Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 469 Don’t forget Mang Mountain

Heyang refers to the north bank of the river, and as a geographical term, it usually refers to the three military cities located north of Luoyang and across the Yellow River.

These three military cities are Beizhong City located on the north bank of the Yellow River, Zhongli City on the sandbank in the middle of the river, and Nancheng located on the south bank. These three military cities are collectively referred to as the Three Cities of Heyang.

Among the three cities, the North and Central City were built in the Northern Wei Dynasty, while the middle and southern cities were both built in the Eastern Wei Dynasty to cope with the confrontation between the east and the west. Moreover, the city on the north bank was also expanded during the same period. The three cities are connected by river bridges. Connected, they formed an offensive and defensive front across the river.

Because of the existence of the Three Cities of Heyang, even if the Western Wei Dynasty occupied the Heluo area, it would not be considered stable, because the armies of the Eastern Wei Dynasty could continuously come south to fight along the Three Cities of Heyang at any time. If the Western Wei Dynasty wanted to establish a foothold in Heluo and then set foot in Hebei, Heyang was also the only way to go. The Eastern Wei army only needed to hold on here to stop the Western Wei army from advancing north.

Therefore, the importance of Heyang to the Eastern Wei Dynasty was not inferior to the importance of jade bi to the Western Wei Dynasty, and even more important to the Yedu court. As Gao Huan's iron CP, Yu Wentai could think of capturing Heyang in such a background, which is really unexpected and reasonable.

But the problem is that if the Western Wei Dynasty takes Heyang as the target of attack, it is very likely that it will make the same mistake as Gao Huan. No, it will definitely be worse than Gao Huan.

Gao Huan lost to Yubi because Wei Xiaokuan who defended Yubi City was awesome, but it does not mean that the Western Wei Dynasty as a whole was awesome.

Now, although the Western Wei Dynasty has initially completed the integration of Chinese and foreign armies, its strength can only be said to have improved compared to the tragic situation just after the Battle of Mangshan. How much has it recovered? Is it more than it was before or is it still not as good as before the Battle of Mangshan? Strength is still unknown.

The strategic significance of Heyang lies not only in its majestic geographical location guarding the river, but also in the steady stream of Eastern Wei troops behind it.

This place is one of the important defense gates of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Not to mention how many troops are stationed at the moment, even if the Western Wei Dynasty's surprise troops attack and capture it, it will definitely cause the Eastern Wei Dynasty to be shocked and rush to help.

At that time, the real enemy of the Eastern Wei regime was no longer Hou Jing who was causing trouble in Henan, but the Western Wei who had emerged in Heyang. Of course, the whole country would have to attack it when it was about to survive!

There are still three thousand nails in the broken ship, not to mention that the Eastern Wei Dynasty is far from being a broken ship. Even if the Yedu court is not mentioned, the power of the Jinyang Bafu alone cannot be underestimated.

Of course, from an optimistic point of view, the Jinyang Bafu army is newly defeated, Gao Huan is not sure whether he is alive or dead, and if he encounters Hou Jing, a veteran general like Hou Jing who cannot be eliminated, and his troops are in chaos, Gao Cheng, the first leader, will surely be shaken even more. The authority of the person who dominates the government.

Now that Yedu's imperial army has been mobilized south to quell Hou Jing's rebellion, the only thing Heyang can rely on is Jinyang's reinforcements. But the Jinyang soldiers were newly defeated divisions, and even Jinyang was severely plundered and war-torn. Are these soldiers willing to rush to Heyang's aid? Even if they come to aid, how much morale will they have?

On the other hand, here in the Western Wei Dynasty, under the hard work and hard work of Daxingtai for several years, Chinese and foreign armies were ready, and the overlords gathered millions of stones with a single order, which shows that the war potential is huge and the hearts of the people can be used!

The situation between the enemy and ourselves is clearly different. If under such circumstances, you still dare not to formulate a grand strategic goal and give it a try, then it will be really disappointing.

After Yu Wentai proposed this strategic idea, he looked around the people in the hall with a smile. The look on his face was a bit elated or something else. When Hou Jingxin came to the capital a few days ago, he only showed a little bit of intention to enter Heluo again. The generals had already been admonished by the generals, but they were not very enthusiastic about it.

But now more than two months have passed. After holding back for so long, the Eastern Dynasty only sent a force from Yedu to the south to quell the rebellion. However, Jinyang Bafu did not take any substantive action. First, it verified the fact that Gao Huan died. , and secondly, his successor Gao Cheng simply couldn't take the plate.

Under this current situation, Yu Wentai also wanted to hear the new reasons why the generals opposed it even if they were unwilling to agree with this plan.

He raised his hand and pointed at Li Tai, who was on the mat, and immediately said with a smile: "Li Shizhong's prelude has gathered more than three million stones of food and supplies in the palace, which is enough to support the annual consumption of a huge army. Now the thieves may have been killed because of the death of the high thieves." The sentiments of the soldiers are united, but Hou Jing's rebellion is a serious problem. The people are frightened and uneasy, and they may not be able to work together. Maybe it is said that Hou Jing is cunning and changeable, but the Sixth Square of Yecheng. There are many stubborn people, and it is difficult to win or lose in a short period of time..."

Yuwentai not only talked about his current superior and calm situation, but also listed the words that the generals might use to persuade him. But not to mention these things, this list shows that he is a bit too optimistic about the current situation.

If nothing else, why is the Eastern Wei not considered a mourning soldier? Even though Hou Jing was out playing around, when you took over He Ba Yue's class, not everyone recognized you wholeheartedly.

As for judging that Hou Jing might be entangled for a long time with the counter-rebellion troops from the south of Yedu, there is even less evidence. The combat effectiveness of the Central Forbidden Army of the Northern Wei Dynasty has been weakening for a long time. Even after it disintegrated into the Eastern Wei and Western Wei today, this situation has not been reversed. Otherwise, it will be your turn to make fools of the soldiers?

However, the generals didn't have time to think so much for a while. When they heard that so much money had been raised, they subconsciously looked at Li Tai for proof.

After seeing Li Tai nodding his head to confirm, many people were already happy. Several Hui and others stood up and crossed their hands to invite the battle. However, Li Bi, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Army, was still sitting quietly in the west. He was not in a hurry to express his position and just looked towards Yu Jin has been in the hall before.

Not only Li Bi, but also Li Tai was also observing Yu Jin's reaction. The more confusing and ever-changing the situation is, the more it tests one's imagination. Of course, this so-called imagination is not a completely unfounded self-pleasure, but the ability to sort out various clues and information and extend them.

Li Tai, an idiot, had some foresight of the direction of the subsequent events. Although some places had already undergone certain changes under his influence, the general direction could still be predicted. Therefore, the idea proposed for Daxingtai had its own implications. Judgmental.

But he also really wanted to hear Yu Jin's views and analysis on this matter, and see how this first-class military and political talent judged the situation.

After several other generals finished speaking, Yu Jin stood up, but before responding to Daxingtai, he first looked at Li Tai and said seriously: "Excuse me, Li Shangshu, can you confirm that more than three million stones?" Can the funds be fully stocked in mid-May?”

After hearing this, Li Tai nodded in agreement. In addition to the grains that had been delivered to the local government for transportation, most of the other grains were also in his own granaries scattered around the country. Even if the transportation capacity of the state and county was lost, there were other ways to remedy the situation. Of course, he could be sure .

After receiving Li Tai's affirmative reply, Yu Jin's expression became lively and joyful. He turned to the grand platform in the hall and saluted: "I congratulate you, Your Majesty. Since being appointed, everyone in the mansion has taken it as their duty to support the general government. They have worked hard and are not afraid." After a fierce battle, the giant invaders were finally captured and succeeded. If we can seize Heyang and advance into Hebei, wipe out the puppet dynasty and defeat Jinyang, this achievement will be unique in the world!"

When Yu Wentai heard Yu Jin's excited words, he sat upright with some excitement and said quickly: "The general also thinks that now is a good time to make progress?"

After hearing the words, Yu Jin nodded heavily and said: "If the situation in the world continues to develop according to this, the thieves will become more chaotic and I will become stronger, I really can't think of any reason to hold back! Now we can gather the troops from all directions in the camp and wait for everyone. After all the grain and fodder are put into the warehouse, they can be sent to the troops, and they can leave for Shaanxi at the end of May..."

Li Tai originally thought that Yu Jin would have some unique ideas and thoughts, but when he first heard what he said, he was a little blindly optimistic. He was a little disappointed at first, but after listening to it, he felt that something was wrong.

Although what he said was in favor of sending troops from Taiwan to Heyang, he deliberately made the time and rhythm of sending troops very clear. It may be said that his actions were specific, but some time points coincided with some subsequent changes in the situation. time.

Of course Yu Jin had no prophetic ability, but Li Tai listened carefully and heard that he meant to delay.

People who are too blindly optimistic are often due to insufficient information reception, irrational amplification of the good side and deliberately ignoring some bad variables. This is Yuwentai's current state. The last time I had this symptom was on the eve of the Battle of Mangshan.

Yu Jin may not be fully aware of the aftermath, but he is certain that as time goes by, many new changes will inevitably occur in Henan. With these new changes, he will have a clearer understanding of the situation and make fewer mistakes.

As for directly denying the idea of ​​Dahangtai attacking Heyang, let alone whether we can come up with persuasive arguments, even if we can win with theory, but leaving aside the reason, it is equivalent to pointing at Yuwentai’s nose and saying you Not even as good as Gao Huan’s son!

"But if we arrange personnel in such a step-by-step manner, it will take nearly two months at the earliest until all the troops and horses are gathered before going out. It is better to make simple arrangements and send a surprise army to the east..."

After Yu Jin finished speaking, another general couldn't help but speak.

Without waiting for Yu Jin's answer, Li Bi spoke first: "The righteousness is the trend and the general trend is the direction. How can victory or defeat be determined by suddenness? In the old battle of Mangshan, there was a mistake and rash advance. Now that the traitor relationship has collapsed, it is better to plan before acting and to be calm. send troops."

When talking about the Battle of Mangshan, Yu Wentai's heart trembled, and he nodded repeatedly: "It's exactly what Lieutenant Li said, plan before acting, dispatch troops calmly, and don't advance rashly."

Being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of well ropes for ten years. The lesson of the Battle of Mangshan is much more painful than being bitten by a snake, and the time is far less than ten years. To the generals of the Western Wei Dynasty, mentioning this matter is like thirty-nine days. With a bucket of ice water in your pocket, you need to calm down no matter how excited you are.

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