Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 767: Beware of Overlord

Although Wang Sengbian took the initiative to make this request, Li Tai declined after some consideration and did not intend to intervene in Huainan now.

Because now Wang Sengbian still has Xiao Yi, who does not have absolute dominance, and he may not have reached a consensus with Chen Baxian. It doesn't matter if they have differences. The key is that they are afraid of a sudden break-up, which will make it difficult for Li Tai to recover the power he invested in Huainan.

Even if the opponent is strong, it is not scary, but if the teammates are too bad, it will make people cry without tears. Of course Wang Sengbian and Chen Baxian are not scumbags, but if they really have different ideas and hold them back, it will really cost their lives.

Such instability in internal relations also prevents Li Tai from having too high hopes for mutual cooperation. And he is not a small player now. Although Beiqi is making frequent moves in the Huainan area, they are basically still taking advantage of the situation.

But if Li Tai is eliminated, the main force of Northern Qi may be attracted, and the situation in Huainan may become even more confusing. This will also have a great impact on the relatively clear strategic prospects of the Western Wei Dynasty, especially the current Jingzhou General Administration.

"Today we, the people of Jingzhou, still need to recuperate and recuperate. Although we are willing to participate in the great event of benevolence and righteousness and save the people of Huainan from the fire and water, it is a pity that we are unable to do so. The East bandits are cruel, unjust and aggressive, and they are also despised by benevolent and righteous people!"

Although he rejected Wang Sengmin, after thinking about it, Li Tai continued: "Although I can't come physically, I feel the same way. If the army has any use, the general can just say it. If there is any It is also a blessing for me to help defeat thieves.”

Wang Sengxin was disappointed when he heard that Li Tai was unwilling to cooperate, but when he heard that he was still willing to provide some material assistance, he felt touched for a while.

"General Li is so righteous, it is really touching! Alas, to be honest, although the traitors in the country have been eliminated, the situation is still far from being peaceful. There are arrogant soldiers and strong generals below who refuse to control them, and there are arrogant generals above. The king's orders were strictly urged, and the troops did not disarm and the ships did not drop their sails. They ran along the river and fought in the east and west. There were strong bandits outside and stubborn thieves inside..."

Wang Seng was stunned for a while and couldn't help himself. He vented his bitterness to Li Tai, an outsider, which showed that he had been depressed for a long time in the past.

Seeing this, Li Tai felt quite emotional in his heart. In troubled times, it was the end of the dynasty. Regardless of status, everyone had to face their own pressure and suffering, and no one could stay away. Many people enjoy discussing the abilities of heroes in troubled times, but often what determines success or failure is their ability to withstand pressure.

"General Li is generous in his help. I would like to thank my brother and all the soldiers in advance! Preface: The dedication of the city is by no means a conceited and clever trick, but a willing and sincere plan. It is a pity that the opportunity has not yet been prepared. If it doesn’t work, I hope General Li will appreciate this sincerity and never forget it. My brother is eagerly awaiting good news!”

Although the proposal was declined by Li Tai, Wang Sengmin couldn't help but express his sincerity in the end.

Although Li Tai did not agree to cooperate immediately, he still expressed his willingness to provide certain material assistance in order to maintain this relationship and wait for a more suitable time.

Although he may have a big feud with Nanliang in the future, at the end of the troubled times of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there were different interpretations of loyalty.

Wang Sengbian and Chen Baxian, who is loyal and who is traitor? Wang Sengbian abandoned Xiao Yi's legal lineage under pressure from the Northern Qi Dynasty, and Chen Baxian used this as an excuse to attack and kill Wang Sengbian and reestablish Xiao Yi's bloodline, but in the end he usurped it.

There is also Wang Lin, who appeared with an awe-inspiring attitude and was full of heroism. However, in the end, everyone who could kneel did so. Anyone who has not accepted his surrender will not be considered a figure in the Three Kingdoms. As a result, after going to Yecheng, the people in Yecheng were moved to tears by his loyalty. I don't know whether it was Wang Lin who was too good at setting up characters, or the people in Yecheng were too lacking in loyalty.

Therefore, Li Tai was not worried that the future attack on Jiangling would bring obstacles to the subsequent united front work, because the standards of loyalty during this period were very flexible.

Morality is a code of conduct that people consciously abide by in order to better participate in social activities. Money and power can give people greater advantages in social activities. If you don’t have money and power, you can only abide by morality and increase your personality. Charmed.

Li Tai is rich and powerful, but also has extremely high moral integrity. He is simply a born leader. If you are unwilling to attach yourself to such a person, then you are really abandoned by God. Who can prosper you?

Not to mention Li Tai's inner self-psychological construction, when he finished talking with Wang Sengmin and was about to send him out of the hall, Wang Yan, the son of Wang Sengbian, who was in the military camp outside the city, was rushing in from the outside. I came to the front of the hall with sweat on my face.

Wang Fan first greeted his uncle, and then went to Li Tai to pay homage: "My father is being attacked by giant bandits. When the general heard the news, he was very anxious. Although he is not talented, he can't lose his filial piety. I sincerely ask the general to General Neng Yun will go to..."

Before he had finished speaking, Wang Sengzhen, who was next to him, had already stamped his feet and shouted: "Alang, shut up! Don't be impulsive. Your father told me to sue you before we left. It is a great blessing for our family that General Li is willing to accept you in front of the tent." , you can rest assured and devote yourself to this, and don’t worry about family affairs. The troubles you are facing now are not something you can solve, even if you go there, it won’t help!”

After Wang Fan heard his uncle's words, he did not answer, but bowed deeply in front of Li Tai.

After Li Tai saw this, he simply raised his hand to arrange a room for their uncle and nephew to communicate with each other. He went back to the Zhitang Hall to summon officials to inquire about the surplus in the treasury and discuss how much material aid would be appropriate for Wang Sengbian.

Less than half an hour later, Wang Fan was outside the hall asking for an audience again. Li Tai introduced him in. Seeing that his brows were still filled with determination, he said, "Are you still going south to join your father?"

"I will be favored and cultivated by the great general. When my father's danger is over and I can return to my father's life, I will definitely go to pieces to repay my benefactor!"

Wang Fan bowed to the ground again and said in a deep voice.

After Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but secretly sigh. This Wang Seng could be regarded as a general's son, but he was not good enough for him to give up. The reason why he kept him under his sect was that he hoped to help Wang Seng more safely. Leave the argument behind.

But now that the king is eager to leave, there is no need for Li Tai to be a bad guy and leave him alone. After a brief pause, he said: "Human nature urges me to let down no one. How can you be so pure and filial?" , but it also proves that my vision is good.

Now I am recuperating, and I don't have much military work to do. Since you ask to go, I wish you a smooth trip. I hope that after you return to your father, your father will not blame me for neglecting his son. I also hope that you can use what you have learned here to defeat the enemy and show your power! "

"Thank you, General, for your encouragement. Thank you, General..."

After Wang Fan heard this, he quickly kowtowed and his tone became choked with sobs.

"We are always the host and guest, so I can't let you leave alone. Let me lend you a thousand fine cavalry to go with you, and then send them back home after this war is over. As for whether you will stay or go, it depends on your condition. Make up your mind."

After Li Tai thought for a while, he made such an arrangement.

Although he does not want to increase personnel investment in Huainan at the moment, he does not mind strengthening his influence. Moreover, the battle between the Northern Qi and Nanliang armies on the front line of Jiangbei also has great reference significance. It is also a good choice to send a team to observe and accumulate experience.

If important river defense areas such as Hefei Dongguan, Gushu Hengjiang, Caishidu and Zhanggongzhou can be inspected on the spot, future combat plans can be more targeted.

When Wang Fan heard General Li's arrangement, he burst into tears of gratitude. Seeing General Li kowtow repeatedly to express his thanks, it actually made Li Tai, who had ulterior motives, feel a little embarrassed.

However, when he thought that these thoughts probably would not be effective in the confrontation with Wang Sengbian, he was relieved. Maybe this arrangement would help Wang Sengbian to avenge him more smoothly in the future. It can be regarded as a drink and a peck. It’s decided.

"At present, the civil strife in the Liang Kingdom seems to have been settled, but the disunity in people's hearts is still deep and difficult to eradicate. Your father was a former vassal of Xiangdong and a tiger minister in Jiangling. He also had the merit of quelling the chaos, so it was natural for him to be famous at that time. However, Chen Baxian was also a powerful figure in Lingnan. He has rarely received orders from the shogunate and has been the leader of the army for a long time. His subordinates are not humble gentlemen. I am afraid that if they want to live in peace for a long time, they must pay attention to this situation."

Li Tai thought for a while and then said: "This is my humble opinion on Liang Guo's personnel, and I will give it to you as a reference before leaving. It's not that I want to use your words to alienate Liang's personnel. Just listen to it, There is no need to promote noise.”

"I will definitely keep this in mind, General. Thank you for your advice, General!"

After Wang Fan heard this, he nodded quickly and said, despite this, Li Tai didn't think anything could be changed.

Many times, character determines destiny, and this sentence is especially applicable to Wang Sengbian.

As the main general who put down the Hou Jing Rebellion, Wang Sengbian can be said to be the best military talent in the late Southern Liang Dynasty, but when it comes to character and methods, he is not even as good as Wang Lin, let alone Chen Baxian, the last fierce man in the Southern Dynasty.

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