Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 720: Thirsty for Learning

The Longyuan Academy in Chang'an has now become a highly respected academic resort in Guanzhong. The most praised and admired thing in the academy is the collection of tens of thousands of volumes of books, which is the largest in Kansai.

Compared with the Northern Qi and Nanliang in the east, the Western Wei can be described as a cultural desert. The reason for this situation is not that Kansai people don't like reading by nature, but because there are no books to read and no learning to pass on. With the construction of Longyuan Academy, many academic activities in Chang'an gradually began to rise.

Although many Guan Longhaoyou and Beizhen military leaders themselves had no academic knowledge, they hoped that their children, nephews, and future generations would be able to understand the classics and its meaning, so they sent their children to Longyuan Academy to study and study through various channels.

In sharp contrast to the bustling Longyuan Academy, there is Chang'an Imperial College. Taixue would also recruit the disciples of meritorious officials to teach, but the scholars often only had a few dozen students and disciples. The interpretations of the Five Classics and other concepts taught in the school were also biased and missing. Occasionally, it was necessary to go to Longyuan Academy for verification. Correction, with such low academic standards, the few apprentices will naturally be lost.

On this day, a motorcade came from the east and slowly drove into Longyuan Academy. This fleet consists of more than a dozen large trucks, each of which is filled with items. However, because it is covered with thick felt cloth, it is not clear what items are loaded inside.

"These trucks are so tightly packed, are they all filled with silken things?"

Everyone is curious. Seeing this scene, the students and tourists coming in and out of the school couldn't help but talk about it. If it was ordinary cargo, why was it packaged so tightly and carefully?

Looking at this posture, could it be that some powerful powerful man from the frontier heard about the name of Longyuan Academy and spent a lot of money to send Erlang to the academy?

It’s no wonder that people have such speculation, because not long ago, Li Xian, a wealthy family in Wonju, and others sent their children to the school with their wealth, which caused quite a sensation at the time.

However, Shiliu did not ridicule and criticize Longyuan Academy for being greedy for goods. The academy was now very large, with nearly two thousand students and disciples in the academy alone.

It is true that there are many children of powerful people with rich family backgrounds and no worries about food and clothing, but there are also many people from humble families and common people in Guizhou who are eager to learn. Many students from poor families but with excellent academic performance can receive funding from the academy, allowing them to continue their studies in the academy without any distractions.

In addition, the various collections of books in the school are also expensive to compile, collate, copy and engrave, collect and maintain, etc. In addition, various subsidies are given to the scholars who participate in teaching, compilation and other tasks, and the daily expenses of the school are Not too small either.

While the disciples were still discussing and speculating about which powerful place came to promote academics and benefit the academy, another team of more than 200 knights appeared behind the motorcade, riding their horses slowly, seemingly on the same road as the motorcade in front.

"Li, General Li, it's General Li!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the crowd. The people next to him followed his gaze and immediately became excited. They walked forward one after another, and when they were still far apart, they shouted loudly: "General Li has returned to the country..."

When Li Tai, who was surrounded by soldiers, heard these shouts, he also rode out in front of the crowd and waved to these excited and enthusiastic school students. But when he saw the people pouring out of the school behind him, he became more and more excited. As I came more and more, I suddenly felt that my enthusiasm was a little too much.

Although this school is his own property, Li Tai doesn't come often. The last time I came here was when I entered the court with King Liang. At the suggestion of my father-in-law Duguxin, I sent Yang Zhong’s son Yang Jian to school. At that time, he was warmly welcomed by the students in the hall. Now more than two years have passed, and look at this situation My popularity in the academy continues to increase.

It was the afternoon recess, and many students were strolling nearby. When they heard the news of General Li's arrival, they came here one after another, wanting to pay homage to this famous general in the world. Suddenly, the open door of the school became crowded, and a stampede was about to happen.

After Li Tai saw this, he hurriedly called on several of his followers to take a detour and go along the outside of the wall to the back of the school. When many disciples from behind rushed out of the academy, they carefully identified the group of knights and asked enthusiastically: "Which one is General Li? I heard that General Li is unparalleled in beauty and grace. These The knights all owe a little bit!"

Seeing the general being forced to run around the wall by the over-enthusiastic disciples, some of the guards including Feng laughed cheerfully. However, after hearing the disciples talking like this, they could no longer laugh. Some of them couldn't laugh. Angry and angry, he shouted: "Spread out, everyone spread out! Don't stop the Jingzhou Governor's Office from transporting books to the academy!"

Since the unparalleled General Li was missing, all the disciples dispersed in a hurry. However, there were some particularly studious ones who heard that more books had been delivered. They were very happy and hurried to the library in the library. , hoping to be selected by the scholars in the library to help carry and organize these newly delivered books, so as to take advantage of this opportunity to have a sneak peek.

In the academy, although Li Tai avoided the crowds of students, he was still unable to avoid being blocked by the crowd in front of his father Li Xiao's living building in the academy.

Most of the people who came after hearing the news were bachelors from the academy. In addition to welcoming General Li home, they each had other agendas.

"I would like to ask General Li, I asked you if there was a second chapter of the "Book of Rites of the Great" when I visited the Liang Kingdom before. Now is there any clue about the matter?"

Although Mr. Lu Bian is not young, his movements are not slow. Hearing that Li Tai came to the academy, he immediately rushed out of his small building and rushed towards Li Tai who had just dismounted. He did not have time to say hello. Then he grabbed Li Tai's wrist and asked loudly.

Lu Bian was erudite and knowledgeable, and he wrote annotations for the "Dadai Liji" in his middle age. Therefore, he was praised and praised by his family and current people, which echoes the annotation of "Xiaodai Liji" by their ancestor Lu Zhi.

But what made him more regretful was that the "Da Dai Li Ji" passed down in the Northern Dynasties was missing many chapters and was incomplete. Originally, Lu Bian was already ready to accept this regret, but when Li Tai obtained more than 100 chapters from Jiangling and Xiangyang, After thousands of volumes of books, a fire of hope suddenly ignited in his heart, hoping to find the remaining chapters and complete his academic achievements.

Since learning that Li Tai had returned to Huazhou, Lu Bian asked for a leave of absence from the court, waiting for Li Tai to come to see his father and block him to demand books.

Before Li Tai had time to answer Lu Bian's question, Xue Chi, who was serving as the minister of Zhongshu on the other side of the court, also walked quickly and shouted loudly from a distance: "Taiyuan Gong, Taiyuan Gong, Preface to "Book of the Later Han Dynasty" Do you still remember?"

Soon after, people came from all directions, shouting to Li Tai to ask if they had got the classics and history books they had ordered long ago. Hearing all kinds of appeals from all directions made Li Tai's head spin.

He took a closer look at these people, and found that most of them had official positions in the imperial court, but now they were all squatting in the Longyuan Academy waiting to block him. With such neglect of duty and failure to do their job properly, how could we, the Wei Dynasty, not be destroyed?

The crowd's appeal was so fervent that Li Xiao, who had returned from the school after hearing the news, had difficulty squeezing into the crowd to talk to his son. He could only stand aside and laugh.

Fortunately, several phoenixes and others escorted the books into the library and asked the bachelors to sort them out. Li Tai then got rid of everyone and followed his father into the building to rest for a while.

"The people of Chang'an are eager to learn, and you have such a convenient location. You should also listen to the appeals of the masses and work hard to promote the spread of learning from the south to the north! Although swords and arrows are sharp and can kill people, they are difficult to unite people's hearts."

After not seeing each other for a long time, Li Xiao looked at his son with great joy. He took out a set of porcelain tea sets and prepared to make tea for his son to relieve his fatigue.

Naturally, Li Tai couldn't show off in front of his father. He helped clean the tea set and said with a smile: "How could I not understand Aye's advice? I have been working on it these years, but even though the foolish fathers and sons of the Southern Dynasty He did not have the wisdom to protect his country, but he still regarded rituals, principles, classics, and techniques as secrets that were not passed down. The thousands of books sent back this time were still waiting for him, including the skills of hundreds of schools of thought and the techniques of agriculture and industry. When we conquer Jiangling next year, we will sweep away all the books from Jiangnan to the north!"

"Stop being so crazy!"

When Li Xiao heard this, he rolled his eyes at his son and scolded him slightly, but he was still proud in his heart. After a moment, he couldn't help laughing, and after a while he said again: "It's okay for you to pass on the message before. But I always feel that I may cause trouble for you. You are not aloof and conceited, but you were very excited when you first encountered this matter and your words were inappropriate..."

Li Tai knew what his father was talking about. After hearing what he said, he waved his hands and said: "I am also quite disgusted with this matter. It's just that we are in the current situation and it is inevitable that there will be many obstacles. Although he may seem strong, many things must be done. Go against your will and wrong yourself. Since Aye has no intention of being an official, my current power can protect Aye from being criticized. He can speak his mind freely when encountering problems. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"What are you talking about? Are you a criminal who cannot be tolerated by justice? If you are convicted for your words, it means that the country is not upright. Isn't it the bounden duty of you and other people who are living in poverty to bring order to chaos?"

Li Xiao felt quite happy when he heard his son's consolation, but he soon felt uncomfortable. He immediately rolled his eyes and pointed out that his son had used the wrong words.

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