Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 495: Troops from the North Reinforce

"This is impossible! How is it possible? Heyang City is the most important defense place for thieves. The famous generals in the country have fought several battles without success. How can Li Boshan conquer two cities with his weak army?"

Zhao Gui still had a look of disbelief on his face and could not accept this fact. He immediately turned to look at Li Bi who was looking solemn on the side, frowned and asked: "Li Taiwei really wants to allow these Henan soldiers to go north to Heqiao? Not to mention The situation there is not clear yet. Once these soldiers leave, how will the situation here in Yingchuan be dealt with? "

Li Bi was also feeling a headache at the moment. The last time he faced such a difficult decision was when he was considering whether to betray Hou Mo Chen Yue and join Yu Wentai. After hearing Zhao Gui's question, His mood couldn't help but become more irritable, so he asked in return: "Then what does Duke Nanyang think of this?

Li Yisun had a history of abandoning the army, and he had personally seen the new achievements in Heyang. He came south to attract reinforcements from the army without fear of severe punishment, which shows his strong will. If they are not released and forced to stay in the army, it will only increase hidden dangers. It is better to let them go and stay. Moreover, if the situation in Heyang failed due to stubbornness during this period, I am afraid Nanyang Gong and I are also to blame, right? "

Zhao Gui questioned whether the news was true or false, but in Li Bi's opinion it was unnecessary. Although he couldn't figure out how Li Boshan captured the two cities of Heyang, this was not a secret conspiracy between two or three people. Was Li Yisun crazy enough to lie about military information?

When the situation has developed to this point, it is actually no longer under the control of the two army coaches.

Take this Li Yisun as an example. He indeed abandoned his army and ran away. But if Li Boshan reported again that he successfully captured Zhongli City in Heyang because of his reinforcements, then Li Yisun's behavior was not only not wrong, but also meritorious.

Li Bi felt anxious at the moment because he understood the Lord's desire for the three cities of Heyang. The sending of them to Henan for reinforcements was forced by Wang Sizheng's own initiative rather than willingly.

Now that Li Boshan is playing so well in Heyang and has made impressive breakthroughs one after another, but Henan is still in chaos and the situation is unclear. Does this mean that choosing the Heyang route from the beginning is the right choice? ?

As the commander-in-chief of the army, Li Bi had the power to adapt to changes and act expediently. The smooth advancement of Li Boshan's route was not without signs. When their troops entered Hengnong, they reported that they had captured Xin'an Hanguan City, and when they arrived in Yiyang, they reported that they had captured Heyang Nancheng.

However, Li Bi did not make the right choice at these two nodes and still persisted in his plan. Although he was also influenced by Zhao Gui, he was the one who made the final decision. Naturally, he was also the first person responsible for this series of decisions.

Now that Fuliu City has been conquered, it is too late to make an overall change in the route. At present, Hou Jing's troops are besieged by the Eastern Wei army led by Han Gui in Yingchuan, while Wang Sizheng's troops are stationed in Yangzhai, forming a stalemate with each other. If Li Bi withdraws at the last moment, let alone Even Wang Sizheng may have to get involved in Henan's interests.

But Heyang has achieved such great results and cannot be ignored.

Therefore, after weighing the situation, Li Bi could only make a temporary expedient, no longer pursue Li Yisun's previous crimes, and ordered him to recruit his own men and go to Heyang to aid. Although it was better than nothing, it at least showed recognition and support for Li Boshan's military exploits.

However, Zhao Gui still questioned this decision. In Li Bi's view, it went beyond the scope of discussing the matter. His jealousy towards Li Boshan made him completely ignore the benefits that the acquisition of Heyang City would bring to Bafu's strategy.

Zhao Gui could also hear the displeasure in Li Bi's tone, and he couldn't help but look a little embarrassed, so he said again: "Li Taiwei has been in charge of Taifu's military aircraft for a long time, so the Lord has entrusted him with important tasks this time, and the troops are advancing and retreating." All decisions are made by the Taiwei. Although I am in charge of the army, I dare not overstep my authority and make decisions. I will listen to and accept all suggestions."

Hearing that Zhao Gui had begun to shirk his duties and was unwilling to assume his responsibilities, Li Bi couldn't help but feel secretly bored.

After pondering for a while, Li Bicai then said: "Even if the people in Henan go to Heqiao, the situation here will not be a big worry. Even Duke Nanyang and I were shocked when they heard that Li Boshan made a big advance at Heqiao. There are many thieves here. , How can we not be frightened? In the old days, the soldiers surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao. Now Li Boshan's troops are approaching Heyang, which will also help the situation in Henan!"

Zhao Gui only had prejudice and resentment against Li Boshan, but he was not stupid. He had not lost his ability to analyze the situation, so he could naturally think of what Li Bi said. Compared with the crisis in Henan, the gains and losses in Heyang were indeed more important to the Eastern Dynasty. Li Boshan's advancement in Heyang was bound to cause huge psychological pressure on the enemy forces here.

But when he thought that Li Boshan would be more prosperous because of this, Zhao Gui felt like a fire was burning between his chest and abdomen, which was completely unacceptable. Even Li Yisun and other Henan tycoons who were eager to rush to Heqiao's aid made him resentful, and he hoped that Li Boshan would die alone in Heqiao.

Not to mention Zhao Gui, who was burned beyond recognition by the jealousy in his heart. After Li Yisun was released, many relatives and friends gathered around to inquire with concern, and soon they also learned that Li Tai's men had conquered another city in Heyang.

"This Duke of Xihe is truly worthy of his reputation. No wonder he was able to break through the East Thief Jinyang Palace before!"

"Yes, there are many heroes in the country who are falsely called heroes. They have lost many troops and generals, but they have failed to break through and hate the river bridge. But Xihe Gong can defeat the bandit city in a row. He is truly a hero. He can't wait to follow his subordinates to wipe out the east bandits and restore them. I am Sangzi!”

In addition to sighing with emotion about Li Tai's heroic achievements, many powerful military leaders also did not forget the past. They approached Li Yisun and asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, Li Kaifu. Is Xihe Gong's preface about the Heyang City arsenal still accurate now? "

After Li Yisun heard this, he laughed and said: "Xihe is just and righteous, and he must practice what he preaches. When I arrived before, I had already been given three thousand swords, guns, bows and staffs. I can distribute the weapons as soon as the soldiers arrive." . Han Mulan, who has followed Xihe Gong all the way since Hengnong, has been gifted more than a thousand armored staffs!"

When everyone heard this, they all let out envious exclamations. Most of them, the people in western Henan, couldn't bear to leave their hometown of Heluo and traveled between Yiluo and fought endlessly with the eastern bandits. The combat mission is the most arduous, but the Tai government does not regard them as a trusted force. They are only used as peripheral barriers. The armor and staff allocated are very meager. Most of them need to be raised, produced or seized by themselves. It can be said that they are poor and rich. add.

So when they heard that Li Tai had so boldly opened the vast Heyang arsenal and allowed them to choose and arm their own troops, it was an unparalleled temptation for these people.

They were still hesitant about this before, or doubted the authenticity of the news. They didn't believe that Li Tai would be so strong, and they didn't care that they were too close to the river defense town of the East Thieves.

But now with Li Yisun as an example, the enthusiasm in their hearts was immediately aroused, so many people rushed to Li Yisun and expressed their willingness to follow Li Yisun to reinforce Heqiao.

Li Yisun naturally did not reject anyone who came. He recorded all the applicants and compiled them into a book. He also reported the results to Li Bi's account as soon as possible, hoping that Li Bi would keep his promise and grant them release.

Although Li Bi had been prepared in his mind, when he saw the list handed over by Li Yisun, he suddenly felt overwhelmed. Almost all the powerful men from western Henan who were stationed with the army in Fuliu City expressed their hope to go to reinforce Heqiao, and the total number of men and horses in their respective tribes had reached more than 10,000.

Although Li Boshan's forward troops did not march with the Chinese army from the beginning of the army, there was limited communication with these powerful men in western Henan. But now he is still far away at the Luobei River Bridge, and he has directly dug out nearly half of the Luonan army!

Li Bi knew very well that so many powerful people in western Henan were eager to rush to Heqiao's aid. In addition to the armed forces promised by Li Boshan, there was also a more important point, which was that compared with the changes in the situation in Henan, Heqiao Yang has a more direct and important impact on the stability of Heluo, and is related to the lives and safety of their wives, children, relatives and friends.

Therefore, although he felt a little embarrassed in his heart, Li Bi did not dare to make things difficult to stop him. He just said with some embarrassment: "With so many people moving in, it will still take a certain amount of time to pay the grain and fodder. Can Li Kaifu appease the people and set off in batches?"

After hearing this, Li Yisun waved his hand and said: "Please rest assured, Lieutenant Li, Xihe Gonglian has captured the two cities of Heyang and collected all the thieves' warehouses. There is more than enough supplies. All the troops need to do is rush to Luobei as soon as possible, and there will be no shortage of food and fodder supplies!" "

When Li Bi heard this, he couldn't help but look embarrassed. He was also a little short-sighted, so he said again: "In this case, it is up to Li Kaifu and others to take the first step and make great contributions to the country!"

The soldiers were very fast. Li Yi and Sun Xin returned from the front line of Heqiao. He knew that the enemy's and our own forces there were now very different, so after inviting the masses of the township party and getting permission from Li Bi, he marched along the Yi River with tens of thousands of troops the next day. The water goes north.

With so many men and horses deserting the army, Li Bi was also worried that it would have a bad impact on the situation in Yingchuan, so he sent his men east to spread the news that Heyang City had been defeated by three out of three, while at the same time he ordered his men and horses to gradually go eastward, posing a They have a fierce attitude and want to unite all parties to annihilate the Korean rail army in one fell swoop.

Not long after Li Bi's army moved here, envoys from Lutai Mansion came to Fuliu City. They were Xingtai doctor Zhao Shixian and Chinese army governor Yu Wenhu, conveying Daxingtai's latest order: Li Bi still supervises the army and rushes to Henan. , assisted Wang Sizheng to control the situation in Henan, while Zhao Gui divided his troops into Luoyang to succeed Li Boshan at Heqiao, waiting for reinforcements led by Yifeng, He Lanxiang and others on the way back, in order to defend the south city of Heyang.

Obviously this news has been delayed, and the order only involves Heyang Nancheng, but it also shows that Daxingtai attaches great importance to Heqiao. In Nancheng alone, an additional 20,000 Bafu horses were sent to garrison.

When Yu Wenhu learned that the latest news was that Li Boshan had actually captured the middle city of Heyang, he was so excited that tears filled his eyes. He clapped his hands and shouted: "I knew, I knew that the plan to advance towards Heyang would definitely succeed. It’s bound to happen! Wang Sizheng is determined to invade the country, and he must not act rashly. Now the army is galloping in Hebei! "

Thinking that Li Boshan had planned to attack Jinyang before, and now Li Boshan had captured the two cities of Heyang, both times because of his plans, Yu Wenhu became anxious and urged Zhao Guisu, who was still hesitant. Go to Luoyang quickly, lest you miss the great achievement again.

If Li Boshan defeats three cities in a row, these people will be completely reduced to supporting roles!

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