Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 987: Baigugou

The spirit of the monster beast is weak, and it is normal for the light spot to be dim.

Since the light spot was cyan, it must be a Tier 5 monster.

To kill the Tier 5 monster beast, Wang Daoyuan couldn't waste much effort.

Just take down this monster beast, make the movement as small as possible, and definitely not bleed.

Although there are fewer Tier 5 monsters in Mo Shark Valley, there are only fewer seabeds.

There are many types of monsters that don't like to stay in the deep sea for too long, and they usually live in shallow water.

Otherwise, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan could enter the sea from directly above Baigugou.

Because to avoid those monsters who like to stay in shallow water, there are very few places in the sunset that can enter the sea.

Even if you want to hunt for treasures in the center of the sunset, you can only enter the sea from a few fixed places on the edge.

Of course, if you are not afraid of dozens or even hundreds of Tier 5 monsters besiege, it doesn't matter where you enter the sea.

It's just that no one should have this ability.

If there is too much noise here, even if you don't like the monster beasts that stay on the bottom of the sea, you don't mind coming over and doing something.

Sensing the monster beast approaching, Wang Daoyuan pulled Zhou Luan behind him: "A monster is coming, be careful."

Although he was not good at fighting in the sea, Zhou Luan still began to mobilize his spiritual power and was ready to take action at any time.

After a few breaths, a strange fish emerged from the rock.

This guy is a bit like a shark, but his head looks like a carp, with two whiskers on his mouth, and his body is covered with very large hard scales.

Looking at it, Wang Daoyuan immediately remembered the related records.

This demon is called the dragon scale shark, and it is said that it was a hybrid between a shark and a dragon species, and it was also found in the sea off Beiyuan.

The dragon scale shark inherited the advantages of the shark's fierceness and speed, as well as the dragon's strong defensive ability.

The strength is stronger than the average shark, and it can be considered a tyrant in the deep sea.

Some sharks with a high concentration of dragon blood also have magical powers such as imperial water, and can even compete with the dragon.

It's just that this demon doesn't like to be in groups, and is usually alone.

Therefore, the threat to mankind is not too great.

The dragon scale shark in front of him is a fifth-tier middle-rank cultivation base. In this deep sea, the strength is not inferior to the average Yuan Ying late-stage cultivator.

The dragon scale shark has inherited the keen sense of smell of the shark, and now it is too late to hide.

Of course, Wang Daoyuan didn't take him seriously, the magical power domain unfolded, and a huge water prison was formed instantly.

In order to avoid too much movement, this dungeon did not go head-to-head with the dragon scale shark.

Instead, it slowly increases its resistance to swimming. Under this resistance, its speed is getting slower and slower.

The dungeon also shrank slowly, and when it wanted to struggle, its entire body was tightly wrapped in the water, and it was very hard to move.

A wisp of black spirit fire appeared out of thin air and penetrated into the dragon scale shark's body.

After ten breaths, the dragon scale shark stopped moving.

Its soul has been completely annihilated under the calcination of Guishui Mingyan.

Wang Daoyuan put his corpse into the Lingzhu space and handed it over to the clone for processing.

Zhou Luan breathed a sigh of relief: "A Tier 5 middle-rank monster died so quietly. When did you become so powerful?"

"How good I am, don't you know?"

The bottom of the sea was perilous, Zhou Luan did not continue to harm him, just glared at him.

This Kung Fu clone has already taken out the dragon scale shark's demon pill, the concentration of this demon's dragon blood is not low, the demon pill has turned into a fake dragon ball.

Wang Daoyuan didn't have many of the fifth-tier mid-level fake dragon balls.

Although the color is poor, it is also a rare refining material.

The two continued to swim in the direction of the true east, and soon came to the easternmost point of Mo Shark Valley.

There is a sixth-order lower-grade spiritual vein in the east, which is extremely abundant.

Sufficient spiritual energy gave birth to a large number of corals and sea life plants, and these corals and spiritual plants attracted a large number of monsters here.

These corals and sea life plants all emit a faint green light.

The light emitted by countless corals and Lingzhi gathered together to illuminate the dim seabed.

Coupled with the accumulation of many corals and the high terrain, this sea area is called Qinglongliang.

This spiritual vein is roughly north-south, and corals and spiritual plants grow near the spiritual vein.

The entire Qinglongliang is more than 100,000 miles long from north to south, and more than 2,000 miles wide from east to west.

It takes a long time to get around, and there are other dangerous places along the way.

Going directly through is the most reliable choice.

There are various monsters inhabiting in the coral bushes. Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan are hiding dozens of miles away, and some Tier 5 monsters can also be seen clearly.

Zhou Luan looked at the Qinglongliang in front of him, and asked, "How should we go there? We can't just rush through it, right?"

"There are too many monsters, and they will inevitably be discovered by stealth stealth.

It's better to use mad blood to disperse some monsters and touch them in stealth. "

Afterwards, took out some crazy blood powder, wrapped it in spiritual power, and controlled the spiritual power group to fly in the direction of true north.

In order to draw the monster beast farther, Wang Daoyuan also specialized in the field of supernatural powers.

Through the power of the supernatural power domain, the mad blood was scattered five hundred miles away.

The spiritual power group dispersed, the dark red powder melted into the sea water instantly, and a strong **** aura spread out.

After more than ten breaths of time passed, I saw the monster beast in Qinglongliang commotion.

Tier 5 monsters gathered five hundred miles in the direction of the two people, and many monsters passed by Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan.

Both of them used secret techniques to hide their figures, and the monster beast was attracted by the crazy blood again, but they did not find them.

Wang Daoyuan observed the situation there through the realm of supernatural powers. After half a cup of tea, the first few Tier 5 monster beasts had already begun to attack each other.

Even the monsters who are not interested in the smell of blood go over to watch the excitement.

There will never be fewer monsters dead in the monster beast battle over there.

For the monster beast, just picking up some meat to eat is much better than hard cultivation.

If you are lucky and can be strong to the inner alchemy, then you will make a lot of money.

There were fewer monsters passing by the two of them, and they began to slowly move eastward.

Monsters and beasts in the sea fight, once they see blood, they can't stop in a short time.

Tier 5 monsters are all going to watch the excitement, Tier 4 monsters are not to be feared.

The two calmly crossed the Qinglongliang and came to an unnamed deep ditch.

Over a thousand miles east of Qinglongliang, Baigugou is the destination of this trip.

The deep ditch where the two are located can lead directly to the white bone ditch.

When I got here, there weren't many monsters.

In this deep ditch, you can feel the cold air spreading from the white bone ditch.

Keep going, the yin will only get stronger and stronger.

Most monsters don't like Yin Qi, so naturally there are not many monsters here.

More than a thousand miles was nothing to the two Yuanying cultivators, but the cold air made Zhou Luan a little unbearable.

Chiluan Nirvana Fire is not strong against the cold air, not to mention the Yin Qi here is the sixth-order Yin Qi.

Wang Daoyuan injected some pure Yang Qi into her body to resist the invasion of Yin Qi, which made her feel better.

The name Baigugou is worthy of the name, and many monster bones can be seen more than 500 miles away.

There are not only common monster bones such as sharks, but also many dragon bones.

It's a pity that these skeletons are soaked in Yin Qi, they are a little bit decayed, and they are not suitable for refining tools.

With the protection of the pure yang energy of the red sun real fire, the yin energy did not cause much influence.

The two quickly reached the west bank of Baigugou. The entire Baigugou was a thousand miles wide and hundreds of feet deep. It is unknown how long it is.

As far as the eye can see, the bones are full of grooves.

On Bai Sensen's bones, there was still a faint blue gleam.

"Dao Yuan, there seems to be a problem with this light. After I took a look, there was a thought of walking over, but it was not too strong."

Wang Daoyuan stared at the light on the bones, and he didn't feel anything.

"I didn't feel it, it should be a matter of spiritual consciousness cultivation.

The effect of this kind of light on the human primordial infant monks is not obvious, but the demon beast's consciousness is far inferior to that of the human race, and it is very easy to be affected by this light.

The formation of Baigugou is probably related to this light.

A large number of monsters were attracted by the light, and couldn't bear the strong yin here, they died here.

As time passed, the bones piled up, forming the sight in front of me. "

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