Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 723 A battle of tactics

Dugu Xin actually didn't think too deeply about this matter. He had the idea of ​​​​supporting Yu Wenyu slightly, but to connect it with the conquest of Shu was to listen to Li Tai's explanation of the conquest of Shu. An idea that came to me later.

Seeing Li Tai's reaction at this time seemed a bit big, and Dugu Xin suddenly became unconfident: "Is this difficult?"

Li Tai opened his mouth after hearing the words, but no sound came out, just a wry smile. He really didn't know where to start. Is this a difficult question? I understand the reluctance of you old comrades to be lonely, but you can't ignore the facts and have your own whims!

Why do you think our national strength is so strong that even a pig can win the battle against Shu? The Nanliang Empire collapsed so quickly, and most of the reasons were due to the filial sons and grandsons of the Xiao family!

Of course, Yu Wenyu is not a pig, and he doesn't look as bad as the Xiao family's litter, but when it comes to leading the army in battle, it is just a blank piece of paper. Even if he only serves as a nominal coach and sends other generals as deputies to exercise full power of conquest, what is the significance of this arrangement?

It should be noted that it is still the Western Wei Dynasty, and Yuwentai's own authority still needs to be strengthened, so he is rushing to use such a large-scale military operation to increase his son's qualifications? Success is not necessarily a good thing. Once it fails, the emperor will look for trouble with his eyes open and let Yuwentai fool him casually?

Such a personnel appointment is too risky but has little reward. Not to mention that Yu Wenyu is just a concubine, even if he is a legitimate son, Yu Wentai cannot agree to it. Today, he has not yet reached the time to admit defeat and promote his son to the top, not to mention that there is an unstable factor like Dugu Xin behind Yu Wenyu.

Regardless of Yu Wentai's attitude, as far as Li Tai himself was concerned, he did not want to see Yu Wenyu or other Yu Wentai's sons take charge of the army and make meritorious deeds.

If Yu Wenyu really succeeds in uniting the army to conquer Shu, then he will become Li Tai's replacement, making Li Tai's position as the general manager of Jingzhou no longer so irreplaceable. After all, the nephew and the son are fundamentally different in terms of ethical blood ties.

Yuchi successfully conquered Shu. This achievement can be said to be another helping hand for the clan, but it did not break away from the category of ministers. But if the son can possess this skill, then he must spare no effort to cultivate it, to the extent that anyone who interferes will be destroyed.

Li Tai didn't think that his father-in-law's suggestion was to cultivate Yu Wenyu to replace him. He probably wanted to continue the struggle with Yu Wentai to the next generation because he was unwilling to be lonely.

Because if Yu Wenyu really reveals the temperament of a heroic master and can make Yu Wentai waver in his choice of concubine, then the most important thing to do is to get rid of Dugu Xin, an eyesore in-law.

In short, if Yu Wenyu suddenly emerges and performs too well, neither Duguxin nor Li Tai will be too comfortable.

Seeing that Li Tai was just silent, Dugu Xin couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. He looked at Li Tai and said softly: "Am I too rash in my thoughts? Bo Shan, you can just say it."

Of course, Li Tai pointed at Dugu Xin's nose and said, "Don't mess around. You still have to give him basic face." After thinking for a while, he said: "Soldiers are very fierce and cannot be easily controlled. Ningdu Gong is inherently Extraordinary birth does not require death. Even if you want to cultivate and hone yourself, you should proceed step by step. If you rush into a difficult and dangerous situation, you may be panicked and tiring! Now that this son is an adult, I hope Ningdu Gong can gain more steady experience and progress."

Although he didn't speak too directly, his answer also meant that Dugu Xin's idea was indeed a bit immature.

Among Yuwentai's disciples, Yu Wenyu is the eldest. He was born when Yuwentai was serving as the governor of Xiazhou, and he is already nineteen years old now. The second son, Yuwen Zhen, was born soon after. He married Yuan Baoju's daughter before the death of Emperor Yuan Baoju the year before last and became the consort of the Western Wei Dynasty. However, he died early that year.

Further down is the legitimate son Yuwenjue, who is only in his early ten years and has been granted the title of Duke of Lueyang, but he is obviously still far from being appointed an official. The following sons are even younger. Children like Yu Wenyong and Yu Wenxian are still a few years old. They were just brought back from Li Xian's home in Yuanzhou not long ago.

"I was a little too hasty!"

When Dugu Xin heard what Li Tai said, he blushed, smiled sheepishly, and then sighed: "Oh, I saw you, Boshan, being a self-reliant young man with many meritorious deeds, so he felt that this is what a man with ambition should be like. His expectations for others have also increased, and his sudden and ridiculous tactics have made the young people laugh!"

Li Tai was a little proud after hearing this. How many people in the world are like him who forget to shut down all day long?

"How could it be? My father-in-law cares about Shao Jin and hopes that all his disciples will become talented. Without my support and encouragement, I would not be as successful as I am today."

After hearing this, Dugu Xin's expression softened slightly, and then he sighed again: "Boshan, you are different from Yu Zi. You have a strong mind and a determined plan. Even if there is no one to help you, you can be sure of your future." OK, I won’t hesitate. But Mr. Ningdu doesn’t have the talent like you. Without the guidance of a wise man, I’m afraid he wouldn’t know what to do and what to do.”

Hearing that Dugu Xin still hadn't given up on similar plans, Li Tailuo pondered for a while and then said: "As my father-in-law said, I also take advantage of the opportunity to make achievements. If the opportunity is not available, doing it reluctantly will only achieve half the result with half the effort, or even work in vain." achievement."

Dugu Xin couldn't help but nod when he heard this. He was so touched by this.

"Although I don't know exactly what Mr. Ning Du is capable of, judging from his elegant character and sincerity towards others, even though he may not have to deal with difficult tasks for the time being, he should be able to maintain tranquility, maintain harmony and promote governance."

Li Tai thought for a moment and thought of a suitable place for Yu Wenyu to arrange: "I have been in the southeast for a long time, and I don't know much about the changes in Guanzhong's personnel. But every time I think of the various deeds when I served in Luoshui, I still remember it fresh. . Beizhou is open and has great potential. Especially where North China is located, there is fertile soil for farming and farming, and there are mountains and fields above that need to be repaired and trained. If Ningdu Gong can do this, he will not lose the temper of his affairs, even if there are some oversights. ”

Although he has been living in the southeast for a long time now, he has not forgotten the personnel arrangements in northern Shaanxi. Because he was not in charge personally, the original three-defense city system had long been dispersed among states and counties.

At present, the places where he can exert profound influence are Jihu Shifo Temple on the east bank of Luoshui River, Xihe County in the Kuli River Basin, and Suizhou in Shuofang.

Li Tai understands his father-in-law's thoughts. Rather than wanting to support his second son-in-law Yu Wenyu, Li Tai is still unwilling to be lonely and hopes to use Yu Wenyu's special status to manipulate some personnel so as to continue to maintain his sense of presence in the current situation. and influence.

This kind of thinking cannot be said to be looking for trouble. It should be regarded as a common problem of people who have been at the top. Although Li Tai is doing a good job and can represent the demands and interests of Duguxin and his family, after all, he is just a son-in-law, and even his son cannot use his power as well as he himself!

Li Tai didn't know the specific situation in history, but it was obvious that Dugu Xin was by no means a fool. After being ignored, there would inevitably be some troubles. If it was really completely harmless to humans and animals, Yu Wentai would not let Li Yuan draw a knife to kill him. Fuck him.

In such a situation, persuasion is impossible, and the more you persuade, the more you get angry. Li Tai could not stay in Guanzhong for a long time, he could only take advantage of the situation and guide it in a favorable direction.

Although Yu Wentai has not yet reached the stage of supporting his son to become a leader, he will certainly not refuse a better opportunity for training. Beihua Prefecture is located in the north of Hua Prefecture. As Li Tai said, both military and political affairs have places where they can gain experience and display, but they are not important in their own right.

If Yu Wenyu is appointed as the governor of Beihua Prefecture, Yu Wentai can take advantage of this to absorb the personnel of the three defense cities left over by Li Tai, including some of Dugu Xin's old troops, etc. Places such as Xihe County can use Yu Wenyu's help to gradually weaken their independence and bring them under the control of the Bafu.

As for Li Tai, he can also use Yu Wenyu as his brother-in-law to effortlessly send some personnel to the core of the Bafu. The aura of Yu Wenyu tainted by these people can cover up the imprint of Li Tai to a certain extent, and they can gain a foothold in the Bafu. Even if they cannot play a big role during Yu Wentai's period, they will surely become more effective as time goes by. Can surprise people.

Dugu Xin was not as far-term as Li Tai imagined. After hearing the words, he also began to think deeply. After a while, he slightly nodded and said: "Boshan's plan is indeed much safer than what I said before. I know you are busy with your work, so I don't think so." If I continue to cause trouble to you in the future, if Duke Ning is able to take this position, let him write a letter to thank you again."

After saying this, Dugu Xin lowered his head again and made careful calculations. He smiled slightly and was obviously very satisfied with Li Tai's proposal.

After a while, he couldn't help but said: "Hua Shanggong visited me a few days ago and told me that it has become a common practice for all the military leaders to be pastors of their hometowns. According to this practice, Wei Xiaokuan should also be pastors of Yongzhou. If this is the case, Everything is done, and the personnel situation in Guanzhong will be improved. But no matter how the personnel changes here, don't worry, Boshan, it will not affect the situation in the southeast. "

After Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but sigh that the Western Wei Dynasty was really a temple demon, and neither of them was a fuel-efficient lamp. The Guanzhong people were dismissed from the decision-making level of the Bafu one after another. It seemed that they were planning to elect Wei Xiaokuan as the governor of Yongzhou to protect the local interests of the indigenous people in Guanzhong. After all, considering the entire Western Wei Dynasty, Wei Xiaokuan is the only one among the people in Guanzhong.

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