Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 463 A moment of spring night

As the wedding team returned smoothly, under the witness of all relatives and friends, the newlyweds finished paying homage to each other in Qinglu, and then were sent into the bridal chamber amidst laughter and blessings.

It was already dark at this time, and all the guests had finished watching the ceremony, and then enjoyed the banquet with wine and food under the hospitality of the host's guests. But the wedding process belonging to the newlyweds is not over yet and still needs to continue in the bridal chamber.

The layout of the mansion gifted by Daxingtai was already grand. Coupled with the careful planning and personal supervision of the work by father-in-law Duguxin years and years ago, the mansion had a completely new look. It was luxurious and warm and livable.

In the inner hall, Princess Feng Yi, Li Zhihua, and other ladies from various families were there to greet the bride in person. Li Tai would stop in front of the hall and wait until the bride was seated on the banquet and all the food and drinks were properly arranged, then he would slow down amidst the singing of rituals. Stepping into the hall, he was guided to sit down in the banquet opposite the bride.

There was still half an hour before the auspicious time to take the next step, so the newlyweds could only sit there.

In Li Tai's view, the so-called etiquette family just has too many messy rules.

As the youngest daughter of Li Chong, his aunt has a status like the mother-in-law of Tianshan among other families. She has taken the red tape to the extreme in preparing for the wedding of her own children. The schedule and time of every step have been checked repeatedly. Li Licheng has been arrested before After a lot of fussing, it was upgraded to 2.0 when it came to Li Tai, and some substantial adjustments were made to the areas that were missed and slightly hasty last time.

While waiting, Li Tai noticed that some of the ladies in the hall showed great interest in the furnishings in the hall. Each of them stared at some of the furnishings or lingered over them. These were all potential customers. ah!

Li Licheng's wedding was turned into a shopping event, and the consumption of luxury goods in Beijing surged year after year. Now that Li Tai, a trend leader, is getting married, of course he cannot weaken his momentum. Adhering to the principle of not using it if it is not precious, not rare, beautiful, or coincidental, the dragon and phoenix candles burning in the hall are particularly eye-catching.

The bridal chamber is brightly lit with flowers and candles, and the pair of swallows are dancing lightly. The custom of bridal chamber flowers and candles has been popular in the Southern Dynasties, but at this time the flowers and candles were still very crude in both shape and technique.

Although Li Tai didn't know the technique, he had the guts to open his mouth. He gave detailed introductions and many requirements to the craftsmen at home. It took several months to create this dragon and phoenix candle with flying dragons and phoenixes, sparkling gold paint and fragrant fragrance. Both in terms of shape and skills, it is very popular nowadays. People are struck like dimensionality reduction.

Nowadays, the children of newly wealthy families in Kansai have reached the marriageable age, and the demand for luxury goods in the wedding market is naturally strong.

People live a life of running around and working hard, and after having enough food and clothing, the biggest need is not only dignity, but there is no upper limit to dignity. Li Tai was just stabbed in the back by his Boshan girls and almost didn't get his bride back. Of course, He has to make a lot of money at their weddings to make him angry, so what kind of brother is he if he doesn't cut leeks?

Withdrawing his gaze from looking around, Li Tai looked at the young lady opposite. He happened to see the young lady's pair of beautiful eyes staring at him through the gauze fan. Her bright eyes were full of mist and affection. Seeing Li Tai's interactions, she couldn't help but be shy. He timidly turned away, and after a few breaths, he turned back and looked back, with a charming look on his eyebrows and corners of his eyes.

After a while, with the copper leak making a crisp sound, the auspicious time finally arrived and the next step could be carried out, which was to untie the tassel and unwind the fan.

"Book of Rites" states, "When a woman is married, she wears a tassel." That is, she uses a colorful tassel to tie her hair to show that the famous flower has an owner, and it needs to be untied by her husband on the wedding day. As for the fan, it was a custom in the Southern Dynasties at the end of the Jin Dynasty, and now it is gradually becoming popular in the homes of ministers in the Northern Dynasties.

The etiquette and customs in the world are mostly like this. For example, later generations had to tie their hair into a bun after taking off their tassels. People in the Song Dynasty commented that the current customs and etiquette were particularly unruly. However, it gradually became a custom because the family of the public officials respected it.

In later generations, many etiquette and customs have become a good project for unscrupulous wedding companies to charge too much money, and the subject matter of many dog ​​up dog authors to mix the number of words in their videos.

As the young lady removed the gauze fan that covered her face, Li Tai quickly put away his complaining thoughts and looked over intently.

The little lady became even more shy under the gaze of this hot gaze. Her head was drooped, her eyes were introverted, her forehead was as bright as warm jade, her pink cheeks were like lips, her eyes were bright and her teeth were white, her nose was slender, and her face was soft. Even though the chin is covered with heavy makeup, it does not damage its original appearance. It is beautiful in every possible way.

Cough, cough.

Two light coughs woke Li Tai up from his trance. He hurriedly picked up the porcelain bowl and jade chopsticks on the table, picked up the already divided pork belly on the plate, presented it to the lady and said with a smile: "My lady, please give me some food."

"Husband, husband, please eat."

The young lady also responded in this way. The husband and wife sat opposite each other, raising their eyebrows together and eating together.

When the cup was taken out from the brocade box, its luxurious and exquisite material shape caused the woman in charge of the ceremony to let out a brief exclamation.

These utensils were brought as a dowry from the girl's family. After Li Taixun's reputation, he couldn't help but sigh that his father-in-law was really generous. The cup was made of pure gold and inlaid with various cut and polished gems. It was even more beautiful under the light of the candle. Colorful and extremely gorgeous.

After drinking the wine together, the ladies in charge of the ceremony happily left the venue with auspicious words on their lips, leaving the main venue to the newlyweds.

After the rest of the crowd had exited, Li Tai stood up and stretched. Immediately, he heard a series of tinkling bells and saw the young lady turning slightly sideways in the table, moving nervously. He made a defensive posture with his arms and chest, and couldn't help but smile.

Miaoyin subconsciously made this gesture, and soon she secretly regretted her overreaction, and was afraid that her husband would misunderstand her, so she whispered nervously and panicked: "I, I'm not afraid of you, it's just that the newly learned things in the curtain are too unfamiliar and too strange. Shy..."

Li Tai saw that she was shy and nervous, not as cheerful and lively as usual, so he sat down again. When he raised his hand to reach out to the little lady, the little lady covered her face with her hands and turned away coyly, her voice like a mosquito. reminded: "There are still eyes and ears in the room..."

Li Tai's hand only fell on her fake bun with many jewelry inserted in it, and he asked with a smile: "Are you tired? You've been wearing it all day."

After hearing this, the young lady was stunned for a moment. After a moment, she pursed her lips in grievance. Before she could open her mouth, she let out a few soft grunts. She suddenly felt even more embarrassed and turned around with her arms wrapped around her belly. Turning his back to Li Tai, he said in a low voice after a while: "I'm tired and hungry. Those few mouthfuls of food are not enough, and they bring out all the hunger!"

When Li Tai heard this, he raised his hand and took the maids in the hall to go outside to get some food. However, the maids who came with him were a little confused about the temperament of the master and hesitated. He hesitated and said: "Master, master, sir, If you eat too much on your wedding night, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it might get in the way or cause trouble..."

After hearing this, Li Tai immediately rolled his eyes and just said: "My wife has been tired from the many rituals today. Today is just about eating properly, don't worry about anything else."

After hearing this, the maidservant hurriedly walked out, and the other maidservants were also dismissed by Li Tai with his hand, so they no longer had to wait here.

"My husband is so kind!"

When the little lady heard that there would be food soon, she suddenly regained some energy. She turned around and approached Li Tai. However, she suddenly became a little shy and reserved in the middle of her movements. She sat down carefully next to Li Tai, even touching her clothes. Be careful to avoid contact and friction.

Seeing the shy look of this little lady, Li Tai naturally understood that she had obviously received some pre-marriage education. She was so shocked that she became sensitive and nervous, and even some intimate actions became reserved.

He was not in a hurry to get married now. As the elder of the couple, he had the obligation to alleviate this embarrassment, so he raised his hand and held the little lady's pussy. Seeing that she was frightened like a frightened deer, he He said with a smile: "Although it is said that the gift of Dunlun is the beginning of humanity, it also needs to pay attention to the natural timing when things are done.

Today, I am married to my wife, which is the result of love and the expectation of my relatives and friends. But today’s lady is still short-teethed and tender-boned, and she is not yet in her prime. My wife and I will be together all year round, so there is no need to be impatient. "

When Lady Miaoyin heard this, she showed a look of relief at first, and then her face was moved again. She lost her previous shyness, and went straight into Li Tai's arms, murmuring: "Before the wedding, you know the many private things of being a bride. Husband. Everyone compares me to a great blessing in life, but I am still naive... I am not afraid of getting close to my husband, but I am afraid that if I expose myself behind the curtain, my husband will see that I am not as charming as other girls..."

The thoughts of a young girl are the most difficult to guess. When Li Tai heard that this little lady was so worried and entangled, he was a little bit dumbfounded for a moment. He could only pat her shoulders to comfort her. Eat well, sleep well, and you will always be charming and beautiful. .

It was supposed to be a beautiful wedding night, but because of early love and early marriage, Li Tai became a physiology teacher for one night, educating this little lady about the development of different ages, and they continued to whisper like this until almost dawn. Unable to hold on any longer, they put on their clothes and got on the couch, hugging each other and falling asleep.

The day after the wedding, it was natural to pay homage to Wenggu, but Li Tai's parents were not in Kansai. Although there were other relatives, they all kept it simple and only got together at home.

Miaoyin suddenly changed from the young lady in the pavilion to the head of the family. She was very excited about this change of status. After finishing some finishing touches after the wedding, she immediately had to start taking care of the housework.

Li Tai only had a few days of leisure because of his marriage, so he accompanied the young lady at home. The first thing he had to do was to arrange for the officials in the mansion to take stock of the gifts before and after the wedding.

It took nearly two days just to take stock of the dowry given by my father-in-law Dugu Xin. It was not completed until late at night before returning home. Moreover, I also took stock of something that I don't know whether it was a surprise or a shock.

"Wow, wow, sister, I'm hungry...Brother, brother, he lied to me and kept me in a paint cage for so long!"

Li Tai looked at his sister-in-law, who was only five or six years old, covering her face, kicking her legs and crying, and she was secretly glad in her heart. Thanks to his wife, a little money-lover, she had to check the dowry as soon as she walked in. She really had to be locked in the warehouse for ten days. In half a month, Li Yuan and his family might be gone.

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