Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 505 The prince is magnanimous

Wang Sizheng probably didn't expect that Li Tai would dare to show off to him just because of a word he didn't mean. The smile on his face became slightly stiff, and his expression darkened after a few breaths.

"It is a good thing for a young man to be brave and courageous. It is always better than many incompetent people. When I learned about Li Boshan's great achievements in Jinyang at the beginning of the year, I also lamented with the people that young people are terrible. But if you are just blindly brave, you will not consider the pros and cons. , Regardless of the importance, being brave and reckless will also lead to trouble! "

After a while, Wang Sizheng raised his eyes again and looked at Li Tai and said in a deep voice: "When a young man succeeds and is in a position of power, he will inevitably be full of arrogance. What's more, Li Boshan is indeed well-deserved, so it is naturally more difficult for him to listen to other people's advice. If you I feel that I am not greedy for merit and the battle at Heqiao is indeed in line with the national situation. Why doesn't Daxingtai keep you at Heqiao instead of expelling you from here? "

That's because I took the initiative to give people a hand so that I could find an opportunity to evacuate Heqiao!

When Li Tai heard this, he roughly understood what Wang Sizheng meant. It was just similar to my previous thoughts, complaining that he was too serious about the river bridge and made too many breakthroughs, which led the Bafu to invest more power in Heluo, while not investing enough in Henan and giving it a cold treatment.

But the problem is, brother, please understand, aren't you the first to make your own decisions? I'm so awesome that I conquered two cities in Heyang in one go, but you haven't even entered the big bathtub in Changshe City, and you still call me brave and foolhardy!

Since Wang Sizheng couldn't hear Li Tai's complaints, he still frowned and said: "Everything should be done in moderation, and going too far is not enough! Since the late king's hunting in the west, his power has become stronger in the east and weaker in the west. The accumulated success and failure over the years can only be maintained. There is no power to fight against thieves.

This time, He Liuquan was abandoned by God, and his son was unable to please the masses, which led to Hou Jing causing chaos in Henan. This was a God-given opportunity. We must make good choices, be careful with our plans, weaken the thieves and strengthen ourselves, and then manage patiently to defeat the thieves. It's not difficult.

Kansai is narrow and barren, making it difficult to plan for the future. If we can take advantage of the situation and seize the Henan provinces, we can have abundant water and soil in our hands, and we will have enough food for one year after three years of farming. This is a permanent plan for the growth of the country, and we will conquer the east with the west!

But it was annoying that the martial arts were greedy for merit and had no overall plan. They took advantage of the situation and advanced rashly. They were greedy for merit and attracted all the troops to gather at the river bridge again in an attempt to decide the outcome with a quick attack and a short battle. The thieves have not been defeated, and the etiquette has not stopped the mourning. I think you are still complacent about the success of the river bridge, but you don't know how unwise this move is! "

At this point, Wang Sizheng's eyes turned cold and stern when he looked at Li Tai, and this look and tone made Li Tai feel in a daze that he had really become a sinner of the country?

Wang Sizheng was one of the most famous people in the latter three kingdoms and had strong deeds. Li Tai had also imagined what it would be like to meet him. Would he feel like old friends and cherish each other at first sight? At the very least, they must be friends who have known each other for a long time and are very happy to meet each other.

But he really didn't expect that when he met Wang Sizheng for the first time, he would be so angry and PUA-exposed, which made him a little confused. I think you also want to be Zhongshan Gong, right?

From Wang Sizheng's standpoint, there is certainly reason to be dissatisfied with Li Tai. If Li Tai hadn't been messing around at Heqiao, then the current focus of the Western Wei Dynasty's military deployment would still be the tone he had set before. Centering around the states and counties in Henan, all strategic concepts and goals would revolve around him.

But as far as Li Tai is concerned, you have your own plans, and I have mine. You want to perform a snake swallowing an elephant, but you ask me to stand aside and watch, which is a bit overbearing. They couldn't understand each other in the first place, so who the hell has to follow whose overall situation!

Although some of Wang Sizheng's views are not wrong, and it is indeed not appropriate to start an all-out war with the Eastern Wei Dynasty at the moment, this series of arguments and angles are too self-centered.

The sudden advance of Li Taihe Bridge is indeed a variable, but even without this variable, the subsequent situation will not evolve according to Wang Sizheng's script.

It is naturally not Li Tai's character to be bullied and then do it in front of others, even when facing Wang Sizheng.

So after Wang Sizheng shut up, he held his saber in his hand and said with a smile: "The Duke of Taiyuan has a sharp eye, and the last general is indeed not known for his intelligence. He only returns to his duty and orders, no matter where he is in a remote place or a remote place. The center of the thieves' nest. The battle at Heqiao is indeed worthy of mention. There were many generals in the country who were like this, but there were none who could defeat the thieves' city like the last general.

Although the last general is short of strategy and unable to conquer the country, if Yongxi had been lucky enough to serve in Heqiao in the old years, although the high-ranking thieves are ferocious and only fight, they can defeat Heyang and there is no need to go to Kansai. I dared to make wild claims about the past, but now that I have been ordered to help Yingzhou, I will definitely be able to worry about the current situation for Taiyuan Gongfen. "

When it comes to talking heads, Li Tai is certainly not weak: You, Wang Sizheng, are indeed wise and courageous, but what about your boss? When Emperor Xiaowu wanted to use me, he immediately sent Gao Huan to Heyang, and even had to run away to Guanxi! Who can't brag?

Hearing Li Tai's words, Wang Sizheng's big square face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, and several of his cronies around him also pressed their knives and roared: "How dare you be rude to my lord?"

Although there were few subordinates around Li Tai, when they saw what was happening, they all drew their swords in their hands and protected Li Tai among them. The scene suddenly became tense.

"Shut up and put away your sword! The warriors of the Xihe Principality have come to reinforce us under the orders of Daxingtai. You must not be rude!"

Wang Sizheng was silent for a moment, then looked at the crowd with raised eyebrows and waved them away. Then he looked deeply at Li Tai and suddenly sighed softly: "The story is over, but after hearing Li Lang's heroic voice, I am really curious as to whether the situation would be different if we could work together in the DPRK back then. Please forgive me for the offence."

As he spoke, he raised his arms and cupped his fists to gesture to Li Tai.

When Li Tai saw this, he also bowed slightly and said: "Young and energetic, I often get tired of fighting with each other for little reason. Thank you Taiyuan Gong for your tolerance and tolerance."

It was already a very discordant situation, because each of them took a step back and then came around again. Wang Sizheng also saw what kind of temperament Li Tai had. He raised his hand to screen out other subordinates, leaving only a few trusted generals, and then invited Li Tai to sit down in the tent.

Putting aside the unpleasantness caused by the previous conversation, Li Tai made another observation about Wang Sizheng, and felt that his perception of the person was not bad.

Wang Sizheng was tall and handsome, with a good demeanor and a calm attitude when he looked around. However, his clothes were simple and he had no ornaments on his body, and his diet was also simple.

When Foreign Minister Guo Xianying greeted him, he said that there would be a simple banquet. Li Tai thought it was a modest statement, but when he saw the food and wine being served, he realized that this was by no means a modest statement and was completely true.

There seems to be a lot of dishes on the table, but most of them are raw vegetables mixed with various kinds of vegetables. At most, they are mixed with ointment. If there wasn't another steamed fish on the table, Li Tai might have thought that all members of Wang Sizheng's department were extreme vegetarians? And even this steamed fish is said to have been brought from Jingzhou.

"Before we marched north from Jingzhou, we were not fully prepared and there was a lack of supplies along the way. Now we don't know when the situation in Henan will be settled. We are accumulating supplies and not daring to waste any time. This is not to neglect Boshan."

Wang Sizheng also seemed to think that the meal was too shabby, so he said to Li Tai with some embarrassment, and took out half of the steamed fish on his table and placed it in front of Li Tai with more dishes. Judging from his movements and expressions, he was accustomed to this. .

Seeing this scene, Li Tai's resentment towards Wang Sizheng was mostly relieved. A person with high authority and ability to control his desires is always worthy of respect. Even if there were any disagreements and disputes between them, Wang Sizheng was obviously not motivated by selfish desires.

After a quick meal, Li Tai put down his chopsticks and asked Wang Sizheng what the current situation was in Henan and what help he could provide.

When talking about this issue, Wang Sizheng sighed and said: "Hou Jing is cunning and vicious. Before sending out the army, he was frightened because of his poor strength and had promised to offer four cities. However, seeing that the Korean army had retreated, our country had too many troops. They gathered at Heqiao and still refuse to hand over the Changsha..."

When Li Tai heard this, he finally understood why Wang Sizheng had so much resentment against him before. This should be regarded as a variable caused by his involvement.

In the original history, Han Gui led his troops to withdraw after seeing Li Bi, Wang Sizheng and other troops arriving in Yingchuan. After Hou Jing had a intrigue with Li Bi, Zhao Gui and others, he felt defeated and obediently evacuated Changshe to Yuzhou and moved closer to Nanliang.

But now, Yu Wentai's faction is going to start a war in Heqiao, and Li Bi has been withdrawn to Heluo. Although Li Tai came with his troops again, his intimidating power in Hou Jing's eyes was obviously not as good as that of Li Bi.

Therefore, Hou Jing is still lying in Yingchuan, and has no intention of abiding by the agreement and handing over Changshe. He probably also has the idea of ​​​​waiting to see whether Heqiao wins or loses in the battle, hoping that the fisherman will benefit.

"I will invite Hou Jing to meet with me in the future, and Li Lang will stay here to attend the meeting together. If I need to threaten you, I can use your words to deal with him!"

Thinking of being exposed by Li Tai just now, Wang Sizheng still couldn't let go, but if the target was not him, then happiness would naturally return, so he warmly invited Li Tai to stay as a mouthpiece.

Li Tai was also very curious about Hou Jing. He estimated that it would be difficult to see him again after meeting him once, so he nodded and agreed.

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