Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 468 The sword points at Heyang

After receiving the letter from the Taiwanese government, Li Taidang ended his marriage leave and returned to the city as soon as possible.

When he returned to Taifu, he noticed that the atmosphere was much more solemn than before. The most obvious thing was that the number of Zhisu guards in Taifu had more than doubled.

The guards in Taifu came from the Chinese Army, and of course included the Houjun Military Mansion headed by Li Tai. The Fourth Military Mansion of the Chinese Army must supply three to five thousand officers and soldiers to the Governor's Mansion of the Chinese Army in each guard cycle. Then the arrangements for the security of these officers and soldiers are arranged by Daxingtai through the Governor's Mansion of the Chinese Army.

Although Li Tai was not in the military mansion during this period because of his marriage, there were still people reporting on the daily affairs in the military mansion in a timely manner.

It has just entered April, and there is still a month left before the next change of guard guards. The military mansions have not sent new Chinese army officers and soldiers to Taifu. Therefore, these additional guard personnel can only be those who were originally distributed everywhere. Concentrated in Taifu.

From this point, it can be seen that in the current situation of confrontation between the East and the West, the Western Wei Dynasty is still in a strategically passive situation.

During this period of time, there were no new changes in the situation in the Kingdom of the Western Wei Dynasty. Daxingtai Yuwentai did not put forward new ideas and plans on a series of issues such as whether to intervene in the chaos in Henan and how to intervene. However, just because of the Eastern Wei Dynasty In response to a military operation, the military affairs of Huazhou Bafu, the core of the regime, underwent a very large adjustment.

However, where this adjustment is directed and what its significance is, even generals like Li Tai who are already at the core do not know why. This shows that the Western Wei regime still does not have a clear understanding of the opportunities represented by the current chaos in Henan. , still in a state of confusion and stress, with endless intracranial orgasms but still confused about the reality.

Of course, it is no wonder that Yuwentai, the civil and military ministers of the Western Wei Dynasty, after all, even Gao Cheng of the Eastern Wei Dynasty must still have a buzzing head, and feel at a loss when facing internal and external troubles.

When Li Tai returned to Taifu, Daxingtai convened important officials in the government to discuss internal affairs. Li Bi, Shuo Hui and other Chinese and foreign military governors were still waiting in the outer hall.

When he walked in and greeted several people, Li Bi apologized to him for not being able to go to Chang'an in person to celebrate his wedding, and said that he would visit him at his new residence in the city later.

Several other people also teased the newlywed Li Tai in a relaxed manner, without any sense of urgency that the war was coming. However, this atmosphere of tightness on the outside and looseness on the inside could be regarded as a warm-up for the next change in the situation.

Before Li Tai could sit down here, Prince Zhi, a subordinate in the Tai Mansion, hurriedly entered the room, looked at him and said, "The Lord has ordered you to come in and see him as soon as you return to the mansion."

After hearing this, Li Tai stopped looking for a seat, bowed his hands to the people here, and then walked out with Wang Zizhi to the straight hall.

"Although this Duke of Xihe is a young man, he is very talented and is involved in both military and political affairs. In another twenty years, I am afraid that our generals will have to be punished by him!"

Looking at Li Tai's leaving figure, Da Xiwu, who was sitting in the room, sighed.

What Zhitang Zhongzheng is currently conducting is a Taiwan government affairs meeting. Although these veterans have outstanding achievements, they are also isolated, including Li Bi, the big leader of the Chinese army, is no exception.

Among the generals in charge of the army, only Yu Jin, who was the Chief of the Tai Prefecture and the Governor of Huazhou, was allowed to attend the meeting. The other one was Li Tai, who also served as the Secretary of Daxingtai, and now the Tai Prefecture is raising material reserves in various counties. Government orders are mainly in charge of him.

Da Xiwu said this not to express any dissatisfaction or to instigate conflicts between the old man and the new man. He had recently blackmailed Li Tai and gained quite a lot. He was very willing to get close to this rich brother, so he was just expressing his emotions.

However, the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Da Xiwu's emotion still caused a slight change in the expressions of several people in the room. Perhaps each of them was already imagining the scene under his command, which made them feel somewhat uncomfortable.

At another table, Shuo Hui said with a smile: "Those who are capable work hard, isn't that good? A Liuba Rong is not unskilled, nor is he not brave after being on the front line for a long time, but he became a prominent official after following Jin Yang and his party. .

But with a talented person like Deboshan working together, there is no need to worry about punishment from above and below. He is a capable person who works hard and does everything, while I can achieve great results by focusing on attacking and killing. If he is ashamed to live under a minor category and enters the house to disturb his father-in-law, and summons him to the banquet, he will also serve wine and food at the banquet! "

Ah Liuba was Han Guo. After following Li Tai to attack Jinyang, he was also awarded the honors of Hussar, Kaifu and County Duke two years ago. He used to enter the pass from Heba Yue to quell the rebellion, and then switched to serve in Daxingtai. He participated in all the battles in the east and west and performed well. However, he still became a high-ranking general in the Western Dynasty by working with Li Tai in this battle. in the sequence.

Live examples are the most convincing. Although the generals present do not need Li Tai to support them, they have to admit that working with Li Tai, a person with outstanding military and political talents, is at least more difficult than working with Li Tai. It is much more reassuring to work with mediocre people and timid people.

As for the issue of official positions, it is indeed as Shuu Hui said. No matter how prominent his official position is, Li Boshan is still a junior in front of them because of Hanoi Duke Duguxin.

Not to mention the conversation here, when Li Taixing entered the main hall, the meeting had been going on for a while, and everyone's desks were piled with thick documents.

When Yu Wentai saw Li Taixing entering, he waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to be polite and pointed to his seat, indicating that he should prepare for the event quickly.

Nowadays, for Bafu, how to respond to changes in external conditions is another matter. The key is to strengthen its own strength, especially the most basic reserves of money and grain. This is also the most important work content of Bafu administration this year.

Especially since Hou Jing's surrender, Yu Wentai has been like an old man who has a coquettish concubine, pouring all kinds of medicine into his stomach. As long as his subordinates come up with projects that can make money, he will immediately implement them.

A special campaign is being carried out now, presided over by Lieutenant Yushi, which is to strictly investigate the activities of digging caves and statues in various states within the territory, and examine whether there is any illegality in them.

As we all know, digging caves and making statues is a popular Buddhist worship activity, and because it consumes a lot of manpower and material resources, it can only be carried out by powerful local families.

However, this activity is called worshiping Buddha, but it is actually the creation and maintenance of rural order, which is naturally accompanied by the phenomenon of bullying the weak and squeezing the poor. In particular, the evil Samana monks rely on their religious status to exploit and exploit even local tycoons, let alone ordinary people.

Li Tai used Liu Shifo as an excuse to say that Daxingtai built a Buddhist temple in the territory. It can be said that it was the most exciting time for Yuwen Tai to get money since he came to rule Kansai. Now the Bafu Central Army has been successfully reorganized, and in a large area To a certain extent, it all benefited from this action.

People will inevitably have aftertaste after eating a delicious meal. The hungrier they are, the more they miss it.

Although Yu Wentai also knew that the money of the monks was not easy to move, he could not bear to be poor. In addition, the success of the previous operation made him realize that as long as there is a legitimate and suitable reason, even if the monks are touched, the whole society will be affected. The turbulence caused is also limited and within the controllable range.

So this time, he naturally set his sights on Salmon again, and directly targeted the cave-dwelling statues, which had a high degree of overlap and conflict with the entire military preparations in the use of manpower and material resources, in order to put a layer of supervision on this matter.

Of course, it would not be appropriate to directly ban this kind of thing or make it illegal. The current job content is to inspect the origins, official titles, etc. of the owners of the caves, monuments, etc., if there are Wanqi Chou slaves and other people who have been awarded by the rebel regime. If you are a fake official, the relevant temples and rural households will be severely punished.

In today's Buddhist-reverent atmosphere, for believers, digging caves and making statues is definitely something that honors their ancestors and is worthy of boasting in the village. Therefore, if their family members have any social honors, they will try their best to list them for their benefit. Contemporaries and future generations came to pay their respects.

So many years have passed since the series of rebellions in Kansai, but the Taiwanese government has brought up this old incident again to revive the old case. This is undoubtedly a hooligan behavior, but it does identify a small number of targets from the masses.

You said you have money to eat and drink, don't you think? You made a statue out of a cave to show off your wealth, but in the end, the thieves took notice of you. Who does it depend on?

In short, the Taiwan government will first establish the legality of this behavior through this policy, and then expand the scope bit by bit. It can not only directly obtain income from investigating crimes and punishing stolen goods, but also slightly curb the private practice of digging holes and making statues. The saved manpower and material resources will flow back into society and be invested in other things of practical value.

It's just that this initial goal was too tricky, and because it was so old, it has not yet achieved considerable benefits.

Next, several departments took turns to play things, all related to making money, and the methods were all varied. Generally speaking, they had some effects, but the effects were not very big. Some were the result of long-term efforts and short-term accumulation effects. Then it's not big.

Soon it was Li Tai's department's turn to report, and Li Tai took this time to browse the data compiled by his subordinates and memorize it by heart. In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't read it. After all, he has two accounts, one for the Taiwanese government and one for his family. If he compares the two accounts slightly, he will know where there is a ghost.

"The departments under my command have recently inspected the various prefectures, counties, mountains, Zejindai, and all the official buildings, animal husbandry, and other properties to seek rent. Yongzhou, Huazhou, Beiyong... and other 17 prefectures have rural people who should rent. A total of 326 government properties were obtained, and the required money, food and materials were gradually collected. From then until mid-May, the various prefectures and counties were able to transport more than 3.2 million shi of materials and grain into the government... "

Li Tai had already known all the data by heart, and now he got up and played it in detail.

However, when he finished speaking, Yu Wentai, who was sitting at the table and listening carefully, suddenly stood up and said in a surprised tone: "How much? More than three million stones?"

Hearing Yu Wentai's questioning tone, Li Tai was no longer so sure. He quickly lowered his head and browsed the data again, then raised his head again and replied: "It's more than three million stones, but the distance between the states is The consumption varies depending on the distance, land and water, and the final income will be determined by the deposit, but the total should not be less than three million stones. "

"Okay, that's great! With such a huge amount of money coming into the house, everything in the future will be smooth sailing no matter what the plan is!"

After getting this definite answer, Yuwentai raised his fist and slammed it on the case again. His excitement was beyond words. More than three million stone grains were considered a considerable amount of income for the current Bafu, especially in Now that Henan will have great things to do, it is not an exaggeration to say that it will provide help in times of need. With such an unexpected income, any subsequent planning for the situation in Henan will be much easier.

He lowered his eyes and looked at Li Tai and laughed and said: "Bo Shan was still married at home before, but he did not neglect his duties because of family affairs. He tried his best to raise such a huge sum of money for the Taiwan government! But so that everyone can do this , why worry about the giant bandit being difficult to eradicate and the unrest failing?”

As soon as these words came out, the subordinates of the Tai government in the hall were certainly envious of the praise Li Tai received, but the expressions of those who had done something before were more or less uncomfortable. Whether it was the comparison of each other's performance or the attitude of Da Xing Tai, It seems that it is unnecessary for them to stay here.

After Li Tai heard this compliment, he quickly bowed and said, "When I planned this time, I didn't expect that it would be so effective in such a short time. Although the matter is managed by the ministers and subordinates, the officials of the states, counties and the people also The contribution is indispensable. If it were not for the efforts made by everyone to promote it to the people, the people would not know it.

More than three million stones of food and grain, behind each particle are the hearts of the people of Shangyi. The Lord declared and governed the country, and the officials of the various states and counties educated the territory. Only then did the government and the people harmonize and jointly create great plans. I take advantage of this and dare not receive such high praise from the Lord alone. "

Now he is not afraid of anything that is luxuriant in the forest and will be destroyed by the wind, but the key thing is not as simple as it seems. The official property sold by the states and counties and the goods collected by the Bafu are basically in his hands. Hands tumbling.

Everyone is happy with the situation at the moment, but if Yu Wentai blames other officials for being incompetent and provokes further scrutiny by those officials who were punished, some problems may be exposed. So it’s good that Li Tai gets the benefits, but the honor still needs to be shared with everyone.

Yu Wentai was already in a good mood because of the huge amount of goods entering the warehouse, and Li Tai's comments and compliments about politics and people's hearts really touched his heart. He immediately became more and more cheerful and said in front of the audience: "This is The words are indeed pertinent and appropriate. Because the country has good governance and proper coordination between the upper and lower levels, the country has abundant reserves and has stored wealth among the people. Now that the country is in need, it is a good thing to send aid from all directions! When I enter the court at the end of the year, I will ask your Majesty to commend the good governance. , whoever does things both internally and externally will be rewarded with rank!”

When everyone in the hall heard this, they all spoke in agreement. Yu Wentai, who was doing all kinds of rainbow fart slaps, became even more cheerful and almost lost himself. Only Li Tai smiled, but felt emotional in his heart.

If it is true that all this money and food were collected from the people, it really shows that the people of Kansai are indeed full of confidence in the politics and national destiny of the Western Wei Dynasty. But the problem is, most of them come from Li Tai's own granary.

Last year, he began to absorb grain from the entire Guanzhong area. At his peak, he accumulated more than 8 million shi of grain. Although the subsequent consumption and circulation losses were much greater, the amount imported to Taifu today is still less than half of what he owns.

He would really like to take the opportunity to sell more to the Taiwan government, but there are only so many high-quality assets in the states within the pass. If he keeps them all in his pocket, the financial situation of subsequent states and counties will continue to be weak, which is naturally not in line with common development. The principles, especially those in the Western Wei Dynasty, are notoriously brutal and unscrupulous, so we have to stop it in moderation. I eat meat and everyone has to have a mouthful of soup to drink.

As for the remaining millions of stones of grain, there is no need to worry about the sales price.

Food is the cornerstone of social stability and crucial to the survival of the people. Although Guanzhong will still be in great trouble in the next few years, the Hou Jing Rebellion will stir up unrest in the world, and accumulating grain to prepare for chaos will also become a mainstream trend of thought. Li Tai thought again With so much food in hand, even money can't buy it.

Naturally, Yu Wentai didn't know that a rich man like Li Tai was secretly taking care of him. Or, although he knew that Li Tai had considerable assets, he never expected that Li Tai could control so many resources in just a few years. Therefore, the implementation of this policy was so successful, which made him very happy.

With such a huge amount of income, he was naturally impatient to listen to the achievements of other staff members. He immediately stopped the internal affairs meeting, dismissed all Taiwan government staff, and would have been waiting here early in the morning. Several generals were called in, and of course Li Tai, the commander-in-chief of the rear army, was also among them.

Several generals strode into the hall. When they looked up, they saw Daxingtai's face smiling and looking good. He must be in a good mood. The only thing is that the eyes he looked at Li Boshan were so sticky and intimate that he couldn't figure it out. I'm afraid I might even think that Li Boshan married his daughter before.

Next, Yu Wentai used his wealth and wealth to the extreme. As soon as the generals were seated, he dropped a bombshell, ordering the four offices of the Bafu Zhongjun to remove all the registered battalion soldiers except those participating in river defense within ten days from now on. In addition, everyone else gathered in the camp and stood by.

As soon as this statement came out, not only the generals were shocked, but even Li Tai, the leader of the domination list, was surprised: What are you trying to do?

There are basically between 20,000 and 30,000 soldiers on active duty in the four prefectures under the Chinese Army, but most of the time the battalion is not fully staffed. Basically it only maintains a quarter to a third of its size, and the rest is part of the river defense. , and then rest part of the way in the city.

This is not only to balance work and rest, but also to reduce the pressure of raising an army. If the soldiers are not in the camp, the Bafu does not need to provide the full amount of food, or half, or not at all. After all, only when you know you are hungry and know where there is food can you be obedient and obey orders.

But today, Daxingtai wants to gather all the Chinese army except the river defense soldiers in the camp. There are as many as 70,000 to 80,000 soldiers. If the supporting civilian service force is added, the number will undoubtedly be even larger. With so many people gathered together, not to mention any large-scale military operations, the consumption of just one person eating horse chews for a day is already very staggering.

Before all the three million stones of supplies were put into the warehouse, Yu Wentai looked like he couldn't help but want to cause a big event. This guy was already poor and tyrannical, but now the poor have suddenly become rich, and his old rival Gao Huan has become rich again. After singing the Chile song, I looked like I was about to die!

Just when Li Tai, the big brother on the list, was secretly thinking that it was not too late to run away with the bucket, Yu Wentai lived up to expectations and proposed his next goal, which was Heyang City, the strategic garrison town set up by the Eastern Wei Dynasty in Hanoi. !

After hearing this, Li Tai couldn't help but gasped. Three million stones of grain were thrown in. Things seemed to be completely messed up. Henan couldn't let Yu Wentai go. This guy was watching. After the curtain call of the old enemy, I actually want to build a happy city for myself!

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