Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 749 He deserves it

When thousands of heavily armed, wolf-like warriors rush into an undefended city, it will definitely be a disaster. And this city happens to be very wealthy, and the disaster will develop into a catastrophe!

This is the current situation in Chengdu City. Although Shaocheng to the west became riotous due to the spread of fire, the riots did not spread to Taicheng because of the city wall.

Especially in the large area south of the state capital, the streets were deserted with few pedestrians because the city defenders had previously informed the people to stay at home and wait for the Wei army to surrender.

The noise of people and horses gradually came from the streets, and the people who stayed behind in their homes couldn't help but become panicked. However, most of them still remembered the government's orders and stayed in their homes honestly, not daring to go out and peep. movement.

Of course, there were also people who couldn't hold themselves back. They quietly slipped out of their houses and looked down the streets. Then they saw many warriors wearing military uniforms and armor, holding swords and swords astride their horses, charging toward them.


Before the word "life" could be spoken, the cold light had already arrived. The body of the person who looked around trembled, and his head, throat, or chest and abdomen were pierced by sharp blades. Blood gushes out, and he convulses and falls to the ground.

"Drive the people here out of their homes quickly and check the door carefully for any traces of the rebels!"

The soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty who entered the city did not know what the rebel army looked like and how big it was, but this did not prevent them from carrying out their actions after entering the city.

All the people in the house were expelled from their houses. Regardless of whether they were men, women, old or young, anyone who moved slightly slowly or showed any resistance would be chopped down with a knife. Those who witnessed the tragic situation inevitably ran away in fear, and then inevitably fell to the sword.

Armed with sharp weapons and murderous intentions, killing is inevitable in troubled times, and the soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty are by no means more noble in character than Hou Jing's rebel army or Jiangling's troops. In particular, among these armored soldiers there are many Liufang people who were the dominant forces in the capital in Chang'an and were accustomed to doing evil. So when these people entered the city, they were killed wherever they went!

"Spare your life, spare your life! The general will take all the property in the house, I just ask for mercy..."

There were panic-stricken householders holding iron money, silk or any other valuable items in their hands, kneeling on the ground and offering them in exchange for the lives of their entire family.

There was a sudden sound of wind, and the sword fell down. The blood in the neck cavity was like a column, and the head rolled to the ground, but the expression of pleading and pleading was still maintained on the face. When other family members, old and young, saw this scene, they immediately let out a shrill roar, and then their fate was the same.

"If I kill you, where will the money go?"

Wei Zu looked at the treasures spilled out of his master's arms and suddenly smiled. He lowered his head to collect the scattered belongings and said a few witty words to the headless corpse. He felt that his whole body was energetic from the inside out.

Such killings occurred everywhere in the city. In addition to looting properties, many privately hidden swords, guns, crossbows were indeed found in people's homes.

Whether it was for self-protection or preparation for trouble, this was undoubtedly evidence of guilt, but the soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty naturally had no time to carefully screen and judge. The most convenient and quick way was to kill all the men around the area where the ordnance was found.

As more and more people were driven onto the streets, the city became even more chaotic.

"These Qiang thieves are really ruthless! It's ridiculous that those idiots can only surrender to protect themselves. Feeding a tiger with one's body is beyond stupid!"

Xiao Yuanzheng led hundreds of party members from Shaocheng into Taicheng. Behind them were people who had been forced to flee by the fire. They were inconspicuous among the rushing crowd.

When he heard the sound of fighting from all sides of the city, he couldn't help but said bitterly. Apart from panic, he also had a sense of detachment that he had seen through everything. He never thought that if he hadn't caused trouble in the city, this scene would have happened. Will the killing happen? On the contrary, in his opinion, these ignorant city citizens deserved to die.

Since the fire first broke out in the west city, the Wei army also targeted this area after entering the city. However, it was delayed for some time due to looting along the way, allowing Xiao Yuanzheng and his party to flee into Taicheng again.

They were forced to do so. Xiao Yuanzheng's original plan was to take advantage of the chaos to escape from the Shaocheng gate, and then flee to the mountains to the west. However, because they passed a Chengdu County warehouse on the way and saw that there were not many guards there and they were all in a panic, the thieves behind them captured the warehouse based on the principle that thieves would not escape empty-handed.

The warehouse is not big, and most of the items are ordinary sundries. The only thing of value is the hundreds of kilograms of frosting sugar piled in the innermost part. These frostings are packaged in large and small clay pots. When you open the sealing paint, you will feel the sweet smell.

Although frost sugar has been introduced to Shu for some time, even the lower-quality stone honey is expensive. Of course, these more precious frost sugars are not popular among the people. They are all monopolized and hoarded by dignitaries in the city.

The subordinates didn't know the value of frost candy, but they were all attracted by the sweet and white frost crystals. They each hugged a jar and refused to let go.

Xiao Yuanzheng knew that the value of frosted sugar was even higher than the current price of gold of the same weight. He wanted to fight elsewhere and recruit troops to fight against the Wei army. It was precisely this valuable and easy-to-carry material that was needed to maintain consumption. Use it, so I also made up my mind.

Although the several hundred kilograms of frosting sugar in the county warehouse are valuable, they are still not enough to satisfy Xiao Yuanzheng's appetite. He knew that there was more storage in Jinguan City in the south of the city, at least several thousand kilograms of reserves. With his party members being able to carry it with only manpower without affecting their movements, the value of this item can be exchanged for a large amount of supplies.

So he gave up running out of the city from Shaocheng, and instead ventured back to Taicheng and left the city from the south. He also went to Jinguan City to move these precious materials, leaving absolutely nothing for the Wei army!

The rich wealth of the people in the inner city of Chengdu greatly delayed the progress of the Wei army's search for the city, and the south of the city was the farthest gate from the Wei army's camp.

Although Xiao Yuanzheng and others experienced some twists and turns, they finally rushed out of the city among a group of people, crossed the Jinjiang River in the south of the city, and headed straight to Jinguan City.

As the name suggests, Jinguan City is a city that manages brocade. The entire city is a large weaving workshop, managing a series of matters such as the production, storage and sales of Shu brocade.

Shu brocade is the pillar industry in Shu, and Jinguan City has therefore become a symbol of wealth. There are thousands of brocade households living in this city alone, and it is the largest brocade workshop in the entire Shu. Even the river outside the city used for washing yarn is called Jinjiang.

Because of the extraordinary significance of Jinguan City, it has a complete independent city defense system. When the Wei army invaded, Jinguan City was sealed off from the inside, and the food and drinks needed by the people were hoisted in in hanging baskets.

Even during the most difficult time in the city, Xiao Ru tried his best to meet the material supply of Jinguan City. Because each of these weavers and brocade workers living in Jinguan City is a valuable asset. It is not easy to cultivate. If it is consumed and damaged in the war, it will be very difficult to restore the scale.

Therefore, the current Jinguan City can be said to be the last piece of pure land in the nearby area. Some weavers in the city don't even know about the Wei army's attack on Chengdu. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, they work hard in weaving rooms to weave brocade goods.

Xiao Yuanzheng knew that he was probably on the wanted list of the Wei army at this moment. In order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, he also ordered his subordinates not to call his name easily and to only use the title of commander-in-chief to avoid being noticed by the Wei army. To pursue and harm him wherever he is.

Some fleeing Chengdu people also gathered below Jinguan City, wailing and begging the guard of Jinguan City to open the city gate and let them in to avoid disaster.

But not to mention that the gate of Jinguan City had long been blocked from the inside with mountains of earth, wood and stones. Even if it was still open, when they noticed the chaos in Chengdu City to the north, the soldiers guarding the city did not dare to open the door privately to arrest people. Put it in. Those who were offended by these people's crying and begging, directly threw down earth and rocks to drive them away, and they were not allowed to gather and live under the city wall anymore.

When Xiao Yuanzheng and others came here, they didn't get much preferential treatment. However, seeing that they were all wearing garrison uniforms, the city officials were polite and did not directly throw stones to drive them away.

"The Qiang thieves are massacring people in the city. Someone was ordered by Xiao Shijun to come to reinforce Jinguan city defense. Put down the hanging basket quickly!"

Now that he is here, Xiao Yuanzheng has his own idea. He searched between the royal palace and the state government before. Although he did not find any evidence such as talisman tokens, he did find many files of military and political orders from the state government. Among them Including a warrant to increase the defense of Jinguan City.

The order was issued in May. Xiao Yuanzheng deliberately crumpled the paper in his arms and tore off important dates, names and other information, leaving only the main body of the text and the seal order. After all, they all came out of the city to help when the Wei army was slaughtering the city, so it was reasonable for the order to be slightly destroyed in the rush.

The soldiers guarding the city were also panic-stricken at this time. After putting down the hanging basket to collect the order and inspecting it, they put down a larger hanging basket and pulled the person up the city wall. After all, one more person means more strength at this critical moment. .

More than ten hanging baskets were hoisted at the same time, and Xiao Yuanzheng was also hoisted to the top of the city in the middle group. He had originally prepared a set of excuses to conceal his identity, but found that the soldiers here did not know him, Xiao Ji's second son, at all. Although he was saved trouble, he felt resentful in his heart.

"No, they are not city officers and soldiers, they are thieves who stole the brocade!"

Suddenly, someone on the other side of the city exclaimed, pointing at a scarred man standing in a hanging basket and looking up, and shouted loudly: "I cut off the scar on this thief's face with my own hands. He just cut it off with my own hands." Take him to the county jail!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar. The defenders at the top of the city were in panic. They each drew their swords and slashed at the people who had just climbed to the top of the city: "The thieves are so brave, they dare to cheat and seize the city!"

"Stop! Gu Nai Xiyang..."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Yuanzheng no longer cared about concealing his identity and hurriedly shouted out his identity. As a result, a knife penetrated his ribs from behind. All the sounds were drowned out.

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