Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 761 The pearl is covered in dust

Li Tai had penetrated deeply into Jiangling's personnel, and he learned the news as soon as possible after Xiao Yi issued the edict to return the old capital.

As early as the Hou Jing Rebellion had not yet been settled, Li Tai had already anticipated this and made a lot of personnel preparations in advance. Both Jiangling locals and those who came to Jiangling from Jiankang also tried to win over them. , I hope they can persuade Xiao Yi to give up this idea and stay in Jiangling obediently.

But now that it was time to test the results, he still felt a little uneasy. No matter how many reasons there are for each party, in the final analysis, this matter only depends on Xiao Yi's thoughts.

This guy has been able to get to this point, so it cannot be said that he is a complete idiot. In short, he is sometimes dim and sometimes wise, but it is really difficult to judge whether he is shrewd or dim on the issue of whether to move the capital or not.

However, judging from the enthusiastic feedback from people in Jiangling, Li Tai has done a good job in united front work in the past two years. Whether it is Jiangling locals or some people from the west, they all pass the news here through their own channels. Regardless of the value of the news, at least this attitude is very gratifying.

Jiangling Shiliu's desire to veto this proposal was very strong, and he even hoped that Li Tai could make their emperor give up this idea.

In addition to their unwillingness to give up their own local interests, they actually also had a kind of worry. After all, they just left, but the city of Jiangling could not be taken with them. Once the Western Wei Dynasty really wants to send troops to Jiangling, Jiangling's defense force will only become weaker by then. Therefore, trapping the emperor and the court firmly in Jiangling was also a way for them to protect themselves.

Whatever a person relies on to become strong, he will definitely be bound by it and fight back. Xiao Yi relies on Jiangling, an important town in southern Jingnan, to achieve his rejuvenation, and now he is also restricted by Jiangling's favor. If he can break through this restriction, he may have greater room for maneuver.

Just as the two great empires of the Sui and Tang Dynasties later relied on and got rid of the tradition of Guanzhong, geography was a very influential factor in the ancient political pattern, and sometimes it could even have a decisive impact.

On this issue, it is not convenient for Li Tai to come forward directly. If his presence is too strong, it will increase Xiao Yi's vigilance or create some resistance and rebelliousness, which will be self-defeating and counterproductive.

At the moment, he needs the Nanliang court to stay in Jiangling, because the previous conflict with Yuwentai on the Shuzhong issue temporarily forced Yuwentai to make a slight concession, but he also needs to continue to strengthen himself. Only by having the right to speak on side matters can Yu Wentai continue to remain calm and restrained, and not to do anything to himself.

The small imperial court of Nanliang was located in Jiangling and Jiankang, and the role that the Jingzhou General Administration Office could play in this regard was naturally different. Things in the world are in a state of flux. As the leader of the Southeast Military Mansion, Li Tai, at least for the moment, has developed a wonderful relationship with Xiao Yi that can be said to be mutually beneficial.

He needed to keep Xiao Yi in his own pool in order to ensure that he had enough say in the overall strategic level of the Western Wei Dynasty.

Moreover, having such an external strategic goal that is close at hand and within reach can also alleviate internal conflicts to a certain extent. The reason why Northern Qi Gaoyang has been like a gunman in the past few years is that he is arresting and beating whomever he wants. It's not because internal conflicts are difficult to resolve.

So when he received the news that Liu Guangde was going to introduce Zhang Xi, a relative of Nanliang, Li Tai was more concerned. He originally planned to stay in Xingzhou and wait for further information from Shuzhong, but after learning about this, he returned early. Came to Fancheng to meet this group of people.

"Zhang Xi, a poor scholar from the Southern Kingdom, pays homage to General Li, Duke of Taiyuan!"

Zhang Xi arrived at Fancheng under Liu Guangde's guidance and arrangement after a long journey. When he saw General Li, he immediately showed surprise. He bowed his head in worship and said respectfully: "Taiyuan Gongxian has a long-standing reputation." I’ve heard about it, but I’m lucky enough to see it today. It’s really like gold, bones, jade, and the appearance of a human being! I’m so ashamed of my appearance..."

Zhang Xi was born in the Fanyang Zhang family. Although he was not as high-ranking as Wang Xie in the Southern Dynasty, he was inherited from the famous family of Sikong Zhanghua in the Western Jin Dynasty. He was also related by marriage to the Xiaoliang royal family. Of course, he was not a man of humble origin.

But even Wang Bao, who was born in the Wang family of Langya, humbly claimed that he was a slave of Duke Changshan. They, the Southern Dynasty clansmen, were never stubborn when they shouldn't be.

Although there are so-called vows to protect the family reputation and not fearing death, there are not many. They are only strong within some specific rules. When they meet people who don't follow the rules, they can smoothly assume any posture and shape.

"Zhang Hou, there is no need to be polite. You are invited by Liu Lang, who is a close friend of mine. Since you are here with me, you should treat me as much as you want."

Li Tai looked down at Zhang Xi who was in front of the case and said with a smile, and by the way, he praised Liu Guangde.

As early as when this young man came to Mianbei for the first time and was received by Li Tai, he showed his intention to move closer to the north. Later, under the guidance of Li Tai, he compiled the "Nanyang Shicui", a book by Jiangling people. Many Jianglings were introduced to Mianbei by the grave-visiting guide, which can be said to have exerted great united front value. Of course, such people should be treated with courtesy and attention.

When Liu Guangde heard what General Li said, his face flushed with excitement. He quickly stood up and introduced to Li Tai in detail Zhang Xi's current situation in Jiangling and the purpose of coming to see him.

Although Zhang Xi was quite shy when his predicament and purpose were stated so straightforwardly, he still held back his shyness after having said it all. He sighed with a heavy face and said: "Beilu and Hou thieves are coming south, disaster will come." My family and country are in turmoil, and my relatives are separated and mourned. I hope that I have no power to save my country, and I am doing asceticism in the troubled times. I am unable to find a solution..."

Every Nanliang person who came to visit him in the north would prepare a similar set of rhetoric. Li Tai was already a little numb after listening to it. Zhang Xi's words were only moderately moving, so he didn't even have the expression. Bong.

"It is a misfortune in the world that pearls are covered with dust and virtuous people are in chaos! Especially wise men like Zhang Hou, who come from a well-known family and have plans to care about the country and the people, should not sink into misery."

When Zhang Xi finished his self-narration, Li Taicai spoke again: "Although Zhang Hou and I are new acquaintances, I already felt deeply regretful that we had met so late after hearing this philosophical statement. I wanted to lead the army to work with him, but I was afraid that I would miss Zhang Hou's service. The sincerity of my motherland has disturbed my heart, and I am not happy about it. I would like to express my feelings in a few vulgar things, but I hope Zhang will accept it."

As he spoke, he waved to a soldier and whispered at the table. After receiving the order, the soldier bowed his head and retired.

When Zhang Xi saw this scene, he was quite excited and looking forward to it. He thought that things would go through some twists and turns, but he didn't expect General Li, such a courteous and virtuous corporal, to thank him and decline at the same time, which seemed a little incoherent.

Soon the soldiers who had just withdrawn returned, followed by dozens of servants carrying various goods, and placed these goods one by one around Zhang Xi's seat.

These goods include buckets of pearls, crystal clear gems, gold cakes neatly stacked on lacquer plates, gorgeous and exquisite brocades, etc., almost burying Zhang Xi in them.

Li Tai looked at the dumbfounded Zhang Xi who was sitting among the piles of goods, and exclaimed: "Zhang Hou is worthy of being a famous scholar in the southern country, and his face does not change after receiving such important goods. It's a pity, although Zhang Hou regards money as nothing, but now I can The gift given to Marquis Zhang is just a vulgar object, and I did not intend to ruin the name. Please forgive me."

"See, forgive me, thank you General Li for your gift, much..."

Hearing what Li Tai said, Zhang Xicai came back to his senses and tried hard to control his expression, trying to maintain the character that General Li praised. The corners of his mouth were raised and suppressed with effort, as if there were a pair of invisible eyes Hands moving up and down.

Originally, his family was also a wealthy family, and money was nothing to him, but people often cherish something when they lose it. Especially the poor life in Gangneung made him understand the meaning of money. It's a double joy.

However, at this time Liu Guangde said something very embarrassing: "But Xiangyang and Jiangling are at war with each other now. We need to be careful when crossing the border, and we don't have many followers. The general presented this heavy cargo. Although it is hard to refuse with enthusiasm, it is difficult to carry it back. ah!"

These words immediately brought Zhang Xi back to reality, looking at the piles of belongings with a tangled face. It is naturally impossible for him to abandon that, but it is impossible to transport them all back.

After Li Tai heard this, he smiled and said: "It's easy. These goods can be temporarily stored in Mianbei, and after Zhang Hou returns, he can send his slaves to slowly transport them back. Moreover, we in Mianbei have abundant goods and a prosperous market. If we can bring these goods If the goods are exchanged for goods and sent back to Jiangling, the profit will be doubled. Although Zhang Hou is not a profit-seeking person, it is not wise to see this benefit and not use it. "

After Zhang Xi heard this, a strange light shone in Zhang Xi's eyes. However, Liu Guangde, the atmosphere killer, spoke again: "Although the general has good intentions, it is a pity that Zhang Hou is afraid that this benefit will be rare. A few days ago, the Supreme Lord has issued an edict to move the old All, it may be possible in the near future..."

"No, it's not! The edict is just for discussion, not for confirmation! Now that the central government's treasury is exhausted and Jiankang is dilapidated, it is not a good idea to rush to move the rebels! There are also many voices in the court that oppose the move..."

After Zhang Xi heard this, he immediately looked at Liu Guangde with some complaints, why did you let me down at the critical moment?

Although he was a bit arrogant, he was not a fool. He could naturally understand that Li Tai made such a generous gift when he first met him. He must have some ulterior motive, so he looked at Li Tai again and said, "I have built a healthy life." I know that the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are now in dire straits, and the Qi people are making trouble in the north and south of the Yangtze River. Even if they want to move back, it will not be possible in a short time. The general is a famous general in the world. I have seen the situation in our country very deeply, and I don’t know if there is any good advice that can be given to me so that I can surrender to the Lord?”

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