Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 748 City-wide catastrophe

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that surrendering is like being attacked. It means that the closer to the end of things, the more cautious you need to be. Many things often happen unexpectedly because of a lack of caution at the last moment, causing things that seemed to be settled to be reversed.

For example, in modern times, Er Zhurong was killed by Emperor Xiaozhuang, and Gao Cheng was assassinated by a domestic slave. They were all examples of carelessness at the last moment that led to failure and extreme joy leading to sorrow.

Yuchijiong was also a man who knew soldiers, and of course he understood this truth. Although he was eager to take over the city, he did not rush into the city, but waited outside the city to accept the surrender. As long as these Yizhou civil and military members leave the city, even if there are still unwilling people in the city, they will not be able to organize manpower to mount any effective resistance.

When Xiao Ju, Xiao Yuansu and others arrived at the camp gate, Yuchijiong led his generals out of the camp gate to greet them.

Seeing Yu Chi Jiong's handsome appearance and polite attitude, Xiao Yuansu, who was still a little frightened at first, gradually relaxed and followed Yu Chi Jiong with his head lowered, and together they climbed up the nearly two feet of piles in the north of Chengdu City. On the high earth platform, under the witness of the soldiers of both sides, they made an alliance with each other. On behalf of his father, Xiao Yuansu presented a map of the Sichuan region, while Yuchi Jiong, on behalf of the Western Wei Dynasty, vowed not to infringe upon it.

Just as the two sides were making an oath, Kaifu Yuanzhen and others also led a team of 3,000 people to the city first. They first took over the northern city defense, and then advanced all the way into the city along the long street to clear the streets and eliminate all evil in the city. Hazards and dangers.

"It is said that there are rich people in Sichuan. Looking at the houses and courtyards in this city, the rumors are indeed true!"

The soldiers paused outside the city for a long time, and now they were able to enter the city. Naturally, they curiously looked at the layout and various scenery in the city. When they saw the high-walled, stately houses and courtyards on both sides of the long street, the soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty couldn't help but marvel and envy them.

Although Guanzhong has been gradually prospering in recent years, and its poverty and weakness have been greatly improved compared to previous years, this has not yet been reflected in the architectural layout of the city.

Although Chang'an was the seat of the imperial court, it was not the real center of power. Therefore, the layout of the city seemed cramped, crowded, dilapidated and messy. It was far inferior to Chengdu, which gathered the best of Sichuan into one city.

At this time, there were many scholars and people on both sides of the long street respectfully welcoming Wei Shi into the city. The majestic and majestic Wei soldiers, who were riding horses and holding swords, indeed deeply admired the soldiers and civilians in the city, and these frightened but well-dressed residents of the city also impressed the Wei soldiers.

Although the city of Chengdu has a large population, most of the officials, slaves and soldiers are gathered in many halls and residences and cannot move around at will. Some poor people also live in the southern villages of the city.

Because the north of the city is close to government buildings such as Wuling Prince's Palace and the State Palace, the residents are mostly high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen.

Even if they did not deliberately show off their wealth, their own food and clothing expenses far exceeded that of ordinary people. They had deliberately dressed in a low-key manner when they went out to welcome the Wei army today, but their white silk and plain satin robes fell in the eyes of the Western Wei soldiers. It is also very eye-catching. This invisible display of wealth is more attractive than deliberate display.

However, all the soldiers also remembered the military orders and did not dare to act recklessly in the city, and headed towards the state capital without looking back.

However, when they were about to arrive at the core building in the city, they suddenly heard voices and noises in the nearby streets. When they turned around and looked in, they found figures of strong soldiers running around with weapons in the winding alleys.

"Go over and take a look. If you don't obey the order and disarm, you will be killed immediately!"

Kaifu Yuanzhen glanced in the direction where the commotion was coming from, and then ordered a team of 100 people from his army to investigate and purge, while he continued to lead a large group of troops towards the state capital to control the rest of the state capital. Wait for the Lord to enter the city.

As soon as the small team rushed into the crooked alley, more than a dozen uniformed soldiers abandoned their weapons and fell to the ground. They hurriedly shouted that they were the guards of the palace and were chased and driven away by the rebel soldiers led by Xiao Yuanzheng, the king of Xiyang. I came here in a panic.

"There is actually a rebel army in the city?"

When the commander of the team learned about this situation, his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly inquired carefully. After a little understanding, he wanted to follow the direction pointed by these royal guards. However, after leading the team for a while, Then he reined in his horse and stopped, then drew his sword and slashed at the palace guards. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "The Sichuan thieves are treacherous. If you refuse to surrender, you will be killed!"

After seeing this, the other sergeants also came forward to surround and kill them. It only took a dozen breaths to kill all the royal guards to death.

"Quickly report to Kaifu. There are still stubborn rebels running around in the city. They don't know where they are going. It is urgent for the army to enter the city to capture them!"

After killing these palace guards, the captain of the team looked at the end of the alley, but did not choose to follow it. Instead, he led the team to withdraw from the alley, and then went straight to the state capital along the street, towards Kaifu Yuan Zhen reported this situation.

Just at the corner of this alley, Xiao Yuan was looking at the bloody killing scene in the alley, his face was pale and his teeth were chattering: "The Qiang thieves are really cruel and cruel..."

He has never been a brave man who looked down upon death. The reason why he did not agree to surrender before was also out of fear. After being rescued from the palace, he still lingered in the city. First, he felt that his power was still weak, and second, he was unwilling to accept this. The young brother dedicated his entire family fortune to the Western Wei Dynasty, hoping that he could get a share of the pie to start his own business.

He plundered the palace but did not gain much because the property had already been inventoried and guarded by Xiao Lu. However, when he tried to look for it again, he found that the Wei army had already entered the city.

"Your Majesty, if you still want to escape now, you can only disrupt the situation in the city! The Wei army only has tens of thousands of soldiers, and it will be difficult to control it when they first enter the city. Only when chaos breaks out from all sides and the people in the city run in all directions can we take advantage of the chaos to escape. !”

Xiao Yuanzheng was so frightened that he couldn't make up his mind, but the prisoners he released from the prison were many experts in committing crimes. When he saw that after the Wei army entered the city, they only controlled the main roads and were unable to arrange the entire city. , an idea suddenly came up.

"Yes, make chaos, make chaos, and never surrender my prosperous city to the Qiang thieves!"

After seeing the brutal killing methods used by Wei Jun just now, Xiao Yuanzheng became more and more convinced that his refusal to surrender was the right choice. After hearing this, he nodded repeatedly, but he asked at a loss: "But now Wei Jun has already How to cause chaos when entering the city!"


Before Xiao Yuanzheng finished speaking, several people spoke. The siege of the city for many days has caused people in the city to panic and lose all order, and the streets and streets are also in chaos. Once a fire breaks out, it can indeed spread quickly and cause great panic and chaos.

Xiao Yuanzheng was already in a panic at this moment. He just hoped that he could escape, no matter how the people in the city suffered. Moreover, in his opinion, these city residents who refused to fight to the death but surrendered voluntarily deserved their death. Therefore, he did not have any psychological burden about setting fire to the city. When he heard that several people were involved in this plan, he nodded repeatedly.

At this time, the city of Chengdu was under attack. After the oath of alliance, Yuchijiong summoned the Yizhou civil and military officials who stayed in the city one by one under the introduction of Xiao Ju. Each of them said a few words to commend and comfort them. Next, he will control the entire territory of Shu with Chengdu as the center, and of course he will need the support of these people.

Several galloping horses came out of the city and came to the scene of surrender. They whispered to Yuchi Jiong's cronies in his tent, and a cronies, the governor, strode forward and whispered to Yuchi Jiong.

After hearing this, Yuchi Jong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he immediately turned to look at Xiao Rui who was not far away and asked in a deep voice: "May I ask, Marquis Xiao, if all the important people left behind in the city are here?"

Xiao Rui was also feeling quite uneasy. Hearing Yuchi Jiong's words, his heart suddenly froze. He hurriedly went forward and paid homage deeply, "There are other members of the late king's sect who will rest next time..."

After hearing Xiao Ru's explanation, Yu Chijiong was filled with anger. He had already been under a lot of pressure in accepting the surrender, but he didn't expect such hidden secrets and accidents. He couldn't help but said angrily: "I sincerely I want to be kind and accepting to each other, but I don’t expect you to hide this hidden evil and refuse to confess it. If trouble occurs again because of this, you and others will be blamed! "

Because the oath had just been completed, he could not directly impose severe sanctions on Xiao Ru and others in front of everyone on both sides. Just when he was hesitating whether to send another army into the city to conduct a city-wide search like Yuan Zhen Jinyan did, he suddenly noticed There was fire and smoke rising into the sky from the northwest corner of the city. His face suddenly changed, and he asked in a shocked voice, "What happened in the city?"

In a very short period of time, fire smoke started to rise in the west area of ​​the city. It was obvious that someone was causing trouble. At present, all the city defense troops have been disarmed, but the troops of the Western Wei Dynasty have not yet been deployed throughout the city. After seeing this scene, Yuchi Jiong's face suddenly turned livid.

"General, if we don't send troops into the city to quell the chaos, and the chaos spreads, it may be difficult to control it!"

At this time, several generals who had surrendered followed him and stepped forward one after another to intervene in Yuchijiong's battle.

Yuchi Jiong glanced at his subordinates in Shu who were also panicking, and then looked at the city where the fire smoke was getting thicker and thicker. He knew that he might not be able to take over the city peacefully this time, so he shouted loudly: "Reprimand the slaves to open the mansion." Lead your troops to stay in the main camp, and each of the four commanderies will lead their own troops. The troops will be divided into four groups and each will be stationed at the city gate. The troops will go along the street to quell the chaos. Anyone who does not obey the ban will be killed! "

As the various military orders were issued, the soldiers who had already been gearing up and regretting that they could not fight were excited. Amidst the exciting sounds of drums and horns, all the troops left the camp and rushed towards the opposite city of Chengdu. And those Yizhou civil and military groups The officials were all driven to the camp by Yuchi Jiong to guard them in the name of protection.

Some of them shouted loudly, hoping that their family members in the city could be protected, but no one paid any attention to them no matter how loudly they screamed.

The fire in the city has gradually spread, and many people who were huddled in their homes could not stand the force of the fire and rushed to the streets. As the city gates on all sides were occupied by Wei troops, a massacre that spread throughout the city began.

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