Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 545 There is Youlin in every household

Today, the Hanbei camp is filled with a joyful atmosphere. In order to celebrate the smooth progress of the war, General Li Dadu has rewarded all the troops. The soldiers in each camp will have extra meals, and the brave warriors will have rewards. Give.

Li Tai did not disturb the army with his private affairs, but held a banquet in the big tent to wash away the dust of his father who had just returned and entertain the Xiangyang envoys who were sent off.

The generals at the banquet naturally knew about such a good news, and they were all extremely curious about what kind of person had trained such an outstanding disciple as Governor Li, so they all toasted to each other during the banquet. Their scorching eyes made Li Xiao feel a little scared.

Putting aside the discomfort caused by the crowd's over-enthusiasm, Li Xiao also noticed their heartfelt respect and obedience to his son. Seeing his son's high prestige in the eyes of his subordinates, Li Xiao felt deeply honored.

When he saw his son responding to compliments from the crowd appropriately and with ease, Li Xiao felt even more emotional. He was proud but also secretly regretful.

His son is already thriving, which naturally makes him very happy. But because the change was so big, it also made him feel strange. The father and son were separated for several years because of the war. It was natural to be happy to be reunited, but he missed the process of his son's growth and change.

Although Li Xiao was born in the Li family of Longxi, he was not familiar with official social situations. The year he was first awarded the title coincided with the Heyin Incident. He was lucky enough to avoid the disaster, and since then he has stayed away from serving as an official. If he hadn't been coerced by Gao Zhongmi, a harmful friend, he might still be living in seclusion in Qinghe Township.

Now that he is reunited with his relatives after a long separation, Li Xiao hopes to sit down and have a deep conversation with his son to talk about their farewells. But when he saw the crowds in the tent gathered around him enthusiastically and his son was in high spirits, he didn't want to dampen the crowd's interest, so he sipped his drink slowly in the banquet.

A banquet went on until late at night, and although Li Xiao did not drink heavily, he became very drunk without realizing it.

When Li Tai saw that Aye could no longer sit still in the banquet, he raised his hand to stop the banquet. The crowd dispersed, and he personally helped his drunken father to go to another tent to rest.

During the previous banquet, he could see that his father was not able to blend in, and he frequently expressed his intention to talk to him, but Li Tai was vague about it and did not give a positive response.

After all, he is not the real Li Tai, and he will inevitably feel guilty when facing his father's scrutiny. Although he can hide the past with his confidence in acting, after all, the father and son have been separated for several years, and he is in the period of adolescence where he has changed the most, so there will always be some alienation.

But when it comes to using his acting skills to reveal his true feelings to people, he is inevitably a little frightened and subconsciously avoids face-to-face contact. Maybe it will take some time before the relationship between father and son becomes close and comfortable.

After entering the other tent, Li Xiao tried hard to shake his head to wake himself up, and muttered and complained: "Why are you drunk again! There are still many things to say to my son... Ah Pan, Ah Pan, you Wait a moment, you’ll wake up soon, I’m afraid, I’m afraid it’ll be a dream again when you wake up tomorrow!”

When Li Tai heard this, he felt sour in his heart. He stepped forward and patted the back of his father's hand to comfort him: "Don't worry, Aye, this is not a dream. I will stay here and won't go anywhere."

As he spoke, he ordered his soldiers to prepare buttermilk tea and bring it here, while he sat beside the couch, watching over his father who was tossing and turning and refused to fall asleep.

"Ah, Ah Pan, are you still there? After hearing the news about you, Ah Ye was very upset. He liked that my son was strong and self-reliant and better than his father, but he was afraid of meeting you... You are ashamed to see my son. If I had not mistakenly made bad friends and caused trouble, my son would not have to suffer so much. Although, although my son has overcome all difficulties and fought bravely, it is really heartbreaking to think about the hardships my son has suffered!"

Drunk people are very emotional. In addition, Li Xiao felt guilty about his son. After the reunion, he couldn't help but confide in him. He said with full of self-blame: "In just a few years, Apan has grown stronger." Standing in Kansai, my talents and talents are a hundred times better than yours!

It's annoying, I hate that you were born in this household. You are so timid that you didn't dare to bravely go to the human world because of the disaster in Heyin. If your father has the courage to make progress, even if he relies on his family background to make progress for my son, he does not need to live in Kansai to be more powerful than Kanto! There is a young Lin in the house, and the danger is caused by the mistake of the mediocre father..."

Hearing his father's self-blame, Li Tai felt dumbfounded for a moment.

He thrived in Kansai, but that didn't mean he could do the same in Kanto. The nobles of Jinyang and the tycoons of Hebei have basically divided up the military resources of the Eastern Wei Dynasty. Even if he is lucky enough to be appreciated by the Gao brothers and achieve a status like Yang Min, he will not have enough armed forces in his hands. In the end, he is afraid that It was inevitable that his eyes would be punched out.

Guys like Duan Shao and Hu Luguang are not good men and women with broad minds. As the backbone of the second generation of Jinyang nobles, whoever wants to put his hands into their fields to redistribute rights will instantly transform into a food protector. A little wolfdog that bites people to bits and leaves nothing behind.

Li Tai can have some understanding of his father's mentality. No matter who has such an outstanding son, he will inevitably feel more pressure. Fortunately, his family does not have the throne to inherit. Otherwise, he will be like Li Longji, thinking every day how to give his prince a thousand dollars. cut.

Li Xiao struggled for a while before falling asleep soundly. When Li Tai heard the even breathing, he stood up and tiptoed out of the tent.

He himself didn't know how to face his father, and it seemed that his father was also a little awkward when facing him. Father and son have been separated for several years, and he has become the young leader of the Kansai hegemony, while his father has accomplished nothing and has even been reduced to being used as a hostage bargaining chip. This is undoubtedly a bit useless. The more outstanding his son is, the more he reflects his own incompetence. Obviously, it will take some time before he can accept this fact.

But no matter what, the reunion of father and son is always a happy event. Now he was still in enemy territory. To avoid being too happy and sad, Li Tai gathered his energy and patrolled the camp again to make sure nothing was abnormal before returning to his tent to rest.

Early the next morning, Li Tai got up and went to visit his father. Li Xiao also got up early. When he saw his son, he looked a little shy. Although he didn't remember the drunken talk last night, he still had some short thoughts and emotions in his heart. Time is hard to let go.

"There are still some things to wrap up in the war here, and there will be a lot of inconvenience for the camp. I would like to arrange for other troops to escort Aye back to Rangcheng first. What do you think of Aye?"

When father and son had breakfast together, Li Tai took the opportunity to ask for instructions.

After hearing this, Li Xiao said: "You put your ministry first, and you don't have to worry about me. We will meet again after a long separation, and the aftermath will last forever. Although your father is old and immortal, there is no need to bother the younger generation with everything. There is no harm in leaving alone."

Hearing that this tone was a little stronger, Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy. Of course he couldn't let Aye go on his own. It was hard to find someone. He couldn't have another season 2 of Where Are We Going, Dad? Or arrange for an escort. After all, the war here has almost progressed, and they are about to withdraw in batches.

He first arranged for Li Quji and Gao Le to join a group of powerful Jingzhou troops to escort Li Xiao to the north of the camp, and then turned back to deal with the remaining affairs.

The King of Yueyang, Xiao Qing, was also very discerning. The people and goods sent along with his father were of great value, which reflected the importance he attached to their father and son, and it was not in vain for Li Tai's previous expression.

In Li Xiao's opinion, this was a large amount of goods and a generous gift, but to a feudal official like Li Tai, it was just a small gesture of friendship, and he accepted it with a smile without any psychological barriers. As for who wants to impeach and report him based on this, it is well known that Governor Li has never been known for his integrity wherever he holds office.

Of course, if you receive a gift from someone, you should reciprocate it. Li Tai changed hands and transferred the ransom sent by Du You'an and Jingzhao Du who had surrendered before to Xiao Jin. As for whether Xiao Jin wanted to kill or behead them, he naturally ignored them.

Before, Li Tai might have been worried that doing so might affect the Xiangyang clan's impression of him, and he might not be willing to surrender easily if they were hostile again in the future. But it turns out that this is really too much to worry about. The powerful families in the Southern Dynasty are really addicted, and he has no time to accept the surrender.

However, when sending Du Youan back, Li Tai attached a condition, that is, he hoped that Xiao Jin could send Liu Fanggui's family here. Trading a direct member of the Jingzhao Du family for a family member of a rebel general was not a loss for Xiao Qing.

As for the nearly 10,000 soldiers and civilians in Fancheng, they were originally Li Tai's spoils of war. He did not plan to trade them, and planned to take them all back to Jingzhou. This was one of the reasons why he wanted to exchange Liu Fanggui's family members and appease them. Without the command and control of this familiar commander, most of these soldiers and civilians would have to flee on the way.

Although Xiao Jin still wanted to discuss it further, even if he paid some price to keep some of Fancheng's soldiers and civilians, after all, the population was precious to any party.

But Li Tai didn't want to mention this issue at all, and Xiao Jin didn't dare to argue based on it. He was worried that his rhetoric would be too intense and would offend Li Tai, destroying the friendly atmosphere that the two sides had finally established.

I have to say that it was a great experience to deal with these Southern Koreans. They are not as stubborn and domineering as those townsfolk in the north. They will carefully care for each other's mood, maintain the atmosphere of dialogue, and try their best to satisfy the other party's obviously excessive demands.

However, they were not willing to agree to all their requests. Before withdrawing the troops, Li Tai tentatively proposed to meet King Yueyang to have a conversation and explore a larger scope of cooperation, but was rejected.

He had no choice but to temporarily withdraw his troops and return to the town, and then send envoys to contact him and continue to deepen the relationship. After all, leaving aside possible exchanges and cooperation between regions, King Xiaoqing of Yueyang still has a big expansion pack for the next version hanging on him. If he can establish a good relationship in advance, he will not lose anything.

But now that the other party refused to come to see him, he could only go back to Jingzhou to deal with internal issues.

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