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When Lin Tian heard Huang Youcai say this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud


Anyone with a little common sense should know that using a laser to illuminate a crystal with multiple planes will refract many light spots, right?

He actually dared to say so confidently that only rubies can do that? If Lin Tian had a piece of glass in his hand at this time, he would definitely slap him in the face on the spot.

Because the lights in the room were not turned on at this time, although everyone heard Lin Tian's laughter, they didn't know who was laughing and why.

Huang Youcai was also confused by Lin Tian's laughter. Was he wrong? Why would someone make such a sarcastic laugh?

Huang Youcai's theory just now would be successful for most people, because the people in South Asia basically haven't been to school and don't know much. For example, knowledge about physical refraction, if you tell them, they don't have a foundation in this area, and I don't understand.

Therefore, now the tourists of Sincerity Travel Agency, except for Lin Tian and the other nine people, all other tourists believe what Huang Youcai said.

Huang Youcai felt that the time was about right, so he asked the beautiful waitress to turn on the lights, and continued to hold up the necklace in his hand and said

""Everyone, come and have a look at this necklace."

Huang Youcai pointed to the price tag of the ruby necklace under the glass counter and asked the tourists to come and have a look.

The tourists seemed to be possessed. They listened to whatever Huang Youcai said and rushed to the glass counter to check the price.

"Oh my god! 230,000 USD!!!"

"Even at half price, it still costs $125,000 per piece!"

"Who can afford this?"

"Wife, I may have to go back on my word again!"

"This is too expensive! Even if it is a genuine ruby produced in southern Myanmar, it shouldn’t cost so much, right?"


Everyone wanted to buy it, but when they saw the price, they gave up the idea. After all, they didn't have that much money in their pockets, and their families couldn't go bankrupt just to sell a piece of jewelry.

Everything was as Huang Youcai expected. He listened to the exclamations and discussions of the tourists and said hurriedly:

"Everyone, listen to me. I have told you before that today, any item you buy in my store will be half price. And one more thing, I must make sure you are satisfied!"

"This ruby necklace originally cost 230,000 US dollars. First of all, I will give you a half-price discount for the sake of our fellow countrymen. Then, since we are from the same city, I will give you another half-price discount on top of the half-price discount!"

Huang Youcai blinked and continued.

"Even if two are half price, it still costs tens of thousands. I know how difficult life is for people in South Asia. We definitely don't have that much spare money."

"It doesn’t matter. I must make sure that every fellow villager who comes to my store today realizes his or her gemstone dream. In order to make everyone’s dream come true today and buy a gemstone necklace of their own, I decided to give another 10% discount!"

"In this way, the ruby necklace that originally cost 23 dollars only needs 5750 dollars. It’s not over for you yet!"

"As long as you buy now, I can give you a huge 10% discount on top of the 10% discount!"

"In other words, the original price of an authentic ruby necklace is 230,000 US dollars, but you only need 575 US dollars to buy it now!"

Huang Youcai was very emotional when he was talking to everyone. The price has dropped to a very attractive level, and the tourists present couldn't help but want to buy it.

Lin Tian nodded secretly. This acting skill and the deception were matched perfectly. If he hadn't known these deception routines well, he might have been fooled by him.

There were originally some people standing by and watching, but now they all rushed forward, took out their money and scrambled to buy one.

Think about it, a ruby necklace with an original price of 230,000 US dollars has been reduced to 57 US dollars. It's like being hit on the head by a huge pie. Who wouldn't be dizzy?

Huang Youcai said with a smile

"Don't push, we have them all! We have them all! I, Huang Youcai, will give out several hundred million in discounts today, and I guarantee that every one of you will get one."

When the tourists heard Huang Youcai say that he would give out several hundred million in discounts to give back to his fellow villagers, they immediately felt relieved and took the initiative to line up to pay.

Huang Youcai stood aside, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and glanced at the long line of tourists. This trick of his has always worked. As long as people who have not been cheated before come and listen to his speech, they will be willing to buy it immediately, and they can even be said to be eager to buy it, and they will not sell it to them.

However, when Huang Youcai looked at the end, he was suddenly stunned. There were actually nine people who did not join the rush to buy this ruby necklace.

"How is it possible? Although the young man looked very strong, he was only about 20 years old at most. How could he remain so calm after listening to his speech?"

Soon, the first round of ruby necklaces were sold out. The next thing Huang Youcai recommended was an ice jade bracelet, priced at $3 million.

"This bracelet is made of icy jadeite. You can see the quality. It is very good."

"In addition, warm jade nourishes people, I believe everyone knows this, so I won’t say much. This ice jade bracelet originally cost 3 million dollars. I think it is our fate to meet here."

"It’s still the same old rules, half price in the same country, and half price in the same market. If you really want another 10% discount, order today and get another 10% discount!"

"I have calculated for you. The original price of an ice jade bracelet is 3 million US dollars, but after the discount, it is only 3,700 US dollars!"

An ice jade bracelet with an original price of 3 million US dollars is only 3,700 US dollars after the discount. Just thinking about it makes people want to buy it, but they cannot afford such expensive jewelry at present.

Only five or six people here ordered this so-called ice jade bracelet.

Lin Tian didn't know much about these gems and jades, but he could guess with his toes that these gems and jades were most likely fake.

Huang Youcai saw that Lin Tian and the others still didn't spend money to buy the goods, so he continued to recommend.

But Lin Tian and the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group didn't even bother to look at Huang Youcai, and wanted to go out directly.

Huang Youcai narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Tian and the members of the Sirius Mercenary Group 3, and said fiercely

"You can’t leave without buying it!"

Lin Tian, who was originally bored, suddenly became interested and asked Huang Youcai with a smile

"What did you just say?"

"I tell you guys, if everyone doesn't buy a product from me today, don't even think about leaving here!"

Huang Youcai still had a smile on his face, but Lin Tian could hear the strong threat in his words.

Lin Tian also smiled at Huang Youcai and said

""Okay, then we will live here from now on. It's great to have someone to take care of our food and accommodation! It just so happens that I can hardly afford to support so many people."

Huang Youcai was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lin Tian to say that. He immediately said viciously.

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