Northern Dynasties Imperial Industry

Chapter 768: The right way to get money

Not to mention Li Tai, even a person like Duan Shao of the Northern Qi Dynasty, who did not often move around the Huainan area, could clearly see this personnel hidden danger in Nanliang. As a person in the game, Wang Sengbian must have sensed it, but what can he do?

Chen Baxian was not just a simple military leader who took advantage of the situation. Not only was he outstanding in ability and grand in structure, but his subordinates had also been fully tempered in the fight against the rebellion in Lingnan. These soldiers were willing to follow Chen Baxian to the north to quell Hou Jing's rebellion, and their internal feelings and trust exceeded that of most armed forces.

Even Emperor Xiao Yi couldn't do it if he wanted to remove Chen Baxian from military power with just a written order, let alone Wang Sengbian.

Since the opponent's strength cannot be weakened, it is necessary to face up to the opponent's existence and provide matching treatment. But as a result, the generals of the Jiangling line under Wang Sengbian did not agree.

Today's Chen Baxian can indeed be regarded as the second-largest figure in the Nanliang military. Wang Sengbian is in charge of Jiankang, and Chen Baxian is in charge of Jingkou. When Wang Sengbian leads his army to fight, Chen Baxian guards Jiankang. On the surface, it seems that they are very close to each other. It's a tacit understanding.

However, the reason why Jingkou can become an important town is that it either has strong and reliable control over the Sanwu Land, or it can echo with Guangling and other places in the north of the Yangtze River. Otherwise, Jingkou would be just an isolated city on the south bank of the river.

After the Hou Jing Rebellion was put down, Wang Sengbian arranged for his confidants and Jiangling's direct descendant Jiangling to be located in the land of Sanwu. Although Chen Baxian was based in Jingkou and had a slight influence on Shaanxi, he only had the city of Jingkou under his control.

Therefore, when the Northern Qi Dynasty frequently attacked and harassed the south, Chen Baxian also frequently sent troops to the north, hoping to recapture Guangling and other important towns in Jiangbei to open up his own living space. If you can’t explore outward, you have to look inward.

Even if he knew that Chen Baxian was not trustworthy, Wang Sengbian did not have the courage to directly remove Chen Baxian's military power and disarm him, nor could he coordinate internally and transfer enough benefits to appease and accommodate Chen Baxian. It was only a matter of time before the two sides broke up. .

If Wang Sengbian is a well-tamed famous horse, then Chen Baxian is a fierce horse that survives in the wilderness. There is a huge difference in foot endurance between the two, and sometimes Chen Baxian can even give people a rough and rough feel, but in moments of real crisis, the performance of the two will be completely different.

Facing the extreme pressure from Northern Qi, Wang Sengbian finally failed to bear it and chose to succumb, but Chen Baxian chose a completely opposite, more difficult and more glorious path. The difference between them may be This bit of resilience in character.

When it comes to Chen Baxian's difficulties in establishing the country, we have to mention Northern Qi Gaoyang, who did the most unreasonable things with the richest family fortune.

In the north, they chased and beat the barbarians, successfully clearing the way for the rise of the Turks, and led them to become the overlords of the grasslands. In the south, they continued to send troops to cause trouble, adding fuel to the fire, and sending Chen Baxian to the big one. took the throne. When it was his turn, although he had experienced the addiction of the founding man, he was known as the heroic emperor, but he ended up dying.

Li Tai didn't want Wang Fan to die in Chen Baxian's sneak attack later, but he only touched on this matter. If he used too much force, he would be suspected of sowing discord. Now if he gives some advice, what will happen in the future? Just wish yourself good luck.

Putting aside these distracting thoughts, Li Tai began to select the personnel to accompany Wang Fan to help in the battle.

This time, the battlefield between Nanliang and Northern Qi was near Dongguan, south of Hefei. It should be a water battle. Li Tai did not expect that the thousands of elite cavalry dispatched would be able to play a great role in assisting the battle. They served as scouts, Just walk around the battlefield and observe.

This time he arranged for his nephew Li Zhen to lead the team. No matter how talented he is, his ability will always improve after being fully trained. In the short term, there are no water battles here in Jingzhou to practice, so it is just right to send Wang Sengbian to observe.

In addition to Li Zhen, he also arranged for Han Qinhu to go with some young generals he was more optimistic about, which was both a training and a test. As the forces advance to the front line of the Yangtze River, the water warfare tasks of the Jingzhou General Administration will inevitably not be too few in the future.

He had just seen off Wang Sengmin and his party, and Li Xian, Li Qianzhe's younger brother from Shannan, led another group of troops to escort the goods to Jingzhou.

"Why are there so many beautiful things?"

When he saw that the cargo list presented by Li Xian recorded that there were more than 20,000 pieces of Shu brocade alone, Li Tai couldn't help but frowned, and then said: "The land of Shu was not peaceful before, and trade was needed to promote personnel. In order to cooperate with the emperor, we need to visit and buy brocade goods. But now that Bashu is under the rule of the king, it is no longer appropriate to be greedy for material resources and refuse favors. "

The previous trading of Shu brocade had a special purpose, and interests were secondary. Now that the matter of conquering Shu has been settled, the situation that Li Tai hoped for has been achieved. He also hopes that this situation can continue to be maintained and no more negative changes will occur.

Seeing that Li Xian had brought so much Shu brocade at this time, Li Tai couldn't help but worry that Li Qianzhe still couldn't change what he had done before, and relied on his strong troops and horses to plunder Bashu.

After hearing the words, Li Xian quickly lowered his head and said: "Master Lang's previous instructions, brothers and servants dare not forget them for a moment. Brother, I am in Badi. I will first use propaganda and care, and those who are not converted will follow with swords and soldiers. As for the goods transported back here , not from the people of Bashu, but obtained from the transactions between the armies in Chengdu..."

After listening to Li Xian's explanation, Li Tai realized that he had misunderstood Li Qianzhe.

After Yu Wengui arrived in Chengdu, due to the previous looting and destruction of the city, the city of Chengdu was in a depression and all industries were ruined. The army's supplies were already insufficient originally, but with the arrival of the troops brought by Yu Wengui, the logistical pressure inevitably increased.

So while Yu Wengui was cleaning up the resistance forces in the surrounding areas, he was also actively restoring the people's livelihood industry in the city. In order to obtain supplies, he also opened a military market in the suburbs east of Chengdu, encouraging soldiers and civilians to trade supplies and exchange valuables in the market. none.

The garrison troops in Chengdu City had a wealth of property and supplies on hand, and almost the entire city was looted after several days of hustle and bustle. However, the looted goods cannot be used for food consumption, so they are eager to convert these materials into food supplies.

Li Qianzhe was stationed on the outskirts of Chengdu with the army at the time. Seeing that the military market was plentiful but lacking in rice ingredients, he ordered the local tycoons in Langzhong, Brazil, to transport rice supplies to Chengdu in exchange for relatively small prices. Get a considerable amount of goods. The more than 20,000 pieces of Shu brocade and other goods transported to Rangcheng this time were part of the military market transaction.

Many people in later generations are full of complaints and want to vent their complaints when it comes to the military doing business. But in fact, as early as the Warring States Period, the military market was an important way for the army to obtain supplies.

In today's Southern and Northern Dynasties, the nature of military affairs is extremely high, it is difficult to coordinate the overall coordination of material rationing, and there is no unified plan for the distribution of spoils. The role of the military market has become even more obvious.

When Li Tai heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved. He had previously ordered Li Qianzhe to go to the middle of Shu for trade, but he still wanted to empty out the Shu brocade stored in the middle of Shu, so as to delay the Bafu's attack on Longyou's trade.

But facts have proven that even if he masters the rare and valuable frosting sugar, pure market behavior will be difficult to empty Shu Brocade, an important strategic material in Sichuan. So in the end, he basically gave up this idea, and instead hoped to have a hand in the attack on Chengdu. As a result, he was implicated by the great brains of Brazil and was unable to participate in the attack on Chengdu at all.

A plan that had been abandoned originally, but I didn't want such a turnaround to happen again. Those Shu brocades that were robbed by the soldiers who conquered Shu can now be easily bought directly in the Chengdu military market.

Of course Li Tai doesn't want these Shu brocades to flow into Guanzhong in batches, but he also understands that once he buys them in large quantities, other variables will inevitably be added. For example, if the market fluctuates too violently, it may even have a negative impact on military morale.

After pondering for a while, he came up with a cross-regional delivery plan, that is, the soldiers would first provide the quantity of their belongings, conduct a market valuation, and then temporarily store the belongings in the military warehouse, and then send a letter to His relatives in Guanzhong would withdraw the corresponding money, and then their relatives would issue tokens. Finally, Li Tai would send someone to receive the materials in the warehouse.

When soldiers are fighting abroad, their own safety cannot be guaranteed, and the trophies they obtain may be lost at any time. Through this method, the trophies can be directly sent back to relatives at home, which undoubtedly greatly relieves worries and ensures the safety of property. These soldiers can also go into battle lightly and are no longer timid.

For ordinary people, this matter is naturally not easy to operate. Firstly, can you win people's trust? Secondly, do you have enough money to receive the goods and pay for them? Thirdly, even if you have credit and money, there are so many ways to make money, who would dare? Dealing with poor guys like the army?

Li Tai happened to be satisfied with all three, so he quickly wrote down his idea on paper and prepared it to be sent to Yu Wengui. Yu Wengui was responsible for calling on the soldiers to store the trophies in the warehouse. After taking inventory and calculating the prices, Li Tai organized the alliance personnel to pay the money in Guanzhong. Naturally, Li Tai was responsible for arranging the materials in the warehouse to be sold in Longyou. The profits generated are then discussed and distributed among each other.

When Li Tai's letter arrived, Yu Wengui immediately showed great interest and even sent his confidants to Mianbei to discuss the details. Regardless of the benefits involved, he attached great importance to the fact that this matter alone improved the morale of the soldiers.

Not to mention that Yu Wengui also has a large stall of people eating horse chews under his sect. Of course, he won't find the money too hot. Naturally, he does not have as strong financial resources and personnel foundation as Li Tai in Guanzhong, but just earning a management fee in Shuzhong is still a very considerable income!

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