Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 166 Elite soldiers envy people

In a valley with a steep slope and a gentle slope, there are thousands of Hu soldiers guarding it.

The soil in the slope valley here is loose. Whenever people and horses step on it, the sand and gravel will peel off and accumulate in the valley. Over the years, this sloping valley with a width of dozens of feet and a steep top and gentle bottom has been formed.

Although the bottom is gentle, the slope is not conducive to the impact of cavalry, and the loose soil is not suitable for climbing and borrowing force. It can only be entered from the bottom of the valley pass.

When the Xiazhou troops circled the eastern foothills of Baiyu Mountain and suddenly appeared behind the Jihu troops to attack, the Jihu troops quickly broke up and began to flee to all sides in a panic.

Baiyu Mountain is full of ravines and the terrain is complex and changeable. Some barbarians ran directly into the dead end and were helpless to die. Some were lucky enough to find a way out in the twists and turns.

This group of Jihu men and horses belonged to the latter. They escaped all the way to the outskirts of Baiyu Mountain in a roundabout way. As long as they rushed up to the ridge behind the valley, they completely left the scope of the ravine and ridge. They were free to roam in the wilderness. It is extremely difficult to chase down.

The pursuers all the way to the valley entrance were still in hot pursuit, but these Jihu soldiers with a strong will to survive were also very motivated at this time. They repelled the attacks of the pursuers several times, fought and retreated, and had retreated to the middle of the valley. There was hope for escape. .

"Dismount and shoot these thieves!"

Yu Wengui, who had been traveling around to inspect the battlefield, came here. After briefly inspecting the terrain and fighting situation, he gave the order.

Li Tai, who was next to him, was a little puzzled after hearing this. The terrain here was strange. Unless the formation was pushed inward at the entrance of the valley, other places were far away from the core battlefield. It was not a good place for archers to perform.

Before he had time to question, the more than a hundred soldiers behind Yu Wengui dismounted one after another, rushed up the steep slope, each pulled out a long bow from the huge leather bag behind him, pressed the bow and stringed it, and then led the bow and shot downward. The body vibrated and made a booming sound, and the arrows shot out like lightning, penetrating the void and killing dozens of soldiers far away in the blink of an eye.

Li Tai's eyes widened when he saw this scene. The powerful bows used by these elite soldiers were at least five stones or more!

The Southern and Northern Dynasties were lighter in weight than later generations, and the number of bow stones was also greater than that of other dynasties. For example, the famous general Yang Kan, who was famous for his bravery, used a twenty-stone bow, and immediately used a six-stone bow. His arm strength was unmatched for a while.

However, no generals in the past dynasties used such an exaggerated number of stones in their bows. The key lies in the fact that the measurement standards are inherently different. If comparisons are made across eras, the number of stones needs to be halved or more.

Most of Li Tai's bows are of the two-stone type, taking into account both foot and cavalry combat. Most Jihu soldiers were equipped with bows of one stone and a half or even lower. They were small, light bows mainly used for riding and shooting. There is already a significant gap between them in terms of range and arrow power.

Li Tai can also use a more powerful bow. When fighting with three-stone cavalry and archery, the burden is already relatively heavy, seriously affecting the stability of the back. On flat ground, the bow can reach four stones, and the aiming point will be lowered.

Of course, he is still a young man now, his physique and strength have not yet reached their peak, and there is still room for growth. But in his lifetime, he will probably never be as strong as Yang Kan. After all, talent cannot be caught up with hard work.

Zhu Meng and a few other people in his song can also shoot a five-stone bow on flat ground, but most of the time such a powerful bow is not needed. After all, in actual combat, no matter how strong an individual is, without the cooperation of the group, the effect that can be exerted is limited, unless the enemy general can be killed with one arrow.

So when he saw that everyone in Yu Wengui's hundreds of tribes could shoot a five-stone bow, Li Tai was so surprised that he almost drooled. He couldn't help but sigh, a truly powerful military leader is not just a man with enough troops. So simple!

Without a foundation, there is no quantity. An army of ten thousand people may not be able to select hundreds of warriors with strong enough arms. Moreover, it must be combined with mature and systematic training methods and investment regardless of cost. Only in this way can such a considerable army be trained. The strong bow team.

After being in Dongxia Prefecture for many days, Li Tai didn't say it, but he actually underestimated the powerful in his heart: Ji Hu's organizational and combat capabilities, as for making people scratch their heads? It can be seen that these powerful people in the north are also careless.

But after seeing Yu Wengui and this elite team take action, all the slight contempt in his heart suddenly disappeared. These old moneymen from the north can be based in this area for many years. They really have their own special skills, which should not be underestimated. .

No wonder Yu Wentai treats Yu Wengui as a clan member and tries his best to win over Yu Wengui, and it’s not just as simple as having the same surname. Just looking at this elite team, one can infer the great power of the Yuwengui family in Xiazhou.

With this Jin Gong team joining the battle, the Jihu soldiers in the valley suddenly became confused. The reason why their fighting spirit was high was not only their eagerness to survive, but also the advantage of the terrain. But now others can easily shoot them hundreds of steps away. If they continue to stay here, they will only become living targets!

When the Jihu troops in the valley were in chaos, the pursuers at the mouth of the valley also attacked and quickly defeated the Jihu troops.

The defeated soldiers were quickly led out and driven into a valley surrounded by steep walls. There were already more than 3,000 defeated soldiers gathered here, filling the valley in a dense and dense manner.

Throughout the foothills of Baiyu Mountain, the fighting was still going on. Mainly the Xiazhou people were fighting, while the Jihu tribe was fleeing in all directions.

The Jihu troops who were originally blocking the east side of Guide City have dispersed. While the soldiers guarding the city breathed a sigh of relief, they could not help but feel a little anxious.

"General, when will the reinforcements arrive? If they don't come, those thieves and barbarians will be surrounded and killed by troops from other states! We fight hard here to intercept them, but others take away the victory. This is intolerable!"

A soldier stood on the top of the city with his head raised, looking at the pursuit and escape in the foothills outside the city, and said anxiously.

"I'm not a senior official, how would I know!"

After hearing this, the guard waved his hands impatiently and shouted angrily. He was equally anxious, but he could only keep his thoughts in his stomach.

Thief Hu entered the country three days ago. After seeing the huge force of the thieves, he had already sent people to Wuyuan City to ask for help, but the answer given by Wuyuan City was to let him stay for five days before reinforcements arrived.

Chang Shan, the governor of Xi'an Prefecture, has three thousand soldiers, plus five or six thousand soldiers and laborers, but they need to be distributed over a vast area, and not far to the west of Wuyuan City is the important area of ​​​​Yanchi, where there are many Hu tribes. Peeping with salivation.

Although Fei Yetou and others are nominally under the rule, if Wuyuan City's defenses are empty and there are not enough troops to defend and shock, these Hu tribes may not be able to keep their peace.

Therefore, Chang Shan could only coordinate the defense of the people in the government before deploying a mobile force to send troops to help, without deliberately delaying the opportunity.

In fact, the situation is the same in Xiazhou. The northern states are far away from Guanzhong, and the cost of garrisoning is too high. Most of them do not have enough maneuverability to adapt to changes. It is enough to be able to defend key cities without losing them.

But Xiazhou is not the primary target of Jihu's attack, and the defensive pressure is not great. In addition, Yu Wengui has a high prestige and deep foundation in Xiazhou, and he can freely recruit and control the power of the local chieftains. This is something Xi'an Changshan cannot do. He has the advantage, so he can send troops immediately after getting the news.

The people and horses of the various states are not affiliated with each other. Although the battle took place within the territory of Xi'an Prefecture, the people and horses of Xiazhou worked day and night and fought bravely to fight the enemy. They used practical actions to save Xi'an Prefecture's military danger. They could no longer be shameless. Asking for loot.

The guard became more and more angry when he thought about it. When he looked at Cui Yansheng who was standing on the top of the city watching the battle, he no longer had the feeling of sympathy for heroes. He pointed at him and couldn't help but cursed: "Your lord Li Boshan is not Good thing! The people from all the states have the responsibility to kill the thieves and defend the territory. Why do they want to lead the thieves to Xi'an Prefecture? If these thieves are lured to Xiazhou, shouldn't I send troops to rescue them?

Cui Yansheng just laughed and said nothing after hearing this. You can't say that we, Li Zhizhi, are just to cause trouble for you.

After a few days of fighting together, he had a good impression of this guard who seemed rude and rude, but was actually simple and straightforward. Their group also included Li Yantou and other wounded people who came to the city to seek shelter. Although the guard was rude, he was very kind to him. The wounded were not neglected either.

So he said: "The thieves have been defeated, and the crisis in the city defense is now relieved. If the general wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, I can take the initiative and use his war horses."

"If you don't want to borrow it, I will use it! How can you let other people scrape off all the military exploits in front of our house? My son has been fighting hard for several days, and he always needs to collect some cattle and sheep for extra food!"

The guard general first said angrily, and then said to Cui Yansheng: "Looking at the bottom and knowing the top, I think that Li Boshan is not an arrogant and vicious villain who manipulates power and despises good people. Although I am a low-key person, the two masters will meet each other in the future. , I also want to speak out and make peace.”

After saying this, the guard summoned the remaining soldiers in the city, dressed up and left the city, and chased the thieves in the direction where they were fleeing.

It has to be said that Jihu's ability to escape is really not something to boast about. Although he was trapped in the Baiyu Mountain with complex and unfamiliar terrain, and was blocked by the Xiazhou troops who cut off the escape route, many troops still jumped out of the encirclement. Completely surrounded.

"Lord, we have arrived at Luoshui Valley. We can escape by walking along the valley!"

There was a team of two to three thousand people trudging forward in the river valley. It was King Hao Ren and his tribe. I don't know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate, but because of his eagerness to attack the city, King Hao Ren's troops were closest to Guide City, so they were not attacked by the troops who attacked the rear route.

When all the tribes on the rear route were attacked and collapsed by Xiazhou troops, Guide City did not dare to leave the city for an immediate attack because of insufficient troops. King Hao Ren was actually given the opportunity to evacuate the entire army over the mountains, and took advantage of the situation to take care of many others. The troops fled and their troops recovered.

But King Hao Ren couldn't be happy. He just looked back and said bitterly: "Those idiots, if they could have listened to my order and captured the city early, why would they have suffered this disaster!"

The matter has come to this, and there is no point in regretting it. As a group of people continue to run forward, the rivers converge and the river valley gradually becomes wider. Eagle birds can be seen circling in the sky, which means that they have arrived near the Eagle Yin. As long as they wade in front. When the water crosses the river, it is considered to be completely out of the battle circle.

Just when everyone was secretly rejoicing, a cavalry brigade was galloping towards them in the valley ahead. Seeing their defeated troops, the scouts on the opposite side shouted loudly: "Some people in Beihua Prefecture are leading their troops to the north. You disciples, quickly abandon your weapons!"

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