Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 150 Can cultivate military equipment

I don't blame Li Tai for his wild thoughts and high expectations. In fact, Yu Wentai gave him too many hints or illusions throughout the day.

First, he taught him as a son in the hall, then let him come to his home for dinner, and even arranged for his godson to have dinner together. Damn 98 is like this, why can’t 298 take off?

Li Tai is not stupid, but is very clever. It is inevitable to make some associations based on this. In fact, he was also very entangled in his heart. He felt that he had to be an upright person so that he could not easily attack Lu Bu's gout. But in the end, he thought too much, which was a bit blocked.

Although he felt that he was able to bend and stretch, he also felt that he was a little embarrassed by being shaken this time, and his mentality was a bit broken: it's my business to take off my pants, but you were so full of foreplay, why didn't you even ask in the end? I asked if I would like to take it off!

With this feeling of loss, Li Tai became a little silent on the way back.

Cai You was very enthusiastic and said he would send Li Tai home first. After chatting for a while and learning that he was still living in Gao Zhongmi's house, he said, "Li Lang, you are a young man from a famous family, and you have been rewarded by your master. Here you go." Kansai is not lonely. After all, living with someone else is not a long-term solution. It’s time to start a family and be independent.”

Li Tai was in a bad mood and felt that Cai You was worrying too much, but he still replied seriously: "Gao Taiwei is an old master, but we also have a deep friendship with each other. We support each other and do not treat each other as guests. I I don't think of myself as a guest. In the past, I relied on him to make a living. Although I am now in Shitai Mansion, I feel this old feeling and cannot bear to be alone. "

"Li Lang is indeed Shangyi Erlang, but I should worry less and talk more."

When Cai You heard this, he smiled and said: "There is nothing I am most grateful for in life than the care and guidance when I was lonely and didn't know where to go. Just like back then, if the Lord hadn't looked down and requisitioned me, I might just be a villager. The wanderer may have died in sorrow. Li Lang, I understand your gratitude deeply. The great kindness is given to you firstly, and secondly, you give your ambition."

"The Junya theory is profound, and Boshan has learned a lot. Although he knew what he was guarding before, he didn't know why he was guarding it. These words are really like enlightenment and make people understand the truth."

Seeing that Cai You was so enthusiastic and kind, Li Tai couldn't deal with it, so he responded with flattery. Seeing that Cai You has brainwashed himself to regard Yu Wentai as his reborn parent, he couldn't help but sigh. No wonder Yu Wentai trusted and relied on Cai You so much after being betrayed by the masses in the Battle of Heqiao.

"I really can't deserve such high praise. I'm just sharing my humble thoughts. Li Langyou doesn't have to be too humble. I was chatting with the Lord today. The Lord really appreciates you. "

When talking about this, Cai You reined in his mount, narrowed the distance between him and Li Tai, looked at him and said with a smile: "The preface to starting a family and being independent is also based on my feelings. Although you are young, Li Lang, you can make decisions decisively." You can see that you are very assertive. Now that you have established yourself in this hometown, you should think about putting down roots. There will be no shortage of visitors for someone as talented as you."

Li Tai was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then his mood suddenly changed: "Yu Wentai, listen, even your godson is more knowledgeable than you and knows that I am quite attractive." I took the initiative to deliver it to your door, but you only care about one meal. What kind of thing is this?

Coupled with Cai You, there were quite a few people in Kansai who were interested in him, which immediately relieved Li Tai's disappointment a lot.

"Thank you so much, sir, for your words of appreciation. Boshan is both happy and ashamed. There are always talents in the world, and to get them among the middle and lower classes is already a consolation for vanity. How dare you have any more delusions of being glamorous and dazzling."

Although he was greatly comforted, he still said: "It's just that the master of the family is still homeless and has no idea where he's going. The unfilial son only concentrates on his work and doesn't dare to think about himself, for fear of mistaking the appreciation of others."

Chengxian, I'm sorry. It's not that you are not good, it's just that I have high standards for myself. Even if I can’t be a godson or a good son-in-law, I can’t be a grandson-in-law! Love is not something you can just buy if you want. The seller also wants a good price.

While they were talking, the group of people had already arrived in front of Gao Zhongmi's residence. Cai You did not show any disappointment or embarrassment because of Li Tai's refusal just now. He waved his hand and declined Li Tai's invitation, and said with a smile: "Today We met and talked happily. Li Lang, you are not arrogant or impetuous, and your attitude is far better than that of many young fellows. If you stick to it, you will be rewarded. "

Li Tai stood in front of the door and watched Cai You and others drift away, but he felt a little confused in his heart and couldn't figure out what Cai You meant by what he said before leaving. Could it be that he appreciated his behavior of not forgetting his old master and not abandoning Gao Zhongmi, implying that Gao Zhongmi would return to power, so he would be rewarded for burning the cold stove?

Other than that, he really couldn't think of what Cai You believed in and what he would get in return.

After thinking for a while, he still had no clue, so he turned around and went home. While chatting with Gao Zhongmi, he had another midnight snack, and then rested and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, he returned to Taifu. When eating at Yuwentai's house last night, Yuwentai told him to come over again because he had a new task to answer.

After queuing outside the hall for a while, when he was waiting for him to enter the hall, Yu Wentai raised his head and pouted at the empty seats under the hall, signaling him to wait for a while.

This attitude was more casual and intimate than before. However, Li Tai was shaken last night, so he didn't bother to think about it anymore. After being greeted, he sat down at the table.

Yuwentai finished handling several other matters first, then raised his finger and pointed at Li Tai and said: "The time and place for this autumn's parade have been determined. It will be in Baishui in mid-October. It was supposed to be the assistant director of the state and county, but your water management office is right by the river. , it’s time to share the worries. Give the troops food and prepare 10,000 catties of fish and meat food within the month. Is there any problem?”

"I will return to the logistics supervisor, I will definitely complete it!"

After hearing this, Li Tai quickly corrected his attitude and said, after all, he is a decent person, and he cannot be passive and slow down when he can't make a living.

Moreover, this year's parade was actually held in Baishui, which is also good news for him. He has been trying to deepen his influence on the Fubing system. Last year, I still followed Gao Zhongmi to fill the scene. This year, I can participate in the logistics of the army as a Dushui officer. Life is getting more and more promising.

Ten thousand catties of fish anchovies sounds like a large amount, but he controls the entire Luoshui. The execution of the village lord Lei's family before was considered as a show of authority. Before that, he ordered the village lords who set up river banks to purchase a thousand kilograms of river fresh food on their behalf.

Now that I have direct instructions from Daxingtai, whoever dares to stare at me again along the river, I can't kill him!

Perhaps because Li Tai agreed too simply, Yu Wentai still had some unfinished ideas, so he added: "In addition to food supplies, the horse power of Zhuzhou Township Regiments is also in short supply. All parties are raising supplies, and the Dushui Administration Department is building stables along the river. Is there any problem with placing three thousand war horses for use?”

Of course there is a problem. Horse raising is a technical job that consumes labor and materials. Li Tai did not have the relevant personnel and material reserves, so he did not dare to continue. He quickly said: "The administrative office is newly established, the personnel are shabby, and the warehouse is thin. , has no stable shepherd personnel, and lacks work experience..."

"It's the same principle, just a thousand horses. Personnel and materials are coordinated and distributed by the states and counties. As for experience, no one is born with it. If you don't know how to learn, it will always be useful."

Yu Wentai paused for a moment and then said: "Chief Luoshui, the affairs of the Dushui Department are scattered on both sides of the river. The local conditions and civil affairs are all different. If something happens, you really need a strong deterrent. If you do a good job in this review, it will prove that you Only if you are talented enough can I rest assured that you can also practice martial arts!"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

When Li Tai heard this, he felt a rush of chicken blood pouring into his mouth, and he stood up and clasped his fists to express his stance.

When Yu Wentai saw him like this, he smiled and sighed: "Sure enough, he still has the mentality of a young man. He only thinks that fighting with weapons brings power and wearing armor brings joy. He is aggressive but does not know the danger. Soldiers are very vicious. The order used here is unusual. Be sure to use it. Put away your arrogance and use it with caution.”

"I must remember the Lord's teachings, keep the alarm bells ringing in my heart, and never take risks rashly!"

Li Tai quickly said again, the anger of being shaken yesterday is gone. Compared with my thousands of troops, nothing else is important.

Only unpromising people would think about eating soft food. Tough guys would smash the pot and dismantle the stove. If you don't give me food, I will take it!

"It's not about words, let's wait and see the consequences."

Yu Wentai said with a smile, then turned to a serious face: "What we discussed yesterday will take time. You should focus on your own affairs and stop asking about it later."

When Li Tai heard this, he felt something in his heart.

Although this matter cannot be said to be well-planned and is too rough for the Jihu group, overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Using Master Liu as a breakthrough point, he could not only extort money from the monks to replenish the state, but also strengthen the strong sense of belonging and centripetal force of the Han people. Of course, Yu Wentai could not refuse this temptation.

If Li Tai guessed correctly, this so-called waiting time should be launched before and after the Grand Parade, and Yu Wentai would probably not intervene on his own. He should directly put pressure on the imperial court through the powerful Han military leaders under his command, and let the Emperor of the Western Wei Dynasty issue the order. implementation.

In this way, the extorted money will naturally belong to Yuwentai, and the Jihu chiefs who have entered the Western Wei army system will naturally deepen their dependence on Yuwentai. The emperor will naturally take the blame, and further operations can be carried out when appropriate.

In the final analysis, although Bafu has actual power, he is not a legitimate king after all. The ethics of power in the human world have been insulted by the hegemony. If the gods and Buddhas are trampled on, it will really be a waste of time. Hou Jing is so fierce, and he only cares about things in the universe.

Anyway, the emperor is just a puppet. If you don't use it, it will be in vain. Matters that offend people should be left to the emperor. If the situation worsens and gets a little out of control, the worst we can do is change the emperor and create a brave new world.

Although Yu Wentai would not let Li Tai get involved, he would certainly not be so honest. Taking advantage of the situation and making two moves is also a basic operation, but there is actually another opportunity in the future. If you operate it properly, you can also accumulate a sum of capital.

Of course, these are all funeral affairs that need to be dealt with in due course. The most important thing right now is that he finally has the opportunity to take charge of the army in a legitimate and legitimate manner!

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