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Tải ảnh: 0.095s Scan: 0.071sThe father of the naughty kid who was kicked to the ground by Lin Tian, although he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, did not hate Lin Tian at all. On the contrary, he was grateful to him in his heart.

Because, if it weren't for Lin Tian's kick, he would have been chopped into three pieces by Ling, and there would not even be a complete corpse.

Lin Tian didn't think that this man didn't deserve to die. This kind of social dregs and human scum should be killed.

However, killing people in the United States would be very troublesome. The laws of this country are as strict as those of Daxia.

Although Lin Tian is not afraid, this wonderful travel plan may be ruined because of this, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Therefore, Lin Tian thinks that this kind of person should be beaten by society to let him know that he should not be too arrogant and should learn to be a man with his tail between his legs.

When Ling saw that his hands were caught by Lin Tian, he pouted his mouth, put away his two swords with an unhappy face, and sat back.

Lin Tian smiled helplessly and walked straight towards the father of the naughty kid lying on the ground.

The father thought Lin Tian was coming to pull him up. Just as he was about to reach out, he saw the sole of Lin Tian's shoe hitting his face.

In order to vent his anger for Ling, Lin Tian stepped on the face of the naughty kid's father seven or eight times in a row.

However, Lin Tian used only 10% of his strength. If he had used all his strength, he would probably have crushed the head of the naughty kid's father.

The tourists sitting around turned their heads away, unable to bear to watch any more. It was too miserable. His face was full of shoe marks.

Lin Tian glanced at the man under his feet. His nose was bleeding non-stop. He looked miserable.

Lin Tian turned his head and glanced at Ling who was sitting behind him. Seeing that Lin Tian helped her vent her anger, Ling's face returned to a cute and adorable expression. Looking at Lin Tian, he nodded with satisfaction. Lin Tian then retracted his foot and returned to his seat.

The face of the naughty child was almost swollen like a pig's head after being slapped by Ling. Just now, he saw with his own eyes that his usually majestic father was beaten by Lin Tian without any ability to fight back. He was crying at first, but now he sat in his seat, not daring to breathe, and was honest and didn't move. The naughty child's mother didn't have the energy of a shrew just now. Now she was trembling all over when she saw the thin back of Ling in front of her.

No passenger took the initiative to help the naughty child's father. Although everyone couldn't bear to watch, they still felt that Lin Tian's beating was good. Such a spoiled child and arrogant person should be severely punished and remember it for a long time!

Although Lin Tian's beating was exaggerated, the strength was just right. Therefore, after lying on the ground for a while, the naughty child's father got up by himself and returned to his seat honestly. He didn't dare to fart again, nor did he dare to call the police, because he could feel that the man just now would really kill him!

The incident with the naughty kid was just a small episode in this happy journey. Soon everyone forgot about it because the bus had arrived at the first stop of their trip today, Disneyland!

It must be said that the Disneyland in Rocky City, USA is really very large. It is so large that you may not be able to play all of it even if you play in it for a whole day.

Moreover, there are so many amusement facilities inside that even Lin Tian doesn’t know how to play many of them.

After the female tour guide led 45 tourists into the Disneyland, she said through the loudspeaker

"Next is the free time for everyone. Everyone can make their own lunch. Our tour group will provide dinner for today and breakfast for tomorrow."

"If someone wants to go out for lunch, they can, but once they go out, they cannot enter the playground again."

"In addition, at 14:30 in the afternoon, we will gather here to go to the next tourist attraction."

After the female tour guide said this, she finally said

"I wish you all a good time, let's go."

Ling couldn't hold back when he saw the things in the amusement park. When he heard the female tour guide say to disband, he immediately ran to Lin Tian, pulled his wrist and said coquettishly

""Tian Guoguo, will you accompany me to ride the roller coaster~"

For some reason, whenever Ling Yi acted coquettishly towards Lin Tian, Lin Tian could not think of a reason to refuse, so he could only nod and agree helplessly. Perhaps, this was the feeling of being a brother.

Soap and Ghost also followed Lin Tian to ride the roller coaster, after all, this project was more exciting.

Swart and Omo chose to play the equally exciting pendulum. Judge and Aoi originally planned to take Lin Tian to play the bungee jumping machine, but they did not expect that Ling took the lead and took Lin Tian to play the roller coaster, so the two of them had to go to play the bungee jumping machine together. The female tour guide watched the tourists disperse before she walked outside alone.

Master Wang, who drove the bus, stood at the entrance of Disneyland. Seeing the female tour guide coming out, he smiled and asked

"How are the pigs? Are they having fun?"

The female tour guide smiled wickedly and said to the bus driver.

"Let them have fun for a while, they will cry later. How about it, have you contacted them?"

The bus driver smiled and nodded, saying

"Don't worry, it's still the same old rules, we'll pump 30%"

""Okay, let's go. It's still early. Let's go eat something first."

The female tour guide looked at the Michelin three-star restaurant opposite the Disneyland and said to the bus driver with ambiguous eyes.

A meal in a Michelin three-star restaurant in the United States costs at least 1,000 US dollars. The normal monthly salary of a tour guide is 4,000 US dollars. However, the female tour guide and the bus driver often go there to eat and often stay in some high-end hotels.

Happy times are always short, especially for tourists who are having fun in the amusement park. Before they know it, it is already 14:30 in the afternoon.

Lin Tian has become a hot commodity among the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group. As soon as he finished one project, he was dragged to the next project. From entering the amusement park until now, he has hardly been idle.

Lin Tian set an alarm for 14:20. The alarm clock As soon as the bell rang, he instantly felt relieved. He was very excited when he first entered the amusement park, but he got tired after playing for a while. However, Lin Tian was still a hot commodity, and the joy could not be stopped!

At 14:30 in the afternoon, the female tour guide was at the entrance of the tourist park on time, waiting for the tourists to come out and gather. At about 15:00, all the tourists boarded the bus and set off for the next stop, Times Square, the most prosperous commercial district in Rocky City.

The bus stopped in the parking lot of Times Square. The female tour guide led the tourists to the underground commercial area of Times Square and walked into a jewelry store.

The location of this jewelry store can be said to be quite remote, and the decoration is also very ordinary, but it is very large inside. As soon as they entered, they were immediately greeted by an American blonde waitress.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Jin Yu Man Tang. Please wait in the reception room for a moment. Our boss will be here soon."

All the tourists followed the blonde waitress to a room with a reception room sign on the door.

This reception room is very large. Lin Tian initially estimated that it can accommodate at least 200 people. However, what puzzled Lin Tian was that tourists usually go in and shop at jewelry malls by themselves, so why did this mall let the boss come to receive them in person?

Moreover, Lin Tian discovered that the female tour guide seemed to have disappeared as soon as she entered the jewelry store.

Just as Lin Tian was wondering, the door of the reception room was opened from the outside, and a middle-aged man with a slicked-back hair and a greasy face walked in. The middle-aged man had hair wax on his head, which made his hair look shiny and greasy. He had a gold necklace as thick as his index finger hanging around his neck, and his hands were full of gold rings and agate rings.

"Dear friends, welcome to the beautiful United States! I am the owner of this Jinyumantang restaurant. My name is Huang Youcai. I heard that you are from South Asia?"

As soon as the middle-aged man entered the room, he closed the door and asked with a smile.

The tourists nodded and said yes.

"That's a coincidence! I'm from South Asia too, we're from the same hometown!"_

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