Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1102: Mr. Lu privately reinspected

She had prepared a double room, but she said no to her!

Yan Weiyang suddenly felt elated and looked at Xia Weibao with provocative eyes.

Now, the truth is revealed!

Xia Weibao, you wild species who don't know who your parents are, you want to steal my princess's identity and dream!

Thinking that Xia Weibao had robbed her fiance by mistake, Yan Weiyang was so angry that she wanted to kill her!

Take a deep breath, don't worry, as long as she is still the daughter of the presidential palace, there is a chance to **** Lu Hualiang back!

No one else would want to grab her things!

Yan Weiyang stood up, walked slightly to Yan Lingyi's side, holding up Yan Lingyi's hand like showing his status.

Very proud, "Mom."

This mother, she yelled very loudly, for fear that Xia Weibao could not hear it.

Yan Lingyi still couldn't recover, and subconsciously glanced in Xia Weibao's direction.

For some reason, Xia Weibao didn't see disappointment on her face, she suddenly felt disappointed.

Yan Lingyi pulled out the hand held by Yan Weiyang and stood up, "Let's go back first."

Yan Fei also stood up and walked out without saying a word.

Now everyone needs to be quiet.

Yan Weiyang was a little unwilling.

Why did you leave like this? The marriage contract has not been resolved yet!

Now it has been proved that she is the one who married Lu Hualiang's fingertips, so naturally we must drive Xia Weibao away, the fake phoenix who occupied the magpie's nest!

But thinking that I was the daughter of the presidential palace, I felt calm again.

This time, the Yan family doubted her identity and hurt her self-esteem. If they make mistakes again in the future, they can take the matter of today to talk about it. This is what the Yan family owes her!

After Yan's family were gone, Lu Hualiang picked up the two-part paternity test report and slowly narrowed his eyes.

Zhong Wanshu was afraid that Xia Weibao would be unhappy, so she hurried forward to comfort her, "Baby, don't be sad, we are all your family."

Xiang Chu and Hepburn also understood what had happened, so they stopped fighting this time and rushed forward.

"Master, don't be sad, you are so good, because the Yan family is not worthy of you."

"Just shit, ligers and tigers are too spicy, so greasy child, **** lottery family has to lose shit."

Xia Weibao, "..."

Okay, Hepburn, I haven't seen you for a while, and I've taken the Chinese level to feed the dog, right?

Fourteen words, ten wrong!

"I'm fine, don't worry."

I didn't want to recognize the Yan family at first, there was nothing to be sad.

It's just a little empty in my heart.

Zhong Wanshu was afraid that she would be in a bad mood, so she stayed in the Lishan courtyard and did not return to Luyuan until the evening.

She was in a bad mood. Although she didn't say anything, Lu Hualiang could tell.

After taking a shower at night, I sat on the bed in a daze, looking hollow.

He walked over, held her in his arms, raised her chin with two fingers, "Unhappy?"

"No." Xia Weibao shook his head, "I am not unhappy, but a little bit lost."

Lu Hualiang had dark eyes, lowered his head, and kissed her lips.

Xia Weibao is in no mood tonight and does not want to make trouble with him.

It's just that he is too strong, and she is too weak to push away.

He just followed him, let him kiss obediently, without responding, or pushing away.

Suddenly there was a pain in her lips, and Xia Weibao hissed, complaining a little.


Lu Hualiang quickly took a white handkerchief from the table and helped her wipe the small wound on the corner of her mouth with distress.

"Does it hurt?"

Xia Weibao glared at him, "Why are you so excited?"

After speaking, he turned around and lay down with his back to him.

I'm not in the mood tonight, who dares to make her kill her without mercy!

Lu Hualiang looked at the blood-stained handkerchief and put it in the drawer.

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