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Tải ảnh: 0.223s Scan: 0.037sSnofer saw a few strong and sturdy guys standing behind Lin Tian. He had seen Ghost and Omo before, but it was the first time he saw Soap. After glancing at Soap, he turned to look at Lin Tian and asked with a smile

"Captain Lin, is this muscular brother a new member of your Tianlang Mercenary Group?"

Lin Tian nodded and said

"That's right, I forgot to introduce you, this is the new member Soap, you should have met Ghost and Omo."

Snofer nodded and said

"I know the two brothers behind, but I met Brother Soap for the first time today. I wonder how Brother Soap exercises to develop such solid muscles?"

Soap grinned and said

"As long as you don't die from training, then train to death. Sooner or later, you will be like me."

Snofer smiled awkwardly. What a joke, training to death? He eats a lot of meat and fish, and has a graceful figure. How can he suffer that? Asking him to exercise is like cutting his flesh with a knife. It hurts!

"Hahaha...Brother Soap is really determined, and Captain Lin's team really only recruits strong soldiers!"

Snofer laughed and praised, and seeing that everyone was still standing at the door, he hurriedly said

"Everyone, please stop standing and take a seat. Captain Lin, please come this way."Snoffer even specially pulled a designated seat for Lin Tian and asked him to sit there. Lin Tian was guarding him on the right hand side, and the left hand side was empty. It was obvious that it was reserved for General Katz.

Several people found seats and sat down. Snover stood up and asked the waiter to start serving the dishes.

When the waiter served all the dishes to the table, General Katz also arrived.

""Captain Lin, long time no see."

General Kaz stretched out his hand and shook hands with Lin Tian, saying with a smile.

Lin Tian gently shook General Kaz's hand and said with a smile.

"Long time no see."

The two sat down at the same time, and General Kaz asked with a smile

"How about the mercenary base I gave you? Isn't it good?"

Lin Tian nodded and said

""Not bad, the facilities are complete, General Kaz is thoughtful."

Lin Tian felt that General Kaz did a really good job in this regard. He even took the door number and greenery of the Tianlang Mercenary Base into consideration. All the facilities are very complete, which is really good.

General Kaz laughed and said

"You don't need to thank me for this. If you want to thank someone, thank Major Snover. I was only responsible for paying the money, and he was responsible for the implementation of the project."

Lin Tian looked at Major Snover with a surprised look on his face and said

"Major Snover, that's thoughtful.

Snover smiled and said

""Captain Lin, you're too polite. It's all I should do."

Lin Tian felt more and more that Snover was a very powerful person. At least he made him feel very comfortable. He did everything very well. It was hard for people not to like him! No wonder he was highly valued by General Kaz in such a short time.

After Lin Tian briefly introduced the three members of the Sirius Mercenary Group, Soap, Ghost, and Omo, who were sitting opposite him, to General Kaz, General Kaz said he was a little hungry and asked everyone to start eating. General

Kaz brought two bottles of red wine from home, saying that they were 1988 Lafite. Although it was not as delicious as 1982, it was not bad.

Because they still had to talk about things later, no one drank too much. After they had enough food and drink, the commander got back to the point and started talking about General Bakov of Uzbekistan.

"Commander Lin, we just received news yesterday that General Bakov has sent people to transport biological and chemical weapons into our country. Now these biological and chemical weapons are stored in a hidden place."

"It is very likely that a deal will be made with terrorist organizations in the next few days. Once these biological weapons fall into the hands of terrorist organizations, it will be an immeasurable disaster for our military and people. Therefore, the main purpose of my visit today is to ask Captain Lin to act as soon as possible and try to seize the biological weapons before they make the deal!"

After General Kaz finished speaking, he looked at him and waited for his answer.

"General Kaz, since these biological weapons have entered the country, you should know where they are stored and how many people are in charge, right?"

Lin Tian thought as he listened. From General Kaz's narration, he had heard two key points. First, the terrorists from Uzbekistan have entered the country, but the number and equipment are unknown. Second, the biological weapons have entered the country, but the location and type of biological weapons are unknown.

General Kaz shook his head and said helplessly.

"Captain Lin, I really can't answer you this question. This is all the information I have so far. In addition, there is also a rough location of the warehouse where the biological weapons are stored.

General Katz took out a map near the border of South Asia and handed it to Lin Tian. Lin Tian took a look and drew a circle on it with his hand, which meant that the biological weapons must be in the circle.

"OK, I understand."

Lin Tian put away the map and nodded. Seeing Lin Tian's indifferent expression, General Kaz knew that Lin Tian would definitely find a way to find the weapons. He happily raised the wine glass in his hand and said,

"Then I would like to congratulate Captain Lin in advance for successfully completing the mission and returning triumphantly!"

Lin Tian raised his glass and clinked it with General Kaz, saying


After Lin Tian and General Katz finished a drink, General Katz said he had something else to do, so he stood up and left the hotel room.

After Major Snover sent General Katz out, he came back. When he came back, Lin Tian had already led Soap, Ghost, and Omo out of the room.

""Captain Lin, are you guys going to go back? I have arranged some entertainment for you later."

Snover said hurriedly.

"No, we should go back early to plan how to complete this task."

Lin Tian declined Snover's enthusiastic invitation and left the Imperial Capital International Hotel with Ghost, Omo and Soap.

On the way back, Ghost asked

"Boss, we don't even know where they hide their weapons, how can we steal their biological weapons?"

Lin Tian took out the map given by General Kaz and said with a smile.

"Isn't there a rough map here?"

The ghost asked in confusion when he saw the circle drawn on the map.

"Boss, you don't want to search all the places in this circle one by one, do you? It's all forests and mountains, so we need to search on foot, right? Will we have enough time?"

On the border map, there is only a circle drawn. It doesn't look small on the map, but it is actually very large. Moreover, there are forests and mountains around the border, and cars can't drive in at all. If you want to search, you can only enter on foot. It will take more than a month to search it all.

"Ghost, aren't you usually quite smart? Why are you so confused at the critical moment? Who said we have to hike? Can't you use high-tech?"

Lin Tian scolded with a smile.

Ghost was stunned, thinking what kind of high-tech can be used to search in the mountains? Soap and Omo, who were sitting in the back, were also confused.

"You forgot that when we annihilated the Zaka organization, we seized six unmanned reconnaissance aircraft."When

Lin Tian said this, the three of them suddenly realized it at the same time. Ghost slapped his forehead and said

"Yes, why didn’t I think of that! The boss is really smart!"

"Okay, stop flattering me. It's best to use this drone for reconnaissance at night. First, it's not easy to be exposed. Second, they must turn on the lights at night, so the drone can be seen from a distance."

"So, speed up, we have to find the location where the biological weapons are stored tonight."

Lin Tian was afraid that something might happen if we were late. What if those terrorists went to trade in the next few days? Then their mission might fail, and failure in Lin Tian's Tianlang Mercenary Group would never be allowed!

""Okay, boss! Hold on tight!"

After hearing what Lin Tian said, Ghost stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car rushed out immediately.

Back at the Sirius Mercenary Base, Lin Tian went directly to Swart's room. Swart was leaning against the bed with his eyes closed. The Judge was feeding him medicine.

Lin Tian looked at Swart with a puzzled look. Wasn't he temporarily deafened by the shock? When did his hands and feet become useless and he couldn't even get out of bed? Did he need someone to feed him medicine?

Lin Tian walked straight behind the Judge, patted her shoulder, motioned her to go out, then Lin Tian took the medicine bowl and continued to feed Swart medicine.

Swart took another bite and groaned.

"Oh, it's so hot~ Can you help me blow it?"

Lin Tian patted Swart's thigh hard and said

"Wishful thinking! Hurry up and get up, there is a mission!"

Swarte was startled, and jumped up from the bed, looking at Lin Tian who was sitting beside the bed, and said stutteringly

"Old, old, boss?"

"Have you learned to pretend to be sick to deceive people?"

Lin Tian looked at Swart with contempt and asked

"Hey, Boss, didn't I learn all this from you?"

Swart said with a grin.

"Fuck you, get up and live"

"Yes, Boss!"

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