Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 978: 3 elders

Latest website: Zhang Dingming is not to be outdone, and then said: "When the Supreme Emperor wants his minister to take up his post, he will go anytime."

If the two of them are willing to cooperate, that would be great.

If the two Yuanying monks leave and take some people away, the influence of the Zhang Xu family in Blood Shadow will be greatly reduced.

Zhang Yue, the great elder, was barely able to preside over the situation.

Xu Qinghe has always been the second elder, and now he is gone, the third elder Cao Jing should fill the vacancy one by one and serve as the second elder.

Cao Jing had long been in the Wang family, and now there is a Cao family in Guiyan County. The head of the family is Cao Jing's youngest son.

He himself is not very talented, and now he is old, and there is not much hope of breakthrough.

There is no outstanding person in later generations, and naturally there is no ambition, but he is a person who can be reused.

When Wang Daojian arrives, he can directly serve as the third elder.

In this way, after Zhou Luan leaves, the decision-making level can also maintain stability.

"Then you should go to your post as soon as possible. Yan Guo has already made preparations a long time ago.

It was just that after the second elder went to serve as the prefect of Monan County, things on the blood shadow side were difficult to manage.

The third elder Cao Jing fills up the vacancy and serves as the second elder.

My brother Wang Daojian has expanded into several branches since he took over as the Shanbei branch.

With such talents, it is not appropriate to stay in the branch all the time. What do the two elders think? "

Xu Qinghe hurriedly said: "The hall master of Wang Dao Jian has made a great contribution, and he should be transferred back to the headquarters for reuse. It just happens that the vacancy of the three elders can be filled by him."

Zhang Dingming also went on to say: "The hall master of Wang Dao Jian was trained by you personally, and he has a deep knowledge of sword cultivation.

In terms of fighting strength alone, few people below Yuan Ying can be the enemy.

To be a hall master, or an ordinary elder with real power, is indeed a conscientious talent.

The position of the three elders is none other than him. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "In that case, when Zhou Luan has time to deal with official duties, I will do it by the way."

The two repeatedly said yes, and after chatting for a while, they said goodbye.

After sending the two away, Wang Daoyuan returned to the house, Zhou Luan was still lying lazily on the bed.

Wang Daoyuan sat down by the bed and said with a smile: "The two of them were sent away by me. Should we continue to practice?"

Zhou Luan slapped him lightly: "It's yours. I'm going to deal with official duties tomorrow. How can I meet people like this?

I need to regain my strength today and stop messing around. "

Wang Daoyuan stopped teasing her either, and made some food with star-patterned sea cucumbers to supplement Zhou Luan.

Early the next morning, Zhou Luan left the small courtyard and went to the Chamber of Deputies.

When the number of elders came, Xu Qinghe stood up and said, "King, the shadow master, his subordinates have broken through the realm of Nascent Soul, and they should focus on cultivation in the future, and they can no longer manage the affairs of the headquarters.

I want to resign from the post of the second elder and practice wholeheartedly in the future. "

Zhou Luan pretended to be surprised: "The second elders are conscientious and conscientious for the blood shadow affairs. They have never made any mistakes. The merits are obvious to all. How can they easily resign?"

Xu Qinghe said again: "The subordinates have a heart-to-heart, and have no time to take care of the common affairs. Please also ask the movie master to do it."

Zhou Luan sighed, "Fine, I'll wait for the monks to focus on cultivation. Since you don't want to take care of the common affairs, I won't force it.

However, you have worked for the blood shadow for hundreds of years, and if you are allowed to resign, I am afraid it will make all the elders chill.

When following the example of the former elder, he will serve as the elder of the Blood Shadow Taishang after he resigns.

In the future, you can focus on practicing without having to manage mundane affairs. "

Xu Qinghe bowed and said, "Thank you, the movie master."

"Don't be polite, you deserve it.

The second elder was promoted to the supreme elder, and the third elder Cao Jing was promoted to the second elder.

Now that the position of the three elders is vacant, who should be promoted to take over? "

Zhang Yue replied: "In recent years, the blood shadow has been safe and there are few people who have made great achievements.

If the meritorious service is outstanding, the current Shanbei branch hall master Wang Daojian should be the first choice.

When he took over as the Shanbei branch, he was only in charge of a second-level branch, the Qingli branch.

Sixty years have passed, and there are already five secondary branches under the Shanbei branch.

Even in the two places where the blood shadow has never set foot in the Arctic Ice Field and Linhai Prefecture, they have set up branches.

For the blood shadow, this is a great contribution.

I'm afraid it will chill the disciples if they don't reward their merits.

In my opinion, Wang Daojian should be recruited to the headquarters to take over as the three elders. "

All the elders know everything about Wang Daojian.

The rapid expansion of the territory under the Shanbei branch was entirely due to Yan Guo's efforts.

But Wang Daojian, as the hall master of the Shanbei branch, can only count on him for this credit.

If you pierce this layer of window paper, doesn't it mean that Blood Shadow is a subsidiary force of Yan Kingdom?

In fact, it is true, but I can't admit it.

The Wang family entered Blood Shadow and replaced the Zhang Xu family as the new leader. It is already a well-known secret within the Blood Shadow.

It will be a matter of time for the Wang family to serve as the Great Elder of Blood Shadow.

Wang Daojian also grew up in the blood shadow branch, and entering the headquarters is also in full compliance with the process, which is considered to have saved enough face for the blood shadow.

There is neither reason nor meaning to stop it.

As soon as Xu Qinghe said this, many elders echoed it.

Zhou Luan also agreed to follow the trend: "If this is the case, then recruit Wang Daojian back to the headquarters and assume the position of the three elders.

The post of the head of the Shanbei branch is temporarily replaced by the deputy head.

It will not be too late to send it when the right manpower is available. "

The deputy head of the Shanbei branch is Wang Dechong.

He is a descendant of Wang Shoufeng, and has been managing intelligence in the North Branch of Xueyingshan before.

Later, when he opened up Zifu, he was promoted to be the deputy head of the Shanbei branch.

Now those blood shadow divisions that have been integrated into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, in addition to operating the industry, are also engaged in intelligence, as Wang Daojian did before.

There is no requirement for cultivation base, the cultivator of Zifu is completely competent.

Others also knew that they were all controlled by the royal family. No one wanted to get angry in the past, so naturally they didn't have any opinions.

Zhou Luan continued: "Since all the elders have no objections, let's go to the Patriarch's Hall and canonize Xu Qinghe as the second elder of Blood Shadow."

Afterwards, the group went to the Patriarch Hall and walked through the etiquette of canonizing the Supreme Elder.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Wang Daojian, asking him to come to the blood shadow headquarters to serve as the third elder.

A few days later, Wang Daojian came to the blood shadow headquarters.

Although he is the head of the first-level branch, and his status is comparable to that of the real elders, he has never passed the headquarters in the future, and Wang Daoyuan specially dispatched a member of the royal family to greet him.

Many members of the Royal Family have come to the Blood Shadow Headquarters over the years. Although their cultivation level is not high, they will be able to cultivate a group of golden core elders in a few decades.

Wang Daojian first came to Zhou's small courtyard, and as soon as he entered the courtyard, he saluted Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan and said, "I have seen Brother Seven and Sister Qi."

Wang Daoyuan took out a Qiankun ring: "My brother, you don't have to be polite.

Your Qisao and I are going to travel at sea, there must always be a member of the royal family at the blood shadow headquarters.

You should have learned how to raise souls by avatar. There is a fifth-order middle-grade sword puppet, and you can refine it into your body.

If you have this sword puppet in Shadow Headquarters, anyone who dares to look for things, you don't have to be afraid of anything.

If you can deal with it normally, you can deal with it normally, and if you can't deal with it normally, you will be ruthless. "

Wang Daojian took the Qiankun Ring and nodded solemnly: "Seven brothers don't worry, although I am not very strong, it is still not difficult to manage the Blood Shadow Headquarters well."

"I naturally believe in your ability. Go and hand over the affairs of the three elders with Cao Jing."

More than a month later, Zhang Dingming and Xu Qinghe left the Blood Shadow headquarters one after another in the name of traveling outside.

There was no announcement when he left, and very few people knew about it.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan did not leave the Blood Shadow headquarters in a hurry, but continued to stay here.

In the next year or so, Zhou Luan rarely dealt with affairs.

There are three elders dealing with matters large and small, and after reporting it, the blood shadow seems to have returned to the state when there was no shadow master.

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