Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 84: TheNewEnd24

Ke Wei picked up the crying Zhonghan, feeling quite at a loss.

On another timeline, Zhong Yue, who had already milked his son, was very experienced, and ordered him methodically next to him: "Don’t be afraid, just hold it like this. Now I’m crying, it’s probably urine. I'll get you a diaper and change him to a new one. ."

He hurriedly messed up all this, put his son to sleep again, Ke Weicai poured out the time, and had a good chat with Zhong Yue.

Ke Wei carefully closed the door, looked at his son through a crack in the door, and whispered to Zhong Yue: "I still think...what happened these days is too untrue."

Zhong Yue thought for a while, thought about it from Ke Wei's point of view, and sincerely said: "I understand, I do have a responsibility for this matter. Let you become a dad without a little psychological preparation. It really takes some time to adapt."

Ke Wei thought for a while: "In fact, having a child at this time is definitely not the most appropriate time. You and I are in the army. The next few decades will be a period of rapid career growth and will be very busy. After all, the situation is special this time. It’s impossible to take our children into the army in the future. It is difficult for us to take care of our son by ourselves."

Although the Zerg has been hit hard, but at this time they can't be lazy to rest. Now is the best time to take advantage of the Zerg's weakness, explore the unknown territory outside the star map, destroy the lingering Zerg, and regain the area occupied by humans for nearly a hundred years.

However, Zhong Yue obviously had other plans for the regained area.

"I once sent these people who were abandoned by the Holy See to Ebino asylum from these places. So many people were rescued and settled by me personally. If they live in the homeland of Ebino in the process, if I don’t know the consequences of being discovered."

His worries are indeed justified. He needs to find a way to protect himself so that he will not be held accountable and convicted by the Holy See after exposure.

Zhong Yue said: "I want to delay it for a while, and when I have a greater say in the parliament, at that point in time and space before, I will consider exposing the existence of Ai Bino."

Ke Wei understood what Zhong Yue meant.

Ke Wei asked softly: "Do you want to establish your own political party?"

Zhong Yueyi said: "You know that I don't care about this. The combat exploits of the Zerg Clan can't be faked. When I go back this time, I will become the most influential general in all the army. But in the next few decades, I will have many. Opportunity, if we go against the current, we will retreat. I will not take the initiative to fight for more rights and interests, and the Holy See will not be merciful to me."

Today, Zhong Yue has a huge team behind him to make suggestions. He is involved in economic and political fields, and he has extended his tentacles to test various fields.

Ke Wei did not point out that Zhong Yue is already on the way to forming his own party.

On the previous timeline, this is what Ke Wei worries the most-Zhong Yue’s political influence stems from his military power in command of the three armies, but if it develops further, no matter how good the name is, it is essentially under a guise. Military government.

The pope hated this kind of military government system and suppressed Zhong Yue quite a lot. It was not only the pope's personal likes and dislikes, but also his consideration.

The military government certainly has drawbacks, but Ke Wei also hopes that Zhong Yue’s new forces can be used to forcibly improve the current abuses of the Vatican government. In this way, from a long-term perspective, the final benefit will be the human race, which will be more stable and lasting. continue.

It is also for this reason that Ke Wei secretly returned to the Holy See, trying to persuade the Pope to agree to the reform and avoid the human civil war caused by the conflict.

But now on this timeline, because of the pope's health, it is very likely that Ke Wei will directly succeed and become the new pope.

If Ke Wei becomes the leader of the Holy See, many problems can be easily solved. He will not press on Zhong Yue step by step, and Zhong Yue will not develop his power unbalanced, making it difficult for Ke Wei to do it. After Ke Wei controls the people in the government, he can implement the restructuring step by step, boil the frog in warm water, weaken the influence of the Holy See, and make the human government more perfect.

However, Zhong Yue did not understand the hidden worries of Ke Wei's long-term vision, and focused on discussing the happy life of the moment: "Zhong Han has been born, look at him like this, we will have to raise it for many years? I was thinking, A child is also a milk, so let’s be more efficient and raise a few more babies together, right?"

Ke Wei: "..."

Zhong Yue has been completely immersed in his own fantasy: "Let’s have a girl, and the second child will have your surname. Girls will not be as heartless as those stinky boys. Be good, caring, and look like You little..."

Ke Wei interrupted: "When you are sober, we don't have time to raise our own son. If you want a few more, who will bring it?"

Zhong Yue was eager to try: "Take my son into the army and we will raise him up and let others know it. Give me a few more years and I can justify raising my son in the army, and the military courts can't help me. I'm not afraid at all."

Ke Wei followed Zhong Yue's plan and imagined it, and found that he was also a little moved. But his reason is still sober: "Even if we can raise children without being discovered by others, you know, I can't stay in the army all the time."

In the past few days, there have been so many things happening in Zhong Yue's army. Even if the Pope wants to protect Ke Wei, who has been labelled as a traitor, he should not be so soft and without a response that shows his toughness.

The Pope’s reaction was very unreasonable. Although Zhong Yue had already blocked the rumors about Ke Wei in the army, the incident happened suddenly and the number of people affected was huge. It is impossible for the Holy See to be ignorant.

This only shows one thing-the pope's health has deteriorated drastically, and it has reached a very dangerous level, making him overwhelmed.

Ke Wei figured out this level, besides his heavy heart, there were many unspeakable feelings.

The Pope’s love for his upbringing, childhood and adolescent memories alternately appeared, the shadow of the Pope shuttled through it, and finally stopped at their last meeting, the gray potion the Pope forced him to drink.

What the **** is it?

The arrival of Xuan Mian was not entirely useless.

Saved the time for sample transportation, Xuan Mian resumed work a few days after Zhong Lan left, and personally investigated Ke Wei's blood.

At the other end of the holographic video, Xuan Mian had two huge dark circles hanging under his eyes, and he looked very tired.

Lan's departure was indeed a blow to him, but when it comes to work, Xuan Mian is still meticulous: "What Jin Ran said to Ke Wei that he can't use other people's blood casually is really for a reason."

"Ke Wei's blood is measured using conventional methods. I am afraid that no abnormality can be detected. However, I found that his blood cells have undergone an abnormal change. There are several cosmic metals in his blood that have never been discovered by humans. The specific characteristics are I can’t prove it by experiment—the metal in Ke Wei’s blood is too small, and the amount that can be extracted is too small to experiment.”

"But because of the presence of these metals, Ke Wei's blood cells have changed in order to adapt to the oxygen supply. Normal human blood enters his body, which will cause his body to be unable to supply oxygen. In the case of severe hypoxia, his whole body The organs will stop functioning, resulting in a very dangerous situation. But I guess that the process of this mutation is very slow, and this can't be done overnight. Because the process is a little faster, it will make his body react violently."

Ke Wei knew that there was no need to keep it secret, and finally confessed: "I did grow up next to the Pope since I was a child, and he has many opportunities to give me things."

Zhong Yue exploded on the spot: "What did he get for you!?"

Ke Wei: "I'm not sure if he gave me something before, but before I entered the army, he let me drink a gray potion. I privately looked for someone for a medical examination, and I also asked Xuan Mian's mother for help. I tested it, but couldn't determine its effect on my body. I always thought it was just a means he used to contain me."

Zhong Yue was shocked and angry: "Why don't you tell me!?"

Xuan Mian’s continued report interrupted Zhong Yue’s thoughts: "There is also... Boss, the metal fragments you gave me before, do you remember? There is only one kind of unknown metal in Ke Wei’s blood. I have seen it. Sure it is the same composition of those pieces of metal."

The information came in time, and Zhong Yue calmed down immediately: "If this is the case, it is certain that the Pope did it. The patterns on these metal fragments, put together, are the frescoes in the founding church."

Ke Wei was puzzled: "If he really eats me this kind of thing for a long time, what is his purpose?"

"Xuanmian, you should also ask your mother again, what is the connection between these metal fragments and Chuangshijiao."

Xuan Mian was a little confused: "My mother?"

Zhong Yue revealed the truth for him: "Your father died because of this, and he has a lot to do with the founding church."

After finishing the communication with Xuan Mian, Zhong Yue looked at Ke Wei, anxious and angrily for a while, ready to conceal his own account with him.

Ke Wei immediately led him to think about other directions: "I was thinking, in the alien space of Anta civilization, the S-reagent that we mentioned was the medicine that the pope gave me to drink?"

"What is the connection between the Creation Cult and the Anta Civilization? In the alien space, I in another time and space gave me a piece of metal fragments, and the Creation Cult on that planet..."

"I want to go back to Capital Star and talk to the Pope. He must know a lot about the Anta civilization that we don't know."

Zhong Yue did not agree or object.

Ke Wei murmured to himself: "On another timeline, when I was asleep, people who appeared in the Holy See as I was, and what Christine said, the existence of shapeshifters... Among them, is there an Anta? Civilized participation?"

At this time, the pope, who was far away in the capital star, was walking slowly on the ground, leaning on his papal scepter.

His face was obviously 30 years old, but it meant decay. His body was already so weak that he needed to stop and take a breath every few steps.

The pope walked hard to a gorgeous chair and slumped on it.

Then, he looked at the door of the room facing him, and was silently pushed open.

The fat bishop walked in alone.

The pope looked calm and didn't even call the guard.

The fat bishop laughed: "You don't seem surprised?"

"I... had expected it." The pope said in a low voice: "It's not the first day I knew about the existence of your civilization. I still said that. I have made enough concessions. If you want more , I never agree, and humans will never compromise."

"Even if I am going to die soon, my successor will not change his position and succumb to you."

The fat bishop smirked and said, "You said Ke Wei? How long have you heard from him? It's the beginning of 6003, and he died at the end of 6002. Where is your heir?"

The Pope's impeccable indifferent indifference finally appeared.

The fat bishop looked at him pityingly: "And I want to tell you, just because we know what you mean, when our latest technology comes out, your existence will be meaningless."

A deformed man with no facial features and feet rolled in. It stretched out a connecting wire and plunged into the back of the pope's neck.

The pope was unable to resist.

The body of the shapeshifter was elongated, with limbs, hands and feet appearing, changing the appearance of the pope's facial features.

Compared with the weak pope, it is almost exactly the same twin, but the true pope is dying, and the copied "pope" looks very healthy.

The fat bishop said leisurely: "We have a pope who has just recovered from a serious illness and wants to take over government affairs again. What are you?"

After he finished speaking, a laser shot from the tip of his hand, shooting the pope's right chest through a blood hole.

The pope suffered for a while, and he was so painful that he couldn't even scream. After a while, he was so angry that he said, "Have you found the key to the God of Creation?"

The Fat Bishop's expression changed: "What did you say?"

The false pope also said suddenly: "He is the test subject of reagent S. When I copied his memory, the pattern of the founding beast appeared, so that his memory was protected. With our current technology, he cannot be read. Brain."

The fat bishop changed his color and said, "After being taken away by R, there was no reagent S that fell?"

He did not get an answer.

The pope's scepter emitted a light and penetrated a section of the alien's spine. The false pope did not leave a drop of blood, but the whole person stopped moving.

The fat bishop hid immediately after the mutation happened.

The pope's scepter radiated several layers of light, covering his broken body. After a while, the pope disappeared.

He fell into his secret treasure house in the secret place.

There are rare and exotic treasures in the treasure house, and in the center of a magnificent glass cover, there are three pieces of metal fragments, each with a mural with a part of the pattern of the beast.

The pope propped up his body, barely leaned his back against the wall, and said weakly: "Modify permissions."

"Ke Wei will be fine, wait until he finds here... let him inherit this space."

"Tell Bishop Tans for me..." The pope tilted his head and barely opened his eyes: "Our real enemy is an alien civilization."

"What I gave you...not poison. When you were ten years old, it was my successor...those pieces of metal are the keys to the God of Creation. You must not...fall into the hands of others..."

"I used S-reagent to melt a key, and I ate it for you... You are also... one of the keys."


He opened his eyes, but couldn't finish the last sentence.

The pope's scepter rolled to his feet alone, and everything was calm again.

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