Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 546 Hope your son will become a dragon

Outside the city of Jingzhou, a line was lined up to welcome the triumphant army more than ten miles away. The faces of the people were all filled with enthusiastic smiles, whether they were sincere or not.

"Come on, come on, Governor Li returns home victoriously!"

As the flags and ceremonial guards representing the generals came into view, the crowd became more lively. People on both sides of the road clapped and cheered, and some people followed and cheered on both sides of the team.

Originally, the short time he had been in the town was not enough for Li Tai to have such a big reputation among the people. But in the past period of time, although he led his army on an expedition, the silk and gold cakes piled up on the high platform in the east of Rangcheng City showed his presence all the time.

Among the people's word of mouth, the most mentioned thing was the loyalty and heroism of the new envoy. As for the original cause of the incident, it became unimportant.

As several groups of troops withdrew in advance, news of the great victory of this expedition also spread in Jingzhou.

For a time, the popularity of Li Tai, the new envoy, suddenly reached a new height. Although the vast majority of the people had never seen the new envoy, it did not prevent them from spreading word of mouth and telling each other about the new envoy. Deeds.

He is fair and generous at home, tough and powerful externally. For the people of Jingzhou who are located on the border and suffer from all kinds of chaos, such a person is naturally their most ideal leader.

Today's march to welcome the victorious troops was certainly due to the call and organization of the elders in the prefecture and county, but there were also people who sincerely welcomed such a governor to govern the prefecture.

Li Tai was in the team and felt quite relieved when he heard the shouts and cheers from the people on both sides of the team.

One of the reasons why local tyrants are able to grow in size and control rural resources and order is that they bully superiors and neglect inferiors, deliberately blocking the flow of information to benefit themselves.

For example, when Li Tai first entered Kansai, he took advantage of the information gap to play with futures, ruthlessly harvested a handful of powerful people in Wuxiang County, and earned himself the first pot of gold.

Therefore, every time he goes to a new place, he has to find ways to bypass the inherent local social structure and local order, gain enough attention, and then put forward his own ideas and plans, so as to gain the greatest recognition and support.

Nowadays, he wants money and soldiers. Even if he changes places and is the powerful Nanyang man here, he can't think of any way to fight against such a commander.

With the crowd cheering all the way, Li Tai entered the city surrounded by soldiers. After returning to the state capital, he briefly talked with Cui Qian and Dou Chi who stayed here to learn about the state affairs during his absence.

There was no backlog of affairs in the state that needed to be dealt with urgently. After all, the entire state capital was in a state of near-standstill before his arrival. Now that his army has returned in triumph, there is something to do, such as distributing rewards to the meritorious soldiers, settling the soldiers and civilians captured in Fancheng, etc.

In order to maintain this momentum, Li Tai thought for a while and decided to take a short rest first. Two days later, he would reward the troops and distribute rewards in the military camp outside the city, trying to get these state and county soldiers to disband and return before the winter came. Township.

As for the resettlement of the people who moved from Fancheng, it is of course the responsibility of Cui Qian and other state officials to come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible based on the current situation in the state.

After explaining this, Li Taicai had time to go visit his father who had come to Rangcheng a few days earlier. In order to avoid the embarrassment of father and son being alone, he roped in his cousin Cui Qian, who had just been assigned a task.

Li Xiao has a strong ability to adapt to the new environment. When Li Tai and Cui Qian arrived, he was leading a few servants to dig the soil in the gardens in the backyard of the state capital. When he saw the two walking, he did not stop. the meaning of.

"Aye can just ask his servants to do these trivial matters. Why do you need to do it personally?"

The backyard of the state capital did look a bit deserted. Although the vegetation had withered, there were still many dead branches and roots left. When Li Tai saw his father's robes stained with mud, he stepped forward and said with a smile.

"I am a idle person, so I should do some idle things. I can't just sit in the door and wait for others to feed me."

After Li Xiao heard this, he replied casually, then pointed to the yard with withered vegetation and said to Li Tai: "You have disliked doing household chores since you were a child, and you are even more bothered by farming. Whenever farming is busy, you always have to wander outside. Reluctant to return home. I thought things would change after I became an adult, but this is still the case in this mansion.”

Li Tai felt a little ashamed when he heard his father talk about his old days of idleness and indolence even though it was not his fault.

Cui Qian next to him said with a smile: "Uncle misunderstood A Pan. He is too lazy to deal with it. It's just that when I entered the state, he hurriedly led the army to fight, and he didn't even have time to enter Suzhou. A Pan is now better than when he was a boy. He is much more diligent, and he managed a prosperous family business in Kansai, putting us elders to shame.”

When Li Xiao heard this, he paused while digging on the ground. After a moment, he laughed at himself: "Up to this point in my life, I am just an old man living in the countryside. I don't know much about what my children are doing. Talking about old things, I just don’t know how to pick up the pieces and give advice at the moment. I hope he can do things well, but I am stuck in my own knowledge and words.”

When Li Tai heard his father's self-deprecation, he couldn't help but feel deeply.

In fact, not only the relationship between father and son, but also the relationship between many fathers and sons in the world is a bit tense. As a father, he has a dignity in his heart that he wants to maintain, but he also has to face the reality of the change of the old and the new, and the decline of the son and the father. Gradually, It is difficult to teach my son the truth.

Especially when his son is engaged in some highly professional work, it is more difficult to guide him. Sometimes he will emphasize his dignity as a father by being picky in life to cover up and avoid the fact that he is aging and gradually being eliminated.

However, Li Tai's achievements are obvious to all. After the reunion, it is bound to be a bit difficult for Li Xiao to recall the dignity and feeling of being a father.

"I used to be afraid of being laughed at, so I always hide my laziness in front of others. But Aye knows me deeply and can see through my bones at a glance. Fortunately, my cousin has beautified me a little. Aye knows that I am embarrassed and rude in front of no one, so he should forgive me a little bit?"

As he spoke, Li Tai rolled up his sleeves and walked forward to take the hoe from his father, but was pushed away by his father.

"Whatever position a person holds, he should think about what he is doing! I have a son who takes care of me, so I can live in the fields. But you are responsible for the family and the country, so how can you waste your time on such idle matters? Go away, don't disturb my leisure time!" Li Xiao laughed and scolded twice, and pushed Li Tai out of the garden, indicating that he should hurry up and do his business. Li Tai saw that this old comrade knew how to entertain himself, so he made an appointment to have dinner with his father in the evening, and then went to the front hall of the state government with Cui Qian. Two days later, in the military camp outside the city, Li Tai personally presided over a grand reward meeting, and the soldiers who went on the expedition received rewards of varying amounts according to their merits. Strictly speaking, there were not many real combat missions in this expedition, and the front-line combat was basically undertaken by the troops brought by Li Tai from Guanzhong. As the main gains, Xiazao Shu and Fancheng were surrendered by the soldiers defending the city, so naturally there was no great merit such as being the first to enter the battle array. In order to make this reward meeting look grander, Li Tai also specially drafted some merits and distributed rewards in various ways. In public, he distributed a considerable amount of silk rewards to the Jingzhou tyrants who followed the army to the expedition, and many people received rewards more than once.

This was of course done to continue to strengthen his generous personality, and at the same time to tell these Jingzhou tyrants that he had distributed the rewards in excess without discounts. If you didn't get any, you have to think about who deducted it!

Even if these tyrants distributed the rewards to their troops fairly and cracked Li Tai's obvious plan to alienate him, he would not suffer any loss. At least he could let these tyrants and their respective troops know who they had a future with.

After the reward, the soldiers of the army were all happy, and those tyrants who did not respond to the call and lead their troops to follow the battle could not help but regret it.

At present, it is the season of autumn and winter, and various production activities have come to a temporary end. If they go with the army, they can not only get closer to the new envoy, but also the rewards they get can make their winter more comfortable.

However, no matter how much they regret it, it is too late. After the reward meeting, Li Tai's preliminary preparations have been basically completed, and the policy of throwing money can come to an end. The next step is to cut off the water pipe and get backflow.

The battle to attack Xiangyang ended successfully, and the next step is to deal with state affairs. At present, there is a state affair that has been backlogged for many days, that is, the disappearance of three powerful people.

When this incident just happened, Li Tai built a platform outside the east gate of Rangcheng to offer a reward. Now more than half a month has passed, and the effect must be tested.

Because the incident caused a lot of sensation at the time, even Li Tai, the governor of the state, was suspected of a lot of suspicion, so he also summoned officials from the state and counties and representatives of the townships in the territory to gather in the state government to discuss and solve this matter together.

"I pay my respects to you, my Lord!"

Huang Fuhu and the other three victims came to the hall to pay their respects to Li Tai. Seeing that the hall was packed with people, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Li Tai looked down at the three people and said with a kind smile: "The state government offered a reward before and asked you three families to collect information. What have you gained now?"

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