Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 506 Shu Zi wants to die

Outside Yingchuan City, there are gullies everywhere, and traces of the army's passage are left everywhere, and various camps and defenses can be seen everywhere.

The Weishui River, which originally ran north-south, turned east-west when it passed through here. The city is located on the plain on the south bank of the river. It is not large in scale, and the circumference of the city is only about seven or eight miles.

From the perspective of living conditions alone, Changsha City can be said to be lush and comfortable, but from the perspective of military defense, it is flat and has no dangers to defend. Even if the city itself is not known for its height and grandeur, perhaps its military use has not been considered too much since the beginning of the city's construction.

Li Tai knew how this city would be ravaged in the future, so he was also curious about what Wang Sizheng, as the person involved, was thinking at the moment.

When they stopped at a ditch in the north of Changsha City, waiting for Hou Jing to come out of the city, Li Tai pointed to the city in the south and said, "I have just entered Henan, and the cities and garrisons I saw along the way seem to be not magnificent. Take Changsha City in front of us as an example. The city is located in the plain, and there are no gullies or ridges nearby. Even if there are rivers flowing nearby, it does not block the waterway and make it dangerous. The city is dangerous and has nothing to rely on, which is really not what military strategists want. Hou Jing is an old soldier in the north, and he is a man who knows military affairs. Why doesn't he leave?" "In ancient times, the location of a city was chosen based on materials, situation, convenience, and needs, and the two factors of survival and life. If it is contrary to survival, even a peak of ten thousand feet is not as good as a hill on the plain. The Henan plain has a disadvantageous terrain. All defenses are not about being able to defend, but about being sure to defend!" Talk When it comes to defending the city, Wang Sizheng is a master. He rides on horseback, with the whip in his hand pointing straight to the south city, and continues to say: "There is no geographical advantage here, and the situation is based on human feelings. If human feelings are what you want, you can defend, but if they are not what you want, you can't defend.

What is human feelings? If you stick to the old ways and don't make any changes, then human feelings will be peaceful, and people will be united, stronger than earth and stone. On the contrary, if you just want to be different, you will have eccentric interests and impetuous people, and even if you are numerous, you will be few and vulnerable. Hou Jing defends this old city, and the soldiers can still fight, but if you leave, people will be scattered."

Li Tai originally wanted to use this topic to find out Wang Sizheng's true intentions and thoughts, but he got such a mysterious answer, and he was a little confused for a while: I don't read much, don't lie to me!

Wang Sizheng's theory was indeed a bit confusing at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it actually emphasized the management of the army and the mind, strengthening psychological construction through people's behavioral habits, emphasizing people's adaptation and dependence on the unchanging inertia, and reducing the induction and expectation of external variables.

But this is obviously not the answer Li Tai wanted. Although he also admired Wang Sizheng's ability to defend the city, he also understood that everyone has their own strengths and did not feel that he urgently needed to strengthen this ability. If possible, he still wanted to be the attacking party as much as possible.

After all, among all the military leaders and generals of the Western Wei Dynasty, the number of elite cavalry he has is second to none, even compared with those meritorious generals in Jinyang. Only by continuous attack can his military strength and arms advantages be fully utilized.

So he asked again: "If the situation is reversed, Taiyuan Gong leads the people to guard this city and the Eastern Bandit Army comes to attack, how will Taiyuan Gong resist it?"

After hearing this question, Wang Sizheng's expression became serious. He did not think that this question was meaningless, but thought seriously.

After all, they came here to urge Hou Jing to fulfill his promise and quickly give up Changshe City. When Hou Jing evacuates, this city will naturally belong to Wang Sizheng, and the subsequent defense pressure from the Eastern Wei should naturally be borne by him.

After Li Tai asked this question, he kept observing Wang Sizheng, and Wang Sizheng rode around the distant Changshe City and observed carefully. He was not in a hurry to answer Li Tai's question. Obviously, this also required careful consideration for him, and he could not make a decision on a whim.

Before Wang Sizheng thought clearly, a group of people and horses had already galloped out of the opposite Changshe City and came directly here. It should be Hou Jing and his party.

Seeing this scene, Wang Sizheng put away his thoughts, raised his hand and told his entourage to set up the tent on the side of the horizontal ditch, and then called Li Tai to sit in the tent for a while, waiting for Hou Jing's arrival.

Soon, the sound of horse hooves became clearer from far to near. Li Tai wanted to get up and take a look at what Hou Jing, the devil of the world, was like, but seeing that Wang Sizheng just sat there and couldn't get up, he could only sit there patiently.

"Haha, Hou is late. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Soon, a smoky voice sounded outside the tent. Li Tai looked up and saw a red-faced Hu man of medium build and uneven shoulders walking slowly with soldiers. After taking a closer look, he found that it was not uneven shoulders but uneven legs. It was just that the proportions of the upper and lower body were not well coordinated, making the lower limbs not conspicuous enough. This person must be Hou Jing.

He was a superficial person, and could not help judging people by appearance. When he was feeling that meeting in person was not as good as hearing about him, Hou Jing had already walked to the center of the tent. Seeing that Wang Sizheng still had no intention of getting up to greet him, he stopped and looked at Li Tai, who was sitting next to Wang Sizheng. His face suddenly darkened, and he pointed at Li Tai and said angrily: "I will discuss important matters with the envoy of the king of Gong, and all the outsiders will be expelled from the tent!" Before he finished speaking, several strong soldiers stepped forward from behind, holding their heads high and chests puffed out, and were about to drive Li Tai out of the tent.

Seeing Hou Jing pouring out the anger caused by Wang Sizheng's arrogance on himself, Li Tai couldn't help but feel speechless. He turned to look at Wang Sizheng and saw that he had no intention of speaking out. Hou Jing's soldiers were already approaching, so he simply drew out He then slashed the wooden case in front of him with his sword, and shouted angrily: "You are not the only one who has been waiting for a long time, the king has been tired of waiting for you for a long time! The reinforcements have come here and have forced back the east bandit army, but the city of Changshe has not yet been delivered. Could it be that you and others Preface to self-destruction? If this trip is to sacrifice the city, I will be waiting for you. If not, leave quickly and don’t stay. Return to the city to die!”

Hou Jing was naturally unhappy because of Wang Sizheng's arrogant attitude. At the same time, he was very displeased with this handsome and eye-catching young general with no wink. However, he did not expect that this young general would be even more irritable than him and would say inappropriate things. He wanted to use the knife to fuck him, and his face turned livid in an instant.

However, before Hou Jing could get angry, Wang Sizheng stood up abruptly, pointed at Li Tai, stamped his feet and shouted angrily: "Li Boshan, you are so presumptuous! Don't think that if you defeat the enemy in a row, no one can control the Xingong River Bridge. If you continue You are so arrogant and rude, I will take away your power immediately and send you back to the country!"

This this……

Li Tai saw Wang Sizheng looking at him with a irritable and angry face, and he couldn't react for a moment. Looking at his expression and tone, he seriously suspected that this guy had accumulated his previous anger until now, but he quickly understood that Wang Sizheng was Ask him to continue acting with a red face.

So he also stood up, glared at Wang Sizheng tit-for-tat and shouted: "The general will have his own place of command, so don't bother Taiyuan Public Announcement! I am ordered by Daxingtai to take over Changshe City. The city will not be left here for a day." Situation! If Duke Taiyuan wants to use his personal anger to retaliate, I will definitely not be a submissive person. I would like to try whether I am strong and strong, or Duke Taiyuan is strong in authority!"

"You, you... Wang Shijun, what is this?"

Hou Jing was originally angry because Li Tai pointed his nose at him and yelled at him, but before he could get angry, he saw that the other party was already making a noise. A surge of anger accumulated in his chest and abdomen, and soon turned into full of anger. Confused, he stared at Wang Sizheng and asked.

After hearing this, Wang Sizheng first glanced at Hou Jing, but when he glanced at Li Tai from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but snorted coldly: "It's hard to share a big plan! Daxingtai sent you to help, you clearly don't want me to succeed in Henan , and because of the new breakthrough in Heqiao, he used this gangster to cause trouble! "

Li Tai also raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Although they were acting, he always felt that Wang Sizheng seemed to be a little fake and acted with emotion.

Naturally, he was not to be outdone. He raised his hand and forcefully withdrew the saber that was stuck on the wooden table, and then sneered: "Since the end of my career, I have never avoided Senior Su. It's really ridiculous for the Duke of Taiyuan to be jealous of young talents.

In this short period of time, I first defeated Gao Yue and She Di Qian, and then Hu Lu Jin and Xue Guyan. They were all fierce and stubborn thieves. It's just Hou Jing, so why should we be afraid? You can see life and death directly under the knife, there is no need to be shy and show your age! If I lose, my skills will be inferior to others; if the thief loses, I will seek death! "

At this point, he put his sword back into its sheath, turned to look at Hou Jing who was standing aside, his face had turned very ugly, and said: "A mute old dog, no one cares about him. A man who loses his will is worse than death!" I respect you, a certain marquis, who was fierce and tenacious in the past. Today I am honored to be ordered to come south. I know that you may not fulfill the previous promise and hand over the long commune, so I made an appointment with you to fight to the death for this city. Each of us will compete for the city with bravery. There is no need for cunning and cunning. It makes the world laugh!”

Hou Jing was still a little out of sorts at the moment, but he had already vaguely understood that he was not a kind person who accepted things. Dangjie's face darkened, he pointed at Li Tai and said angrily: "Shu Zi is eager to seek death, so why should I?" Give it generously!”

As he spoke, he turned to look at Wang Sizheng and said coldly: "I have no intention to interfere with the personnel affairs of your country, but if you invite me here today just to watch the military drama, Wang Shijun will think that I have nothing to do? No matter who dares to invade my city , I will lead my troops to attack him until death!"

It was obvious that Hou Jing felt that these two people were acting in front of him. He had used this trick countless times, so he would not be easily frightened. How can it be such a child's play when it relates to a country's military and political plans.

After Wang Sizheng heard this, the expression on his face changed. His teeth clenched. His eyes moved back and forth on Hou Jing and Li Tai. After a while, he suddenly let out a breath of turbid air, and all the energy in his body seemed to be released. , sat back in his seat with a dejected look, waved his hand and said to Li Tai: "Li Boshan, go ahead, I won't care about what you do, and don't bother me whether it's life or death."

Li Tai knew that this was the critical moment to test his acting skills. If he was just arrogant and unruly, he might not arouse Hou Jing's attention, so he sneered at Wang Sizheng and said: "Taiyuan Gongda doesn't have to worry about me because of my youth." They looked down on me, thinking that I was just coveting the merits of Heyang and not caring about Henan. But in fact, the real person who was greedy for the merits was the Duke of Taiyuan himself.

If the Duke could not be tempted by this and stick to Jingzhou, waiting for the southern army to advance into Xuanhu and then advance eastward to block it, then Hou Jing would be directly exposed to the blade of the easterly army, with no help from all directions, and he would just be waiting for death. The southerners covet only Henan, how can it be a scene? When the two sides hold Yingchuan, our army will leave western Henan and the southern troops will enter Huaibei..."

"shut up!"

Hou Jing originally had a sneer on his face, but when he heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He stamped his feet to stop Li Tai from continuing, then glared at him and said in a deep voice, "Who is this kid? "

Sorry, sorry for being late. The scene of meeting Hou Jing was not easy to write. I changed several modes before writing this. I will update it first for everyone to watch. . . Will write more tomorrow. . .

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