Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 112: Rejuvenating the Country

Yu Wentai looked at Li Tai, but it didn't mean anything special. It was just that the military cake material was invented by Li Tai, and he promoted it vigorously last year. In addition, several Huitian attacks on Jihu in the north were successful. By this year, all the armies There will be more rations.

But he didn't expect that Zhao Gui made a mistake and distributed moldy cakes to the river defense sergeants. As a result, many battalions were thinned out and their combat effectiveness was sharply reduced. They even reported to him.

"Li Boshan, this is your first time making military food cake ingredients. Could this happen to you, could you have foreseen it?"

After thinking about it, Yu Wentai raised his finger and pointed at Li Tai and asked.

Li Tai hurriedly avoided the table and stood up. He went into the hall to pay homage and said: "The cakes I made were made with sufficient materials. This summer, the food for the Wuxiang County soldiers and defense stations was also made and supplied by my servants. Although I didn't do it personally, I haven't done it yet." Situations like this happen unexpectedly.”

After hearing this, Yu Wentai nodded, waved his hand and said, "Step back."

When Li Tai returned to his seat, Yu Wentai turned to Zhao Gui again, frowned and said: "Soldiers are the foundation of the country! You should be careful when giving food to the army. This summer on the river defense, the Hussars will retreat first and say goodbye. Adjust the parts to prevent leaks!"

Zhao Gui's forehead was already covered with a thin layer of sweat at this moment, so he could only respond respectfully, and said quickly: "After last year's review, the general led the Dian Army to participate in river defense, and had no time to take care of other things. Food matters were entrusted to subordinate officials. By the time we realize it, it is already too late. River defense is the most important thing and we don’t dare to stay around. We will definitely deal with these criminals again!”

After Yuwentai heard this, he nodded briefly and said nothing more. He already grabbed another scroll in his hand, obviously indicating the end of the conversation.

After Zhao Gui saw this, he was about to stand up and leave, but when he glanced at Li Tai sitting in the seat of the recording room, his eyes flickered slightly, and he sat down again with his hips that had been raised, and said with his hands: "I'm going to participate today. In addition to apologizing, there is one more thing that needs to be reported. But this matter is difficult to tell to the public, so I kindly ask Daxingtai to report it to someone else."

After Yu Wentai heard this, he stood up after thinking for a moment and motioned to Zhao Gui to move to the side room of the hall with him.

Zhao Gui was overjoyed after hearing this, stood up and glanced condescendingly at Li Tai.

Naturally, Li Tai would not tolerate him, and rolled his eyes with a roll of his eyes. But after the two people left, he couldn't help but feel a drum in his heart, secretly thinking that this old boy didn't want to see him well, so he didn't know what kind of eye medicine he was going to give. If we were talking about the Lishan Club, it would be a bit of fun to watch.

The two walked into the side room. Yu Wentai had just sat down and before he could ask questions, Zhao Gui had already bowed to the ground and said in a solemn voice: "This matter should not be discussed by me, but there is no one inside or outside who dares to speak out." , I bear the pain and boldly report to the Lord to know!"

Hearing Zhao Gui's serious tone, Yu Wentai also corrected his attitude and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Gui and I have nothing to talk about. No matter what happens, there is no harm in telling him directly."

"What I am playing is the second breath of the old master. Since the beginning of this year, he has made a lot of money in Lishan. He is so extravagant that it is shocking! The shadow of the great master is profound, and I also accept it. If these two breaths stop at flashy fun, I adhere to the old meaning and try my best to explain it, but I can't bear to sit back and watch the young man's play. However, the misconduct gradually becomes unruly. I set up a trap for the nobles in Jinki and Guangluo. The soul of the grand master is not far away, especially in the ceremony... "

When Yu Wentai heard this, he moved his hands on the case to his knees and held them secretly. His brows first wrinkled and then relaxed, and he said: "Is this happening? I really don't know... Did Yuan Gui see it with his own eyes or hear it? I don’t believe you, but those two sons are really not what they say.”

"The matter involves a big deal, and I am in love with an old friend. How dare I make false claims! My Lord upholds righteousness and believes in goodness. How can I not do the same? But this incident is conclusive, which makes people wonder and hard to determine. Under the surface of the matter, there should be Qu Yin, and the second son Qian It’s not a short-term trend to be defensive, so why has it suddenly changed its course recently?”

Zhao Gui continued: "I was puzzled and afraid of asking private questions about my injury. After weighing it, I decided to start the memorial and ask the envoys to ask about it. If the matter is related to me, I will correct it. If I know that I have been deceived by others, I will wait for you." How can I spare it for the sake of my great master and my disciples?"

After hearing this, Yu Wentai pondered again, and then sneered: "If Yuan Gui hadn't sued me, I don't know how long I would have been deceived! There are several things, please record them, so how can the Taifu family tradition be ruined by my negligence? !”

Zhao Gui saw Da Xingtai's angry look on his face, and felt happy at first. But when he heard that he was asked to record down what he said, he still felt a little hesitant, but he didn't have time to think too much, so he could only sit down and write down what he had said. Write some words.

When Zhao Gui finished writing, Yu Wentai took it and looked at it. His expression turned calm. He picked up the ink pen and drew a horizontal line on the paper, and then handed it back to Zhao Gui: "The soul of the Grand Master has not been far away, and there is something in the house." Breeding evil sentiments. If the matter passes through the Taifu, how can the world not stop it? Yuan Gui, the righteous and virtuous people, please lead the people to block the personnel in Lishan. I will send people close to identify the hidden evils. If you can hide it, you should hide it. Punishment is punishment!”

"This, this...I accept your order!"

Zhao Gui lowered his head and looked at his handwriting and the Zhu Pi from Daxingtai. Although he felt conflicted in his heart, he did not dare to refuse.

After Zhao Gui took the order and left, Yu Wentai sat here for a while, pondered for a while, raised his hand and said, "Summon Li Boshan."

Not long after, Li Tai walked in cautiously, with a few obvious ink stains on his clothes and fingers.

"What happens when grain cakes become moldy? How long can your products be stored?"

Yuwentai looked up at Li Tai and asked.

Li Taisi was obviously not here. After hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "The grain cakes are not moldy, the first thing is dehydration..."

He explained the process of making his own grain cakes in detail. After listening to it, Yu Wentai asked: "Such a complicated process and a waste of labor and materials. How can you be a new guest and have a good family background?"

Li Tai couldn't grasp Yu Wentai's thinking at this moment, so he simply told the reason and process of starting this business in detail. This is not an unspeakable secret. In the past, Yu Wentai just didn't care about it. If he really wanted to care and ask, several Hui and others would definitely tell the truth.

"It's just a small place by the water, but its merits are so remarkable!"

After hearing his various operations of exchanging wheat for noodles and then noodles for wheat, Yu Wentai couldn't help but sigh.

Li Tai was a little stunned when he heard this. Do you really don't know or are you just pretending? After all, your family is also a powerful chief in Beizhen. How come you can't even do this basic operation... Maybe you don't know, or you didn't expect the profits to be so huge. There is such a thing in Beizhen!

After thinking about it, Li Tai realized that Yu Wentai might not really have any experience in this area of ​​life, or at least his understanding was not intuitive enough.

Although Yuwentai has been the boss in Guanzhong for many years, in addition to various complicated internal problems, he also has to face the aggressive Gao Huan. As for the output value of a 碓癞, no one has reported to him in detail.

Realizing Yu Wentai's knowledge blind spot, Li Tai quickly said: "Water, soil and all things benefit people and the country. Those who are good at farming will not suffer from food, and those who are good at work will not suffer from profit. The benefits of water are not limited to farming. All industries of industry and agriculture are salty. If the people rely on it, the people will be rich, and if the country relies on it, the country will be strong. Half a zhang of land can produce all things, and no one can compete with it!

When Yu Wentai heard this, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "That's an exaggeration. You still need to have something to create before you can create anything. Farming and weaving are the basic livelihood of the country and the people. How can we compete with the rest of the miscellaneous industries?"

Why are you so bold? I didn’t say that workers are more important than farmers. There is no conflict between the two!

Li Tai took a deep breath and collected his thoughts before continuing: "The benefits of work are made by the people. If they can be harmonized with good practices, the manpower will be doubled. However, because the imperial laws and regulations do not involve this section, the people abuse it and block the canals." Blocking water is considered beneficial, and the benefits are concentrated in the powerful, but the disadvantages are in the small households!

The minister established his hometown in the past, and the villagers fought for water, making it difficult to establish a foothold. The villagers are not aggressive, just because the water along Luoshui River has been bitter for a long time! The powerful forces in the upper reaches built weirs to block the water and gathered strength to carry out construction. However, the land along the coast lost cultivation due to water..."

He was still afraid that Yu Wentai wouldn't understand what he meant, so he stopped to explain: "The powerful people who built the weirs in Luoshui were the family of Zhao Xiuqi. I felt that the people in the country were suffering from the flood, so I called on the people to dig canals to divert the water. Seek profit from farming.

The Luoshui River is not a prosperous river. Weirs, gorges, and weirs along the river are all mixed together, causing obstructions or overflows. This has caused serious disadvantages! Although I have little wisdom and is not afraid of difficult tasks, I am still small and weak, and the only people I can take care of are my neighbors. "

When Yu Wentai heard this, he frowned and said in a deep voice: "Since the illness is so difficult, why did we only talk about his business and nothing else when we met at the beginning of the year?"

"Don't dare."

Li Tai answered simply: "In the past, I was sitting in a leisurely court, and I didn't know when I would be able to reach the audience. I couldn't talk deeply, and I couldn't plan far. Now that I have been appointed to the Taifu, I can listen to the music day and night. Although the competition is beneficial to the powerful and the masses are slandered, It does not lose the place for confession, so I speak boldly.

I thought that in order to implement government in Taiwan, it is better to persuade the rich and powerful to donate to the poor and weak instead of forcing them to do so. Daxingtai also said that things can be created only when there are things. How many poor families are there in Qixiang, Heliang? Preserving the agricultural capital and sharing the industrial profits is good governance that benefits both the family and the country! "

Li Tai didn't know what trick Zhao Gui had just complained about here, but in short, he just took the opportunity to show it to Daxingtai. Strengthening the control of river drainage can not only expand tax sources, but also dredge rivers and improve the agricultural water conservancy environment.

As for whether it will encounter resistance and hostility from those powerful military leaders who are sitting on water conservancy? That is definitely the case, but this is only the benefit of a small number of people. After all, the river is only so wide, and perhaps the nearby neighbors have long been unhappy with them.

"Li Boshan is always able to look beyond the conventional rules and surprise people. How many steps do you think need to be taken before Zuiya returns to the country?"

After Yuwentai pondered for a moment, he asked again.

Li Tai sighed again when he heard this. After all, the boss is ruthless. I am still planning to collect taxes, but you want to confiscate everything in one step.

But this question was difficult to answer, and he might accidentally get burned, so he only said: "I have thought about it briefly, but this is my intention, but I still don't have a framework, so I don't dare to express it. But if I can give you a section of your own Envoy, I can support three thousand soldiers for the country!"

"If you haven't thought about it yet, then keep thinking about it. If you don't get written, you won't be allowed to leave the house!"

Yuwentai was obviously very interested in this proposal. After hearing the words, he said. After a while, he remembered why he called him, and asked again: "You are close to the old master, the old master Erxi Lishan incident ,do you know?"

Li Tai was still immersed in the thoughts just now. After hearing this, he subconsciously said: "I know, I don't know much."

"Whether you know it or not, it has nothing to do with you, just go away!"

After Yuwentai heard this, he waved his hand and asked him to step back.

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