Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 760 The poor and the noble

With the influx of people from all directions, and Xiao Yi's control here, Jiangling has become more prosperous and lively than in previous years.

Although the city is becoming lively, some supporting facilities and resources cannot be significantly improved immediately. In particular, a high-quality living environment is related to the overall layout planning and defense arrangements of the city, and is extremely difficult to change.

Therefore, many people who came to Jiangling from Jiankang had to live in the city, mixed with the people in the city. The messy living environment was naturally not as good and livable as the old houses in Jiankang. This was why many people from Jiankang were eager to return to Jiankang. One of the reasons.

It is located in the backyard of a temple in the west of Jiangling City. There are vines climbing on the walls of the courtyard, which makes it look a bit messy and deserted. However, the house is still neat and tidy, but the mottled paint-colored pillars also reveal a bit of dilapidation. Several slaves in the yard are working Sweep, but no matter how neat the cleaning is, it has nothing to do with style.

"May I ask if Zhang Hou lives here?"

A young man in rich clothes came here surrounded by several slaves and shouted towards the yard.

After hearing the sound, the servants in the courtyard quickly put down their tools and hurried to the courtyard gate to ask who was coming. After receiving the name card from the young man, they hurried into the room to report.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in plain clothes walked out of the room, holding a name card, nodding to the young man and saying: "It turns out that Liu Lang is here to visit. His humble residence is not suitable for entertaining guests. It is really rude to my old friend." "

The young man is Liu Guangde, Liu Zhilin's son, and the middle-aged man is Zhang Xi, the son of his uncle Zhang Zan, who was previously killed by Liang Wang Xiao.

Liu Guangde bowed to Zhang Xichang, and then said with a smile: "The younger generation just returned from Mianbei and found out that Zhang Hou had also come to Jiangling. He went to visit his old residence a few days ago but failed to see him. After visiting old friends, he found out that Zhang Hou was staying at the Buddha in his own way. Ju, I’m late to see you, please forgive me, Marquis Zhang!”

Liu Guangde's uncle Liu Zhilin and Zhang Xi's father Zhang Zan once worked together in the East Palace. They were both famous scholars with profound academic knowledge and elegant collections, so they had a good friendship. In the past year, Zhang Zuan bought a house in Jiangling and settled here for several years, and Liu Guangde also got acquainted with his tribe.

After Zhang Xi heard this, a trace of gloom and loneliness flashed in his eyes, and he immediately sighed: "I no longer own my hometown. I live here with my broken body after the disaster. I didn't mean to let Liu Lang visit and not see me."

"Everything in the world is impermanent, and the kindness in my family is also... Well, so I have to see Zhang Hou today, and my heart is in turmoil, and I can't calm down!"

After hearing this, Liu Guangde also sighed deeply, and briefly recalled the past story of his uncle being poisoned by the emperor's envoys, and through similar encounters, he got closer to Zhang Xi.

Zhang Xi's father, Zhang Zan, was killed by Xiao Qi, the king of Liang, because he instigated Xiao Yi to attack Xiao Yu, king of Hedong, and plotted against Xiangyang with Xiao Yi's support. However, shortly after Zhang Zan's death, Xiao Yi ordered his home to be searched and all the more than 20,000 volumes of books and numerous treasures he had collected were confiscated and confiscated, including the Zhang family's home in Jiangling.

So after Zhang Xi came to Jiangling, he was homeless and had to live in this dilapidated temple.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhang Xi invited Liu Guangde to enter the room. After Liu Guangde entered the room, he looked around and found that the room was more dilapidated than what he saw outside, and there were many holes along the side room. Blocked by a bamboo screen, through this bamboo screen you can see the cloth skirts and wooden hairpins in the room and the women spinning under the window.

Liu Guangde hurriedly looked away, knelt down to the woman and said, "I am paying homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess. I came in without being summoned. Please forgive me for my sin!"

The Zhang family has been intermarried with the Xiaoliang royal family for generations, and Zhang Xi also married Princess Haiyan, the daughter of Emperor Jianwen Xiao Gang, who was the woman spinning indoors. Xiao Gang had been killed by Hou Jing long ago, and the Emperor of Nanliang was replaced by a new one. Naturally, the princess and the consort were out of control.

Zhang Xi's current desolation is probably related to this level of in-law relationship. At least he did not receive special care from the emperor in life, which is similar to other Jiankang Shiliu who lived in Jiangling and struggled to make a living.

The Zhang couple fell from nobility to poverty in just one day. It can be seen that the princess has become somewhat skilled in spinning and has gradually become accustomed to this kind of life. However, when she saw Liu Guangde worshiping so respectfully, the couple fell into ashes. The memory became vivid again, and I couldn't help but feel sad, and I couldn't help but shed tears.

Liu Guangde felt ashamed and embarrassed when he saw that the couple's sadness had been aroused. He carefully and slowly exited, and then waved his hand to summon the slave to whisper. He did not enter the room to see the sad and embarrassed couple. , just standing in this yard waiting.

Not long after, Liu Guangde's domestic slaves pulled several carts filled with various exquisite daily utensils, and there were more than ten male and female slaves. Under the command of Liu Guangde, these slaves unloaded all the utensils from the car, and after asking Zhang Xi for instructions, they moved the utensils into the room and decorated them.

It took half an hour for the room to be re-decorated. Although the room was still a slightly dilapidated monk's house, there were exquisite lacquerware, gorgeous colored satin, screens and tables of various shapes and various other items. All kinds of furniture also cover up the shabby and dilapidated atmosphere.

"Liu Lang, how can this be... It's really shameful! Wealth and poverty are all made by one's own, but the princess, the noble Shu of the clan, has experienced all the sufferings in the world with me. It is really shameful that the emperor entrusted me to receive this grace in my life. Thank you very much." Liu Lang, thank you..."

Seeing the behavior of Liu's slaves, Zhang Xi pulled Liu Guangde's sleeves and thanked him repeatedly with a shy and grateful expression. However, he looked at the male and female servants and said, "As for these slaves, please ask Liu Lang to lead them back." , It’s not that I reject Liu Lang’s kindness, it’s just that Jiangling’s salary is meager and it’s difficult to support him!”

After Liu Guangde heard this, he couldn't help but cursed secretly, but thinking about the purpose of his trip, he suppressed his displeasure. He looked at Zhang Xi and said with a smile: "Who doesn't have hardships in life? If you can endure it, Yang Chunnuan will be the best." Today, Marquis Zhang is a scholar from a well-known family and a relative of the imperial family. I have donated some common things to make friends with you. I also ask Marquis Zhang not to blame me for being presumptuous. These few materials are not worth mentioning. As for these slaves, it is their honor to serve the nobles. , as for their food and clothing, they will all come from me, no need to worry about it!"

After Zhang Xi heard this, he immediately smiled again. Although he only knew Liu Guangde before and had no deep friendship with him, after Liu Guangde gave him some gifts, he suddenly became a close friend and took Liu Guangde with him. He wants to enter the house and drink heavily.

Liu Guangde naturally would not refuse this, so he entered the room with Zhang Xi again, and asked his servants to serve him the sumptuous food and wine that had been prepared before he and Zhang Xi drank.

As they chatted with each other, the topic turned to the currently lively issue of whether to move the capital or not. Zhang Xi naturally agreed with this with both hands. The days he had spent in Jiangling were too miserable.

Although Emperor Xiao Yi gave him a sinecure position as a servant when he first came to Jiangling, he did not give him anything else. Even the property that was confiscated from his home was never returned. This is really difficult for the noble young master who is already well-dressed and well-fed. The situation of the old acquaintances around him was not much better than his. Even Jiang Ling's old friend, who has a rich family business, dare not have more contact with him because of his status as a has-been prince-in-law.

Liu Guangde listened to Zhang Xi's complaint and couldn't help but ask: "I heard that Jiankang has been destroyed by the rebel army for a long time, and was affected by the details of the king's division. Even Huangyuantaicheng is in dilapidated condition. Even if we return, how can all the families live in peace?" Good strategy?”

"There's always one. At least you can ask for a foreign job, and you can live in the county!"

The children of the aristocratic family grew up in fine clothes and had no idea how to make a living. Sometimes their family fell into decline and they had no food to eat, so they asked to be transferred to other places, where they plundered for a few years and then returned to Jiankang to enjoy their lives. After hearing Liu Guangde's question, Zhang Xi replied matter-of-factly.

"But now many prefectures and counties are dilapidated. Even the Sanwu land, which was said to be prosperous in the past, is now in ruins. What's more, the powerful martial sects in the prefectures and counties are entrenched and unruly. There are countless people who are out of control and abuse them. I'm afraid It’s not a good plan!”

Liu Guangde said with emotion. When he saw Zhang Xi's face became sad again, he smiled and said: "Zhang Hou, does he know why I have been traveling to and from Mianbei frequently in recent years? Even if there is a lot of profit in it, this matter is nothing. It’s a secret, but it’s just that Zhang Houxi came here not long ago and I haven’t heard about it yet.”

Then he detailed the profits of the traders to and from Mianbei, and said in a seductive tone: "Zhang Hou is a noble man, so naturally he cannot start a humble career, but he only needs to go to Mianbei to visit General Li. His appreciation will immediately make the slaves earn huge profits from the two places, which is a hundred times better than returning to the remaining land of Jiankang!"

"But, my father was injured in Xiangyang, and Li Boshan is a close friend of King Yueyang. Will he see me and reward me?"

Zhang Xi was naturally moved after hearing Liu Guangde's description, but thinking about his father's past, he still hesitated to ask.

"So by whose hands Zhang Xiangong died, Marquis Zhang still doesn't know? His deeds during his lifetime may have been hidden, but everything that happened after his death is visible to everyone. Why did Marquis Zhang end up like this? Was he also forced to Xiangyang?"

Liu Guangde saw that he wanted to eat but was afraid of being bitten. He felt that he had found the right person this time, so he stepped up his lobbying efforts.

Zhang Xi looked at the gorgeous decorations in the room, and then at Liu Guangde who looked sincere. After hesitating for a while, he finally nodded heavily and said: "I want to ask the Holy Father to go to Xiangyang to visit my late father's clothes. At that time, please ask Liu Lang to introduce him." I will secretly cross the Han River to pay homage to General Li. If this works, I will never forget Liu Lang’s kindness!”

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Liu Guangde nodded in agreement. Don't look at Zhang Xi's current desolation, but in terms of reputation and connections, he is much better than him. If Zhang Xi can be introduced to Mianbei to be used by General Li, he can use this to connect more Jiankang people, and thus exert a deeper influence on the Jiangling Dynasty.

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