Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 979: Aoki Shades the Sky

Latest website: Over the past year or so, Wang Daojian's position has been consolidated.

The main forces of the Zhang family and the Xu family were placed in the territory of Yan State.

The flying boats between the headquarters and Shanbei are in an endless stream. At present, most of the two families have been relocated.

The real power elders of the two families are also only the kingly way.

Cao Jing has no ambitions and no power of his own, so naturally he listens to the king's way.

Although Zhang Yue is supported by many non-primary elders, he will not be an enemy of the Wang family, and will first seek the advice of Wang Daojian on everything.

Wang Daojian, the three elders, has more actual power than the previous great elders.

His prestige was established, and he still had a Tier 5 middle-rank sword puppet in his hand, both soft and hard.

Moreover, Wang Daojian is not a fledgling star.

When he was young, the Wang family was just a foundation building family.

Later, Wang Daoyuan took down the Yusong Mountain of Zhulongling, and he was also the first group of tribesmen to be stationed in the past.

At that time, there were a lot of monsters on Fallen Dragon Ridge, but there were no masters in charge.

Regarding the experience of dealing with monsters, he is absolutely not bad.

Later, he was stationed in the Secret Realm of the Five Elements, and when the Wang family began to infiltrate the Blood Shadow Division, he was the first group of people to enter the Blood Shadow.

At that time, the Wang family was still very weak and couldn't offend the blood shadow at all. He also really grew up by completing the assassination mission.

In terms of the rich growth experience, he is second only to Wang Daoyuan in the Wang family.

These elders in the Blood Shadow Headquarters are not strong enough, and if you want to pinch him, there is no hope at all.

Wang Daojian gained a firm foothold at the Blood Shadow Headquarters, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan could also leave without worry.

When Zhou Luan left, she didn't deliberately conceal it. She left under the banner of going to Yan State to see her children.

Most of the heroes of Blood Shadow's previous dynasties didn't care much.

Monk Yuan Ying simply closed the door, and it was normal if he didn't come out for decades.

There are three major elders and a group of powerful elders in the headquarters, so there will be no trouble.

The two of them left the blood shadow headquarters and returned to the country of Yan.

After getting on Lei Peng's flying boat, Zhou Luan's speed also surprised Zhou Luan.

"The speed of your improved flying boat is too fast."

"That is, I have spent so much effort, wouldn't it be too shameful if I didn't have a good level?"

"Unfortunately, this cabin is closed, and you can only observe the surrounding scenery with divine consciousness.

I also think about taking a good look at the seascape after going out to sea. "

"This is the first Lei Peng Feizhou I refined, and it's not perfect yet.

I planned to improve it a bit and use transparent materials to make several viewing platforms on the outer shell. "

"Then you stayed in the Blood Shadow headquarters for so long, why don't you make improvements?"

Wang Daoyuan hugged Zhou Luan from behind: "With the Lord Shadow Lord by my side, how can I still think about doing anything else? Or..."

Zhou Luan slapped his hand: "I'm still waiting to go back to see the three children, be more serious."

Two days later, the two came to Qingli City in Yan Country.

A letter had been sent to inform that the three children had already been waiting in the air outside the city.

When the two flying boats met, Zhou Luan couldn't wait to get out of Lei Peng's flying boat and land on Wang Mingchen's auspicious clouds.

Wang Mingchen and Wang Mingyan bowed and saluted: "The child sees the mother."

Wang Mingxian was very casual and threw directly into Zhou Luan's arms.

"Mother, I haven't seen you for a long time.

I always wanted to run to see you, but my eldest brother said that it was too dangerous outside and never let me out. "

Zhou Luan patted Wang Mingxian on the back lightly: "I'm such a big girl, and she still acted like a baby with her mother's queen.

The cultivation base is not bad, he has reached the pinnacle of foundation building.

Practice hard, the queen mother is still waiting to see you open up the Purple Mansion. "

Wang Mingyan and Wang Mingxian are over thirty, and now their cultivation bases have reached the pinnacle of foundation building.

In this way, the opening of the Purple Mansion should be earlier than Wang Delin.

Wang Mingxian's temperament was very similar to Zhou Luan's. When Zhou Luan mentioned his cultivation level, he looked proud at the time.

"I can open up the Purple Mansion long ago, but Grandpa Wanling asked me to accumulate it.

He said that by accumulating accumulation, the road ahead will be smoother. "

The family fell into the backyard of Qingli City's imperial palace, which is also the harem.

It's just that Wang Mingchen has never married a wife, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan don't live in the palace, so there are usually only some maids cleaning here.

However, Wang Mingxian often went to the harem, where there were a lot of exotic flowers and fruits, which was very attractive to her.

After arriving in the harem, Wang Mingchen pointed to a tall palace and said: "Father and Queen Mother, this is the Changle Palace, the residence prepared for you."

The family walked into the Changle Palace, and the ancestor of Wan Ling flew out of the tower.

He glanced at Zhou Luan and said with a smile: "Sure enough, he is a descendant of Tianpeng, this body of Phoenix clan bloodline is very close to him."

Zhou Luan hurriedly saluted: "Zhou Luan, a descendant of the Zhou family, has met the ancestor of Wanling, thank you ancestor for taking care of my couple's three children."

"You don't need to be polite, the disciples of Ten Thousand Beast Valley withered.

The Zhou family is also in the Ten Thousand Beast Valley, and when I see the younger generation, I want to come out and have a look.

These three children are all talented and have Zhou family blood. I take care of them as a contribution to the continuation of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley. "

Wang Mingxian asked: "Grandpa Wanling, now that my parents are back, brother Mingbian and I can also open up the Purple Mansion, right?

In the past few years, you have not allowed me to break through, and Brother Ming Blade's cultivation level has caught up with me. "

The ancestor Wan Ling sighed: "Young people can't bear their temper, since your parents are here, then you are free."

When Wang Mingxian heard that Wan Ling Pao had no objection, he threw himself into Zhou Luan's arms and acted like a baby.

"Mother Queen, I heard from Grandpa Wanling that after opening up the Purple Mansion, I can control Lingzhi against the enemy at will, and my strength is not inferior to Jian Xiu..."

Zhou Luan touched her head: "Fine, it doesn't make much difference after a few years.

Your father's foundation was not very good when he was young. Later, he had enough spiritual things, and now he can cultivate to perfection.

You two have excellent talents, and you have not lacked resources since you were young, and the accumulation should not be bad. Let's open up the Purple Mansion. "

Wang Mingxian was overjoyed: "Thank you, Queen Mother."

Wang Mingchen took out two Ziyun wooden hearts: "I will not join in the fun when my younger siblings open up the Purple Mansion. There are still a lot of official duties in the Imperial Study Room that I need to deal with.

These two Ziyun wooden hearts, although your talents are much better than mine, and you don't need this thing at all, you are still prepared. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "Go, the country is the most important thing."

When Wang Mingchen left the harem, Wang Mingxian and Wang Mingyan each took a piece of yin and yang purple jade.

Wang Mingxian looked at Wang Mingbian unconvincedly: "I can't beat you all the time. After opening the Purple Mansion, I can control Lingzhi and see how I get revenge."

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan looked at each other and shook their heads.

Neither of these children have suffered, and they are still children in their early thirties.

The two of them each found a hall to open up the Purple Mansion, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were also temporarily sitting in the Changle Palace.

Soon, the palace rooms on both sides of the main hall of Changle Palace exudes a dazzling purple light.

The two brothers and sisters have never lacked spiritual things since they were young.

After a while, two purple spheres hovered over the Changle Palace.

The prototype of Wang Mingxian's Purple Mansion is slightly larger ~ ~ is eight inches and seven cents in diameter.

The prototype of Wang Mingyan's Purple Mansion is slightly smaller, but it is also eight inches and five cents.

This talent is probably second only to Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Mingxian opened up the Purple Mansion a little faster, and soon a large group of pure spiritual powers appeared out of thin air.

The spiritual force group continuously absorbs the surrounding aura and transforms into a big green tree.

This big tree is still absorbing the spiritual energy, the tree body is getting bigger and bigger, and the crown of the tree is soon higher than the Emperor Palace.

Huangji Hall is the tallest building in Qingli City. The decorations on the top of the main hall are more than fifty feet high.

But the speed at which the tree grew taller did not slow down, and a vortex of spiritual energy formed around it.

After half a cup of tea, the tree became a giant, and the entire Qingli City was shrouded in it.


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