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Tải ảnh: 0.108s Scan: 0.051sTime passed by minute by minute. Every time the young couple took a small step forward, the pickets in the encirclement took a step back. Everyone knew that they had bombs tied to their bodies, and they didn't want to be blown up in vain.

Director Hayden saw that the pickets were retreating again and were about to touch the onlookers behind them, so he immediately said in a deep voice

"Carl! Go find a bomb disposal expert to see what kind of bomb they have tied to their bodies? Is it powerful? Is there any way to dismantle it!"

Deputy Chief Carl stood in front of the cordon, watching the couple getting closer and closer to him, with cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

Suddenly he heard the chief's words, and hurriedly responded, turning around to find the special police bomb disposal expert.

Chief Hayden turned around and shouted into a loud speaker

"All onlookers, there is a bomb here, please disperse immediately, please disperse immediately!"

When the onlookers heard that there was a bomb here, they instantly understood why the pickets kept retreating.

"Run! Those two men have bombs strapped to their bodies!"

"Fuck! Stop blocking here, run away!"

"Shit! People at the back, stop pushing forward. You’ve lived enough, but I haven’t!"

"Oh my god! It's a bomb! Run!"


The crowd was in a panic and didn't know what to do to escape.

Soon, Deputy Director Carl came back with a middle-aged bomb disposal expert wearing glasses and explosion-proof clothing.

""Quick, go and stop them!"

Deputy Director Carl shouted as soon as he came back with the bomb disposal expert.

The bomb disposal expert walked towards the two lovers, and kept gesturing to tell the young couple not to go any further.

Unfortunately, the couple was afraid that the gangster behind them would detonate the bomb, and although their steps slowed down a little, they still did not stop moving forward.

The gangster who was hiding in Xiazi Bank, who was operating the bomb, looked at the young couple through the crack of the door with a smirk on his face, and was still approaching the patrol team little by little.

In fact, the young couple was also betting in their hearts that the people in the patrol office would not easily shoot and kill them, but the gangster behind them would!

Therefore, they dared not stop, nor did they dare to walk over too quickly, because no matter which one they did, they might be killed immediately.

Director Hayden saw that the explosion-proof personnel actually rushed up, and immediately shouted loudly:

"Deputy Director Karl, who told you to send the explosion-proof personnel up there?"

Deputy Director Karl ran to Haydn and said helplessly.

"Chief Hayden, this is the only way to stop them from approaching us now!"

"But this is very dangerous! If you let the explosion-proof personnel stop the hostages carrying bombs, then the criminals inside may detonate the bombs at any time, and the explosion-proof personnel will definitely be killed at that time."

Director Hayden said excitedly. The cost of training a bomb disposal expert is too high. If they lose one in vain, it will be a huge loss for their picket bureau.

"Didn’t I tell you? If they don’t listen, let the SWAT team shoot them directly!"

Chief Hayden asked angrily.

"Director Hayden, I think this is safer. We have not violated the regulations and have done our best to rescue the hostages."

Deputy Director Karl felt that he had made the right decision. This was the best solution at the moment.

The gang leader in Xiazi Bank saw a special police officer in explosion-proof clothing running to stop his human bomb. A fierce expression flashed across his face. He looked at the gang subordinate holding the bomb detonator and said

"It's time to give them a surprise, let's detonate the bomb."

The gang leader spoke loudly, and everyone in the hostage area heard it. They were so scared that their legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

Lin Tian whispered into the headset

"Aoi, I'm going to act now!"

Aoi, who was sitting in front of the window with a sniper rifle, said calmly.

"Don't worry, I'll take that fat guy's life!"

The sniper rifle in Kui's hand has been aimed at the bandit leader's forehead. As long as Lin Tian makes a move, the bandit leader's head will be shot through by her.

Lin Tian suddenly picked up the gun from the hostage area, and shot the bandit lying by the door in the head from behind before he pressed the detonator button. The bandit leader was so shocked that he didn't have time to look back, and a very fast and sharp sniper bullet pierced through his forehead.

Before the bandit leader died, his eyes widened, his face full of shock and disbelief.

The bandits in the bank hall hadn't reacted yet, and the bandit leader was killed. By the time they reacted, Lin Tian had turned around and fired a volley of bullets.

All the bandits in the hall fell to the ground in response. Lin Tian's volley of bullets directly killed half of the bandits, and he didn't care about the rest. The others all raised their guns and fired at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian had already avoided the hostage area and hid behind the stone pillars in the bank hall.

The bandits' bullets were like a storm, shooting wildly at Lin Tian, hitting the stone pillars with crackling sounds, and raising dust.

Lin Tian sat on the ground with his legs propped up, his back leaning against the stone pillar. He put down the M416 in his hand, took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took out a cigarette, put it to his mouth, lit it, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled a cloud of white mist.

Lin Tian was calculating the time it would take to finish a round of bullets, so he took two deep breaths of cigarettes, listened to the crackling sound on the stone pillars behind him, and when it gradually changed from"intensive heavy rain" to"sporadic drizzle", he put out the remaining half of the cigarette butt.

He reached out and pulled out six throwing knives from his waist, and rolled to the right, from the stone pillar.

The moment he came out from behind, six throwing knives flew out of his hands at the same time, launching a skill of never missing a target with six throwing knives.

With one blow, he killed one gangster.

After throwing out the six throwing knives, Lin Tian's body moved to the back of the next stone pillar.

What followed was a hail of bullets fired by the gangsters.

However, this time the sound of bullets hitting the stone pillars was obviously much less, because Lin Tian had just killed six gangsters at once.

The remaining gangsters did not dare to shoot at Lin Tian crazily like before. When they saw their companions being easily killed by Lin Tian, they were so scared that they found cover and hid.

The pickets outside Xiazi Bank suddenly heard fierce gunshots coming from inside the bank. They thought that the gangsters had gone crazy and killed all the hostages, but they found something wrong when they listened later, because the gunshots inside were obviously fierce. Fighting.

Director Hayden looked at the hostage couple who were still moving forward, and was a little confused for a moment. Their patrol team was all outside, so who was fighting with the bandits inside?

Kui, who was on the third floor diagonally opposite Xiazi Bank, was holding a sniper rifle with a silencer, and from time to time he helped Lin Tian deal with a bandit who was hiding. In the end, the only two remaining bandits were almost scared crazy, and they didn't hide anymore. Anyway, they would die if they hid, so they simply rushed out with guns, shooting and rushing towards Lin Tian. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, planned to outflank Lin Tian.

After rushing over, they regretted it!

Because Lin Tian had been prepared for a long time, he kicked on the stone pillar with one foot, and used the force of his body to flip backwards, avoiding the bullets from the two people on the left and right. At the same time, from Lin Tian's hands, one hand threw out a flying knife, which hit the two bandits in the middle of their eyebrows.

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