Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 584 Recreating Hot Summer

After all, some things must be experienced in person to have a profound understanding. No matter how others explain or describe it, the details and immersive feelings will be lacking.

As early as after their reunion in Mianbei, Li Tai told his father about the complicated personnel situation in Kansai, and he was also in a very important position in this complicated human situation.

Although Li Xiao had heard about this, he still didn't care more or less. He only felt that his son's so-called complicated personnel or important position might be a bit exaggerated, and he was probably bragging in front of his father.

However, since arriving in Huazhou yesterday, Li Xiaofan has witnessed the personnel and affairs, especially the situation where the imperial court and the Taiwanese government are vying to win over him in Daxingtai Palace, and he has realized that what his son said was true, and even what he said was true. Not enough.

Although Li Xiao is not good at being worldly and following people's influence, he is still from a famous family. In his early years before the Li family in Longxi suffered any misfortune, he had the words and deeds of his elders, the influence among his peers, and his past experience in the imperial court. It doesn’t have much political wisdom, but it still speaks from experience.

There are many personnel disputes in Kansai, and others can be ignored for the time being, but the contradiction between the imperial court and the hegemony must be taken seriously, and one must find his own position and position in this.

This is Li Xiao's deep understanding as a person who has experienced the Heyin Incident and survived the disaster. He knows that there is no room for carelessness in this matter.

After Li Tai pondered for a moment, he looked at his father and said, "How old is Aye Zhi'er?"

Hearing this question, Li Xiao sighed and said: "In the old year of Wutai, the Erzhu family tortured and killed the minister in Heyin. Your mother and other surviving relatives fled in a hurry. My son was born in the autumn of that year. He left with his father in the year of Shufa. Xiang, now he has matured and become a truly high-spirited adult husband!"

Li Tai was born in 528 when the Heyin Revolution occurred. It is now the end of 548, the fourteenth year of Datong. However, his crowning ceremony had already been hosted by his father in Qinghe Township, so father and son did not agree with this. No regrets.

"Yes, my talent has not been high for a long time. Although my position is high, my future is still long. Aye asked me where I am going to follow. It is not easy to answer this question. People and affairs are complicated and there is no stability. Maybe I shouldn't ask this question. Instead, we should ask, who can tolerate me?”

When Li Tai said this, he couldn't help but sigh secretly. It turned out that he had become quite powerful without knowing it.

Although two options were raised in his father's question, there was actually no obvious difference for him: "No matter which party you are on, the old master may be a confidant, and the young master must be a strong minister, even if he compromises, I'm afraid we won't be able to live in peace with each other. If you form a nest to protect yourself, if you have disobedient thoughts and kill them at your own risk, you will inevitably bring laughter to the world."

When Li Xiao heard this answer, he was a little stunned for a moment. He was still focusing on the very exposed and seemingly irreconcilable contradiction between the imperial court and the Bafu, and was struggling with what to choose between the two, but he did not expect that The son's vision is more long-term, and the new problems it raises are equally fatal.

"This, this is just an extremely bad situation, it may not, may not come true..."

As he said this, Li Xiao's heart was beating. Since the Six Towns Mutiny, it seemed that all the long-squeezed hostility in the world had been released, including the tragic Heyin Incident, the incredible escape of the emperor, and Hou Jing's remnant. The defeated people were able to cross the river that even the Northern Wei Dynasty was unable to touch when it was the most powerful, and directly surrounded Taicheng. All kinds of monsters continued, and no one dared to say for sure whether something worse would happen.

After a moment of silence, Li Xiao spoke again with some hesitation: "Since my son has had a premonition, I think you will have a way to deal with it based on your intelligence. Since then, you have been humble and self-sufficient, and have made good friends in the world, just like Sikong Wen and Mu Gong did in the past. Only by living in this way can you achieve both merit and body.”

Li Tai laughed when he heard this, knowing that it would be difficult for his father to accept the real plan in his heart in a short period of time. After all, not everyone in the world is as rebellious as him.

For example, the options proposed by his father only vacillated between the imperial court and the Overlord, and did not include the option of independence. Today, Li Chong's deeds are brought up to encourage him, but in fact, even Li Xiao himself is somewhat unsure whether the wisdom of his predecessors is still valid in this troubled world.

"In troubled times, if you don't advance, you will retreat. You are a man with a bow and a sword. If you keep a low profile and don't argue when things happen, what's the difference from waiting for death? Besides, there are many subordinates under my command who are seeking merit for me. Although I have gradually become known as Although they are successful and famous, they are still eager to make progress. How can they be content if they fail to live up to the public sentiment? "

It always takes a process for people to know and understand each other. When he was in Jingzhou, Li Tai was busy with military and political affairs, and he didn't have much communication with his father.

He knew that his father was just an ordinary person whose knowledge and structure in this world did not exceed his own background and class, and he was not even as capable as Brother Cui Qian. But since he is a close relative, it is also necessary for his father to understand his own ambitions.

"Aye said in the foreword that no one can share the ups and downs of the road. It is indeed true. Although I have some deeds to boast about, I am still far away from the road. Aspiration must be high, and steps must be taken to reach a long distance."

When Li Tai talked about this, his expression became serious: "Since the Yongjia year of the Jin Dynasty, the land of China has been sinking and the world has been ruined. The five barbarians have risen one after another, and their clothes and clothes are lingering. As for the Wei Dynasty, although there are two or three sages from famous families, they have intellectual intelligence. Even if they are united, the soldiers will riot and the world will be uneasy.

The human world has been in chaos for more than two hundred years, bones have been turned into clay, and the war is still going on. Among them, there are always some sufferings that are common and make people feel the same. If I were just a lowly person, living in ignorance and struggling to survive.

But now my talent, power and position do not allow me to be lost in the crowd. Although morality is important, someone must take responsibility, so that those who value morality but have little power can take shelter under it. Although I cannot rise and fall with the same morality, I am also bending and stretching within the morality. The hegemony and the court need to come to me, rather than me abandoning the way to follow them.

Today, my father asked me, so I dared to express my wish directly. I want to repair the cracks in the sky and rebuild Yanxia! Although my words are arrogant, my actions have always been tentative. More than two hundred years of chaos, blood and tears can converge into lakes, and corpses can be piled up into hills. This sea of ​​blood and corpses always needs someone to move and fill it. If I don’t do it, who else can I rely on? "

Li Xiao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard his son's generous self-expression of his wishes. Although his mouth was open, he didn't make any sound for a long time.

It was not until a long time later that he laughed, and his laughter went from low to high, becoming more and more cheerful. Pointing at Li Tai, he said to Li Zhusheng: "Did you see it, did you hear it? This is my son and his ambition! Oh, who would have thought that Li Xiao, who survived the catastrophe and hid in the countryside, could actually give birth to and raise such an arrogant lunatic who dared to take the world as his own responsibility! If my clan does not prosper because of this, it will surely perish because of it! In troubled times, the rise and fall of famous clans is just common, but if we can share this ambition and ambition, what regrets will there be even if I die? "

Li Tai looked at his father's high-fives and praise, and his somewhat out-of-control excitement. He didn't expect that his mouth cannon would be so powerful, but it was okay to be excited and sigh, and it was really unlucky to talk about death all the time, so he said again: "Aim high, be down-to-earth, speak wildly and act cautiously, and nothing will be impossible. Although you carry the weight of Mount Tai, your heart also sympathizes with the tiny mayflies. Going out with a sword can save the world, and staying at home in the hall can have a good meal. This lunatic has thunder in his belly, but Aye doesn't give him food? ”

No matter how loud the boast is, it doesn’t matter if you are full. Li Tai got up early in the morning and trained first. The amount of exercise was not small, but he hadn’t had time to eat. He was really hungry now.

After hearing this, Li Xiao laughed and couldn’t help sighing: “Maybe he was used to it in the past and was proud of his status, so he didn’t think there was anything strange about my son. After meeting again, I felt that his words were magical and surprising. No wonder the people in Guanxi all thought that I was well-educated and eager to help my son learn. Although I am ashamed of this enthusiasm, if I just refuse it blindly, I will inevitably be blamed for being too precious. How will I deal with myself in the future? ”

This is not a problem that Li Tai needs to face. His father is also a good Chinese traveler who has traveled to various countries. He is not completely without experience and standards in interpersonal relationships, so he naturally does not need him to point fingers.

While the father and son were chatting, Gao Zhongmi and other guests who stayed at home due to hangovers also got up and walked. Li Tai and his father accompanied these guests for dinner, and discussed how to return the gifts and express gratitude to the current families who warmly welcomed them yesterday.

It is obviously unrealistic to visit each family one by one. Otherwise, Li Tai would not have to do anything this time. He would just visit relatives and friends every day. He still had to find a reason to gather everyone together to express his feelings.

Li Tai had already planned for this. Before, the Taiwan government and the court had expressed their intention to recruit his father as an official, but he did not want his father to be caught in the middle. After all, he could not avoid it if he wanted to get promoted, but his father did not need to do so. Even if he was not in the court, he would be a high official in the government. Officials, stay at home and maybe you can become an emperor next year, why bother to look at people's faces.

However, his father is not too old, even if he is old, he wants to have a career to boast about, and the most suitable arrangement for him is probably teaching and lecturing.

Li Tai plans to build a private school on Longshouyuan in Chang'an and let his father be the principal. He doesn't know what his father's specific academic level is, because this is beyond his cognitive level, even his second brother Li Chao is much more educated than him. But regardless of his father's academic level, the thousands of volumes of books brought back from Jingzhou alone are enough to scare the current people in Guanxi.

The place and houses on Longshouyuan are ready, and Li Tai had some similar ideas before, and asked Li Licheng, Li Xiaoyong and others to arrange the layout, so he only needs to clean up and open it directly. At that time, posting to the current families and holding an opening ceremony will also kill two birds with one stone.

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