Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 724 Credit method

Wherever there are people, there will be injustice. Where there is injustice, there will be fights and compromises. What situations require fighting and what situations require compromising also vary from person to person.

Li Tai was just a bystander watching the dispute between Dugu Xin and Yu Wentai, and he didn't see much. Naturally, he was not qualified to calm the dispute, so just look away.

As for the people in Guanzhong fighting for their own interests, he has no reason to comment. What he can do is to try his best to handle the various interactions and interests between himself and the people in Guanzhong, and strive to get positive feedback from each other.

The matters discussed with Duguxin today also made Li Tai feel that the interest relationships between various groups and individuals in the current situation of the Western Wei Dynasty still need to be reconciled. This is undoubtedly great news for him.

Various human relations in the country still need to be sorted out and stabilized, so the non-dealing between Fang Zhen and the center of Bafu will not become the main conflict, but an object that all parties with interests in the country need to strive for.

To put it more bluntly, the more noisy all parties in the country become, the more independent Li Tai's Jingzhou General Administration becomes, and the less Daxingtai can spare the time and energy to clean up Fangzhen. Anyway, even if the situation in the country is stable, Bafu will not invest too much manpower and material resources to support the development of Jingzhou General Manager's Office.

After a brief exchange of words with Li Tai, Dugu Xin left early the next morning with the people he brought yesterday. As for how he wanted to make Yu Wenyu become the governor of Beihua Prefecture, he did not elaborate, and Li Tai did not ask more questions.

Li Tai stayed in Chang'an for another two days. Seeing that it was almost July, he returned to Huazhou, preparing to finalize some personnel arrangements and then return to Jingzhou.

Director Yuwen had also been waiting in Huazhou for a long time. As soon as he heard the news about Li Tai's return to Huazhou, he paid a visit. After a brief exchange of greetings, Director Yuwen directly stated his intention.

"I was deeply inspired after listening to what Taiyuan Gong discussed in the palace a few days ago about the conquest of Shu. Especially the suggestion of blocking the trade route to the west of Bashu. I have had many thoughts recently. I am worried that one person's private plan is not comprehensive enough, so I want to make some plans before departure. Let’s discuss this matter with Duke Taiyuan again, and hope that Duke Taiyuan will give you some advice!”

Director Yu Wen is much more generous and gentle than Yu Wenhu. This time when he came to consult Li Tai, his attitude was much more humble and polite.

Seeing Director Yuwen's attitude, Li Tai naturally would not be rude and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang Wugong is too humble. No matter where he is, he always serves the country. Since I deigned to ask, as long as it can be beneficial to the matter, I will tell you everything!"

"In that case, I won't be rigid anymore. I really have quite a few questions that need to be answered."

Director Yu Wen then continued: "In the land of Longnan, which is connected to the middle of Shu, there are many members of the Di and Qiang entrenched there. These disciples are obedient on the outside but fierce on the inside. Even if they are carefully restrained, it will be difficult to win over them for a long time. The General Manager of Qinzhou also has strategies to attack these tough people, but the mountains are rugged and the roads are dangerous, making it difficult to encircle and attack them. Even if they attack the territory with strong troops, they can only gain temporary peace. In the near future, there will inevitably be miscellaneous people occupying this place and gathering in the mountains and forests..."

Li Tai also nodded slightly when he heard this. The Di Qiang and Hu tribes on all sides of Longyou are like the many barbarian tribes distributed in the Jianghan Zeye, including the Jihu subordinates distributed on all sides of northern Shaanxi. How powerful are they? The strength is not necessarily the case. The relatively primitive social organization and poor productivity level determine that the upper limit of the development of their ethnic group is not high, and the corresponding military strength is not too strong.

But the main reason why they are still entrenched in the mountains and fields and are as difficult to eradicate as a stubborn disease is that they are often located in poor mountains and rivers where transportation is inconvenient and natural resources are not rich enough. The cost of using troops for in-depth eradication is too high, and after the eradication, their territory is not available. The value of long-term settlement and cultivation.

Although Director Yu Wen had determined the plan to wipe out and reorganize the Di Qiang tribe in Longnan, he still did not have a clear and clear idea about the long-term management and maintenance of order in this area.

The main reason I came to visit Li Tai this time was to ask for advice on this point. Even if we don't talk about Li Tai's relatively close relationship with the wealthy families in Longyou and the affairs in Sifang City, his series of reorganization and management of Jihu in northern Shaanxi are worth learning from.

When Li Tai heard this, he also understood the doubts in Director Yuwen's heart. He is worried that even if he does this thing in a moment of enthusiasm, because there is no long-term profit return, coupled with the inevitable investment in governance costs, it may end up being in vain and abandoned halfway. .

Director Yu Wen saw that Li Tai had also listened, so he continued: "I know that the Sifang City in Tianshui County was built by Taiyuan Gonghe and the powerful families in the territory. To this day, the Qinzhou General Manager's Office still has to lose money, and it has gained a lot of strength. The Duke of Taiyuan also said that the trade routes in western Shu would be cleared, but if we draw on the achievements of Sifang City in terms of transportation and city taxes, even if western Shu can reap these benefits, they may not be enough to offset the cost of using troops. "

Li Tai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this, knowing that Director Yuwen was using this to find out the secrets of Sifang City's internal operations and how much profit it made.

Of course, he didn't want to explain this to Director Yuwen, but he also understood that if he didn't give Director Yuwen a satisfactory answer today, he would probably not give up and might crudely interfere with the operation of Sifang City when he returned.

After all, he is the real boss of Longyou now. It is impossible not to feel comfortable that Sifang City is living under his nose. That is to say, a stable and mature person like Director Yu Wen would still worry about the reactions of all parties. If it were Yu Wenhu, he would have put his hands in to stir things up a long time ago.

"I originally wanted to find an opportunity to introduce the matter to Duke Zhang Wukong about Sifang City. We happened to be free today, so we talked about it in detail."

After pondering for a moment, Li Tai spoke again, carefully describing his considerations, processes and operating mechanisms for establishing Sifang City. Of course, the related operations such as sneak attacks on temples and looting of property could not be discussed.

In the twelfth year of Datong, the rebellions in Liangzhou, Guazhou and other places were put down one after another, and the Hexi Corridor was reopened. At that time, there was an atmosphere of excitement and celebration throughout Longyou, but people were still a little confused as to how the Silk Road trade based on the Hexi Corridor should be carried out, and they didn't know where to start.

Against this background, Li Tai established Sifang City to attract and guide the people of Longyou to join in a series of business activities such as warehousing, transportation, and trading.

A major feature of Sifang City is that it concentrates the originally scattered business activities into a specific scene and realizes them. In addition, it also represents the merchants who pay a series of business taxes such as Dicheng and city taxes to the Qinzhou government.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of Sifang City that Longyou's trade has achieved considerable development and reached a considerable scale since the opening of the trade road. At the same time, it also gave the government a way to manage commercial activities and collect commercial taxes.

Of course, due to the tacit understanding formed between the wealthy families such as Li Tai and Long You, the state government did not dare to rashly intervene in the daily management and maintenance of Sifang City. From Director Yuwen's perspective, this was because they were united to resist the state government's interference. Business management.

The conversation between the two parties is currently in a harmonious atmosphere. Of course, Li Tai will not give an in-depth explanation of this. He mainly focuses on the significance of Sifang City for the centralized management of business activities and the effect of cracking down on and eliminating private market trade.

Director Yu Wen said in the foreword that the Qinzhou General Manager's Office benefited greatly from this, but it was by no means a mere flattery, but it was indeed true.

Although Li Tai is far away in Jingzhou now and does not interfere in the actual management of Sifang City, he also knows that the commercial taxes paid by Sifang City to the Qinzhou General Manager's Office cost more than a dozen Gao Aocao every year, and this number is still increasing year by year. Even Li Tai was extremely envious of the treatment he received from the Qinzhou General Manager's office, where he could sit on the ground and share the spoils.

Although the Nanyang Basin is also a hub area that connects the east, west, north and south, the changes in the surrounding situation are more complicated than those in Longyou. Moreover, there is no fixed trade road like the Silk Road where a large number of commercial activities are concentrated. Naturally, there is no corresponding scene to collect business in a centralized manner. Tax.

As a result, Li Tai had to engage in investment promotion to obtain corresponding benefits through the improvement of the overall business environment. Although the income is also very considerable, compared with the Qinzhou General Manager's Office, which can collect money just by sitting on the ground, it is much more laborious.

Li Tai is not sure about the current financial situation of Qinzhou General Manager's Office. Director Yuwen was worried that after the trade routes in western Shu were cleared, the income from commercial taxes would not be enough to maintain the expenditure of military garrison. The implication was that he still wanted to squeeze some of the resources from Sifang City for military expenses.

Li Tai also understood this. Not to mention Director Yuwen, if he himself was in Qinzhou, if there was any military action, he would have to attack a cash cow like Sifangcheng first, and he would not be in a hurry to use the storage of Cangdi's arsenal.

After describing the operating mechanism of Sifang City, Li Tai added: "What Zhang Wugong is thinking about is not without a compromise. The people of Longnan are in a barren land and have nothing to gain. What they gain is useless and what they lose is a pity." . But if you get it from Shuzhong, even if the mountain road is rugged, it is still a gold rush.

The merchants have benefited from this, how can they sit back and enjoy it? They, merchants, already have many ways of making profits by lending goods on credit. Now that the treasury is empty, it is reasonable to temporarily borrow the money to accomplish something, and then gradually repay it for the accomplishment. "

Thanks to the leader for supporting Li Gutu and his love. . .

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