Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 721 The Son-in-law and the Son-in-law

When he returned to his home in the city in the evening, Li Tai first went into the inner palace to visit his mother, and by the way he also met the new daughter-in-law of his third son, Leo.

This sister-in-law is the daughter of Cui You. The Boling Cui family and the Longxi Li family have been relatives for many years. This marriage can be regarded as a close relationship. When Li Tai saw that his sister-in-law had a gentle temperament and looked like a lady, his parents and his youngest son were also very satisfied with the marriage. Of course, he had nothing to say.

Li Ao got married last year, and Li Tai had to stay in Jingzhou to pay close attention to the changes in the situation in the south because of the Nanliang Jiangling troops' counterattack on Jiankang. He had no time to return to attend the wedding, so he only asked his wife to come back for him. This time he returned to Guanzhong, too. A batch of gifts was specially prepared for the young brother and his wife to help them start a family and become independent.

Li Tai himself was not particular about the idea of ​​brothers living together without separation. Regardless of whether the second or third brother got married, he would prepare a financial and family property for them and encourage them to become self-reliant. But if parents feel lonely and want their sons to live together, he will certainly not object. However, my parents are open-minded and open-minded, and with the eldest son Li Tai as a role model, they are also happy to see their sons start a family.

When Li Tai returned to the central hall after greeting his mother, Cui You, his new in-law, was also invited by his father to visit him. After the meeting, they naturally exchanged polite greetings.

The friendship between Li Tai and Cui You was not due to the marriage between the two families. Not long after he came to Kansai, he met these Kanto friends under the introduction of his cousin Cui Qian and others. Later, when Li Hu came forward to make things difficult for him because of He Basheng's incident, Cui You also helped to speak out. Cui You could be regarded as watching Li Tai settle down and develop in Kansai.

When Li Tai first became the governor of Jingzhou, Cui You, who was the governor of Xizhou at the time, also provided some help, which allowed him to develop smoothly in Mianbei. But later Cui You returned to the court to recuperate due to illness, and his replacement was Liang Xin, a wealthy man from the third auxiliary family.

Later, Cui You went on the Eastern Expedition with the army. Because the results of the Eastern Expedition were not satisfactory, he was idle at home after returning. He happened to have time to arrange the marriage of his children, so he promoted the marriage with the Li family.

When they met again this time, Cui You was also very enthusiastic. After reminiscing with Li Tai for a while, he asked about the details of the current situation in the southeast. Li Tai listened to his constant questions and expressed his opinions, knowing that Cui You should be very restless and did not want to continue to be idle like this.

After all, Cui You is different from his own father. He has a good eldest son who works hard and makes meritorious deeds outside, so he can easily and comfortably lead a retirement life in advance.

Cui You is not too old now, but can be said to be in the prime of life. It is the time to start his career. Now that the situation in Nanliang is collapsing, it is also the time to make achievements. Naturally, he is not willing to be idle at home for a long time.

Although Li Tai is considered his junior, he currently belongs to the top group in the country. He also controls major events in the southeast. It can be said that he is second only to the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office and on par with the Qinzhou General Manager's Office. Now that Li Tai had finally returned to the court and was able to discuss the current situation face to face, Cui You could not directly ask for a job, so he carefully explained his analysis of the situation in the southeast to Li Tai.

Li Tai can naturally see Cui You's intentions, but if he strives to enter the Jingzhou General Manager's Office with the idea of ​​​​immediate meritorious service, he may be disappointed. Because Li Tai has no plans to start a major war in the next few years, the Jingzhou General Administration will focus on the development of internal affairs and military construction for the next period of time.

But seeing that Cui You's eyes were eager and his words had an overall view, Li Tai hesitated briefly and then said: "When I was in the mansion before returning home this time, Daxingtai inquired about the affairs on the Sichuan border, so I also talked with everyone in the mansion. Let’s discuss it publicly. Later, I realized that I still have some unfinished ideas. I wonder if Uncle Shi has any expertise on this?”

Cui You was stunned when he heard this question, and soon understood what Li Tai meant. Although it was different from his idea of ​​going to Jingzhou to seek employment, the defeat of Shu was also a great achievement, so he Also think about it seriously.

"The reason why Shuzhong can be planned does not lie in the chaos in Nanliang, but in the recovery of Hanzhong. If Hanzhong is obtained, we must seek Shuzhong, why? The two places are dependent on each other externally and internally. If you don't plan far, it will be difficult to control what is close. The method of Shu lies in the road..."

After pondering for a while, Cui You continued to talk about his views.

Compared with the various suggestions that Li Tai had made in the Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office that were closer to strategy, Cui You focused on the actual implementation of the expedition to Shu, especially emphasizing the roads to Hanzhong and Shuzhong.

When Li Tai heard Cui You's description, he couldn't help but nod his head. Nowadays, he is not in charge of Guanzhong, so he does not attach much importance to the geographical value of Hanzhong and Shuzhong. What he pays more attention to is the commercial attributes of the two places, because without actually controlling the military and political affairs of the two places, he can only strengthen business communication. Only in this way can we share the benefits contained in the two places, and road transportation is an important factor in promoting the development of business and trade between the two places.

Of course, road transportation is also an important basis for sending troops to conquer, and after conquering central Shu, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of road transportation to strengthen control of the central Shu area.

Because Cui You didn't have a deep understanding of the situation in Sichuan, and he was only thinking about answering Li Tai's questions temporarily, he did not make grand remarks from a high position, but focused on practical issues to explain his views.

After listening to Cui You's story, Li Tai couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised: "Uncle Shi's words and suggestions are profound and to the point. If you can join in the affairs of Shu, it will be of great benefit!"

Cui You couldn't help but smile after hearing Li Tai's comments, but he waved his hands and said with a modest smile: "I don't know much about Shu affairs. Even the occasional comments are just the wisdom of my ancestors and commonplaces. I don’t know if it’s feasible or not.”

While Li Tai was laughing and chatting with Cui You, he was also making calculations in his heart. This time the Chinese and Foreign Government planned to conquer Shu. Although he was not the specific executor, his role as a staff advisor was also very important. Needless to say, when the matter came to a head, someone would certainly be needed to provide practical support.

Although he has the responsibility to cooperate with the military operations of the Chinese and Foreign Governments, his own interests must also be reflected. Although it was previously determined that his cousin Li Shicao would follow the idea of ​​​​conquering Shu, Li Shicao may not be able to fully represent the interests of the Jingzhou General Administration, so he still has to fight for it further.

At present, Cui You was a suitable candidate, so he considered whether he could recommend Cui You to replace Yan Qing as the governor of Liangzhou to prepare for the conquest of Shu. Get closer communication and connection?

He was thinking about this in his mind when he suddenly heard a noise of people and horses coming from the front hall. Immediately, the servant came to report that his father-in-law, Dugu Xin, was leading some people from Beijing to the door.

After hearing this, Li Tai hurriedly got up and came out of the hall to greet him. When he walked to the partition wall of the atrium, he heard his father-in-law's hearty laughter coming from outside the wall, and soon a group of people appeared at the door of the courtyard.

"Don't be dissatisfied if you come uninvited, my dear! Xuan You has come early, and I will have a drink with you when I enter the hall later."

Dugu Xin first said hello to Li Xiao and Cui You, and then stepped forward to hold Li Tai's hand and said with a smile: "Bo Shan is really capable of attracting people. When the guests in our door knew that you were returning to the capital, they kept urging you to come and see you. Unexpectedly, Even the wine and food in the case have no taste!”

Li Tai first confessed to his father-in-law, but he was full of dust today and planned to visit again tomorrow. Xuanzhi turned his eyes and saw his brother-in-law Yu Wenyu, who was following Dugu Xin and whose presence was not very high, so he smiled and nodded.

"Don't come here to think about it. Mr. Taiyuan's style is still the same!"

Seeing his father-in-law dragging Li Tai towards the hall, Yu Wenyu couldn't get over his father-in-law to say hello, so he could only take advantage of the time when Li Tai was coming and going to bow to him as a salute, and then followed him all the way to the hall. .

Also coming with Dugu Xin were Liu Qiu, his son-in-law Wei Xiaogu, Longyou's former kinsman Huangfu Mu, and seven or eight other people. Some of them were acquainted with Li Tai, and some were strangers to him. Ichiban.

After entering the hall and sitting down, Li Tai saw his father-in-law's high-spirited appearance, and then thought about the scene just now when he was surrounded by people, and even Yu Wentai's son followed behind him. You recall the disappointed look on the court.

It seems that Dugu Xin has adapted to the current situation in Rongyang Kingdom, and is now getting along like a fish in water in Chang'an City.

It's no wonder, aside from Dugu Xin's high position in the Zhuguo Kingdom, appearance itself is a social pass. Not to mention the high status now, when he was running around in the early years, he was loved by everyone.

When Li Tai communicated with some people in Jiangling before, there were many people who mentioned the story of Dugu Xin's residence in Jiankang. This was not just for ridicule, but he really remembered Dugu Xin's style and was full of praise. . When he saw Li Tai, who was even more charming, this memory inevitably became more vivid, and he was even called the son-in-law.

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