Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 494 Don’t miss the opportunity

The Yiluo River is the four most important rivers between the Heluo Plain. Among them, the River is the Valley River. It originates from the Beijiao Road of the Xiaohan Ancient Road. The River flows between the Yellow River and Luoshui and flows into Luoshui on the west side of Luoyang. .

Needless to say, Luoshui is the origin of the place name Luoyang. The Yishui River is the most important tributary of the Luoshui River, and the river it flows through is also one of the most important access channels to the south of Luoyang.

Nowadays, the two Wei Dynasties are at war, and the Yishui River Basin is also an area where the two sides are fighting fiercely. There are many military fortresses along the line. From Luonan to Yichuan, there are a series of garrison cities such as Kongcheng and Fuliucheng. Before that, they were under the control of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and each was stationed with varying numbers of troops.

Previously, Han Gui of the Eastern Wei Dynasty sent troops to Yingchuan to quell the rebellion. In order to ask the Western Wei Dynasty to send reinforcements to rescue him, Hou Jing proposed to cede Luyang, Changshe, Beijingzhou, and Dongjingzhou to the Western Wei Dynasty. Among them, the prefecture of North Jingzhou is located in Fuliu City in the Yi River Basin.

Although Hou Jing nominally ceded these four lands to the Western Wei Dynasty, Northern Jingzhou was not under his control. Therefore, if the Western Wei Dynasty wanted to truly occupy it, it still needed to send troops to attack.

Previously, Li Yuan led the righteous troops from western Henan Province to advance via the Nanxiao Road. They first successfully captured Jiuqu City in Yiyang, which is located in the Luoshui River Basin, and soon learned that Li Tai had captured Hanguan City in Luoxi in the north.

This means that there will no longer be a large group of thieves in the Guannan area that can threaten the eastward road. In addition, Li Bi's army on the back road has also set off from Hengnong, so Li Bi chose a relatively The radical plan was to launch an attack directly through the Luonan area towards Kongcheng, Xincheng County near Yichuan.

Kongcheng is the south gate of Heluo Plain, and there are many other cities such as Fuliu City to the south. When it was attacked, it meant that all the Eastern Wei troops stationed south of Yishui were intercepted outside the Heluo Plain. Therefore, the cities gathered people and horses to reinforce the north, and the war situation became deadlocked for a while.

At this time, another even more shocking news came from the north. Li Boshan's troops, who had just captured Hanguan City, actually marched straight in and attacked the south city of Heyang with overwhelming force!

What is even more shocking is that Li Boshan sent a message here. Because he had seized the arsenal in Nancheng, Heyang and contained a large amount of armor and weapons, he called on all the volunteers to go north to reinforce and share the weapons.

Because the news was so shocking, the people here were a little skeptical. But some people still want to believe that Li Yisun, the founder of the government, led his troops to leave the battlefield in Kongcheng and go straight to the Luobei River Bridge.

Li Yisun's departure added another obstacle to the war in Kongcheng, which was already not progressing smoothly. Because Li Yisun is not just a simple powerful military leader, his family has been a powerful local in Yichuan for generations. He is able to mobilize many local forces and barbarian armed forces to help in the war, and he also has close relations with other military leaders.

Finally, after the troops led by Li Bi and Zhao Guisuo arrived here, the war took a new turn. The Bafu Zhongjun led by Li Bi, who had been trained for several years, quickly defeated the Eastern Wei defenders who were still struggling to fight against the enemy.

As Kongcheng was captured, the fortresses such as Fuliucheng in the south were also defeated within ten days, and the access to the Henan area was completely opened. From Fuliucheng, you can reach Yangzhai in just a few days by heading east along Ru River.

However, Li Bi was not in a hurry to lead his army eastward. Instead, he temporarily stationed himself in Fuliu City and sent two groups of personnel. One was to contact Wang Sizheng, who had arrived first, and learn about the latest changes in the situation here, and the other was to visit on the spot to explore the real situation here. Exactly how.

Wang Sizheng's self-assertive behavior has alienated Li Bi and other generals from the government. They are afraid to fully trust him and are worried that Wang Sizheng may conceal some key information for his own purposes.

After Li Bi's army entered Fuliu City, Li Yuan led his troops back to Jiuqu City in Yiyang along the Luoshui River to garrison in order to prevent the army's retreat from being intercepted and invaded by the bandit troops coming from the south.

Originally, there was no need to worry too much about this, but Li Boshan was too greedy for success and completely forgot his responsibility as the vanguard of the army, and even rushed all the way to Heyang.

Although he captured Heyang South City, in everyone's eyes it was just a fluke. He would soon be defeated by the enemy and the city would be recaptured.

It's not that everyone looks down on Li Boshan, but the power gap between the enemy and ourselves is too great. Li Boshan's behavior is simply an unreasonable act of greed for power and rash advancement, even worse than Wang Sizheng's rash advance.

After all, Hou Jing in Henan is already impoverished and has nowhere to go. Wang Sizheng's dispatch of troops to Henan does have a chance to take over Hou Jing's territory. But Li Boshan rushed into Heyang. With just a few thousand troops under his command, could he really conquer the three cities of Heyang and enter Hanoi with overwhelming force?

Such a reckless move only heightened the vigilance of the Heyang defenders and brought great uncertainty to the situation in Heluo.

Not long ago, when the army set out to march eastward from Yiyang, it received a battle report from Li Boshan about conquering Heyang Nancheng and a letter requesting support.

However, under the arguments of Zhao Gui, the deputy commander of the march, the army marched towards Yishui in accordance with the established goal and ignored Li Boshan's request for help. On the way, Zhao Gui also sent a group of troops north to Luoxi Jinganggang City to collect the capture of this city to the Chinese army.

This is not considered prohibited. After all, Li Boshan, as the vanguard of the army, is responsible for seizing and replenishing supplies for the army. Of course, the army also has the responsibility to provide subsequent support, but Li Boshan has led his army away from the army's forward route, so it is understandable that the army does not provide reinforcements.

Sure enough, not long after, the defeated army of Li Yisun, who had gone north before, fled back to Kongcheng, and brought news that a large group of Eastern Wei troops had appeared in the Xianshui River Basin in Luobei.

This not only means that Li Boshan, who has entered Heyang Nancheng, has been cut off from retreat, but also means that the flanks of their army are exposed to the iron hoof of the enemy.

The reason why Li Bi chose to temporarily station troops in Fuliucheng instead of continuing to advance was partly due to this. If there is a melee in Henan and cannot escape, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous for the enemy cavalry wandering in Luobei to go south to attack the back road.

Originally, Li Bi felt secretly guilty for following Zhao Gui's suggestion and not sending troops to Heqiao to reinforce Li Boshan, but now he couldn't help but secretly complain about Li Tai.

Obviously they only need to defend Hanguan City, which can be said to have overfulfilled the task, but they dared to enter the river bridge. Now they put themselves in danger, and also caused the army to lose its footing, making the originally clear advantageous situation It became unpredictable again.

In Li Bi's view, if the Bafu cannot take advantage of Hou Jing's chaos to gain enough benefits, then Wang Sizheng and Li Tai are undoubtedly the biggest sinners and should bear the main responsibility for this!

Therefore, during this period of time, the soldiers stationed in Fuliu City held a relatively negative and pessimistic view of the behavior and situation of Li Tai and his troops who were far away in Heqiao.

The time soon entered mid-June. On this day, Li Bi was in the camp summarizing the information about Henan sent back from various parties, and considering whether it was necessary to send a group of troops forward to test it out. Suddenly, soldiers outside the camp came to report that he had left the camp without authorization and went to Heqiao. Li Yisun, the founder of the government, has returned and was captured by Nanyang Gong Zhao Gui, who was patrolling the camp, and planned to put him on trial.

Li Bi was also very disgusted with Li Yisun's behavior of leading his troops to leave the battlefield privately. But hearing that Zhao Gui was so active, I was worried that Zhao Gui would not be able to deal with it impartially. After all, Li Yisun has a special status, so it is not appropriate to impose heavy sanctions at the moment.

So after weighing the situation, Li Bi stood up and went to Zhao Gui's camp. When he came outside the camp, he saw Wei Fabao and others already waiting here.

Seeing Li Bixing coming, Wei Fabao walked forward, knelt on the ground with a plop and begged in a sincere tone: "I beg Li Taiwei to remember that my husband, wife and brothers all died loyally to the country, so as to save the life of our righteous grandson. If his crime is serious, it will be hard to escape except by death." , I will eventually be willing to share the blame and die!"

Other powerful generals in western Henan also came forward to plead for Li Yisun. Some rude and rude barbarian chiefs even shouted louder that if Li Yisun was executed, they would lead their troops away and no longer obey the court's orders.

Although Li Bi was somewhat dissatisfied with the way these powerful military leaders relied on their sentiments and violated military orders, he had to admit that the imperial court could still maintain a certain power and influence in Heluo, and it also relied on these powerful people in western Henan. They are struggling and fighting, so it is not easy to treat them equally with the generals of the Chinese army.

He first waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down, and then he walked towards the tent. Before he could enter the tent, he heard an angry roar coming from inside the tent: "How dare you lie about the military situation when you are about to die!"

After walking into the tent, Li Bi saw Li Yisun being pinned to the ground inside the tent with his arms cut behind his back by two strong soldiers. Zhao Gui was sitting on the mat in the tent, looking at Li Yisun with a stern expression.

When he saw Li Bi walking in, Zhao Gui stood up to greet him, raised his finger and pointed to Li Yisun under the tent and said with a smile to Li Bi: "This slave really deserves to be killed! It was well proven that he led his troops to escape from the war before, but now he has lost power and returned. He wanted to lie about the military situation and confuse the public with his lies! He actually told me that Li Boshan conquered another city and even captured Zhongli City in Heyang. Ha, it’s really ridiculous. Why didn’t he say that his army had already arrived at Ye City? "

When Li Bi heard this, he frowned immediately. He glanced at Li Yisun, who was pinned to the ground and had difficulty breathing, and then said to Zhao Gui: "After all, Li Kaifu has a lot of experience, and he was ordered by Yang Ping." Sir, even if I have made a mistake, I should not be rude, but please ask Duke Nanyang politely."

In terms of official title, Li Yisun is also a standard match for Qiusi, Kaifu, and Duke. Although he has a large pension and his reputation and power are somewhat unworthy of his name, Zhao Gui treats him as an ordinary criminal, which is also true. Something is wrong.

Hearing what Li Bi said, Zhao Guicai waved his hand to signal the soldiers to let go of Li Yisun, but still scolded him sternly: "You criminal, don't think that my magic sword is just a fake. If you make false statements again, your crime will be increased! Tell the truth!" Dao Lai, did Li Boshan teach you to make this false report and deceive the people to rescue him? If it turns out that you are just an accomplice, the crime will not lead to death!

When Li Yisun heard this, he immediately stared and said: "What the general said is true! Li Kaifu, the Duke of Xihe, used his troops like a god. He was invincible in all attacks. He killed tens of thousands of enemies and defeated two cities in a row. All the generals saw with his own eyes." See. Now the Heyang rebels are frightened and dare not fight. Beicheng is already in sight.

If you miss the opportunity due to a foolish plan and fail to reinforce the enemy in time, so that the thieves can calmly consolidate the river defense, it will be a great sin! Please don't take it lightly, Lieutenant Li. If the general makes false claims, he is willing to be punished by mutilation! Even if the army cannot move lightly, please ask General Rong Mo to summon Xiang Yibei to help Xihe Gong! "

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