God Venerable last time, he also made some improvements.

But these two improvements only increased the function of the exercises, and did not touch the inner structure of the spiritual power seed. "

God Xuanbing nodded: "This spiritual power seed has great potential. You can try to improve it in the future.

I am a cultivator of the ice attribute, and I don't have a deep understanding of the Five Elements Principle.

Doing it rashly may be counterproductive.

To improve the internal structure of the spiritual power seed, you should look for other powers. "

After speaking, he began to carefully examine the techniques of the spirit demon clan.

He also created a complete model of the human body meridians, and started to run the Soul Demon technique against the model.

Although Wang Daoyuan's cultivation base is low, he still has some insights.

If you want to transform the exercises of other races into adult exercises, you have to start from the lowest level and deduct it step by step to the higher level.

This is also from easy to difficult, it is easier to find the problems in the exercises.

Although the soul demon clan has a deep relationship with the human clan, there is no physical body after all.

It is much more difficult to use the human body to cultivate the soul demon technique than to transform the demon inheritance.

Soon after the human meridian model created by the **** Xuanbing ran the Soul Demon technique, the meridians began to crumble.

He immediately stopped running the exercises and adjusted the exercises according to the position of the broken meridian.

This kind of situation occurs almost every hour, and it took more than two years to finally complete the deduction of the Qi-training period.

After inputting spiritual power into the human body meridian model, it can continue to operate.

Moreover, in the course of operation, the power of divine consciousness is continuously produced.

Although the amount is small, as long as it has this function, it is considered a success.

God Xuanbing breathed a sigh of relief: "Everything was difficult at the beginning, but now it's on the right track, and it will be easy in the future."

Later, he added a purple mansion to the meridian model.

There is not much difference in the way of spiritual power operation during the foundation building period and the Qi training period.

It's still just verifying the operation of spiritual power, and it can be skipped directly.

The way of spiritual power operation is the foundation of the exercise method, which mainly includes refining spiritual energy and condensing true essence.

In addition, the exercise method also includes the use of spiritual power, which needs to be considered after the deduction of spiritual power operation mode is completed.

Later, he began to deduct the situation after the meridian and Zifu were connected.

Sure enough, it went smoothly, and it only took two or three months to deduct it.

There is not much difference between Jin Dan and Zifu's spiritual power operation mode, after all, nothing new has been added.

The **** Xuanbing created a new Yuan Ying model and incorporated it into this human meridian model. This is the way of deducing the spiritual power of the Yuan Ying period.

If you want to incorporate the Soul Demon technique into the Five Spirits Transformation Immortal Jue, it is best to completely transform it into a human technique.

Doing the two things together makes it very difficult.

The fusion of the Yuanying model and the human body meridian model makes the deduction process much more complicated.

However, the previous things were straightened out, and it only took more than a year to deduct it successfully.

God Xuanbing breathed a sigh of relief: "This way of spiritual power operation can use the peak of transformation, the Mahayana realm is too difficult.

With my strength, it would take hundreds of years to deduce the Mahayana exercises.

Although your spiritual consciousness cultivation is strong, it can't last for hundreds of days in the illusion.

Let's stop here. When you reach the peak of the transformation, come and find me.

The way of spiritual power operation is the skeleton of the exercise method. Now that the skeleton is complete, the rest is simple. "

After all, I turned the meridian model in front of me into a complete human body model, removed the Yuanying model, and started to perfect the exercises.

This model is like a real person, absorbing aura, refining, storing, and then casting some simple spells.

After that, the mannequin gradually improved his cultivation.

Break through the foundation, open up the purple mansion, form the golden pill, break the pill to form infants, and finally induce the yin and yang two qi, temper the primordial infant, and turn it into the primordial spirit.

Two years later, the mannequin also officially broke through to the realm of transforming gods.

The mannequin also cast several spells, far more powerful than Wang Daoyuan's full blow.

This method stunned Wang Dao from afar, which is equivalent to creating a god-shifting combat power casually.

The powerful method is really unpredictable.

God Xuanbing's face has always been frost-like, and there is also a smile of joy: "It is done, this exercise method was transformed into a human exercise method by me.

The dream of nearly a hundred generations of disciples of Ten Thousand Beast Valley Xuanwu Hall has been fulfilled in my hands. "

Then he sighed again: "Unfortunately, no one else will know about this.

After you leave the illusion, I will also forget these things. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Senior don't worry, after I go back, I will give this technique to Mingchen, and make this technique a part of the Ten Thousand Beast Valley inheritance.

And told him that this was created by the **** Xuanbing of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

The future disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley will also remember the contributions of the predecessors. "


"Naturally, this technique will be shared by the Yan Kingdom and the Ten Thousand Beast Valley in the future.

Since it was created by the predecessors, the name of UU Reading should be taken by the predecessors. "

"This exercise is mainly based on the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, and spiritual power cultivation is relatively ordinary, so it is called cultivating gods.

However, I deduced this technique only to try with a model.

No matter how good the model is, it is different from the human body.

Therefore, there are still many imperfections in this exercise.

You must be careful when you are cultivating, so that you don't get confused.

Next, you have to integrate the Soul Refining Technique into your practice, which may take a long time.

You have been in this secret realm for several years, and the consumption of spiritual consciousness should not be small.

Or, you go out first to restore the power of divine consciousness. "


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