Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 167 Please forgive me

In the evening, Yu Wengui rejected the invitation from the Guide City defenders to enter the city, and instead chose a wide area in the valley to camp in Baiyu Mountain.

The sound of whips and sticks being whipped and the screams of the tortured people kept coming from outside the big tent. Yu Wengui looked slightly complicated. He looked at Li Tai and sighed: "The soldiers are brave and arrogant. In times of crisis, we can work together to help. But once the situation improves, greed and anger will inevitably show up, making people laugh!"

He was talking about the dozens of generals who were being tortured outside the tent. In the evening, the number of enemy sightings gradually decreased, and the Xiazhou troops actually started fighting with the soldiers who were leaving Guide City over the spoils of war. If Yu Wengui hadn't arrived and stopped it in time, the fight would have almost turned into a bloody battle.

Both sides also had sufficient reasons. The Xiazhou troops thought that they had solved the military crisis trapped in Guide City, while the defenders of Guide City felt that they were able to annihilate the Jihu tribe only by fighting hard for several days. Wu's possibility.

Yu Wengui did not favor his own troops. After stationing in the camp, he ordered the dozens of leading soldiers to be tortured and punished.

After Li Tai heard this, he said: "No one is perfect, everyone has his own use. A man in armor should love his bravery and reward his madness. Although a polite man speaks and behaves kindly, he is difficult to fight in battle. Envoy The punishment is serious and the emperor is skillful, and I, the spectator, am deeply impressed by it."

Yu Wengui's face improved slightly after hearing this, and he added: "Soldiers each have their own temperament, and their numbers are also different, so they cannot be generalized. Three or five soldiers must be described by their feelings, a hundred or ten soldiers must be described by their aspirations, and a thousand armies can be described by their ambitions." With threats and threats, all people will be kind and righteous. In ancient times, there was no shortage of soldiers. The more the better.

A wise man will lead an army, a wise man will lead a general. Li Lang, you are both wise and brave, which is already rare. It is even rarer to be able to plan big plans and lead the overall situation. With hundreds of people, this caused unrest in the northern states. To say that you were taught by me would be too polite. "

When Yu Wengui said this, Li Tai didn't argue with him. What he was most proud of in this incident was not that he was running around to fight as if he were in no one's land, but that he was able to organize personnel in a large area.

The barbarians are rampant in Dongxia Prefecture, but there are few troops stationed there. Although there are troops stationed in the surrounding states and counties, they have neither the motive nor the obligation to enter and suppress the barbarians in this territory. If you don't want to go, I will lure the enemy over to you so that the personnel resources in this area can be optimally allocated.

At this time, someone else entered the account to inform Beihuazhou that some Hui had led his troops outside the camp. After Yu Wengui heard this, he quickly stood up, together with Li Tai and other generals, went out of the tent to greet him.

The news of the arrival of the troops from Beihua Prefecture had been known beforehand, but just now Shihui Hui was still commanding the deserters who surrounded and killed Jihu, and he only came to meet them after the battle was over.

Shuo Hui spoke briefly to Yu Wengui first, then turned his attention to Li Tai, pointed at him and sighed: "How many more surprises do you plan to give people? It's just that you are a little poor in things, and you actually made such a big scene! Chang Shan is coming in the future? I was just about to ask him, what does it feel like to see this situation when you are so angry and resentful for a while?

Li Tai was very happy when he heard this, but he still waved his hand and said: "I have never thought of looking down on the seniors I work with. If you say this, it seems that I am not easy to get along with!"

"Yes, you don't have to think about it, you just have to do it! I won't say that our townspeople in other states are helpless in being passive and willing to accept the consequences, but if these black water thieves knew why they were destroyed, wouldn't they feel they were wronged?"

Shuo Hui pointed at him and shook his head with a smile, then turned to Yu Wengui and said, "I don't know how Hua Zhenggong felt when the incident came, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm really happy and embarrassed! I'm happy that the thieves are scattered and difficult to attack, but now they are Gathering together to wait for death, the angry general has his own camp, but he has to be driven by foreigners! "

"But for the sake of peace on the border, why bother with the rest. Before Duke Changle arrived, I was already sighing at Li Lang's ingenious plan, which enabled my soldiers to kill the thieves with twice the result with half the effort!"

After hearing this, Yu Wengui said with a smile, showing his attitude.

Of course, Shuo Hui was not really accusing Li Tai of making his own decisions and relying on his own strength. The implication was that he affirmed his approach and emphasized the contribution and value of his actions.

Hearing what Yu Wengui said, Shuo Hui sighed again: "Yes, in the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Datong, the thieves were in chaos. Although I didn't get involved, I know that the people in the court were shocked by this. The king lamented that the road was difficult to prosper. Fortunately, Daxingtai mobilized all the forces to quickly resolve the chaos before it became a serious problem.

But I don’t want the trouble to come back in just a few years. If Li Lang hadn’t looked into the smallest things and the trouble would have recurred, we and the people in Beizhou would be to blame. How could we not have the calmness to calm down the chaos today! "

When Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but feel that the big brother Shuo Hui was really good. He really dared to brag about himself.

It is true that Liu Pingfu's rebellion in the seventh year of Datong was quite large, but his son's rebellion was not necessarily small. If he still had the power he had back then, he would not have been placed under house arrest by King Hao Ren, let alone easily killed by his party.

Li Tai didn't know whether Jihu in Dongxia Prefecture rebelled again during this period in history, but just looking at Liu Zhenqiang's situation, even if he was allowed to toss around within the realm, he might not be as good as Li Tai The chaos caused this time is so big.

After all, in the seventh year of Datong, Yu Jin and others really crippled Liu Ping's Fu tribe, and Gao Huan in the east is still busy clearing out the Jihu in the Luliang Mountains, and has no leisure to invest heavily in the Jihu west of the Yellow River. Making trouble.

But when Shuo Hui said this, the significance of this matter changed. The core of the entire turmoil shifted from the encirclement and suppression of the Jihu Rebellion Department to the killing of Liu Zhenqiang before it happened.

In the absence of clear instructions from the platform, some Hui Neng took the lead in sending troops to assist in the rescue. This big brother really has nothing to say! Li Tai only felt that if he didn't give Damona boy ten sets of test papers every day after returning, he would be sorry for Shi Hui's kindness.

The troops were exhausted that night, so they camped together to rest. The next morning, there were no more traces of large numbers of Jihu troops in the foothills and the countryside, so they began to count the gains from this battle.

Since this battle was a rare long-distance attack by the Jihu, the gains on the battlefield were mainly prisoners of war.

Several groups of troops collected more than 5,000 Jihu people, most of whom were young and strong Hu soldiers.

This number may not seem large, but if the population of their respective tribes that depended on these young and strong people is included, the number of Jihu people affected by this battle is much larger, at least tens of thousands of people lost the survival guarantee provided by the tribal force.

In the land of northern Shaanxi, without the guarantee of force, it is equivalent to becoming a lamb to be slaughtered, and life and death are left to fate.

There are more than 3,000 horses confiscated. After all, even a pure pastoral tribe cannot actually provide horses for everyone. The environment where the Jihu live is still a transition zone from farming to animal husbandry. Many tribes still prioritize survival rather than the production and storage of military supplies.

There were also some cattle, sheep and other miscellaneous items, but the main thing was the supplies that Li Tai had not had time to collect from the Hu tribes that he had defeated along the way.

To be honest, such a harvest was somewhat unmatched by the scale of the coordinated operations of the troops of several states, but this was only the income on the front battlefield. The real big profit was the in-depth elimination of the Heishui Hu tribes in the Kulichuan River Basin that had lost their military protection.

It was late autumn and winter, and the Jihu had a tradition of living together for the winter. Their range of activities was greatly reduced. Suddenly, they lost a large number of troops, and those Hu tribes undoubtedly became blood bottles everywhere.

Therefore, Yuwen Gui and Ruo Ruohui did not dwell on the current distribution of spoils, but focused on the big head later. The boundary between the two sides was 100 miles south of Sheyan River. The northern Hu tribes were under the control of Xiazhou troops, and the southern areas were under the control of Beihuazhou.

Both groups of troops were busy sweeping the border and had no time to report their merits to the court, so they decided that Li Tai would escort a part of the troops and spoils to the south to offer their merits. The troops and spoils collected here are requested to be distributed by the Grand Secretariat.

Li Tai was naturally quite satisfied with such an arrangement. Although he also made a lot of efforts, he had to watch the most important encirclement and suppression of the Jiehu all the way because of his limited strength.

The two big men were free from low-level interests and focused on practical interests. They took the initiative to give him this opportunity to show his face and boast about his merits. He really had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

It was not until the distribution plan was discussed here that Chang Shan of Xi'an Prefecture came late. He first invited everyone to go to Guide City for discussion. Yuwen Gui had no objection to this. Xiazhou and Xi'an Prefecture were originally in a cooperative defense relationship.

But Ruo Ruohui refused to pay attention to this. He had already written to Chang Shan to make peace, but Chang Shan still withheld the war horses that should have been sent to Dushui Xingfu and did not give Ruo Ruohui any explanation, which triggered the subsequent events. This was undoubtedly not giving Ruo Ruohui face.

Seeing Ruo Ruohui's attitude, Yuwen Gui simply did not go. After all, everyone had agreed on the distribution plan. If they really had to meet and talk it out, would they share it with him?

If there is no division, the battle will eventually take place in Xi'an Prefecture. If there is a division, our troops from other states will quickly enter the country, the battle will be over, and the spoils will be divided. It is really unreasonable that you, the governor of Xi'an Prefecture, came late.

After waiting for several hours in Guide City, there was still no reply. Chang Shan led a dozen of his personal soldiers and took the initiative to enter the camp to ask for an audience.

"Duke Changle, Duke Huazheng, thank you two for taking the trouble to lead the army to rescue us, so that the soldiers and civilians of our state are free from the harassment of the bandits!"

After entering the tent, Chang Shan strode forward and bowed to the two of them, with a very humble attitude.

Ruohui rolled his eyelids and said in a deep voice: "Duke Wu Shi has a good way of governing the land. He is calm in times of crisis. He may have a brilliant plan to defeat the enemy but has not yet revealed it to others. He does not blame my troops for being rash and reckless. This has made me feel at ease. I dare not thank you."

Yuwen Gui beside him also laughed dryly, pointed at Li Tai and said: "The bandits came quickly. If it were not for Gaoping man Li Gongshi who told me, I would not know that the state was disturbed. I came south in a hurry and had no time to make an appointment to fight together. Please forgive me, Duke Wu Shi."

After hearing this, Chang Shan felt very embarrassed. When he looked at Li Tai, his expression became more complicated.

He really wanted to ask Li Tai why he brought so many bandits into his territory, but now the bandits have been defeated, and Ruohui and Yuwen Gui have taken credit for it. If he asked again, he would offend them all at once. If the state is disturbed again next year, will they save it or not?

After a while, Chang Shancai clasped his fists to Li Tai and said, "Li Gongshi, I have heard of your reputation for a long time. But due to the limitations of my duties, I regret that we have not met. The confusion of the facts and the misunderstandings before were not intentional provocations.

You entrusted me with the troops before, and I think you should know that I will not fail to take responsibility. Now you have asked for help from all parties and helped me out of the predicament. I am also deeply grateful. I sincerely ask for arbitration in person from the two envoys, and hope to resolve the dispute with Gongshi. Please forgive me. If you have any questions, I will never refuse!"

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