Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1105: Xia Weibao is Yan Lingyi's daughter!

Knowing that things are not easy, Yang Li dare not take it lightly.

He personally delivered the blood samples of Xia Weibao and Yan Lingyi to the medical team under him.

This is Lu Hualiang's sphere of influence, and no one's hands can reach here for secret research.

Three days later, the results came out.

Except for the appraisal doctor, absolutely no one has been exposed to this matter.

Yang Li personally came to get it, and then sent it to the company.

Lu Hualiang was watching the follow-up of the Lan family and Zhang family. These two families actually declared bankruptcy within a week.

He sent someone to investigate this matter, and the Wang family did it.

The Wang family is also a well-known big family in China, and its behavior is very domineering. Coincidentally, it has enemies with the Lan family and the Zhang family.

According to people in the Wang family, this time someone anonymously revealed the secrets of the Lan family and Zhang family to them, so they were able to kill the two major families in such a short period of time.

As for the person who disclosed anonymously, there is no trace.

Lu Hualiang tapped his fingers on the desktop rhythmically. Who is behind the Lan family and Zhang family?

What is the purpose, to vent your anger for Xia Weibao?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Hualiang's expression became gloomy, and his woman was actually taken the lead!

At this moment, Yang Li opened the door and came in, "The paternity test report of Master, Madam Young and Madam Lingyi has come out."

After Yang Li finished speaking, he passed the unopened document bag.

Lu Hualiang opened his face blankly and looked directly at the result.

He tapped his finger on the tabletop, and his eyes slowly narrowed.

The eyes are like a mysterious veil, making people unable to see through the bottomless eyes.

Even Yang Li, known as Duke Yang, couldn't guess his thoughts at this time.

After a while, Lu Hualiang spoke slowly, "Check He Zhixin."

He Zhixin, the director of the military hospital, Xia Weibao, Yan Lingyi, and Yan Weiyang did the paternity test by He Zhixin.

In the past three days, he had sent someone to check it. On the same day, Yan Fei personally handed the samples to He Zhixin and asked He Zhixin to personally identify it.

And he also confirmed with the eyeliner inside that no one except He Zhixin had participated in this matter in the past three days.

So who is the problem is self-evident.

As soon as Yang Li heard this order, he knew what the appraisal result was this time.

There was a turbulent wave in my heart, shit, Xia Weibao is actually Yan Lingyi's daughter!

I thought he was an orphan with no identity and no background, but he was actually a real princess!

"Yes." Yang Li responded and went to check immediately.

However, he checked He Zhixin and found nothing.

He Zhixin is a military doctor, and he followed the troops into and out of the battlefield when he was young.

Since he is the dean of the military hospital, his words have always represented authority, and no one would doubt his fairness.

Once a congressman was assassinated and seriously injured and sent to a military hospital. He Zhixin was the attending doctor.

Behind the scenes, the black hands tied He Zhixin's granddaughter and forced He Zhixin to use his hands and feet during the operation. As a result, He Zhixin was upright and unable to comply.

The granddaughter was almost torn apart and was tortured to the last breath after being rescued.

His name of integrity also comes from this.

But this time, why bother with Xia Weibao's appraisal report?

"Master, I have checked He Zhixin's call records these days, and no strangers have contacted him.

Apart from going to work, he is going home, and he has not had any contact with suspicious people. "

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