Number 1 Scandalous Queen

Chapter 1106: Mr. Lu's concerns

Lu Hualiang still leaned on the leather chair, thoughtfully.

Yang Li hesitated, "Master, do you want to invite He Zhixin over for questioning?"

Lu Hualiang squinted at him, "Do you think you can ask."

Yang Li was ashamed, yes, people **** his granddaughter and refused to compromise, so who can dig out the material from his mouth.

"Master, will it...this matter is not He Zhixin's hands and feet, but someone who evades all eyes and ears without knowing it, and secretly changed the identification result?"

"Do not rule out this possibility."

Lu Hualiang has no waves on his face. What he fears most is this possibility.

If so, how terrible is the power of the people behind him!

"Go and check the Nikko Orphanage, focusing on the director of that orphanage, as well as the hospital where Xia Weibao and Yan Weiyang were appraised."

According to Yan Lingyi, the samples of Xia Weibao and Yan Weiyang three years ago were provided by the dean of the Nikko Orphanage. If you say who is most suspicious, it is naturally the dean.

Lu Hualiang groaned for two seconds, "Yan Weiyang's kidnapping of Xia Weibao will not be held accountable for the time being. You send someone to stare at her."

"Yes." Although he didn't know why he wanted to stare at Yan Weiyang, he only had to execute the master's order.

"I will do the paternity test report again, don't tell Xia Weibao."

Yang Li was a little surprised, but in the end he didn't ask anything.

Go down to do what Lu Hualiang ordered.

After Yang Li retreated, Lu Hualiang rubbed his eyebrows.

These things are so weird, he feels that he has two hands behind his back to control it all.

Who is helping Yan Weiyang steal Xia Weibao's identity?

One thing he couldn't figure out anyway, three years ago, he didn't find out that Xia Weibao was his fiancee, how did Yan Weiyang know.

Who told her.

If the person behind the scenes wants to help Yan Weiyang, why not tell her that she is his fiancée.

But to mislead Yan Weiyang, Xia Weibao is his fiancee.

Could it be that he wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, borrow Yan Weiyang's hand to deal with Xia Weibao!

It's not right. Three years ago, Xia Weibao was just an ordinary star. People behind the scenes could do things under the nose of the presidential palace, but couldn't he deal with an ordinary person.

Why bother.

Before all the truth is found out, don't let Xia Weibao know, so as not to worry her.

Besides, she herself said she did not want to recognize the presidential palace.

Thinking of Yan Yuexian's glowing eyes when she looked at Xia Weibao, Mr. Lu was extremely upset.

His wife belongs to him, and one or two of them looked at him with greedy eyes.

It is said that Yan Lingyi is a daughter slave and Yan Fei is a super sister-in-law. If they know that Xia Weibao is the daughter of the Yan family...

Mr. Lu's face became darker, and his heart was very upset!

The two in the family are enough for him. If there are three more, he guesses that he will really hide Xia Weibao!

Back home at night, Xia Weibao has not yet returned.

She is very busy now with the new movie, and she comes back late every day.

Lu Hualiang didn't go to dinner either, but went to the study to handle official duties.

Hearing the sound of an engine outside, the corners of his mouth were slightly bent, and then I turned off the computer and went downstairs.

Walking down the stairs, I just saw Xia Weibao coming in from outside humming a little song.

Kicked, poking the car key with his fingers in circles.

"In a good mood?" Lu Hualiang leaned against the handrails of the stairs, slender and exquisite.

With a perfect and handsome face and a charming smile, she made her heart thump and jump fast.

Oh, my husband is so handsome!

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