Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 471 Sabao’s conspiracy

In addition to Yu Wenhu and several servants in the other hall, there was another person sitting at the table next to Yu Wenhu. It was Luo Chao who had followed Li Tai back to Kansai from Jinyang.

When Li Tai saw this scene after entering the hall, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his eyes back, looked at Yu Wenhu and said with a smile: "The former is trapped in family affairs, so there is a backlog of government affairs. Brother Lao Sabao has been waiting for a long time. ”

Yu Wenhu also stood up quickly. After hearing this, he waved his hands and said: "Boshan, you are too polite. You have a heavy responsibility and are getting married, so it is natural that you have no time. I am here today to cause nuisance, and I also want to apologize to you. "I was obliged to stay at the military mansion due to my duties, so I couldn't visit Chang'an in person to express my congratulations. Please forgive me."

It was better not to mention this matter, but Li Tai became very angry when he mentioned it. When Yu Wenhu, a stingy guy, had a good relationship with each other before, Li Tai would come and congratulate him whenever there was a child in his family, or even his own birthday. , even if he is not in Huazhou, he will send a congratulatory gift to his slave.

Over the past few years, this favored person has also sent a lot of money to her. But now that it was my turn to get married, this guy not only did not come to congratulate me, nor did he show any form of expression. It should be noted that even his brother Yuwen Dao, who had gone to Qinlong, also sent a congratulatory gift to the homes of Li Tai and his father-in-law Duguxin with their slaves.

Although he felt a little unhappy, he couldn't express it in person. Li Tai waved his hands and said he didn't care. He then looked at Luo Chao and said with a smile, "General Luo and Duke Zhongshan are here together. Is it a coincidence or an appointment to visit?"

Luo Chao looked a little unnatural when he heard this. Before he could answer, Yu Wenhu next to him laughed again and said: "There is a chapter in front of Luo Chariot and a policy to be entrusted to the Chinese Army Mansion. I was deeply moved after reading it in the manor." I agreed, and we will discuss it further after we meet each other. I feel more and more beautiful about the talent, so I spoke to the military government recently and cited it in the government. Now I am a colleague in the government. Boshan, you have rescued the generals for the country, which is really impressive. People admire.”

"I see, that's really congratulations!"

After Li Tai heard this, he laughed and said that after Luo Chao returned to China with him, the imperial court did not pursue his surrender to the Eastern Wei Dynasty. They also gave Sanqi, Chaqi and Yitong the positions of Sanqiu, Chaqiu and Yitong because of their collaborative efforts, but they did not increase their actual duties.

When Li Tai asked Li Bi about the appointment of Luo Chao, Li Bi told him that Yu Wenhu was very interested in this person's resume, but in the end he did not recruit his subordinates. Yu Wenhu may have been influenced by his brother to take Luo Chao seriously. , and introduced his people to serve in the Chinese army.

Li Tai did not arrange a job for Luo Chao before. Firstly, because Li Bi clearly told him that it would be difficult for a general with a record of bad records to get in touch with the core of the military. Secondly, he also wanted to arrange positions for his own disciples, so he did not agree with this. He didn’t strive too hard.

Although Yuwenhu was frustrated by him and left the rear army, Yuwentai's intention to let his nephew develop connections and influence in the army remained unchanged, and of course he would not set any obstacles for him to recruit people. What's more, Luo Chao is indeed rich in experience and can be called a trend-setter in troubled times.

Li Tai had no intention of recruiting Luo Chao for his own use, so when he saw him recruiting Luo Chao for Yu Wenhu, he didn't feel any regret or anger at being poached. Instead, he found it quite interesting. Luo Chao is taking refuge with Yuwenhu here. Maybe in the east, Yuwenhu's mother will still be taken care of by Luo Chao's wife in a few years.

Yu Wenhu was also carefully observing Li Tai's expression, and seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, he turned to give Luo Chao a wink. After they sat down, Yu Wenhu took out another scroll and said, "Speak to Luo Chao." After talking with the riders, I learned a lot, especially about the situation of the banditry in the East. Now that there are changes in Henan, everyone who knows about it is restless, so I will briefly sort out the opinions of my confidants and think about it. Please share with me, Boshan.”

"This... I'm here to take a look, is there any problem?"

Seeing Yu Wenhu hand over the paper, Li Tai couldn't help but feel secretly vigilant. He also had a villain's heart and a villain's heart. He suspected that Yu Wenhu would use the secret official documents of the Chinese army to frame him, and he didn't immediately Expand.

"It's just a little bit of my own plan, based on the collective wisdom of Luo, Chariot and Cavalry, etc. It has not yet been submitted to the military government. It doesn't matter if Bo Shan can read it."

After hearing this, Yu Wenhu said with a smile and sighed: "I really miss the time when I and Boshan made plans together in the military tent at Xianyang parade last year. Although I regret that we could not achieve anything together, I still feel sorry for Boshan." I'm impressed by the ingenuity of your strategy. No matter how detailed this plan is, I am deeply honored that it can benefit the current situation. "

When Li Tai heard this, he was no longer rigid. He was also curious about Yu Wenhu's thoughts on the current situation. If the situation really changed due to his influence, he would not be able to judge. In short, there should be no big problem in avoiding Yu Wenhu's idea.

He laid the scroll flat on his desk and saw that the content was clearly divided into paragraphs and there were a few simple sketches. He couldn't help but smile knowingly. This Sabao brother was not very ambitious, but he was quick to accept and learn new things.

He really didn't like the contemporary habit of reading prose without adding sentences. Even if he could understand it, it would still be tiring. Moreover, nowadays, when written communication was needed, many people were barely literate, so reading exegetical sentences was still a bit difficult for them. The purpose of attaching pictures to the article is to make the meaning of the text more intuitive and clear, especially when it comes to some geographical issues, which is clearer than a simple text description.

When Xianyang made a plan to attack Jinyang before, although Li Tai also wanted to deal with Yu Wenhu and wait for changes, he also paid attention to the plan itself. The characteristics of the writing at that time were also absorbed by Yu Wenhu.

Li Tai read it carefully and found that it was a plan for the Eastern Expedition. It was very detailed and specific. Every step was clear and the goal was clear. It was based on three battles: Luoyang, Heyang and even Yedu. stage.

The amount of troops required for each stage, the time required to complete it, and the possible enemy reactions that may be encountered are all explained very clearly. After reading the whole article, I can't find any obvious loopholes in the logic of the text.

Yes, the logic of words is not the logic of facts. This is a very diligent and solid work on paper. It looks serious and has wonderful ideas about the enemy and ourselves, but it doesn't stop there. Because many of the conditions are taken for granted and conjectured without any factual support.

For example, after the capture of Xia Heyang, the plan devoted a considerable amount of space to describing the recruitment of Hebei volunteers who opposed the rule of the Eastern Wei Dynasty based on Heyang.

Because the Eastern Wei Dynasty violently moved the capital to Yecheng, a large number of Heluo people were forced to leave their homes, and the resettlement in Hebei caused a large number of conflicts between natives and guests. Between Heyang and Yedu, there are also many prefectures and counties established by overseas Chinese to settle the survivors of Henan and the people who surrendered.

According to the description in the article, as long as the Western Wei army arrives in Heyang and establishes a foothold, these forces can be mobilized and join the battle against the Eastern Wei without fear of hardships like the local tyrants in western Henan.

Li Tai wouldn't know it unless he read this article. It turned out that the Eastern Wei Dynasty was based on such a big powder keg of public sentiment. In fact, it is not true to say that it is completely unreasonable. After all, Jinyang was defeated in history, and the subsequent resistance from Hebei was just that. It was not much more difficult for the Zhou army to enter Yecheng than when Gao Huan entered Yecheng. In the past few decades, the descendants of the Gao family did not use their kindness to turn Yecheng into an indestructible city.

But your idea of ​​using the sword of a later dynasty to attack this dynasty's city is a bit wild, isn't it? Moreover, the description of Jinyang's reaction is quite thin, as if the nobles of Jinyang were busy paying tribute to King Gao and simply gave up Yecheng.

Putting aside these strategic vision descriptions, there are also admirable features in the specific tactical implementation. For example, the use of the complex geography and popular sentiments in western Henan during the initial march was some of the content and ideas that Li Tai did not understand. Obviously, many of these contents should come from Luo Chao.

This guy surrendered to the Eastern Wei Dynasty in Guangzhou. He had been depressed and frustrated for many years. He must have often reviewed how he could avoid being defeated by the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Therefore, this part of the content is indeed very exciting, and it is a good start to the whole article. Head, so that the following content will be enriched a lot.

After Li Tai finished reading, he guessed that the reason why Yu Wentai was so optimistic about the situation was not that he was completely emboldened by his big rocket. Yu Wenhu had already experienced a brainstorm of emotions here.

However, Yuwentai was not as crazy as Yuwenhu and directly pointed his sword at Yecheng. Instead, he made a slight compromise and set the target at Heyang. He probably also wanted to see if Hebei could capture Heyang. A systemic collapse occurs.

"Boshan, after reading this plan, what do you think of it?"

Seeing that Li Tai had finished reading the article, Yu Wenhu asked anxiously.

“It’s very exciting, I feel very enlightened!”

Li Tai first gave a little compliment, and then sighed: "Although I was born in Hebei, I was naughty and happy when I was young, and I didn't know that the hometown was so complicated and complicated. If I can raise the whip in my hometown and bring order to the chaos, that's what I want. ah!"

After Yu Wenhu heard this, he showed a slightly vigilant attitude, and he quickly laughed and said: "Bo Shan's old achievements are already boasted in the world and envied by others. This plan has been praised by you in person. I am also glad that I finally got it." I am not as wise as I am in the past, I still have other plans to make, so I would also like to ask Bo Shan to give me some advice when the government is deciding on personnel in the future.”

When Li Tai heard this, he understood that this guy came here to canvass for votes. He probably felt that he had not done much, and a grand plan that he finally worked out was left aside when it was finally time to choose someone to implement it. After all, if this plan is implemented, it will be much larger than the personnel resources and battle scale invested by Li Tai when he attacked Jinyang.

"This matter has been decided by Brother Sabao. If it needs to be implemented, Brother Sabao should naturally do the best. No need to complain. If there is such a discussion in the future, I will recommend Brother Sabao."

Li Tai smiled and nodded and said, with Yu Jin and Li Bi as two role models, he is not in a hurry to throw cold water on others. Anyway, as long as the time comes, that man will take action. If you two want to invade Hebei, it is just a dream!

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