Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 113 Four Pillar Accounting Method

It feels so good to have a boss taking care of you!

Li Tai had already guessed that with the death of He Basheng, those who had bad intentions towards him, such as Zhao Gui, would be unable to restrain themselves from taking action against him, and the fact was indeed as he expected, Zhao Gui really stepped into the trap he had prepared for him. In a trap.

He was still thinking about the plan, but Yu Wentai directly stated that this matter had nothing to do with him. In other words, no matter how much Zhao Gui tried to do, he couldn't even think about hurting Li Tai. He directly added an invincible and blood-locking skill to him in this matter. BUFF.

Sure enough, the most reliable person is to hang out with the boss. Although Li Tai doesn't know how Zhao Gui complained and how deeply he was implicated, all these have become ineffective attacks for him now. He can only do this in this matter. Just feel free to output.

Of course, he won't need to be the main attacker at all. Naturally, some people will hate Zhao Gui to the core. In short, how dazzling his sword is, how deep Yu Wenhu's hatred for Zhao Gui will be. Li Tai only needs to light the fire at the right time.

When leaving Zhitang, Li Tai was still considering whether to notify Yu Wenhu first so that he could be prepared and perhaps recover some losses.

After all, Yuwentai had informed him here. If he didn't say anything, Yuwenhu would probably regret it when he thought about it afterwards for not informing him in advance.

However, after weighing it, Li Tai decided not to tell Yuwen Hu for the time being. After all, once this matter is investigated further, it will be found that Yuwenhu is also involved. It is inevitable that the uncle and nephew will communicate about this, and Yuwenhu will definitely tell Yuwentai about his report.

Regardless of how their uncle and nephew communicate, Li Tai's non-confidential behavior will definitely leave a bad impression on Yu Wentai. At that time, there is no need to think about being the leader’s secretary anymore.

Sigh, I'm sorry, Brother Sabao, although you are a potential stock, you are of no use now. I'd better build a good relationship with the big boss first and then talk about other things.

No matter how this matter will develop in the end, Yu Wenhu may not be able to retain the financial resources of Lishan. It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Li Tai does not want to have a bad relationship with Yuwen Hu, but he can consider a longer-term cooperation.

While thinking about it, he walked towards Mo Cao's official office. Before he walked in, he heard that it was very lively inside.

"Li Canjun is back!"

An official who was wandering in front of the government office saw Li Tai approaching. He first called out to the door, and then strode forward to greet Li Tai. His attitude towards Li Tai was even more attentive than before.

After a while, Pei Han, Xue Shen and others also walked out. Seeing the enthusiastic smiling faces of these colleagues, Li Tai couldn't help but ask them if they had scolded him behind his back this morning. He walked in and waved hello. .

"No matter what happens today, Li Lang wants to treat us! All the officials have been waiting for us. It would be too much if we don't respond!"

Xingtai Bafu said it was small or big, and the news that Li Tai was appointed as the clerk's office had already been sent back to Mo Cao's office. Xue Shen and others did not blame Li Tai for touching fish for another day, and came forward to applaud. meet.

"It should, it should! Fortunately, I am appreciated by Daxingtai and tolerated by all my colleagues. Regardless of emotion or reason, I must enjoy it with everyone!"

Li Tai was not stingy either. He smiled and nodded, and set a standard of eight pieces of silk for today's meal. The food supply in Xingtai is also of high quality and low price. With such a standard, it is more than enough even if there are casualties.

After dealing with the congratulations of his colleagues, Li Tai went to the gate of Taifu first, told the attendants waiting here that he had been living in the Xingtai official residence recently, and asked them to go to Gao Zhongmi to get thirty pieces of silk. Since I have to continue to hang up and fish in official business, I have to give my colleagues the opportunity to eat big money.

After thinking about it, he whispered to his family to pay attention to the news about the two brothers of the Heba family. If there was any big change, he would see if he could take care of it here and go to Zhao Gui to fan the flames.

By the time Li Tai returned to the official office, the meals prepared by the Taifu's public kitchen had been delivered one after another, and all his colleagues had already taken their seats in the hall, leaving a seat at the head of the table for Li Tai.

There is no clear division of rank among Xingtai officials and assistants, but there are dozens of subordinates of Cao Cao, large and small, who have joined the military, and only a few can also hold the record office.

Even Pei Han and Xue Shen looked at Li Tai with envy on their faces. As for the other subordinates, even if they complained that Li Tai only occupied a position in the department and did not work, they did not dare to show it at the moment. .

It's not that Li Tai doesn't do things, but Mo Cao's affairs are too complicated and trivial for him to be interested in taking them seriously. Correspondence lectures are considered a relatively important thing in the department, but his own academic level is only so-so, and there is no need to show off his timidity on stage.

However, today's confrontation with Daxingtai greatly encouraged him. Some things may seem unconventional, but they may not be worth doing.

While the two soldiers were in the hall, Li Tai approached their seats and said: "Since the implementation of the new law, the affairs of various Cao Cao have become more and more complicated, and the number of scholars has increased one after another. As a result, Cao Mo has become even busier..."

After hearing this, the two looked at each other, and then turned to look at Li Tai. Do you still know about feelings?

Li Tai ignored the resentment in their eyes and continued to laugh: "Simplify the complex and put things in a certain format. This is the natural way for those who have done it before to achieve success. Have you two thought about framing everything in a format? ”

Hearing what Li Tai said, both of them cheered up. Xue Shen spoke first: "What Li Lang means is Faqian's old plan. Make all the writings and styles the same as the accounting books you made, engrave and print them, and distribute them." Zhucao?"

Li Tai nodded after hearing the words, but before he could continue to elaborate, Pei Han had already shaken his head and said: "This method is simple to say, but difficult to implement. The account book has a single text format, and most of the characters can be pre-engraved. But the affairs of the Cao Cao are complicated and complicated. If everything changes, a new chapter will be needed for everything. It would be more cumbersome to engrave it all, and it is better to copy it by hand! "

"Things may be complicated, but the principles are the same. For example, the new style of 'Zhu Chu Mo Chu' created by Su Shangshu divides the complexities into two parts. When the Cao Cao used things, all the writings he wrote were nothing more than presenting things from top to bottom, and handing things over from left to right. If the drama is important, it must be detailed, but if the drama is miscellaneous, it may not be necessary.

According to the Kao Cheng method, Cao Cao's affairs are divided into four levels: important, casual and miscellaneous. Things that can be classified as important are naturally the most important and need to be dealt with immediately. However, relatively speaking, the leisure and miscellaneous things are not that important. In fact, most of them can be done or not done.

It is undeniable that miscellaneous affairs actually account for most of the administrative resources of various offices in Xingtai.

For example, their boss, Mo Cao, has to check the inventory every day and check the entry and exit of materials. The affairs need to be done by someone every day, and the results must be recorded day by day. Most of it is repetitive content. It's not a big deal if you don't do it for a day or two occasionally or if you don't do it seriously. But if it accumulates for a long time, it will cause a big problem.

When the two of them heard Li Tai's explanation, they both looked thoughtful.

Telling it in words alone is not concrete enough after all.

Seeing that the two of them had eaten about the same amount, Li Tai ordered people to remove the remaining eating utensils on the table. He also asked for pen and ink paper, and sketched on the paper, delineating four columns and writing "inherent, inherent, There are four categories: "newly received, already received, and seen".

"In the old accounting, there were only three categories of income and expenditure. There was only one rule for planning, and there was no explanation of the past to lead to the future. Adding this inherent rule, the previous events are stated and the future events are guided. This is the new accounting method On the one hand, the same can be done in doing things. All stubborn issues can be dealt with in one way. The new things can be listed, the things that have been done can be eliminated, and the rest can be left in court..."

The example used by Li Tai is the four-note accounting method that has been used since the Tang and Song Dynasties. Compared with the three-column accounting method of revenue and expenditure balance, there is an additional element of "old account balance", which makes it difficult to record accounts. A traceable single event is transformed into an ongoing dynamic revenue and expenditure process.

When applied to administrative management, some fixed matters are listed separately for special processing, and the main administrative force is invested in new affairs. Things that cannot be handled in a short time are then included in the inherent affairs.

This is probably similar to the black box in the administrative units of later generations. Many young people who have just entered the workplace often feel this way. As long as there are colleagues in the unit who go to and from get off work, you have no idea what they are busy with. It seems that they have been fishing for money. , but the leadership still relies heavily on him.

Handling things in a stylized manner does not mean low efficiency, but rather ensures the ability to handle new events and emergencies while ensuring basic administrative capabilities.

In a group, some people stick to the rules and some are enterprising. A good leader does not necessarily have to take the lead in everything, but he must know people well and do their job well. Some people stick to the basics and some step forward to strive for performance. It would be unrealistic for everyone to rush forward like a chicken.

After listening to Li Tai's explanation, Pei Han and Xue Shen were both greatly inspired and couldn't help but sigh: "After talking with each other today, we realized why Daxingtai is more important than Li Lang. But the chest If you have a plan, why do you have to be the first to do everything? Li Lang is worthy of being a talented person and having an excellent family. His ability to manage affairs is truly admirable."

Li Tai accepted this rainbow fart and said with a smile: "The ancient meanings of the classics are based on morality, and the official skills are also based on ancient laws. Instead of teaching people how to adapt to all things, it is better to teach people how to fix one thing. That's great. The reason why Xingtai set up his studies under Mo Cao was that although he had the ambition to be virtuous, he still did not lose the desire to be a leader among officials. Those who are superior are rare in the world. Those who are middle-class and inferior can be said to have achieved merit in education. "

When the two heard these words, they thought deeply for a long time. When Li Tai saw this, he didn't say anything more. Think about it carefully and understand it before I can open up a new printing business.

However, at this moment, there was a sound of armored soldiers stepping on the ground from outside the wall. The sound came from far away and was soon heard outside the door of Mo Cao's official office.

When Li Tai heard this voice, he couldn't help but beat his heart. The reason why Daxingtai kept him in the Taifu was naturally to protect him. Could it be that Zhao Gui was so bold as to lead his troops into Xingtai to arrest him? This old boy doesn’t want to live anymore?

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