Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 585 Best Performance

Li Tai rested at home for two days before returning to Taifu to see Daxingtai and report his official affairs in the town for more than a year.

Of course, the state officials who had returned with him before had also reported the basic state affairs to the Taiwanese government officials. In addition, Liang Rui, a small spy who followed Li Tai, would also report the basic state affairs to the Taiwan government. Some things were reported to Daxingtai first, so that Daxingtai already had a general understanding of the current situation in Jingzhou.

The end of the year is the busiest time in Taiwan. In addition, the military and political powers have undergone profound changes this year, and more power decisions have been taken over by the Taiwan government. Therefore, there were many internal and external officials who came to Taifu to wait for summons and reports. There was a long queue outside the main hall, which gave people a headache just looking at it.

Li Tai didn't need to line up here when he came to Taifu to perform business very early. Even if Daxingtai couldn't summon him in time, he would be arranged to sit and wait in the living room of the side hall.

Therefore, in a power ecological circle, everyone will try their best to climb up, and each level corresponds to each level of privileges. Of course, a guest house used for temporary rest is nothing, but if this guest house is in a palace or an imperial palace, then many people will have difficulty stepping into it throughout their lives.

In fact, today Li Tai still holds the title of Shangshu of Xingtai. In theory, he should have his own office in Taifu. However, as Taifu gathered more and more personnel, the hall buildings in Taifu gradually became insufficient.

The last overall expansion of Huazhou City was between the 10th and 11th years of Datong. At that time, Yu Wentai followed Li Tai's suggestion and used the excuse of banning the destruction of Liu Shifo in Guanzhong to confiscate temple assets and made a huge fortune. Immediately he invested in city defense and army construction.

It is now the end of the fourteenth year of the Great Unification. After a few years of spaciousness, Taifu in Huazhou has become crowded again. The armies have expanded and strengthened the guards of Taifu. In addition, the military mansions have occupied a certain area. Taifu has occupied a certain area. The number of Cao Cao personnel in the government increased.

Of course, Dahangtai has made great efforts to have children in recent years. The wives and concubines who gave birth to children always need a certain independent and private living space to accommodate them. There are also newly accepted concubines, such as the Xiaoer Zhu family that Li Tai brought back from Jinyang. Because of his high status, Yuwen Tai also built a courtyard to house them.

Such a discount of 30% to 80% makes Tai Mansion even more crowded and messy. However, because the scale of the building is already very large, if we want to start expansion on this basis, we must also consider the various previous functions and layout, and the investment required will naturally increase greatly.

Last year, due to Hou Jing's defection and Wang Sizheng's unauthorized actions, the Bafu had to carry out a series of military operations. The military resources needed were collected by Li Tai who presided over the sale of various government properties. Afterwards, they suffered a huge defeat in the Battle of Heyang and vomited out all the food they had eaten. Naturally, the Taifu government had no spare money or food left to do any civil construction work.

Li Tai waited in the side hall for about half an hour. During this period, Zhao Su, Wang Zizhi and other former relatives of the Taifu came in to say hello, but they did not have time to stay long. After a short greeting, they said goodbye and left, and then he was also Summoned into the straight hall.

As soon as Li Tai entered the hall, Yu Wentai applauded in the banquet and said with a smile: "Boshan has the best performance in the examination this year. Many old officials in Guanzhong feel ashamed. All colleagues in the Taifu Government have heard this recently and feel deeply and honored." Alas! If I had not pitied you for your hard work, I would have wanted you to teach all the official skills to the officials in the government!"

After Li Tai heard this, he bowed and said with a smile: "What I rely on is the Lord's special favor and trust, which enables me to do whatever I want. Everything that is beneficial to the governance is extremely beneficial. The Lord is kind and kind. The ministers will spread the news among the people, and the people of Jingzhou will be grateful, and the rule will naturally flourish. "

After Yu Wentai heard this, he also laughed, raised his hand to signal Li Tai to sit down without courtesy, and then sighed again: "Boshan, you seem to be relaxed, but I know that it is really difficult to govern that country. How can I do anything to the past?" Incompetent? But the situation in the border state is tough and the people are easy to deal with. If the treatment is light, cunning will breed; if the treatment is heavy, they will rebel against us and become enemies. Therefore, for many years, we have not dared to use it deeply, but have only made hasty efforts to keep the system in check. Just caressing.

Boshan, you established the correct laws and regulations in the state, established households and opened up wasteland, so that the number of households in the state was prosperous and the people's sentiments were good. This work is not inferior to that of Kaibian! I entered the state last autumn, and now I have made quite a lot of achievements, which shows that whether we can be governed or not depends not on the place, but on the people! There are many people in the world who live up to their reputation and are so happy with their achievements. They are unwilling to practice hard work, but rely on adventure as their talent. This is so harmful to themselves and others! "

When Li Tai heard that there was obviously something in his words, he turned his eyes around the hall, but did not find Brother Sabao. He couldn't help but feel a little pity, this guy should listen to this words carefully. Although the name is obviously not meant for him, the other words used are tailor-made.

After complaining about Wang Sizheng, Yu Wentai asked a few more questions, mainly related to the people's livelihood in the Miobei area, such as where these additional registered households come from, and how much wasteland will be reclaimed this year next year. What kind of harvest will be produced, and whether the same trend of increasing people and land as this year can be maintained next year, etc.

Li Tai also answered these questions one by one. Of course, he could not avoid giving a broader account of the situation around Miobei. After all, the Nanyang Basin is in the area of ​​the Fourth War, and the political direction of the state greatly depends on the surrounding situation. how.

Yuwentai also listened to this very seriously, especially after hearing Li Taiyan mention the impact that Hou Jing's rebellious army crossed the river on the Jianghan area, he couldn't help but ask again: "Has Hou Jing really crossed the river? I heard He was defeated and fled south, with only a few hundred remaining troops. How could he break through the Liang River blockade?

Even if we take advantage of the leakage in the river defense and sneak across the south of the Yangtze River, the danger it can cause will not be too great, right? There are many people living in the south who live in the south. If the husband of the Xiao family cannot conquer even the remnants of this area, how can he have the courage to recruit many heroes from the north? "

Hearing Yu Wentai's repeated questions, the gossip was beyond words, and Li Tai couldn't help but feel happy.

As Wang Sizheng was besieged by the Eastern Wei army in Yingchuan, the strongholds and forces around Heluo had been attacked and swept away by the Eastern Wei before that. Therefore, the Western Wei's channels for obtaining intelligence from the south were also very limited. Only the Mianbei side could Yes, the lag in obtaining information is naturally very serious.

From Yu Wentai's questions, it can be seen that at least at his current position, he still did not regard Hou Jing's crossing of the river as a strategic opportunity worthy of attention.

After all, since the Six Towns Mutiny, all the forces in the north have been locked in fights with each other, serious internal strife, and directly split into two political regimes, the East and the West. On the other hand, the Southern Dynasty has been in a stable state for a long time. Xiao Bodhisattva has the tendency to become more and more spiritual as he gets older. Many powerful military leaders and clan members from the north went to surrender.

Therefore, both the East and the West had a high regard for the national power of Nanliang. After the Eastern Wei Dynasty defeated Hanshanyan, they did not dare to underestimate Nanliang, and even started peace talks as soon as possible.

Therefore, Yuwentai's curiosity and concern about this matter at the moment is more about wanting to know how far Nanliang has become.

Naturally, Li Tai could not say that the reinforcements from all over the Southern Liang and hundreds of thousands of people had watched Hou Jing attack Taicheng for several months. On the one hand, Hou Jing toyed with the monarchs and ministers of the Southern Liang like a monkey, and on the other hand, he always hit the fence like a wild boar. He couldn't get in, and finally won the final victory in this grand competition.

Of course, even if he said it, Yu Wentai would have to drink water from the Qinhuai River at the same time to believe that such a ridiculous and completely illogical thing could happen in the world! The loyalty and relationship between father and son, monarch and minister, were trampled completely and completely lost in this battle of Taicheng attack and defense.

"From what I can see, the Xiao vassals are deeply in conflict with each other, and they can be said to be on the same page as fire and water. Before Hou Jing came to power, there were already many disputes in the Jing and Yong mansions. Xiao Jingui, the governor of Yongzhou, was the grandson of the emperor, and the vassal came to his old residence. Unable to control the masses, he still needs to rely on his ministers to help him kill the powerful clans in the government, which shows that there is a lack of order at the top and bottom. "

Li Tai first gave a local example, and then continued: "If the border towns are like this, the corruption of other vassal guards can also be imagined. These poisonous places have already made Fangzhen uneasy. If they suddenly gather in one place, How can we be at peace with each other?

Moreover, the power Hou Jing gathered in Huainan is not small. If he crosses the river by chance, he may be punished by God and fake the situation. Once Huaibei is defeated, Liang's central army will be wiped out. Once all the troops and troops from all sides gather within the capital, great disaster will surely occur! From what I can see, it is advisable to resettle the troops in Jingzhen to wait for changes in Nanliang and Jianghan unrest, so that they can be retrieved nearby. "

Although Li Tai knew what happened, it was difficult to win people's trust based on this. He could only use this as his own guess. Although he has many troops in Jingzhou, the real core is only a few thousand people. If he really wants to carry out large-scale advancement, he still needs to rely on Guanzhong to mobilize troops.

What's more, the Western Wei Dynasty just happened last year when Wang Sizheng made a bold move towards border generals. This year, Yu Wentai took the prince to patrol the border with the intention of intimidating the border officers and soldiers to eliminate the adverse effects.

If Li Tai continues to kill first and then show off, and rushes to send troops, no matter what the results will be, just the spirit of committing crimes against the wind, unless the masses gather to hang him up and show him to the public, the team will really be unable to lead, so let's break up as soon as possible.

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