Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1103: Betrayal

As soon as Yang Li went to work the next day, Lu Hualiang handed him a square box.

Inside was a white silk handkerchief stained with blood.

Yang Li puzzled, "Master, this is..."

"Xia Weibao's blood sample, Yan Lingyi went to the First Hospital half a month ago to experience it. Her blood sample should be kept there, you go..."

The words stopped abruptly, Lu Hualiang thought for a while, "Forget it, you find a way to get some blood from Yan Lingyi. You must do this personally. Make sure that the blood sample is obtained from Yan Lingyi, and then sent to Our doctor will do a paternity test."

After a pause, he added, "The whole process is confidential."

Originally, I wanted Yang Li to go to the First Hospital to get a blood sample, but the military hospital might be manipulated, let alone the First Hospital.

Yang Li was shocked, "Master, do you suspect that the young lady's paternity test was tampered with?"

how is this possible!

That's a military hospital!

If you can do things in a military hospital, the people behind...

"Go and do it." Lu Hualiang threw out two words in a deep voice.

"Yes." Yang Li responded, and quickly retreated.

Lu Hualiang sat in an office chair in a daze, suddenly picked up the phone and asked people to recheck Zhang Yi's death that year.

He did find out that Zhang Yi and Ma Xingfeng were dead, and even the graves were there. He went to see them several times.

It now appears that Yan Lingyi is Zhang Yi, so someone gave him wrong guidance in the things that happened back then.

Or, it was not trying to guide him, but fabricating the fact that Zhang Yi and his wife were dead.

Who arranged all this?

What is the purpose.

What happened to Zhang Yi and his wife was discovered by Yang Li, and what was the force that could conceal Yang Li's intelligence network?

The two weather pressures in the Presidential Palace were very low, and Yan Lingyi was in a bad mood.

Yan Fei went to work in the National Defense Building normally, but his face was dazzlingly stating that strangers should not come close, making everyone tremble.

Yan Yuexian was more powerful and cried for two days and nights in her room.

Yan Weiyang originally wanted to take advantage of the topic and blame the Yan family for doubting her identity.

However, looking at the current situation, the Yan family doesn't seem to like her anymore, and they can only swallow their breath.

When I was calculating how to tell Yan Lingyi about her marriage contract with Lu Hualiang, I saw Yan Lingyi walk out of the room holding the gift box.

Yan Weiyang was startled, then walked to the top of the stairs, "Mom, where are you going to go?"

"There are still some things that have not been dealt with at the UN. I have to go there."

Yan Weiyang was instantly wronged, "Mom, do you want to see me, do you dislike me anymore."

"Wei Young, mom is really upset."

"I know you don't want to see me, do you like Xia Weibao?"

After Yan Weiyang finished speaking, he ran upstairs, covering his face, and slammed the door of the room.

Now that she is the daughter of Yan Lingyi, she has the capital of willfulness.

After running back to the room, the sadness on Yan Weiyang's face disappeared. She lay on the door, secretly listening to the movement outside.

I thought that Yan Lingyi would definitely come up to coax her so that she could mention the marriage contract by the way.

Lu Hualiang is her fiance, why should she let it!

However, nothing happened.

But I heard the sound of the engine starting downstairs.

Yan Weiyang was startled, and hurriedly went downstairs to chase after him.

"mom, Mom, Mom!"

The car had already driven away, no matter how she chased it, she couldn't catch up.

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