Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 470 The army is ready to go

Today's military and political meeting made greater progress than the one in January. It not only determined a new and considerable income for the Bafu, which can be used as the material basis for the next military plan, but also reached an aggressive military plan for Heyang.

Although this plan was achieved with some reluctance, especially the two big bosses Yu Jin and Li Bi, even if they could not say that they were acting in a positive and negative way, at least they had the idea of ​​delaying it a little and waiting and watching.

After the meeting, Li Taifang invited Shuo Hui to sit in his office and exchange his views on the upcoming changes in the situation, because he could see that Shuo Hui was more interested in advancing Heyang.

No matter in public or private, Li Tai felt that it was necessary to talk to Shu Hui. It was best to persuade him not to go anywhere, at least to stay in Kansai honestly this year.

However, Hui Hui is now the governor of the foreign army, and the military affairs are the busiest and heavy. The gathering and dispatching of troops in various states, counties, villages and regiments need to be carried out by the foreign military government, so there is no time to stay in Taiwan for a long time. Li Tai only stayed to discuss a few details with the Zhitang reporter's office. When he walked out again, there was no sign of Shu Hui.

So he ordered his subordinates to go to the foreign military headquarters to inform them of the benefits, and he returned to Xizhi Hall with Zhao Su, Wang Zizhi and other subordinates to explain the follow-up material handover and warehousing procedures to ensure that the instructions here were thorough. Then he left Taifu and headed to Houjunjuncheng.

Although Li Tai took over Houjun not long ago, and there were many days of leave for the wedding, the Houjun Military Mansion still underwent many changes under his management.

The most direct and obvious one is that the original rear army military city was disorganized and the space utilization efficiency was extremely low. However, after Li Tai took over the military mansion, this situation was quickly reversed.

The streets in the city are horizontal and vertical, the residential areas are orderly, and every household has a fixed living space. Many city residents who had to leave their families and live in the wilderness in the suburbs due to lack of space in the city or other reasons were finally able to settle in the city.

The urban living environment has been changed, not only because Li Tai spent his own money on large-scale construction, but also because some of the previous ills have been fundamentally reversed.

Although this military city is not large, it can still accommodate tens of thousands of people. However, there was no complete and unified planning and construction before, and many governors and generals privately occupied various convenient areas in the city, so that the land utilization efficiency was poor. It was so low that even many city residents were not allowed to enter the city.

When Li Tai took charge of the military government, he expelled many middle- and upper-level governors, and their respective private affairs were naturally wiped out. When important positions are replaced by your own people, many things can be done much more smoothly. After all, many problems are actually personnel issues in the end.

As soon as Li Tai dismounted in the front hall of the military mansion, Li Mu, the governor of Fangcheng who was left behind, came up to him and reported to him the news that Yu Wenhu was waiting for him in the mansion.

Li Tai was not in a hurry to meet him, but went into the Zhitang Hall first to briefly convey the spirit of today's meeting in Tai Fuzhong to the generals. The military goal of advancing toward Heyang has not yet been announced to all the soldiers, but the work of gathering the armies to prepare for war must begin now.

If future generations want to launch a war, there is still a lot of preliminary work that needs to be prepared. As early as the beginning of the year, the various military offices had added new training content, including but not limited to various events such as marching, camping, and arraying between plains and rivers.

If the army was still dominated by town soldiers before, the training content would not need to be changed in such detail, but now the main body of battalion soldiers in the army has been replaced by Guanxi Erlang. Even if they have some experience in military combat, in Henan, the main body of battalion soldiers has been changed. There is also insufficient combat experience in places with flat terrain.

In particular, although the main body of the army of the Western Wei Dynasty has changed, the Eastern Wei Dynasty still followed the old style. It has rich and powerful experience and capabilities in riding, shooting, clutch and attack, and can better utilize its advantages in terrain conditions like Henan.

The previous training idea was based on the premise of engaging in combat in Henan. Many trainings were based on plain combat, focusing on the opening and closing of large infantry formations and the coordination of cavalry's advance and retreat.

In view of the fact that the cavalry and archery of Guanxi Erlang were generally weaker than that of the town soldiers, and combined with the combat characteristics of later Sui and Tang Dynasty soldiers, Li Tai also proposed new training content, that is, the infantry should be trained on riding, and the mobility of the infantry could be improved through war horses, allowing them to be deployed quickly. The battlefield shifted forward and backward, and heavy infantry with heavy armor and long swords formed formations.

Who knows the power of the cavalry? Li Tai accepted He Basheng's old troops and trained his troops in the pursuit of Jihu in northern Shaanxi. Especially after he obtained three thousand soldiers in Longyou, he could even move in and out of Jinyang freely.

When it comes to cavalry tactics, he is far from a master. Even the series of battles in the attack on Jinyang were mostly due to the prevailing situation, and there were still few truly evenly matched battles in the plains.

However, there are many generals who are proficient in cavalry tactics, and each has its own characteristics. Li Tai knows that good luck cannot always favor him. While strengthening his military quality, he must also strengthen his tactical power and choices. The most direct way is of course to upgrade his equipment.

He had previously tried to use Zhanma Dao and other long-edged swords, but due to the quality of the ordnance, the effect was not very great. Instead, it added many hidden dangers and variables to the battlefield.

However, with the capture of many skilled craftsmen in Jinyang Palace, there is room for this matter to go further. Almost on the first day when the prisoners were escorted back to Suizhou, Li Tai impatiently assigned the task of forging new weapons, and he was no longer limited to his own narrow cognition, allowing all the veterans under his command to They all participated in the discussion and proposed several forms that best met battlefield needs and human dynamics and tested them one by one.

The forging of long-edged swords is indeed very difficult for Kansai craftsmen. Even these skilled craftsmen in Jinyang cannot make it readily available. After several attempts to improve it, the qualification rate and practicality of the swords were gradually improved, and finally On the eve of Li Tai's wedding, a total of two hundred sabers were sent to Chang'an as a congratulatory gift from the generals in northern Shaanxi.

The blades of these long knives are four feet long, edged on both sides, and the handles are more than three feet long. The weight of the sword is more than ten kilograms. With one swing of the knife, both men and horses are within the edge of the blade, and their actual combat performance is indeed good. But compared with Mo Dao in history, there should still be some differences.

It's not that Li Tai doesn't want to continue to improve, but the current form of the long knife is already a suitable point that can be achieved by various factors such as craftsmanship, cost, and combat style. If the blade is further lengthened, the craftsmanship and cost will increase sharply, and considering the display of its power in actual combat, greater tactical adjustments will also be required.

Although Li Tai was known as the King of Food in Kansai, he could not regard money as dirt. If the labor and materials consumed by these two hundred swords were used for other purposes, the ordnance produced would be more than enough to arm thousands of people in battle. If the consumption in the development and improvement stage is added to it, it has reached a level that cannot be calculated in detail.

Therefore, Li Tai must invest conservatively before it is truly tested on the battlefield and is indeed astonishingly powerful. After all, his big brother is gone, and I'm afraid there won't be another big brother in this world who will prepare such a big gift package for him.

If Heyang is taken as the real target, then the current military training will also have to add some special combat methods in special terrain such as river bridges and beach grabbing.

However, after thinking about it, Li Tai decided to strengthen the cooperation between infantry and cavalry. He ordered his commander Shi Luteng to apply to the Huazhou Governor's Office for a training venue. In the next period of time, he conducted several high-intensity hunting trainings, one for ten days. Although It's a bit harder, but it's better than not being able to run away when being chased.

At the same time, the military order proposed by the Bafu to gather a large number of armored soldiers must also be coordinated. In this regard, the Chinese army does not need to be as cumbersome as the state and county soldiers. After all, they are all soldiers of the military household. They only need to issue recruitment orders and be punished if they exceed the time limit. There is no need to follow up. Those local powerful people were negotiating with each other.

However, as the commander of the military government, Li Tai also had to think about the officers and soldiers under his command. Before the situation was clear, the troops dispatched first would inevitably have to bear greater risks of variables. And if you want to be recruited and dispatched by the Bafu, the best way is to let the Bafu understand that you can't afford me!

Therefore, Li Tai ordered the government officials to take stock of the inventory as soon as possible and draw up a list of weapons, supplies and other materials that needed to be reported to the Bafu for withdrawal, preferably the kind that the Bafu could not afford. If you don't give me enough supplies, I won't be able to leave even if I want to!

Of course, according to Yu Wentai's urinary temperament, such delaying tactics are unlikely to be effective, and he must get out. But now that Li Tai had just bought him millions of grain, grain and grass, it would be really disrespectful for him to completely ignore Li Tai's demands for supplies!

After explaining these things, Li Tai stood up and walked to the other hall, where he saw Yu Wenhu who had already entered the house and was waiting.

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