Li Tai was deeply touched by the intensity of work in Tai Fuzhong. Just seeing how tired Su Chuo was, it was no surprise that Yu Wenhu was about to become a resentful woman.

Li Tai walked into the hall, looked at Yu Wenhu and said with a smile: "Brother Sa Bao is laughing at my humble position and doing nothing? I want to act like a high-ranking official, but even if I have to do everything myself, it always makes people lazy. What a feeling!”

After Yu Wenhu heard this, he seemed to have found some psychological balance. He was also ambitious and would not be tired of being busy with work.

It's just that the Taifu is a comprehensive whole, and many things need to cooperate with each other. When an individual is in it, he often cannot feel his own value and significance, and his sense of existence cannot be compared with that of a position in which he is responsible.

He is very busy every day, but he has little decision-making power. This may not matter to ordinary people, but it is a bit unacceptable to Yu Wenhu. Because he has a strong enterprising spirit, he has a strong desire to be the head of a chicken rather than the tail of a phoenix.

Hearing that Li Tai said he had nothing to do, Yu Wenhu smiled again, pointed to an empty seat in the hall and said, "Just stay here for a moment. After I finish handling the few dramas on my desk, I can chat with you again."

After saying this, he sat back down at the table and buried his head in his papers. Occasionally he called in his subordinate officials to inquire about matters, and the official affairs were handled in an orderly manner.

After a while, Yu Wenhu finished busy with the things on his desk, stood up and moved to the side hall to sit down with Li Tai, and then looked at Li Tai and asked: "The imperial edict of "Zhongxing Yongshi" was issued at the beginning of the month, Boshan, what are you doing? Did you take a closer look?”

Li Tai nodded after hearing the words. "Zhongxing Yongshi" is the policy program promulgated by the Western Wei Dynasty in the form of an edict some time ago. It summarizes the various political reforms promulgated by the Western Wei Dynasty since its establishment. It is based on what Su Chuo had proposed before. The "Six-Article Edict" is the policy policy established for the purpose.

There has been much discussion in later generations about the comparison between the Western Wei, the Eastern Wei, and the subsequent Northern Zhou and Northern Qi. Although the Northern Zhou Dynasty came from behind and successfully counterattacked, it is not easy to summarize them in simple terms of victory and defeat.

Although the Northern Qi Dynasty fell to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, it actually had great merits in terms of political system and humanities and economy, even surpassing the Northern Zhou Dynasty. After all, the Eastern Wei Dynasty inherited most of the personnel legacy of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and its starting point was beyond the reach of the Western Wei Dynasty.

But the Western Wei Dynasty was not without its merits. The "Six-Article Edict" proposed by Su Chuo alone was an ideological integration within the ruling class that the Northern Qi Dynasty failed to achieve until its demise.

The politics, economy, military and culture of the Eastern Wei Dynasty and Northern Qi Dynasty all surpassed those of the West, or were once ahead. However, from its birth to its collapse, this regime never formed a programmatic understanding and unity.

To put it more simply, the ruling group of Eastern Wei and Northern Qi never understood what kind of regime we wanted to establish and how to achieve this goal.

Therefore, although the institutional construction of the Northern Qi was ahead of the Northern Zhou, a considerable part of it even became the basis for the establishment of the rule of the Sui and Tang empires. However, no matter how good the structure is, rising to a higher decision-making level will lead to long-term chaos and internal friction.

When the people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team. This is a truth that remains unchanged throughout the ages. Only by uniting people's hearts can large-scale internal strife be avoided.

To be honest, Yu Wentai is not necessarily a politician whose vision and thinking are ahead of the entire era, and Yu Wenhu's overall quality is not better than Gao Cheng Gaoyang. The development of history has its own accidental factors in human affairs, and the existence of the "Six-Article Edict" provided a guarantee for the regimes of the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties to remain in chaos and not collapse.

For example, during the transition period from the Western Wei Dynasty to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wenhu needed to deal with the Zhu Kingdoms. He had to first arrange for Yu Wensheng to report Zhao Gui for rebellion. This is naturally due to the fact that Yu Wenhu's authority is still insufficient, but it also shows that he must abide by the rules and maintain the basic principles of our regime, and cannot be executed without guilt.

Li Tai was still daydreaming here, but Yu Wenhu had already said with a smile: "It's unnecessary for me to ask. Most of the things that Boshan Qian has done before are listed in the eternal style. When the edict was issued, he also named you and commended you. Woolen cloth."

Li Tai also smiled when he heard this. Now he is not only a bystander, but also a participant.

Some of the writings he had previously submitted, such as the examination method, Luoshui flood control plan, etc., were also adopted and edited in "Zhongxing Yongshi". When future court officials study politics, he will provide some of the teaching materials.

At the end of the edict, a group of ministers who contributed to this effort were indeed named and praised, and Li Tai's name was among them. Although there are no direct official titles or physical rewards, this is also an important proof of qualifications when the rank is promoted in the coming year.

For ordinary people, this is also a great honor. After all, the Western Wei royal family still had a group of supporters, who imagined that the Eastern and Western Wei would be reunited in the coming year, the powerful ministers would retire, and the Northern Wei imperial power would be upheld again. This can be seen from the fact that the edict was named "Zhongxing".

Of course Li Tai knew that this was really a dream, so he didn't care much about the praise from the court.

But since Yu Wenhu said this, he also said with a smile: "Then I also want to congratulate Brother Sabao. The rules and procedures for your plans are also listed in the Yongxian. You have not been in politics for a long time, and your knowledge has been so profound, both internally and externally." Like it!”

When Yu Wenhu heard this, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes showed with a smile, but he still waved his hands and sighed: "Between you and me, there is no need to make empty remarks. No matter who is in front of me or behind, I will not deny that this discussion is greatly inspired by you."

While he was talking, he showed Li Tai several layouts of official documents from the Taiwan government that had been drawn up, and said that they would be engraving soon. Because of its proximity to the waterfront, Taifuzhong alone has already received orders for tens of thousands of pieces of silk.

The consumption situation of the administrative offices of each cao in the Taiwan government is relatively complicated. There are both expenditures and allocations, and each cao takes care of itself. It is not as relatively independent as the states and counties.

If there are no interests involved, the situation is just a little more complicated. But once there are interests to dig into, the water becomes a bit deep.

Yuwenhu has achieved such results not long after its operation, and Li Tai would definitely not be able to achieve it. So don’t believe too much when people say they are born well and work hard. Many things are really brought by fate. Being PUA by others is unfortunate, and PUA by oneself is brain-dead.

Feeling that his career was promising, Yu Wenhu was also very happy, and then said: "You are away on business today, and it is not easy to come back. If you make time tonight, let's invite some friends to have a banquet."

After Li Tai heard this, he shook his head and said that Yu Wentai asked him and Yu Wenhu to go home for dinner, but he had no time to cultivate feelings with your dragon-slaying team.

Yu Wenhu was happy again: "That's good, it saves me the expense of cooking at home. Daxingtai's appreciation for you really makes even me jealous. It's getting late, let's go together!"

The two of them left the East Hall and walked to the inner residence of Yuwentai's family behind the Tai Mansion. Along the way, I met many colleagues from the Taifu who were getting ready to go home after get off work. They said hello and exchanged a few words. When they learned that Li Tai was going to Daxantai's house for dinner, they couldn't help but look envious.

Although Yuwentai's inner residence and Taifu are integrated, they are clearly separated from each other. There is a walled passage leading directly to the military city. There are heavily armed armored soldiers stationed and patrolling in the passage, which can be said to be heavily guarded.

Li Tai couldn't help but sigh secretly when he saw this scene. It seems that it is not easy to enter Yu Wentai's house and become an arsonist. At least he has to become a general stationed in Huazhou City to have such qualifications and convenience.

Although the exterior of this inner house is heavily guarded, the interior of the courtyard is simple in layout, without too many prosperous ornate decorations. However, each area is clearly divided and isolated from each other by high walls. It lacks a living atmosphere, like a In the small military city, it can also be seen that Yuwentai is very vigilant and does not prioritize comfort even in his daily life.

When the two arrived, Yuwentai had not returned yet, so they sat in the front hall and waited.

When it got dark, Yu Wentai returned to the inner house. In addition to the personal guards, he was followed by someone else. They walked and chatted, and the atmosphere between them was very harmonious.

"Chengxian, you were in an out-of-town town before, but you thought there was another young talent in our Kansai area. Let me introduce him to you."

Yu Wentai first turned his head and said to the person following behind him, then pointed at Li Tai who was coming out to greet him and said: "Li Boshan, come forward and meet the heroes of the pass. Cai Chengxian is my confidant, if you dare to be arrogant I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

When Li Tai heard this, he realized that the man in front of him was Yu Wentai's godson Cai You. He looked quite young and seemed to be about the same age as Yu Wentai. He was not tall, but his arms were thick and long. Looking at the body proportions, he is really similar to Yu Wentai.

When Li Tai came to greet him, Cai You also bowed slightly and nodded. He looked at Li Tai with interest, nodded and smiled and said, "I have also heard of Li Lang's famous name. He is indeed a famous man with impressive bearing and talent. No wonder the Lord Don’t treat people like ordinary people.”

After a brief exchange of greetings outside the hall, a few people went to sit down in the hall. Yu Wentai did not say anything nonsense and directly ordered the servants to serve food and drinks.

To be honest, eating with my boss is actually quite boring, because I have to tighten my heartstrings all the time and don't dare to relax. Even if there are some delicacies, I don't know the taste in my mouth. What's more, Yuwentai's food is of average quality and not as rich as their own condiments.

During the meal, Yuwentai didn't talk much, and the others didn't dare to speak up, so the atmosphere became somewhat silent.

After finishing the meal, Yuwen Taicai casually chatted on a few topics, which were not related to military affairs. After a while, he looked at the night outside the hall and said directly: "It's getting late, I will have a guest soon, please join us. Let's go home together, Bo Shan."

Li Tai was a little dumbfounded when he heard this. It turns out that it is really just eating, and you don't plan to do other activities? Not to mention asking your girls to come out and see me, I almost wanted to convince myself to be Yuwentai, but if you just let me go home like this, I can't sleep when I go back!

I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, and happy Teacher’s Day! ! !

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