Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 464 Touring the States

While Li Tai and his brother-in-law were hanging at home feeling what it means to be surrounded by a father's love, there were also people in the Eastern Dynasty who were feeling extremely difficult because they had lost their father's care and protection.

In recent years, the season has become quite warm. For example, in March last year, the fields were already full of lush vegetation, giving a scene of late spring. There were even farmers harvesting early-planted and early-harvest hybrid crops in the fields.

However, March of this year was generally much more depressed than in previous years, either because of the seasonal weather or because of the tense personnel atmosphere. The people of Jinyang, who have not heard of military affairs for many years, are now even more anxious. Even land reclamation and farming are not as active as in previous years.

As for Jinyang City, the previous atmosphere of tight roads and tight security has not changed. Moreover, due to the news of Hou Jing's rebellion in Henan, some of the children of Jinyang Xungui family who usually relied on their power and liked to show off in the market have now greatly restrained their behavior. They all put their tail between their legs and did not dare to act in such a sensitive season. Get into trouble.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, due to the entry of the Crown Prince Gao Cheng, many personnel arrangements are also very different from those of the past. In particular, the power of the guards has been greatly strengthened. Guards with swords and armor can be seen everywhere in the building or standing between the buildings. Or OK.

In the main hall of the Bafu, various official documents are piled up on the desk. Although the prince, who is busy writing at his desk, handles official affairs very quickly, he still cannot catch up with the speed of the official documents being presented into the hall. The official documents on the desk are still piled high visible to the naked eye. It can be seen that recently During this period, there were many internal and external military and political affairs.


A muffled sound sounded behind the pile of official documents, and Chen Yuankang, Zhao Yanshen and others in the hall stood up in surprise and looked up at the upper banquet.

The stack of official documents collapsed, revealing the angry and livid face of the Crown Prince Gao Cheng. He grabbed a document and tore it into pieces, and said bitterly: "Please kill Cui Xian again! These thieves and soldiers, Do you want to take advantage of the situation to humiliate me, or do you want to be the mouthpiece of the lame slave in the government? "

"Your Majesty, please calm down, please calm down!"

Chen Yuankang and others saw that the prince was a little angry and lost his temper, so they hurriedly paused and admonished him.

Especially Chen Yuankang, as one of the few ministers here who knew for sure that King Gao was dead, he became more and more aware of the tremendous pressure that the Crown Prince was under now, and it was inevitable that he would occasionally lose his temper in anger.

However, seeing that the Crown Prince has been losing control more and more frequently in recent days, Chen Yuankang, as one of his close aides, also knows a lot about Gao Cheng's temperament. He knows that this is a sign that he is about to reach the limit of endurance, and he is also worried about it.

"The king helped the country, and rewarded the royal family with all the public, and this was achieved. Although the world is still not peaceful, it still has complete rules and clear punishments. This is not only the basis for the king to control the heroes and promote the king's rule, but also the son of the prince. To carry on the legacy of our ancestors and create glory again, if I lightly punish the minister because of the evil talk of a few thieves, I will destroy me and please the thieves, and a wise man will not take it!"

Hearing Chen Yuankang's words of admonishment, the anger on Gao Cheng's face gradually subsided, his breathing gradually became steady, he brushed down the scraps of paper scattered on the case, and then sneered: "Zhu The general is already fierce and stubborn, and he takes advantage of this situation to show his strength and want to bully the young master. If I cause trouble, I will fall into their scheme!"

Even so, Hou Jing caused chaos outside and the generals were disrespectful inside. This pressure also made Gao Cheng feel breathless.

After pondering for a while, he continued: "The lame slaves causing chaos in Henan are indeed a problem. However, because of their obvious thieves' behavior and clear distinction between the enemy and ourselves, it is not difficult to prevent them. On the contrary, the unpredictable thieves in the country are looming out of nowhere. This is the real worry.

Nowadays, the situation in Jinyang is relatively stable. The king's kindness and prestige in raising soldiers for many years can ensure that the soldiers in the camp do not dare to rebel. However, the states outside the government are still not optimistic. In particular, the financial and food fundamentals of Hebei must not be left to scare the people. I would like to personally inspect the various states in Hebei. What do you think? "

Hearing this, Zhao Yanshen and other subordinates of the Overlord Mansion couldn't help but look embarrassed. The current situation is a bit tricky even if King Gao is still well. Now that King Gao is not out and the prince has to travel again, many people in the mansion are anxious. Naturally, it will inevitably fall on them.

Several of them did not dare to speak easily because they had only been working with the Crown Prince for a short period of time, and the current situation was often dark and unclear.

Then Chen Yuankang spoke up and echoed: "Since ancient times, all those who have set up to control chaos have never succeeded in achieving it by themselves. Nowadays, the thieves are causing chaos in Henan. Although they have no direct pain for the people in Hebei, they can't help but feel a sense of surprise and suspicion. "If the prince can personally watch and patrol, calm the people and stabilize the country, collect the things and raise the troops, prevent troubles before they happen, and prevent disasters from happening outside the river, it can be said that it is better than sitting in the palace."

Today, Gao Cheng is facing a very embarrassing situation, that is, although his father left him a rich accumulation of personnel in Jinyang Bafu, he cannot effectively inherit and use them flexibly.

When it comes to personal abilities, Gao Cheng is naturally sufficient. He entered Yedu to assist the government when he was a teenager, suppressing the four nobles of Yedu one by one, thereby establishing a healthier political order. Up to now, all military and political affairs in Yedu are under his control, and he rarely even needs the support of Jinyang Bafu.

But here in Jinyang Bafu, although he is Gao Huan's son, he also has disadvantages such as junior qualifications, junior seniority, and unfamiliar personnel. A group of powerful officials and generals at home and abroad, some with a more radical attitude directly raised the flag to rebel like Hou Jing, while others with a more restrained attitude also obeyed and refused to obey orders, and even joined forces to put pressure on him.

Hou Jing has already rebelled in the first month of the year. In the past nearly two months, Gao Cheng has also tried to organize counter-rebellion matters, either summoning the generals to discuss together, or summoning the veterans one by one to ask for advice, but most of them were concerned about the left and right. For his part, he refused to directly declare his stance on sending troops.

Gao Cheng knew that these generals were still accustomed to the previous command mode of Jinyang Bafu. Although he had great prestige in the Yedu court, he was actually not very intimidating in front of these powerful generals. After all, he cannot perfectly replace his father, otherwise there would be no such thing as Hou Jing's rebellion.

In the past period of time, Jinyang Bafu has not made a single attack, and seems to have turned a blind eye to the rebellion in Henan. This is naturally not because Gao Cheng is weak and cowardly, but because he has been trying to compete with the generals of Jinyang Bafu.

In the process of pulling and testing each other, Gao Cheng could also feel that these veterans may not be as ambitious as Hou Jing and unwilling to be controlled by him, but they just hope to win more concessions and privileges from him.

For example, Hu Lujin, Chile's husband, who was described by his father as "upright" before his death, vaguely mentioned in several conversations that the military affairs of the Bafu were dominated by cavalry and foreign soldiers. This was because of the prestige of King Gao. Unparalleled, obey from top to bottom. But if the current prince takes over the affairs of the government, I am afraid he will not be able to manage complex affairs with simple administration.

To put it bluntly, you have the right to score! In other words, these old arms and legs had been held up by his father for a long time, and when he came on stage, they wanted to stretch them out.

Gao Cheng is extremely talented, smart and sophisticated, and his personality is not submissive. Naturally, he will not be willing to be restrained by this. After trying it out and realizing that Jinyang's personnel cooperation was not active enough, other ideas came into mind.

During this period of time, Gao Cheng was in charge of the military and political affairs of Jinyang Bafu. He also realized that after last year's Yubi Battle, Jinyang Bafu was now exhausted and exhausted, and the situation was really not optimistic.

He proposed to go out to patrol the states in person. The first thing he wanted to do was to appease and stabilize the morale of the people in Xianbei, the six states of Hebei, and to ensure that the sergeants of these six states would not be instigated by Hou Jing's rebels.

The second is to investigate and collect money, grain, and taxes from various states, which directly blocks the basis for the maintenance of all personnel in Jinyang, so that those powerful generals do not dare to act rashly even if they have plans.

The third is to go to Yedu. With his deep prestige and stronger control in the court, he can first use the six forbidden troops of Yedu to go south to quell the rebellion. He only needs to dampen the vigor of Hou Jing's rebels for a while, then Jinyang The tangled situation is bound to be greatly alleviated.

He has also discussed this series of strategies with Chen Yuankang for a long time. However, it is obviously not enough to stabilize the situation of Jinyang's hegemony simply by keeping these subordinate officials in the mansion. As for those veteran generals, Gao Cheng has some reservations in his heart. Even if he needs to use them, he cannot appoint them with full power, so he sent them out a few days ago. The soldiers went to Yedu and recalled their cousin Duan Shao to take charge of Bafu.

Now that Duan Shao was about to arrive in Jinyang, Gao Cheng revealed his plan to Zhao Yanshen and other officials so that they could be mentally prepared to cooperate with Duan Shao to stabilize the situation here.

"Go and summon Cui Changru!"

After Gao Cheng revealed his plan to his assistants, he gave instructions again.

Not long after, a middle-aged man who grew up, had magnificent appearance but was a little depressed was introduced. It was Cui Cui Changru who Gao Cheng said was from the Cui family of Qinghe.

The Cui family of Qinghe has been known as the most famous family in Hebei since Cui Hao. Cui was born in a famous family and is also very famous in Hebei. Because of his faith in the old honors of Du Jianyi, he is a representative figure among the families in Hebei today, and his influence is relatively large. The two Cui Cui in the DPRK who were trusted by Gao Cheng were even higher.

Therefore, Cui has always been arrogant and arrogant, but when he came to pay homage to the Crown Prince, he was very respectful and showed no signs of his usual arrogance. When he heard that the Crown Prince ordered him to accompany him on a tour to the various states in Hebei, Cui also hurriedly paid his respects. The sound should be yes.

"Have your cousins ​​and your disciples been settled in place?"

Seeing Cui's upright and respectful posture, Gao Cheng felt quite satisfied, so he asked with a smile.

When Cui heard this, his face suddenly became bitter, but he quickly said: "Fortunately, the prince is kind and caring, and the net is wide open, and no punishment is imposed because of the family's troubles that breed big bandits. Now the elders of the disciples are serving as officials, and the younger ones are in school. The young disciple Li Tai, if he knew that his relatives would receive such support, would not secretly have the heart to return to righteousness, and his life would be in vain!"

After Gao Cheng heard this, he smiled and said: "These good encounters are not for the young disciple from Guanxi, but for Cui Qing. But if this disciple really wakes up and returns to his righteousness, he can be given a hard time. Entered the post of Luocheng Gate Supervisor."

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