Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 986: Into Sunset Abyss

The customers of Luoriyuan Refining Workshop are also mainly Jindan monks.

After all, this is a place where there is nothing to do, and there are a lot of people who come to take refuge.

The shopkeeper in the refining workshop was quite good at handling things. Seeing the two Yuan Ying monks Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan coming in, they hurried forward to greet them.

"The two Taoists would like to order some magical tools. Although this shop is a small business, it has a complete range of goods.

Especially the magical artifacts that can be used near Sunset Abyss, they have everything they need. "

Wang Daoyuan glanced around, and the magic artifacts on the first floor were all Tier 4.

Zhou Luan was a monk in the late Yuan Ying, and these magical instruments were useless.

"If your shop is all Tier 4 magical weapons, then we have to leave."

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper was not anxious, but was delighted.

"How can there be no hard goods when doing business in such a place?

It was only because of the high demand for fourth-order magical instruments that fourth-order magical instruments were placed on the first floor.

The two dao friends want a fifth-order magic weapon, please follow me up to the second floor. "

After all, lead the way.

After the three people came to the second floor, the shopkeeper pointed to four very large rooms: "The magical weapons stored in these four rooms are attack magical weapons, defense magical weapons, auxiliary magical weapons, and more complex methods. Device.

The two daoists looked at it casually, not boasting, as long as the artifacts that can be seen outside can be seen in this room as well. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Family Daoist is doing business on this Lone Star Island, and he must also know the situation in the sunset.

My wife and I want to enter the Fallen Abyss to find pure yin and pure yang spiritual objects. What magical artifacts are needed, please recommend them. "

The shopkeeper was taken aback for a moment and glanced at them: "The cultivation bases of the two Taoist fellows are only as good as those below. The shallow water in the sunset is okay. There is not much that can threaten the cultivator Nascent Soul.

If you want to go deep into the sea, the danger is great.

Tier 5 high-grade monsters are very common and even appear in groups.

More than a thousand years ago, a monk encountered a Tier 6 monster and was seriously injured and escaped.

If it is on the shore, our human race is not afraid of the monster race of the same rank.

But in the sea, the strength of the Sea-Monster increased greatly, and it was difficult for the human monks of the same rank to win.

With the strength of the two, entering the depths of the Sunset Abyss must be dead or not.

The two Taoists are still young, and should be less than 500 years old.

By absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, the pure yin and pure yang energy can also be collected.

As long as it can break through the transformation of God, it is no big deal to break through a few hundred years later, and you can't take this risk. "

This shopkeeper is kind-hearted, and the life and death of the two have nothing to do with him, but it is more beneficial for him to take risks.

"Friends of Taoism are still loyal, but we and my wife have made up their minds to go to Luoriyuan to try it.

We also have some life-saving means in our hands, as long as we don't encounter Tier 6 monsters, we can still escape with some confidence.

I just want to buy some auxiliary magical implements, hoping to get out of the way. "

The shopkeeper sighed, "Finally, since you insist, then if I open the door to do business, I can't push the God of Fortune out, please come with me."

The three of them entered a room where auxiliary magical artifacts were stored.

"I think this female daoist is a fire cultivator. It is difficult to use her full strength in the sea, and she needs to protect her body with water avoiding beads.

It's just that the shop lacks materials, and the water-repellent beads that are refined are just temporary artifacts, and it will be broken after two or three months.

Of course, the price is also cheap, and only three hundred high-grade spirit stones are needed for a fifth-order middle-grade water-repelling bead. "

This water-repellent bead is made of crystal materials, and the strength is not very good.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "This thing is not bad, here are five."

The shopkeeper beamed his brows when he saw his lavish shots.

"There are several kinds of sharks in the Sunset Abyss, and they are already not low-level, and they are not easy to deal with.

I use the crazy blood powder refined from the blood of monsters and beasts, which is fatal to sharks, monsters and beasts.

Just a little bit of it can attract a lot of sharks.

Moreover, after the shark swallows the mad blood, it will fall into a state of madness and fight each other regardless of the enemy and us.

The price is slightly higher, a bottle of 500 Lingshi.

One bottle can be used three times and can attract all sharks within a radius of 2,000 miles.

The usage is also simple, wrapped in spiritual power, and scattered the mad blood to a distant place.

Dissipate the spiritual power, the crazy blood powder will naturally blend into the water. "

The jade bottle containing the mad blood powder is an ordinary pill bottle.

The shopkeeper opened the jade bottle and showed Wang Daoyuan, it was dark red powder inside.

This is a good thing, allowing sharks to fight each other elsewhere.

Once a shark is killed, the smell of blood can attract more sharks, and there is no danger.

"Come three bottles, what else do you recommend?"

"There is also a special luminous fire bead, which emits fluorescence, which is extremely attractive to some monsters in the deep sea that do not see light all the year round.

A luminous fire bead can illuminate a radius of three hundred miles for more than a month.

Glowing fire beads are cheaper, ten high-grade spirit stones.

There are only so many ways to deal with the monsters of the deep sea, and other magical weapons, presumably Daoists will not lack. "

After all, he took out a bead that was shining with fluorescence.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Then come ten more glowing fire beads."

The shopkeeper ordered the people to bring the things he wanted, and after the two had handed in the spirit stones, they left the shop.

Randomly found a hollow mansion on Lone Star Island, adjusted it for a few days, and then entered the sea.

Although Wang Daoyuan has not few wandering at sea, he has really not much experience in fighting in the sea.

Not to mention Zhou Luan. Leaving Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm this time was the first time she saw the sea.

Even if she used a water-repellent bead, she was still a little scared.

Soon after the two entered the sea, Zhou Luan used his spiritual knowledge to explore the surroundings for fear of encountering some monsters.

Wang Daoyuan comforted by sound transmission: "Don't worry, Lord Shadow, I have supernatural powers in the domain, and I am best at group battles.

Twenty five-tier high-grade monster beasts are not enough for me to kill.

Just follow me, there is a danger that I can't deal with, I will put you in the secret realm with me. "

The sunset is worthy of being the place where the Golden Crow fell, and the seabed is really deep enough.

The two went deep for more than five thousand meters, but only encountered some seamounts.

These seamounts are also important landmarks for exploring the bottom of the sea, and you can use this to infer where you are.

The two of them carefully avoided the monster beast, and slowly dived.

It took two or three hours to finally see the bottom of the sea.

Rough estimation, the depth of this place has exceeded ten thousand feet.

Based on the surrounding scenes and comparing it with all kinds of information he knew, Wang Daoyuan inferred that it appeared in the location called Mo Shark Valley.

Moyu sharks used to appear in the past, but later the spiritual veins here were damaged and their spiritual power was greatly reduced.

Moyu sharks have come out in large numbers, and the other Tier 4 and Tier 5 monsters are also much less, and now it is dominated by low-tier monsters.

According to the records on the treasure map, continue to the east along the Black Shark Valley and pass through an area with more monsters to reach the White Bone Ditch.

Legend has it that the Baigugou was formed by the fall of the golden crow, which caused the seabed to shake and the seabed to burst.

The Yin Qi in Baigugou is rich, and there are many Yin attribute spiritual things formed.

This is also the safest place among the places where the sixth-order pure Yin spirits are produced.

Wang Daoyuan's destination this time was also Baigugou.

Under the heavy pressure, the sea water also changed, the spiritual consciousness was greatly restricted, and Wang Daoyuan's spiritual consciousness could only check the situation within thirty miles.

Not to mention the eyes, there is no light in the sea.

A monk can see things at night, so there must be a glimmer of light.

Without a trace of light, the eyes have no effect.

He tightly grasped Zhou Luan's hand to prevent the two from being scattered.

In this environment, it is possible to be attacked by monsters at any time.

Suddenly remembered that there was still a soul-chasing compass in the sea of ​​consciousness. This thing could detect all soul-seeking things, and it just came in handy now.

The compass opened, and a light curtain was formed above the compass, and all the lives within a radius of three hundred miles appeared on the compass.

The moment the compass was turned on, a dim cyan light spot quickly approached the two of them.

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