Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 83: TheNewEnd23

Christine turned into the backyard of the old parliament cabinet and met with Elder Ge.

Elder Ge was obviously very busy. He kept entering information in the personal terminal he operated. Even when he saw Christine's dress, his eyes stopped for a few seconds, and he asked in a little surprise: "What are you doing? How come out of the tattered look? What happened to the Holy See?"

Christine didn't breathe in a breath: "Yue Lais helped me hold the Vatican army, and I came out from behind him hiding in the trash can. I saw the Fat Bishop again, but the Fat Bishop...probably is dead. "

Elder Ge knew that the matter was not small when he heard it: "The bishop is dead? Did you see him alive? Are you sure what you are talking about?"

Christine's eyes were gloomy: "The fat bishop wanted to attack me, but it happened that Mansha went to the Holy See to find me. She blocked me for a while. She was zergized on the spot... That thing killed my favorite friend and changed. Become Mansha."

Looking at the unbelievable expression of Old Ge, Christine continued: "I say that you may not believe it, but this kind of thing... or it is a creature, you can freely change its shape and extract the memory of the original owner. I don't know they want to catch it. What was my purpose, but after I ran away, they never let me go."

"This is the reason why the Holy See is now in a mess?" Elder Ge returned to his senses, still a little unbelievable: "However, Lan just sent us an emergency notice. This is rare. It must be something serious. Let's take a look. What did he say."

In the entire interstellar space, there are various types of spacecraft flying from every corner, but their goals are the same.

They dragged their bright tails in the dark universe and flew to the galaxy that monitors the folded space, the barren star that has exploded.

After a long distance, Lan was on the other side of the universe and said to them: "We finally don't need to hide our identities anymore. Me and Mo Bai have confessed that the Marshal accepted our existence."

"This is our final task-to fold the space."

Elder Ge put down his personal terminal: "Christine, let's go over."

The remaining last human beings, no one refused or shied away from this task, they rushed to the battlefield in silence.

In the next three days, a total of one hundred and seventy-four people rushed to the barren star where Zhong Yue's army was located one after another.

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei personally received every survivor who came, asked their names and life, and carefully recorded their faces.

Then I hope that in the distant future, I will be lucky enough to be able to reunite with them in another way for a long time.

The sadness of parting spread throughout the warship, but these human survivors seemed particularly calm, relaxed and quiet.

Lan was dressed in military uniform and silently made the final tactical adjustments based on the latest data on the anomalous folding space returned.

When Elder Ge and Christine arrived, these survivors were all ready to go.

The old face of the Parliament Pavilion was tired, but there was also an arrogance that could not be ignored: "We have caught up."

When Lan saw Elder Ge, he immediately came over: "You don’t need to participate in our actions-you are in an important position in the parliament, and Christine is a bishop in the Holy See. Your status is extraordinary. If you live, you will create even greater things. value."

Elder Ge said, "At the speed of my genetic breakdown, I will not live for two years."

Lan was silent.

Elder Ge said with satisfaction: "I have lived long enough. I can use this last bit of strength to do something meaningful. I am very happy."

No one could say the rejection, Lan had to turn to Christine silently.

Christine was very haggard: "Don't stop me, I want to go too."

Before Lan said, he was interrupted by Elder Ge: "Child, you can't. You still have a long way to go. The situation of the Holy See is confusing. You are now a bishop. If you live, you will die like this. Has a greater effect."

"No... don't leave me alone." Christine pleaded sadly: "His Majesty Mobai is gone, Mansha is gone, you and Lan will also leave, all the deceased are gone, I don't want to be alone !"

Lan gently pushed her shoulders, pushed her to the side of Zhong Yue and Ke Wei, and handed it to Ke Wei to hold her: "You won't be alone, just look. You are surrounded by Marshal Zhong and Ke Wei. Mr., Xuanmian, and Mr. Hossaron, they are the people living in the legends of our time, living in the stories we hear, and now they are standing by your side."

"You are about to own them."

Kristen stared at these familiar faces blankly, and suddenly burst into tears: "But I will lose you."

Lan smiled and said, "As long as you don't forget us, we will never leave."

At this time, language has lost its color and temperature.

Zhong Yue wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything. His throat was choking, his eyes were sore, and he silently watched these people who had to say goodbye before he knew him.

These people have followed the leaders of Zhong Yue and Zhong Han. In all fairness, they are the most trustworthy and respected friends and comrades-in-arms.

Unfortunately, it is too late to understand the story behind each of them.

Lan's eyes swept across Hoshalen, stayed for a while on Marshal Zhong and Ke Wei, and finally nodded to Xuan Mian, then turned around resolutely.

He smiled and walked away: "My friends, let's go! Our last task is to be beautiful and not to make a mistake!"

The survivors should be.

No one looked back.

In this way, they walked into their respective spacecraft, took off in turn, followed Lan's command, and flew into the folded space.

The space wall at the entrance of the folding space was already very weak, and the spacecraft flew in one by one without any resistance.

When the survivors entered the folding space, they lost contact with the Zhongyue main ship. They could only see the red warning areas lit up on the main ship for the next two hours, and the data returned to calm.

This is obviously something to be celebrated, but it makes people feel heavy.

Ke Wei murmured: "They succeeded."

"Only the last five are left."

"These five are all Lan, and his task is the most difficult."

The five red areas went out one after another until the last alarm was completely lifted.

Zhong Yue sighed: "...he succeeded."

The human border is finally safe.

No one cheered.

Ke Wei took the lead and saluted the direction in which the folded space disappeared.

All the sergeants on the spaceship bowed solemnly in the direction they were going.

They waited in place for seven full days and found nothing.

Zhong Yue announced his departure and return.

"Organize a search and rescue team to stay behind." Zhong Yue ordered softly: "There is a theory that our time outside may be different from the time they experience inside. Then we leave a team here and wait, What if... some of them can come back?"

Xuan Mian, who hadn't sent a word for many days, finally said, "Let me come."

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