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Lin Tian went to find Swart, he asked Ghost to notify everyone to gather in the conference room for a meeting.

So, when Lin Tian led Swart into the conference room, the judge looked at Swart in shock. Wasn't he seriously injured? How come he looked like nothing happened?

As soon as Swart entered the conference room, he smiled awkwardly at the judge. The judge realized that he had been fooled and immediately got angry. He was about to hit Swart. Fortunately, Lin Tian stopped him in time, otherwise Swart would have become a pig-headed face today.

""Okay, if you have any personal grudges, you can settle them after I finish the meeting. Now, everyone, sit down."

Lin Tian was still very scary when he was serious. At least for the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group, when they saw Lin Tian's serious look, they would immediately sit down obediently.

Lin Tian glanced around and made sure that all the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group in the meeting room were present before he spoke.

"Just got the news that General Bakov of Uzbekistan has sent people to transport biological and chemical weapons into South Asia, but their exact hiding place is still unknown."

"General Katz gave me a map of the border with their possible hiding places drawn on it, so I decided to find out the exact hiding place of these biological and chemical weapons tonight."

Lin Tian said this, turned his head and looked at Swart who was sitting next to him, and asked

"Swart, how are your ears?"

"Boss, there is basically no problem."

Swarte didn't dare to lie to Lin Tian, so he could only tell the truth.

"Okay, you have to work hard tonight, bring the few unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that we seized from the Zaka organization last time, and go to the border of South Asia with me. We must find the exact hiding place of the biological and chemical weapons at all costs."

Swart stood up and said

""Yes, Boss."

Lin Tian nodded, motioned Swart to sit down, and then continued

"Next, let me talk about the specific action plan!"

"Tonight, Swart and I will fly a helicopter to the border to find the exact location of the biological weapons."

"We will start the operation tomorrow night. Swart, you will take me, Judge, Aoi, Omo, Soap, and Ghost to the border in a helicopter. When we reach the exact location we found today, we will directly rappel from the plane into the forest."

"You go back to the base, drive the bomber back, and launch an air strike on the enemy first, sending them ten tons of white phosphorus bombs!"

Lin Tian said this and glanced at Swart beside him. Swart nodded excitedly and said

"No problem, ten tons of white phosphorus bombs can burn those bastards into ashes, hahahaha……"

Lin Tian turned his head and looked at the others to continue planning the next action plan.


After Lin Tian arranged all the action plans, he looked at everyone and said

"This is the preliminary plan. If there are any changes, I will talk to you tomorrow. Let's adjourn! Swart, let's go." After

Lin Tian finished speaking, he took Swart directly to the base warehouse, where a helicopter and a bomber were parked.

Swart first went to the warehouse to move all his aircraft onto the helicopter, and then got into the helicopter cockpit. Lin Tian only mastered fighter jet driving, and he was still unfamiliar with helicopters, so Swart had to drive the helicopter.

Swart flew the helicopter to the border of the South Asian country near Lin Tian, and then parked the remaining aircraft in mid-air outside the circle drawn on the map, set it to autopilot, and then stopped in mid-air, spinning the propellers and flying in place.

Swart turned on the computer and started After connecting to the signal of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the signals of the six unmanned aircraft were soon connected to the laptop in Swart's hand.

As Swart controlled the aircraft, the propellers of the six unmanned reconnaissance aircraft placed in front of the helicopter door slowly turned, and then they rose into the air and explored the enclosed area.

On Swart's computer, all the images sent back by the six unmanned aircraft were real-time.

Lin Tian stood behind Swart and looked at the computer screen. The six unmanned aircraft searched very quickly. It took Swart less than an hour to find the hiding place of the biological and chemical weapons.

"Boss, look!"

Swart suddenly pointed to the image sent back by drone No. 5 on the computer screen. It showed several strong searchlights in a dark forest.

Lin Tian hurriedly asked Swart to write down the specific location and marked it on the real-time map on the computer.

"Boss, it's OK!"

After Swart finished marking, he made an OK gesture to Lin Tian and said with a smile.

"Okay, withdraw all the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and we will withdraw as well."

After saying this, Lin Tian returned to the co-pilot's seat, took the map in his hand, and began to study it carefully.

After Swart took back all the reconnaissance drones, he closed the helicopter door and drove the helicopter back to the Sirius Mercenary Base.

The next morning, not far from the border of South Asia, there was a dense forest called the Misty Forest. In the depths of the Misty Forest, there was an artificially developed flat land where someone built a temporary warehouse.

A three-story office building was also built at the door of the warehouse. At this time, on the third floor of the office building, in a spacious office, an Uzbek man with a shiny head without a single strand of hair, holding a smoking cigar in his hand, stood in front of the French window, watching the rising sun outside the window, taking a puff from time to time.

"I really can't understand why I have to do such a simple task?"

The bald man muttered to himself. Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang. The bald man walked quickly to the desk and picked up the phone.

"Hello? Goshawk, it's me."

A very hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"How is it? Has the goods been delivered?"

The bald man said with a confident smile on his face.

"Of course, Goshawk, can you not let me do this kind of simple mission in the future? I am the best mercenary in our Beast Mercenary Group. Why do you let me do this job?"

The bald man, codenamed Cheetah, came from Uzbekistan to South Asia to escort a cargo.

"Don't underestimate this job. I just received news that the goods you are escorting have been targeted by several terrorist organizations. You cannot fail no matter what. You must deliver it to the buyer in person!"

The fly on the other end of the phone shouted.

"Goshawk, you are making a big fuss. Our Beast Mercenary Group is well-known in the country of Uzbekistan throughout the Red Sea. Who dares to come and rob our goods? If anyone dares to come, I will make sure he never comes back!"

The cheetah said proudly.

"All right! I have just contacted the South Asian rebels and agreed to complete the transaction tomorrow night!"

"Yes, Goshawk!"

After saying that, Goshawk on the other end hung up the phone directly, and Cheetah said nonchalantly

"Who dares to rob? Don't make a fuss. If anyone dares to rob, I will send him to death!"

Cheetah said confidently.

In the Sirius Mercenary Base, Lin Tian directed everyone to train, clean guns, and prepare weapons and equipment for the night, such as M136AT4 quivers, mortars and heavy machine guns, all of which were moved onto helicopters.

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