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Tải ảnh: 0.207s Scan: 0.079sIn the lobby of Xiazi Bank, all the hostages were stunned. Lin Tian's fighting moves and body movements were really perfect. Everyone felt like they were watching a war movie. He fought one against a hundred and was able to do it with ease and win a great victory.

"As expected of a mercenary? Really awesome!"

"It was so exciting! I felt like I was sitting in a movie theater just now. It turns out that there are really people who can be so awesome!"

"This is probably the legendary victory of a few over many, one against a hundred, right? My $100,000 was totally worth it, not only did I save my life, but I was also able to see such a wonderful battle with my own eyes!"......

The hostages saw that all the gangsters in the bank hall were killed by Lin Tian, and they quickly put down their hands that were holding their heads, stood up, and began to discuss Lin Tian's combat performance excitedly.

Lin Tian landed perfectly on the ground, clapped his hands, and didn't even need to look at it. He had the skill of throwing a hundred shots, and as long as he wanted to shoot, he would never miss the target.

This group of bank robbers probably never dreamed that they would hold such a powerful mercenary hostage.

In fact, this group of gangsters could have avoided Lin Tian, the"evil star", but the two gangsters at the door dragged Lin Tian in, which eventually led to their fate of being killed.

Lin Tian picked up the M416 assault rifle behind the stone pillar, took it in his hand, and walked towards Li Lizhi and Lao Li.

Li Lizhi had never taken her eyes off Lin Tian from beginning to end. She thought that Lin Tian was so handsome! He was just like a heroic god of war, and she was moved by him. This was the kind of excellent man she had always wanted to find.

The old commander rated Lin Tian an SS+ in his mind for his combat performance just now. It was really perfect!

Almost every step just now was under Lin Tian’s control. He was fighting against more than twenty armed bandits at the same time. Even if there was a sniper outside to help, the ability he showed still opened the old commander’s eyes. It turned out that someone could really win with fewer people, and win so easily!

Although these bandits had not undergone any formal training, at least their shooting skills were not bad. Lin Tian, with only one gun, killed all the bandits in an easy and complete victory. This once again refreshed the old commander’s favorability towards Lin Tian. At the same time, he also felt even more sorry for the Southeast Military Region. Such an excellent soldier king seedling was missed! As for

Lin Tian’s performance just now, the old commander was very sure that even in the entire Southeast Military Region, there was no soldier who could do it. When the people in the hall saw Lin Tian walking towards them, they all smiled and thanked Lin Tian.

"Thank you for saving us, handsome"

"Handsome guy, you were so awesome just now, you must be from that military region, right?"

"Handsome guy, you look young, you should still be single, right? My daughter is about your age, very beautiful, you saved my life, to repay you for saving my life, I decided to marry my daughter to you! What do you think?"

"Handsome guy, my daughter is more beautiful. This is her photo. Take a look. When will you come to my house to propose marriage?"......

At first, everyone just wanted to thank Lin Tian for saving their lives. I don’t know which uncle or aunt took a fancy to Lin Tian and wanted him to be his son-in-law. After this, everyone rushed to recommend their daughters to Lin Tian.

Li Lizhi saw Lin Tian surrounded by so many uncles and aunts, vying to marry their daughters to him. For some reason, she suddenly felt very angry. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She rushed into the crowd, stretched out her hand to stop Lin Tian’s arm, and said

"I am his girlfriend, you don’t need to introduce me!"

When the uncles and aunts saw that Lin Tian’s real girlfriend had come out to identify herself, and she was so beautiful, they had to give up.

Seeing that all the bandits had been killed, the bank staff hurried to open the door of the bank.

At the entrance of Xiazi Bank, all the patrol members stared at the young couple standing in the middle with nervous faces, worried that the bombs on them might explode at any time.

The SWAT bomb disposal experts have begun to concentrate on studying the bombs on the two hostages.

With the research of the SWAT bomb disposal experts, it was discovered that the bomb mode used by this gang of bandits was impossible to dismantle. Every wire on the bomb was a detonating wire. No matter which one was cut, the bomb would explode immediately.

Moreover, the power of the explosion of this bomb is very terrible. Once it explodes, the patrol will... The location where the police team members are now will be affected.

However, this kind of bomb also has an advantage. As long as you don’t take the initiative to detonate it or collide with it, it will never explode.

When the bomb disposal expert saw that the bomb could not be defused, he immediately asked the two lovers to step back. No one knew when the robbers in the bank would suddenly detonate the bomb. When the young couple heard that the bomb could not be defused, they couldn’t stop crying. He and his partner were both students from Daxia who came to the United States to study.

Both of them were wealthy people in Daxia. Today, they wanted to come to Xiazi Bank to withdraw some money and pick up a Bentley to play with. They didn’t expect to encounter such bad luck.

The male student cried and begged the bomb disposal expert in the explosion-proof suit.

"Please, save me. As long as you help me remove the bomb on my body, I can give you a lot of money."

The bomb disposal expert shook his head, indicating that he was powerless. He really didn't know how to remove this kind of bomb. It would explode no matter which of the three wires was cut. Moreover, the bombs on the two people were connected. If one was detonated, the other would explode at the same time.

The female student next to her was crying so hard that she couldn't speak. She regretted why she came to the bank today and even regretted coming to study in the United States.

Just as the bomb disposal expert advised the two to step back, the door of Xiazi Bank was opened from the inside again. All the American patrolmen raised their guns at the same time and aimed at the bank gate.

Director Hayden stared at the bank gate with a frown, thinking

"Could it be that the gangsters wanted to detonate the bomb and rushed out of the bank directly?"

However, unexpectedly, it was not the gangsters who opened the door, but the bank staff.

"Call an ambulance quickly, someone is injured inside!"

Someone in the bank was injured by a stray bullet from the gangsters.

Upon hearing this, Chief Hayden immediately ordered the SWAT team to rush in to control the scene. After confirming that there was no danger in the bank, he let the medical staff who had arrived earlier enter the bank.

Chief Hayden and Deputy Chief Carl also entered the bank together. They were very curious. Did the gangsters intend to give up resistance? Otherwise, why would they suddenly be kind enough to release the hostages in the bank?

As soon as they entered the bank, the two suddenly realized that it was not because the gangsters wanted to give up resistance, but because all the gangsters in the bank lobby had been killed.

"This? How is it possible? Who did it?"

Hayden found it incredible that someone could kill so many gangsters.

Karl immediately stopped a person who wanted to leave the bank and asked

"I ask you, who killed the gangsters here?"

The man who was stopped pointed at Lin Tian who was talking to Li Lizhi and said

"He saved us all."

Hayden and Carl followed the direction of the man's finger and saw Lin Tian. Then they said in shock at the same time.

"You mean, he killed all the gangsters here by himself?"

The man nodded firmly and said

"That's right, he killed them all by himself."

The first and second in command of the Rocky City Patrol took a deep breath at the same time. This is too exaggerated, right? How did one person kill so many armed gangsters?

At this time, the governor stationed in Rocky City called and asked how the robbery of Xiazi Bank was handled. After all, this is the Xiaguo Bank in the United States. If it is not handled properly, it will cause serious international impact, so the governor attaches great importance to this matter.

"Report to the governor, all the robbers who robbed Xiazi Bank have been shot dead, three security guards in the bank were killed, and many people were injured"

"Very good, Hayden, you did a good job this time, it's a good achievement."

The governor was relieved when he heard that all the gangsters had been killed, and he didn't forget to praise Chief Hayden.

Although Chief Hayden also wanted this credit, he was not thick-skinned enough to do that. Besides, there were so many people at the scene of this incident, it was impossible for him to take the credit. He had to tell the truth.

"Governor, this was actually done by a young man from the Great Xia Country, and we just came in to clean up the mess."

The governor on the other end of the phone was sitting in a black Cadillac, heading towards the Xiazi Bank.

"What? There is such a thing? You mean one person killed all the gangsters?"

The governor asked in surprise after hearing what Hayden said.

"Yes, Governor, according to the witnesses in the bank, he did it all by himself."

"Okay, I understand. You must keep that person for me no matter what. I'll be there soon!"

The governor said excitedly.

"Yes, Governor."

After Director Hayden hung up the phone, he and Deputy Director Karl walked towards Lin Tian.

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